Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Some server stats

Some server stats
12:20:15 Jan 16th 15 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Data measured between 12 jan and 16 jan.

Total for 350,000

/KDbanners/: 130,000
/images/: 7,000
favicon.ico: 33,000
/chat/: 2,000
/admin/: 8,000
/mobile/: 33,000
oldForum.asp: 100

From this data we can assume that around 20% use the mobile version.

12:26:37 Jan 16th 15 - ZeTa (VU Admin): 160,000 2,000

14:02:21 Jan 16th 15 - Mr. Osiris:

Old forum is probably 50% me if not more :P my bookmark is still old vu

04:04:44 Jan 20th 15 - Mr. Soccerguy:

haha osi, update that! :P

06:19:28 Jan 21st 15 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

I still use the old forum because I prefer it. >_>

13:26:04 Jan 21st 15 - Mr. Barny:

I also prefer the Old Forum Design layout, it feels a little dated at this point but the other layout is clearly designed for mobile and doesnt look good or work well for images or big posts.

00:29:28 May 25th 15 - Wilberforce (Princess Still Not Playing):

A bit late but here's a few stats:

Active users: barely any
Worlds: more than 3 is far too many
VU: been slowly dying for about 6 years
Advertising: none

15:41:55 May 25th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

There is still playahs and its alive n kickin. Haterz gonna hate!

20:59:51 May 25th 15 - Duke Chade The Mothership:

no there are no haters - this is just reedle

22:15:59 May 25th 15 - King Charley Deallus:

Old Forum rulez

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