Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Era 93

Valhalla Era 93
22:01:23 Jan 22nd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

Kon never said leave the map. He said, if you abuse this rule, all you had to do was attack one of our scouts to ensure you weren't going to abuse the (honestly kinda terrible) 50% rule that you guys briefly started "testing" last Era before your KD mates pulled a mutiny

22:12:59 Jan 22nd 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

You (1/22/2024 11:21:02 AM)
Are you guys going to try and use the 50% rule against us here?

If not, please have "plizz" attack one of our scouts.
Lord Dark Spawn (1/22/2024 2:08:41 PM)GOODBAD
I do not understand, why would we attack your scout to remove the 50% ?
Please explain
You (1/22/2024 2:14:38 PM)
I don't know who these plizz and web guys are, but I know you, Ghost, and Edi. We've been in KDs together several eras, and I just don't understand why you would want to abuse mechanics like this?

Playing in such a manner has no honour nor value. Even if you did win, what did you gain? or do you just want to play the game to ruin it for others?
You (1/22/2024 2:12:40 PM)
So that you don't abuse a game mechanic clearly not intended for this sort of use.
Lord Dark Spawn (1/22/2024 3:07:56 PM)GOODBAD
So you are halfer and you built more, we are Orcs and we build less because we can not build at such speed. There was no plan to build less.
I am not sure how do you think Orc can keep up with Halfer built?

I was told you guys will make sure to do the same thing to us as you did to PDC
Basically making people quit the game.
So that is what community is now?

I do come here to enjoy the game and hang around with some friends
The person who settled a city near your core is a new player
I was explaining what to do before he dies
But I clearly do not want to be forced out of VU like PDC was.

I will disban and not play Valh any more.
You (1/22/2024 3:10:24 PM)
I don't want you to quit. I don't want you to disband your KD.

I want fair play. All that you need to do, is for Plizz to attack a scout he's already on top of or for Webb to attack my scout on top of his army.

Then attack all you want.

22:13:34 Jan 22nd 24 - Professor Galileo:

Imagine having a hissy fit because you wanted to implement a strategy like that based on a previous era just to have someone call you out on it with a firm message of making sure you do not do so, only for you to act like a child by complaining on here like you are complaining on twitter and then claim you will not be playing on Valhalla anymore. Freaking play the game like normal, you drama queens!

22:15:19 Jan 22nd 24 - Legend (I am Legendary):

So they got called out for planning to use an exploit. And now backing out, while backing out attack Kon's image? Nice great job. 

Maybe grow a spine DS...

22:15:40 Jan 22nd 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

DS, Edi, and Ghost are vets. I have played with all three of them in many KDs. I like them as people, and as KD-mates. I won't sit back while someone knowingly abuses a mechanic.

They built cities ~20t out of our core, then they sent armies at us knowing that we could not attack them.

I asked them to attack a scout. They replied "wHY wOuLD wE Do ThaT"?

I then told them that if they didn't attack a scout to remove the 50% rule, that they would have made an enemy who has nothing better to do than to fight those who abuse mechanics.

They overacted when they got called out because they knew exactly what they were doing.

22:20:46 Jan 22nd 24 - Professor Galileo:

They dang well do not act like vets. Just a bunch of trick abusers is what it sounds like. I agree, grow a freaking spine you cowards.

22:35:15 Jan 22nd 24 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Last era I left the kingdom  I was in to see what the game does in case of attack, if backstabbing happens, as we had suspicions that we had shady people in the kingdom (which later turned out to be true) - wanted to see if 1 person is attacked, will the 50% be removed for only that person or for all, just to know what is the best way to defend against backstabbing. After the short test I went to corner and left the game to go on a rl trip, after that I saw pages and pages of posts about me cheating by using 50% rule. 

We were also told that we are not supposed to test anything, that there are assigned people to test stuff in here. For what reason I do not know. 

Then this era comes, three of us that have been in game longer recruited 3 players who have played 1 or 3 eras before, wanting to help them play the game. Four of us stayed in core due to danger to our core while two of the newest players sent scouts and decided they will fight far away from core. Both new players with very limited activity and very slow build. One settled between two kingdoms and other outside of the most dangerous kingdom.

They started building slowly and I believe at oop time one of them had 4k Gaia that he sent to travel, in direction of a kingdom. We have told them do not close gates and build some guard towers. Our vets stayed in the core, while newbies went to enjoy war. Same as Renaissance did, having their top players in core. He has three times more land then the people with 1/10 of his activity. 

