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20:20:36 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I just updated it, if anyone else wants to feel free :D Just another way to get it out there ya know? In turn I got to put IE up there :P

20:24:03 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Woot! Peacekeepers is listed as one of the Older/More well known KD's!

20:27:56 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

Ya I think PKS was around when I started so I added em in :D

20:29:21 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

PKS has been here from either era 13 or era 12... Can't remember which, I just remember joinin 'em in era 14.

20:31:15 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I know Yum isn't old but they are HoH#2 so :P

20:42:29 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

What the?

"Players have become a key part of the game and some have even played for many years. Some of the oldest and/or well known Kingdoms are Legacy, Abydos, Peacekeeper, Rumour/NARRSE, Kingdom of Heaven Mad Against Drugs, The Brotherhood of the Worlf, Spagheti,and Phi. Each one of them well known throughout the Visual Utopia Community and each one of them have diffrent traits and tacticts."

"Older and/or well known"?

Half of them don't deserve to be there, half of them aren't even spelt correctly.

Truely older KDs are SE, SaC, SaRS X, HaP, Z, OWN, LGC, BoX, UTX, LW, Mirror, Heaven, Serenity, etc. None of this new drivel. They may be old to you, but to us old-timers, they're still kiddies as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, I expect one of the wikipedians will delete that entry soon. It's against NPOV, unsourced, etc. :)

(Edited by Mr. Archibald Trotter 1/26/2007 8:45:05 PM)

20:44:44 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

If you don't like it then please change it. I was just trying to be helpful, and I didn't say they were all old, I said or well known.


lol someone erased IE from the list XP

(Edited by Mr. Arzun 1/26/2007 8:46:04 PM)

20:46:45 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

And it is a Current guide. Most of those kd's have failed or faltered, the ones that haven't should be there, not the ones that have.

20:46:51 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Well known? For what?

If you want to list KDs, they should have a reason for being notable, otherwise we'll simply list every kd in VU existence for being known.

20:50:42 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

I listed the curent Kingdoms, most of the ones you listed have disbanded.

20:52:48 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Erunion/Arzun, if you wan't to get into a debate of linguistics, then by  all means I'm game. Arzun stated:

Players have become a key part of the game and some have even played for many years. Some of the oldest and/or well known Kingdoms are Legacy, Abydos, Peacekeeper, Rumour/NARRSE, Kingdom of Heaven Mad Against Drugs, The Brotherhood of the Worlf, Spagheti,and Phi. Each one of them well known throughout the Visual Utopia Community and each one of them have diffrent traits and tacticts.


Thus, the kingdoms that followed were to be notable for having played many years, or being old/well known. As far as I'm concerned, most of them wouldn't classifiy.

And the kingdoms I listed, are notable, and didn't "fail or falter", or have "gone". Many of them were the "LGC" of their times, and many of them still have an ingame presence. For instance, the X/HaP/Z/OWN contigent were the forerunners of the modern LGC. The basis of LGC, and many of the members came from those kds. During their individual times (which spanned a number of years), X/HaP/Z/OWN were the top dogs, and deserve much more of a mention than the ones that Arzun listed. The same goes with Heaven, and Serenity, and a lot of the other older, more notable kingdoms.

Just because they're on the hoh now does not mean they are a good kd, in comparison to those before. Hence why I don't think somebody relatively new should be subjecting a encyclopedia to his rather limited opinion.

(Edited by Mr. Archibald Trotter 1/26/2007 8:54:24 PM)

20:54:50 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

Exactly, they were the Legacy that we know today, so why do you think I put Legacy up there?


And if someone more experienced wants to do this then be my guess, I just updated it.

20:57:28 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Just list current kingdoms, maybe by saying "Such and such which used to be the famous So and so...."

