Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / America

00:09:50 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

00:18:09 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Hear hear! Well said.

00:25:05 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Umbar:


01:04:30 Dec 24th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

"What you gonna do? Vote? Yeah right, good luck with that... " ^^

01:13:33 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

Atheists right:
nothing happens to Christians after death
nothing happens to Atheists after death

Christians Right:
Christians spend eternity in heaven
Athiests spend eternity in hell

looks like the Christians have nothing to lose, but not so much for the Atheists
the expression "better safe then sorry" seems to fit here

01:19:34 Dec 24th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

what? was the point of this thread.


01:21:52 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

never said they did
I showed the outcome if each group was right and what would happen once they die.

01:25:57 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Oh yay Pascal's wager, I haven't see that since ... this morning. What an original argument, I already showed why it is deeply flawed.

09:29:55 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

I watched part of it...and then I got tired of it, because the guy is getting emotional about it and pulling random facts out of his head...

10:00:12 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

And what exactly did he say which it wasn't true? If that guy is emotional to you you have some pretty big problems understanding human reactions.

10:58:55 Dec 24th 07 - Lord Argyle:

my religion has no name, but I believe Christianity can coexist with todays science, you just can't take everything so word for word. and the values presented in the bible seems pretty fine, the look like the values of ALL other religions...

13:38:05 Dec 24th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

you cannot have full faith in christ if you also agree with some scientific theories today.

some values in bible (if interpreted right) are good. but i wouldnt say my morality comes from god from my own perspective.

15:48:24 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

All he does is insult people by calling them ignorant bigots and stupid. He really gives no proof but his own opinion which he presents in a way that you would think are fact, but are really his view on the world today. They hold no more ground than if i was to say that Einstein was an *beep* and expected people to take me seriously . He also just rambles on and on making it very boring to watch.

15:53:04 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Funny, and what exactly don't you agree with from what he said?

16:03:50 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

I don't agree that Christians are bigots for one

To certain people certain beliefs make perfect sense to them.
For him Atheism make the most sense to him. To me Christianity is what makes the most sense to me and seems like the truth
For him to criticize others for believing what makes the most sense above all else to them. Is one a waste of time. and two very disrespectful to others

I can see for him Atheism in this world is the one thing he has found that makes everything around him make sense so he has chosen to put his faith in the fact that that is what is right. Christians do the exact same thing. I have found in my experiences that Christianity makes sense and everything it teaches holds true in the world so I have put my faith in the fact that that it is true.

He has a faith as We have a faith.  Everyone has a faith that they believe even if they have a faith that is put in the idea that there is no God. There is still faith there. All arguments start with the basis that you have faith in the fact that it is right.

16:15:11 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

America.. *beep* yeah!

16:24:59 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"I don't agree that Christians are bigots for one"

Christians are almost always bigots, it comes with the faith. That's what happens when you think you have the one "true" religion. But as far as I understand it he has nothing against regular believer, but he has it against the fanatics. If he was attacking islamic fanatics you'd agree with him 100% wouldn't you?

The mere fact that Mitt Romney had to had to explain himself about being a mormon(who the hell believes in mormonism anyway, I mean really...) and that american christians are fighting against his election only points to bigotry.

The problem come from the fact that american christians by who they vote for have a huge amount of power over the entire world and WE don't like it that you vote for your president based on who he prays to if he prays. We think that it's retarded and so far we have been proven right, but don't worry I'm sure 'God' talks to Bush nightly and sends him messages that he should invade Iran in the spring.

19:08:12 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

He reffers to christian zaelots as biggots ;p

Broad minded christians ofc aren't =D


19:09:32 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

Islam? here you go:

21:47:38 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

is about cristians.
OMG So u call yourself an atheist and one polite apoligising thing about cristians and when u talk about islam its one curseing word to the other...
All you do is confirm waht religous people do if they can make you shiver before critstianity and your forced to act like your are like them by shareing a shared enemy ''ISLAM'' i would even be offended as an atheist by your double standards. agains almost identical religeons compared to your beliefs

22:50:27 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Minge:

Arthion, using Pascals wager as a form of argument is akin to that of a child in some form of mediocre religious studies class in school.

