Forums / In game politics / The Titans

The Titans
13:34:06 Feb 1st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

I apologize for this but the recruitment centre is way too full.

Greetings, Are you a new player? Have you landed on the world of Valhalla? Are you looking for a kingdom to join? If so I personally invite you to join the Titans, We are a kingdom developed to teach new players about the game and guide them into their future of VU. It might not seem like much but I offer you all of my knowledge, Protection and friendliness and all I ask in return is the willingness to Obey and the respect not to leave your lands leaderless for extended periods of time. So please feel free to send an application all are accepted.

Also have an opening for a Viceroy who is passionate about teaching new players.


06:36:11 Feb 20th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

We still have room for 2 more members!

The Titans

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Titans
Members: 8
Created: 7/20/2014 4:11:24 PM
Leader: Mr. Vivi

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We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. 

We are currently accepting applications.


12:40:31 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

looking for new players who have landed on Valhalla!

The Titans

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Titans
Members: 6
Created: 7/20/2014 4:11:24 PM
Leader: Mr. Vivi

Compare kingdom


We carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. 

We are currently accepting new applications.


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