All of us received messages that we will not be allowed to use a game mechanic that is 50% rule as that will be considered cheating by the most powerful kingdom. They all have 3 times more land then what we have, and its cheating because the top player is not able to kill them. At this time two of them are nowhere close to their core. With one players moving 4k Gaia, going south toward them, to be fair. 

He sends messages to highly inactive players and to the leader. We are not aware of this unwritten rule that we must attack someone in order for them to be able to kill our new players, and Dark sends a message to explain why is that. It is now that we understand its cheating. 

But after having seen that last era when you leave a kingdom and say you're testing the 50% rule, the whole community will slap that on you and will call you a 50% rule abuser for your entire VU career. I wish I had actually tried to abuse something so that the rep actually would be for something, and not just what some people want to believe. 

I do not remember VU community as this toxic few years back when I was active. People will say - go back to inactivity, we do not want 50% abusers. Even thought nothing was abused and there's absolutely no evidence. But evidence is not needed here I guess. First time I quit VU was for RL reasons, its a shame second time will be for the toxic community.

22:46:42 Jan 22nd 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

I tried to be civil - DS said no. All DS had to say is, "give us some time, and we'll attack a scout to remove the 50% rule".

Instead he said "why would we attack your scout to remove the 50%?". 

That is intention. That is action. Your overreactive responses (raging quitting/disbanding) is that of guilty people caught in the act.

Now you're upset you got called out and there are actually reactions to your own actions.

If you want to "test" things go to GvE or Zeta - whichever is open. There you won't influence any KDs or anyone's game. Instead you "test" on a live server against real people trying to play the game? Yea - I don't buy it.

You (1/22/2024 11:21:02 AM)
Are you guys going to try and use the 50% rule against us here?

If not, please have "plizz" attack one of our scouts.
Lord Dark Spawn (1/22/2024 2:08:41 PM)GOODBAD
I do not understand, why would we attack your scout to remove the 50% ?
Please explain

23:01:54 Jan 22nd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):

A lot to unpack here. It is possible DS genuinely did not understand why they would do that and via text his genuine curiosity looked much less like that. Things escalated based on last era's happenings, and Edi, you must understand the thing you were trying to test is well known by most veterans and your question could have been answered by any one them. So your actions were suspicious, and then new accounts appear and settle outside our core and start moving armies towards us. 

Halflings early game strength is their core defense and ability to defend against core drops. Abusing the 50% rule takes that advantage away and creates a very poor situation where your army is untouchable until its already done its damage. I don't know why anyone would think this is a good idea, but the rule is the rule, I guess. 

Overall, the whole thing is blown well out of proportion. A Pulse member attacks our scout and the game can continue as normal and no one is bothered. 

23:12:02 Jan 22nd 24 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

The only reason the new players are alive is because Konstant was not able to kill them due to 50% rule. That is the only option new players have against the best player of the game. I did not expect the new player to actually go and attack the core and actually do some damage. The whole idea was to get the sense of the gameplay, to figure out the movements and train a bit. The message confused me to be honest, hence my weak reply, as I was clearly curious to why Konstant (the best player of the game) want me to put the new player in clear disadvantage and to his death within 24 hours of the action. 

To be fair my reply should have been better, but at that time I had no idea what he means by that. It is very simple to use HoH to determine how many Gaia our new players have, was it really a threat? But to accuse us all of using this 50% to actually hurt your kingdom is just foolish. If we wanted to do that, would we not do a better job. They settled far away from you guys because they were not able to find you, even thought we knew where you are much sooner. One of them forgot to put force march (or did not know about the option at all) if we actually planned to do something, don't you think we would be in the core? 

Reason why I disbanded right away is because of messages like these. I have enough stress and drama at my RL work, and I come here to just enjoy the game, talk to some friends, have some casual fun. Why I stay away from Discord, I do not have time or will to do that, I like a casual play, I have been playing for over 15 years and I have never received a message like this. I have never seen such rage, such level of dislike, something I do not think I ever deserved. I have been playing the game for so many years and I do not really think I ever made an enemy. Maybe now I have... 

The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli (1/22/2024 9:42:08 PM)GOODBAD
Dark Spawn showed that the three of you (edi, ghost, and spawn) know exactly what you're doing by abusing this mechanic.
I am trying to appeal to your better nature, but consider this:

I don't play many full eras anymore for my own reasons. I will be more than happy though to drop every era, on every map that the three of your play on.

I will hunt you down every era. I will kill you every era. Then I will hunt down your restart, and kill you again. And if I don't kill you? I assure you I can find a merry band who will finish the job for me.

If Pulse attacks Renaissance with the 50% protection on, I will kill you every era, and any KD you join...again...and again...and again...and again...

