Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / [Request]History of VU

[Request]History of VU
23:07:25 Dec 8th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Want to ask if anyone are interested in making a History of VU that ZeTa could use to make this game more exciting for newcomers to read about.
Or maybe ZeTa can make a RPG history himself of his side of the VU (how it started or something)

It could start like this:

The sun sets in the east, Mr.Snoppiora arrives to a beatiful country side after years of walking with his supplies to find the perfect spot. He starts to build his colony and everything is going smooth and there are no one to bother him in his peaceful life. But suddenly Mr.Punny Monsta is coming across Mr. Snoppiora's beautiful country and builds his own colony to start his own "Empire". More and more people are showing up and start building on this beautiful country side, some of them becomes friends and some enemies. Kingdoms were made, some started a market....lalal and so on.

It was just a suggestion, would be fun to read how VU started in rpg mode.

23:19:51 Dec 8th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

We could have a creation story...didnt Messiah make a good one(In Zeon)? I remember it being huge and it having the creation of the species...

23:21:05 Dec 8th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Ye, I meant something like that. Hope he still has it, would like to read it.

23:23:05 Dec 8th 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Ponsa, why talk about Penguin? Of all the players in our kingdom and the game, you have to pick the lamest bird of them all :( :P

10:33:17 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

No idea, just came to my mind =( sry TBL

16:22:16 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

im the first player that comes in people minds when they think about vu ;)

16:28:43 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I blame mind control >_>

16:49:59 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Killmeeee:

lol the first name that comes into peoples minds, but for what reason? =) I vote because of funny flames xD

16:56:04 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Hirgon:

Lord Cedric Deallus


12/9/2008 5:28:43 PM

I blame mind control >_>


I was going to blame something else, but this made me laugh too much.

10:51:32 Dec 11th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:


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