Given the thousands upon thousands of Gods and/or Idols that have been worshipped throughout history, there is just as good chance that you're going to end up in some form of quasi-Hell, as a Atheist is, supposing their is a God.

You're also disregarding the cost it takes to be a performing believer. I.E, adherence to rules, morality, scripture. What you eat or can do, how you treat or are treated (esp women), and how many hours of the day, all days of the year, where you're forced to practice and worship what could essentially (and most probably is) a non entity. That is to say, God doesn't exist and you've been wasting your time.

So no, Pascals wager isn't as simple as you've put it, with a 50/50 chance. In fact, you'd need to be pretty stupid to try use Pascals wager in any form of religious debate. Try pull that stunt at a intellectual gathering over religion, and you're most likely going to get laughed at.

As for Pat's videos, they're very good. I've been subscribed to him for a long time. He's pretty funny. :)

23:24:33 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

lol am listening to both at the same time now ^^ :P

23:27:49 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

And hearing neither.

23:31:20 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

Well to be honest I find pat saying stuff I truely beleive yet cannot put into words as well as he does...

I almost completely agree with him and would like to add a note that I feel atheists get discriminated a lot...


00:20:50 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

00:21:30 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Umbar:


00:28:17 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

Mr. Arthion


12/23/2007 8:13:33 PM
Atheists right:
nothing happens to Christians after death
nothing happens to Atheists after death

Christians Right:
Christians spend eternity in heaven
Athiests spend eternity in hell

looks like the Christians have nothing to lose, but not so much for the Atheists
the expression "better safe then sorry" seems to fit here


atheist shouldn't be christions , just because christions have better options , if this is right then ther will be no more atheists


Mr. Robert II
Islam? here you go:

give me the URL , and i promise if it was bad you won't feel a thing

05:44:28 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

I am a christian, and proud of it. What I don't understand about this stuff is why most athiests hate christians(nothing against all athiests who don't get involved in any of this). The basics of this thing(based on the first video posted, I didn't even care enough to look at the rest:-/) is about america being christian. This guy is really messed up, and so is anybody else who likes him.....America was founded on christian beliefs. The entire point of the pilgrims journey was to find a place for christians to worship. The pledge and everything else is(or used to be) based on christianity because thats the way it began. Today, people like this are trying to make christmas into x-mas......Go make your own holiday if you don't like ours, just quit trying to jack ours!!!! He's saying christians are taking over but its the other way around. Christianity is about love for each other and worshiping God. Why do athiests like this guy feel so uncomfortable with it? Their are muslims and heathen religions all over the place in modern days. Why single out a peaceful, loving church as a target for an entire nations problems?????

06:24:50 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Mr. Sloth


12/24/2007 8:15:11 AM
America.. *beep* yeah!

gonna save the mother *beep*ing day now!


09:28:11 Dec 25th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

Christianity a peaceful loving religion? Hahahahaha, do you know that islamic fundamentalists say the same thing about their religion? Truth is neither one is a religion of peace.

"America was founded on christian beliefs"

That's simply wrong, even your founding fathers from their writings it shows at least a large part of them were agnostic or atheists, that's why they added the "Establishment Clause" in the constitution. They wanted to avoid a state religion and mixing religion if goverment.

11:31:04 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

most atheist get discriminated bye christians..
but most atheists really hate muslims.

Its like the G@Y Republican syndrome.

no offence people its jsut that in this forum ppl spread messeges of hate and say they agree and this is a anger mixed with a bad sence of humor, peace :P

11:35:50 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

in islam its a very bad thing if you insult religeon and thats why muslims never insul ANY religeon and expect the same from them.
I dont understand why people cant understand such a simple thing.

11:42:53 Dec 25th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"most atheist get discriminated bye christians..
but most atheists really hate muslims."

Atheists don't hate muslims, at least not as you mean it. We dislike all religions, personally I can't say I feel anymore dislike for islam than christianity. As far as I'm concerned it's all trash and it needs to go, what you want to call it as your problem.

