Forums / In game politics / and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;

and#1758; Zeon pussy purge and#1758;
17:40:05 Sep 7th 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

You're right Russians, go find another game, noone needs your stinkin multi ass around here.

You're just ruining the game for the whole of Fantasia.

17:41:35 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Crissxcross. They might not be multies to one person. They might be couple of "friends from school" who are crosslogging. Either way it is just as bad. Either way afaic it has been proven that Blackmemes and Feeder are a part of this. Though you dont have to delete m8, we dont want you to leave!

 Grizzly. We didnt boot Valenx.

17:41:54 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

I second BoW viceroys crissxcross and Gothrim Zeon back off from attacking BoW flagged citys - as this is clear NAP bracking - you can attack them IF they  are kicked or deleted but you cannot brack a NAP by attacking them till that - as simple as it sounds. IS Zeon a bunch of dishonored NAP brackers or a HONREBAL ALI?

Hamish vis of BoW

17:43:29 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Onuris:

Just talk to Karac before crying.

Ask him what we talked about in the #topsecretprivatetalkchat

Stop crying here...


18:01:48 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

hamish can you please tell me why zeppelin have repeatedly built undefended towns next to scouts of ogre, blackmemes or feeder that they have taken a few tics later for the last 2 weeks or so? they have done it just next to my cities so i have had a pretty nice view, and you know what happened when i closed in on any of those cities still belonging to zeppelin?

Mr. Gravedigger [FUZEON] (8/29/2007 1:15:29 AM) GOOD BAD

"..ogre's got dibs on Menes, so dont take that one.."

and that was really fast too. he must have been lucky to dib it so fast whatever dib is.

and would feeder or blackmemes please write something here so we all can enjoy the similarity of your english typing.

18:02:48 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

maybe zeppelin is santa clause and only told them hmm

18:12:27 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Hamish, I dont want to be rude. But please stay away from the forums, you are making a fool out of yourself just as you always do.

18:18:05 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

omg, Hamish! stay away from the keyboard!

18:18:25 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Messiah, learn some manners boy.

I third the call for Zeon to back off. IF they are mulites then they will be delt with by BoW and ZETA. NOT zeon. end of. im fed up of talking to self richeous Zeon Vices about how bad WE are looking when you guys are attacking a suposed ALLIE.

Vice of BoW 

18:20:00 Sep 7th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

All multies must die!!!!!

death to the multies! get them zeon!

18:22:26 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

I dont want to criticize and ally on the forum, but I will need to answer Smuff.
We cannot be blamed for you lack of communication. Your king and other vices already agreed to do their share of the purge(Feeder and Blackmemes). So stop complaining and do your part.

18:27:07 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Durza The Destroyer:

 I 4th gothrim, Messiah, we agree'd nothing, We have only agreed that if zeta prove's your accusations true, then we shall perge, but untill then BoW shall protect every member.Stop attacking the BoW flag, stop saying we are losing honour, in my eye's zeon are losing honour from the MAP breaking that they are doing.


Vice of BoW

18:27:24 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

other vices being whom? Zackira? hes a god dam hot headded marshen boy! so thats what? one vice? and our leader? who's been away for the better part of 2 RL days?

i must state again. THERE IS NOT PROPPER PROOF THAT FEEDER IS A MULTI. if they are then they will be dealt with by BOW. not ZEON.

18:39:53 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:


Can you keep it off the forum??? We have provided you with ample amounts of evidence, we cannot be blamed that you didnt share it amongst yourself. I see BoW as a noble and honorable kingdom, therefor Feeder and Blackmemes cannot be a part of it by defenition. We could have waited for their armies to reach us(they where moving our way minutes after we kicked the other multies) but we just cant tolerate cheaters like that not getting thought a lesson. Stop defending them and stop bickering here on the forums. If you want to discuss, I will be on IRC later or you can msg me ingame.

18:48:22 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

grammer and spelling errors? pfft, hardly evidance.

19:20:53 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

nono, I mean to delete the last msg of Smuff.. it is making my head hurt =(

19:35:58 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

thats not spam.

this is spam.

but only to prove my last post wasnt spam.

ooo spam.


19:42:48 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

Vises of BOW, we DO know that they are cheating, use your map ffs, do you think zeppelin is giving towns away for free? ATM feeders scout is taking over 1 of zeppelins undefended towns, since atleast one of these ppl, if they are more then 1 person, is running atleast 2 players, one of them be zeppelin, and giving away free towns to the others (if we play with the thought they are not the same) now wouldnt that be a clearly Unfair advantage and a cheat? Look at you map, try to remember what you have seen the last weeks if you ever observed that region: you will find that this has been systematical. 