21:00:23 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

Exactly? You talk as if you even know who those kingdoms were. No, they weren't Legacy. They were the forerunners. It's comparable to me saying UTX was LGC, because a lot of the players who initially started in the game came through UTX, then went onto others and many years later, LGC itself. Or a better analogy would be saying that the USA is infact, is a English province, because a large proportion of the settlers who went there were originally, English born.

This is an encyclopedia, anyhow. The purpose isn't to list the current kingdoms. Look at any other entry for a game -- do you see them listing and changing the current listing of every kingdom? No, because it doesn't fit there.

(Edited by Mr. Archibald Trotter 1/26/2007 9:01:51 PM)
(Edited by Mr. Archibald Trotter 1/26/2007 9:02:39 PM)

21:02:08 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

I'm saying the current notables.... But if you want to add all those others, that's fine. I was just suggesting an easier and more understandable way.

21:03:27 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Archibald Trotter:

And I'm saying, they aren't notable. Purely existing isn't being notable. Kingdoms like LGC, are notable for their feats. What have the other kingdoms accomplished to be considered "notable"?

21:08:34 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

Ok there, erased. I'm sorry.

21:08:53 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

hell the core is roughly the same :D everyone associates Z/Own with lgc pretty much because the leadership of Lgc were mostly in the leadership of previous kingdoms. a lot of Z players wernt in own and a lot of Own ppl are not legacy. no one said they were the same kd :D

21:14:20 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Auspex:

Agree with Archi. The entry should describe the game, not those that play it. Frankly anyone interested in knowing a little about VU could care less what the names of dominant KDs are/were.

22:22:44 Jan 26th 07 - Sir Argyle:

And it's a disgrace to write thoose kingdoms in the wiki, really.

Old kingdoms:
Mirror (M)
Saiyan Empire (SE)
Heaven (H)
Legacy (lgc) (same members as own, almost)
Paramount Nobles Warring of Time (OWN) (might be wrong on this one, my memory fails me sometimes).
Meiyo Shugo (Honour)
*beep* Table (NT)
Rise of -v-V-v-
Republic (or is it really old?)
Peacekeepers (PK)

marked with bold is kingdoms I have been in lol! :D I only mentioned thoose I liked.

22:40:24 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

Add SaC to that mister!!

22:53:15 Jan 26th 07 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

PKS. Not PK. hmph...

23:01:38 Jan 26th 07 - Sir Senturu:

ya know archibald. you need to relax. at least someone did something. your just mad cuz you didnt do it yourself.

Auspex, it is true some dont care about top KD's. but on the other hand. SOME do care. i for an example  like to learn about the older KD's.  they must of been good for everyone to remember them. you see so many smaller KD's do you remember any  of their names.? try to list them all. i dont think you could do it. one of your excuses would be that you dont care im sure.

23:33:20 Jan 26th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

Rise of -v-V-v-

23:44:20 Jan 26th 07 - Sir Argyle:

Ben was king, I just brought it up because I found it on a screen XD.

00:59:19 Jan 27th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

Thank you Senturu,

01:28:24 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Urza:

hey what about oh this small kingdom called MAFIA.?

01:29:27 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

Own = mafia = Paramount Nobles Warring of Time  or did i miss something

03:52:13 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:


Isnt this forums not enough for you geniuses.  get away from wikipedia.  Don't ruin that nice website. you cant edit something just to put your kd name in it. 
"Mommy, mommy, look at wikipedia, i belong to that kd,"
*Mommy faints*

11:10:31 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Osiris:

*adds Osiris is the seksiest player in vu to the wiki*

11:40:35 Jan 29th 07 - Mr. Mano:

*goes on wiki looking to delete Osiris from the sexiest player in vu*


and about that list of old KD's :p must say i agree with Sezy it aint complete without SaC, =)

16:52:34 Jun 3rd 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

why was it deleted?

05:41:12 Jun 7th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

Wow VU sure has its history.  I wish I'd started 2 years back :)

I'd love to see what some of the old maps looked like...

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