12:12:03 Dec 25th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

in islam its a very bad thing if you insult religeon and thats why muslims never insul ANY religeon and expect the same from them.

Musmims don't insult othr religions? Go tell that to you Grandmother...

14:05:58 Dec 25th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

"in islam its a very bad thing if you insult religeon and thats why muslims never insul ANY religeon and expect the same from them.
I dont understand why people cant understand such a simple thing."

Even if I would agree to that muslims don't insult other religions, which I don't. Why should they expect others to act like them? It seems to me the height of arrogance to expect others to cater to their wishes..

14:44:31 Dec 25th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

as Ms.Fellatio said Atheist dont just hate muslims we hate all religion that includes the christians. All of which dont know how to shut up! I mean say one wrong thing and they start preaching like we give a flyin *beep* what they think. We dont were atheist so your so called God doesnt exist to us and you preaching about him to us is really *beep*ing annoying.
srry for bad words but its me when talkin about religion i hate religion very much.

15:30:05 Dec 25th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

I don't hate god,
it's his fanclub that I dislike.

18:39:47 Dec 25th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

"you cannot have full faith in christ if you also agree with some scientific theories today."

Depends on how you interpret Christ's words.  Quite often he spoke in parables, and it' not always easy to tell which stories are and aren't.

"Christians are almost always bigots, it comes with the faith. That's what happens when you think you have the one "true" religion."

Not all Christians believe Christianity is the only true religion.

"That's simply wrong, even your founding fathers from their writings it shows at least a large part of them were agnostic or atheists, that's why they added the "Establishment Clause" in the constitution. They wanted to avoid a state religion and mixing religion if goverment."

That's not entirely correct.  Yes, many founding fathers were athiest, agnostic, or believed in very liberal ideas of Christianity, but it wasn't for this reason the Establishment Clause was made.  They didn't want to run into the same problems as there were in Britian with paying taxes to churches and religious discrimination between the colonies.  Instead, America would be a land of free religion... not NO religion.

10:48:04 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

I dislike all religious people who bother me and "spread the word". You never hear anything about the buddhists, hindi etc. I dont think they are right as well as I am atheist. But there is nothing wrong with beleiving what you beleive.

The big point is that christians and muslims are so damm annoying and you keep hearing from them from all sides. You never hear anything from jews.. Why wont christians and muslims live quietly as well?


11:19:53 Dec 26th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

jew dont convert people.
you can never become a jew so there is no need to try :P

10:47:09 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

Uhu, thats why the jew are my favorite of the three shared-origin faiths (jew, christian and islam).


11:45:35 Dec 29th 07 - Sir Spoon:

That guy is brilliant!

11:52:37 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

no George Galloway is cewl he is frustated *beep* = newling

11:57:42 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

robert where exactly are you pestered by religious officials?

12:20:32 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

Well, my family tried to convert me.
Some priest tried to convert me.
Jehova's at my doorstep.

Muslims indirectly try to convert me or they will kill me as I am an infidel swine.

Everywhere I look I read I must not bother christians and muslims. They want respect. Nowhere I read they should have respect for me and when some christian learns I am atheist he discriminates me.

I do not say all do this to me, but I have had those experiences. It aint as black as I write it above here.


12:30:11 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

wel the first one might not be easliy ignored, but the priest and jehovas witnesses can, just ignore them or send them away it aint that hard man, the thing about muslims is just another racist steriotype that too many people are falling to saying, when has a christain discriminated against you after learning you are an aetheist? dude these are pretty weak reasons for hating the religions

14:56:24 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

I dont hate religions. I dislike people who try to convince others their way of thinking is better.


14:58:52 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Clone V:

arent you doing that now?

15:50:20 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Robert II:

Nope I am not, I am not engaging in an argumentative conversation explaining the reasons for me being an atheist and I don't present you arguments either on why I think you should be one as well.

What you beleive is none of my buisiness to meddle with. I just show here 2 movies for other similar thinking people.


16:52:10 Dec 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

ok so the reason you dislike religions is cause some people try and say that there way of doing things is better, big woop just bout everyone in a free speach country does that

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