19:47:46 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

oh i have no doute that someth9ing is up. but we would prefer to wait untill zeta gives confirmation. thats how WE dont to deal with them in OUR kingdom, Zeon has no right attacking our city. end of.

20:00:57 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

about my post above i mean wont* not dont* :P

20:37:28 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

CrissCross, are you retarded, do you want to give up playing this game over some cheater thats laughing at your retarded attempts to defend him?

Zeon does not accept cheating, and with the overwhelming evidence agains theese cheaters neither should BOW. Stop being horny for power.

20:40:26 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

And smuff your the one breaking our AGREEMENT with Karac by attacking OUR rebels in OUR CORE.

20:54:19 Sep 7th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

CrissCross, are you retarded, do you want to give up playing this game over some cheater thats laughing at your retarded attempts to defend him?

As you might not know, there have been a massive amount of cheaters and multies lately.

21:14:19 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

I wouldnt be surprised if some other multies (not in the zeon bw mess) get caught in the sweep.

21:31:54 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Sincere:

oh boy...a multi sweep this weekend...if i get deleted again...i'm not returning...



22:21:10 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hamish:

Zeon arnt listening.

Message From Mr. Scottology

Gypses Playgrou

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You (9/7/2007 3:23:29 PM)
these city's will be returned to BoW - the is a NAP between our kingdoms and you have no right to take BoW flaged citys - IF the players are kicked then they are far game - BUT not intill they are kicked.

Back off NAP bracker.

Hamish vis of BoW
Mr. Scottology [ZEON] (9/7/2007 9:10:32 PM) GOOD BAD
Sadly I will be keeping these cities now

Kind Regards
You (9/7/2007 9:17:30 PM)
when you bracking a NAP with BoW you give the city back and 2 other city's... am not holding you to the 2 other city's YET or asking for you to be kicked from your kingdom - talk to your king.

You have herd from all the BoW vis that you are braking the NAP by attacking our flagged city's - we have expland to you what our way of resolving this is - you are CLEARLY nap bracking - BACK off now.


22:49:20 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Scottology:

I can guarantee you that ZEON are listening and we have told you what will and is going to happen.
Other than that I dont see a purpose to your message.
Maybe I should post up all your messages which threaten war upon our kingdom? or... maybe... all comminications over this event can be done in private like has been stated previously.

22:52:06 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

As long as BOW are the ones breaking the AGREEMENT we suggest that you shut the *beep* up.

Stop defending cheaters you retarded *beep*ers.

23:29:48 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

Now listen hamish, what if there wont be any sweep this weekend, maybe GM goes last minute vacation or something, wtf u gonna do then?

Its irresponsible to NOT act, im not letting these cheaters create a billion towns next to me, If you do not kick the cheaters, tell them to CHEAT (thats exactly what everybody can see that they do with every city) their cities on the other side of map from Zeon and MAYBE WE WOULDNT HAVE A PROBLEM

23:33:05 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Hirdfallen:

and those we have taken cannot be considered valuable since they are in constant mass production

23:58:09 Sep 7th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

People, certain aspects of diplomacy should be handled via private memos or IRC. We don't want this thread to begin generating the sort of mass entertainment usually provided for our amusement only by the greenest of nub kd's on Starta. It does the reputations of neither ZEON nor BoW any good. And Lassie and Lewatha especially, please stop calling our members retarded. Cool it, please.

00:00:28 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

Alright lets cool it, but get your peopel under control.

00:05:34 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Thank you. =)

01:20:58 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

get YOUR people under control! who the *beep* do you think you are, i have rude messages from you and Mr. Love, and you say get your people undercontrol! who the *beep* are you calling a retard?! do you see the era of Lassie anywhere? nope? good, cus neither do i. however i do see the era of crissxcross. twat.


'And smuff your the one breaking our AGREEMENT with Karac by attacking OUR rebels in OUR CORE.'


how the *beep* can you complain about this then the city IM taking arnt even in your god dam kingdom!!. you stupid *beep*. jesus, some people.


ahem, ok, i have agained control over myself. peeww.

02:04:24 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

Lol Smuff, I can hardly say that you are a person known for your good temper either and to be honest I havnt seen anyone from Zeon questions Crissxcross ability as a player, I personally know that he is a very skilled and capable player, Ive played alongside him in Phi, however in this thread he jumped to conclusions without knowing the full details of this matter.

About the cities that you are taking inside our core, It doesnt really whetever these towns currently belong to our kingdom of not. They are in our area of interest, We respect the mutual understanding established by our two kingdoms. Im sure you havnt seen us acting out agressions on the smaller kingdoms to the far west of our border even thought these towns certainly arent yours as of now?



02:14:01 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

Easy solution...