So, is it worth it this era? If so, proceed. Just know that you are making a real enemy who has all the time in the world, knows the game better than 98% of anyone in VU, and someone who is attacks are never-ending. I don't mean an "enemy" in VU, I mean a real enemy whose only goal is to make sure that you enjoy this game as much as you allow others to.

Choose wisely, for it can define the rest of your time on VU.

23:19:01 Jan 22nd 24 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

And Sable, the testing we did is not well known at all. When one person leaves the kingdom, and attacks a Kd member, they still have 50% rule against the others in the kingdom. Only the person who is attacked can attack the backstabber. Quite hard if that person dies. That is a very problematic aspect of the 50% rule that we wanted to double check. We also noticed that Konstant did not know that, but it was confirmed by Percy. In VU we learn new things every day. I have been playing for 15 years and I still find new stuff all the time. 

23:20:52 Jan 22nd 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

You got caught cheating.

I gave you 2 choices - don't cheat, or I will ensure that you enjoy the game as much as you allow others.

You chose (due to a guilty conscience) option 3 - disband, rage quit, and cry about being caught cheating.

So what were we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for you to walk by all of our armies, magic, and defenses while you selected the cities you wanted to attack?

You planted cities just outside our core. Built armies while protected by the 50% rule. Then put out armies protected by the 50% rule. You keep talking, but you have no proof of your "intentions". Instead we see your messages, we see what you guys did last era, and we see the cities you planted protected by the 50% rule.

You know the 50% rule better than the vast majority of people due to your own admission of "testing" last era. You got caught - admit it - move on.


23:23:54 Jan 22nd 24 - Princess Yasmina:

I do not see any cheating happening on Valhalla this era. But I guess we all decide what we want to see. 

23:29:22 Jan 22nd 24 - Sir Ghostfaces:

I think you can’t attack that Aquila army either, are they cheating?

23:39:37 Jan 22nd 24 - Konspyre (Captain Michelangelo):

You guys spend so much time writing, but the reality is that you just fed last era and called it "testing", and now you're publicly admitting to abusing the fact that the 50% rule isn't perfect.
We all know not every aspect of this game is programmed to perfection. Some of it has some leaks here and there, and using those to gain an unfair advantage is what hurts the game. It is only by being aware of those glitches and actively avoiding them that we can maintain the standard of gameplay that VU wants and deserves.

Pretending those glitches are intended features is just trying to justify abuse/cheating.

But you've already admitted to your intentions to abuse glitches in your desperate attempts to defend yourself. Not everyone may see it, but everyone with half a brain should be able to see where I'm coming from.

23:40:28 Jan 22nd 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

Did Kinril travel ~50t outside his core, settle a city right outside of another KDs core, built thousands of gaia while being untouchable, and sent those untouchable gaia at the said KD's core?

Oh? Kinril hasn't landed a city yet and he just happened to spawn in this area and is trying to find a spot?

Awkward that I sent this message to Kin 2 hours ago offering to help.

You (1/22/2024 4:38:34 PM)
The map is pretty full on this side of the map.

I can ask the KD if they would agree to give you a NAP, but there aren't great spots left for an Elf anymore.

If you settled a city, and then sent a scout to the E-SE part of the map it's pretty empty.

I you built a few mines/mills/farms you can accumulate resources as you go, so you'll have a good eco boon when you do "restart".

Then you could just wreck your city over here.

23:46:11 Jan 22nd 24 - Professor Galileo:

Man, the amount of gaslighting is actually insane. Omg, I just cannot play VU anymore with this amount of gaslighting. I might just have to take a break D:

…..I actually won’t because I don’t use cheats n tricks in active servers, I genuinely want to be better at the game and I use GvE to test out anything I figure might be odd like bonuses and the combat system.

00:10:19 Jan 23rd 24 - Percy (Mr. Perry The Tester):

No one never said you couldn’t test. Just don’t test on a server where people are playing anyone doing testing must be tagless, not engaging in fighting, and otherwise making their presence unknown. Otherwise, go to GvE or Zeta.

As for details, feel free to ask me on literally anything. Solid chance I already know it (or have a very good guess) and would remove the need to test anyways.

The “don’t test” was not meant as a “don’t try to learn”. Its more of an ask questions, or do testing the proper way if you want to discover the answer yourself. I’m happy to share my procedure if others want to test on a live world, but you may be surprised at the number of caveats. Those all MUST be followed, otherwise you’re tampering and impacting an era, which means you’re not actually testing, and that specific test needs to be moved to GvE or Zeta

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