If Zeon is so worried about the traitors in BoW, how about Zeon takes over the traitors cities and then returns them to the non traitors BoW? Wont that be fair?

02:16:58 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex:

If the cities are in the BoW core, yes as agreed

03:00:59 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Ok, I am in BoW and it's pretty obvious that Feeder and Blackmemes are multis.
Please note that my opinions DO NOT reflect that of BoW leadership.

1. 4 minutes before I started typing this, Black and Feeder were both ofline. Then they both logged in withing 1 minute of each other.

2. I once had a brother who played this game (yes a brother, he was not my *beep*ing multi, Zeta said it was ok then deleted me 3 eras later) and I can say the next think with 100% accuracy. (Note that Black and Feeder joined BoW AFTER starting the era)

When there are 2 or more accounts on the same IP, you will both start out in the same place. It is important to note that all of the accused multis were in the same exact area. Feeder and Black were the only BoW members who were in their particular spawn point before other member sent scouts to build it up.

One thing I specifically remember was at the start of the era seeing Black, Feeder, and Zepplin lifegaurds directly on top of each other at the start. I will disregard the obvious "coincidence" of Zepplin being directly on top of them too for the moment.

Since we in BoW started out with a city so that we would all spawn in the same place, this occurrence is would be impossible to occur if they were not multis.

If they had not been Multis, all 3 of them would have both been in distant areas of the map, since they both joined the kd after out first city was established, before the first tick.

3. There are a ton of other "coincidences" that have occurred that make them look a lot like multis, like similar grammar, times of activity, past multi accusations, ect.

05:30:57 Sep 8th 07 - Lord Epyon:

Okay this is just ridiculous... so 1 person doesnt have the honesty and integrity to play a game with respect for the rules, so everyone starts hating each other.

This is a game, it is supposed to be fun. It is supposed to be rewarding if you do well, but most of all, you're supposed to enjoy it! Sure, you make friends and you make enemies, but it's all in the context of the game. A little rivalry here and there, but its fine in the end cuz everyone respects the people who did well, even if they are in their most hated kingdom. Now I look at the kingdom list only to find a kingdom who's tag is "FUZEON"

I find it sad that someone has to stoop so low as to go against the very rules of this game by making more accounts, giving them  the upper hand and taken away everyone else's hard work to get to the top of HoH and to have a successful era. I think its pathetic that someone would have to go as far as to cheat to get known as a good player when he doesnt even deserve it.

What bothers me most is that this is game. If someone cant learn to play it honestly and have fun, then thats pretty lame. Now, a civil war within Zeon has erupted, the biggest civil war to the likes of which VU has never seen...

One of the reasons why VU is so great is because of the community. A good friend of mine once said "The reason VU is still so much fun for me after all of these years is the community. I dont play so much for the game anymore." Everyone here is great and it just sucks to find out when people are trying to ruin that sense of unity.

So come on people, lets try our best to keep VU the kickass game that we all know and love :) Show a little honesty! ^_^

09:26:10 Sep 8th 07 - Sir Hephaestus:

Well said, Epyon.

Let's learn to play with honor, and not go parading about multi-hunting.  That's Zeta's job.

10:08:24 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Love:

Epyon well said.

Lets kill the scripting multicheater that doesnt contribute the community.

10:10:37 Sep 8th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

And Lassie and Lewatha especially, please stop calling our members retarded. Cool it, please.

as you might not have seen, that was a post to critise lassie, please read the full thing.

am pretty disapointed with the way BoW handles this though.

11:07:48 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Spankylicious:

Nicely said Epyon.

11:47:13 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Bezza:




what day in the weekend is the sweep or does no one know

11:53:09 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

"Feeder and Black were the only BoW members who were in their particular spawn point"

i started there too >.>

12:38:22 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

i have no doute that somehting is up, but the way zeon is going about ti is rediculas.

12:48:42 Sep 8th 07 - Sir Zmonev:


13:03:21 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Lassie:

No Smuff, we had an agreement, wich you broke. So I sugest you shut up in the future and stop *beep*ing about *beep*.

13:22:10 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Thor:

Well said Epyon.

13:58:18 Sep 8th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Just to confirm what Bezza said, for some reason the program started taking the far east spot as being the BoW spawn point. I don't know how or why but many subsequent members joining BoW have spawned there, not only Bezza but also others. There is no hint of suspicion that any of them are multi's.

Lewatha, my sincere apologies. It might help though if you'd put quotes in quotes, or something ;) =)

Barny, you did not speak for BoW when you wrote that, and most certainly do not do so now. Smuff and Lassie, please cool it. On our BoW side, orders are to avoid forum flame wars! Thank you.

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