Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / VU and the Future

VU and the Future
13:41:53 Jan 25th 08 - Mr. Acheron:

Where will VU be in 5 years? Will it even exist? Post now!

14:23:01 Jan 25th 08 - Lord of The Dawn:

it will be in mantrax, probably.

15:19:32 Jan 25th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Come on the Mantrax  ^^

06:12:19 Jan 26th 08 - Sir Soc:

why would it go to the matrix?

08:02:35 Jan 26th 08 - Sir Revenge:

The shift has already begun

13:54:44 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

what if the admin died , this is not a team . it's one creator

19:29:04 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

then i will take over ofc...

19:51:57 Jan 27th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

If the admin dies the world ends...he is God...

09:51:03 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

God is imortal, and therfore ZeTa is imortal

15:32:06 Jan 29th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

VU was here roughly 5 years ago, wouldn't surprise me if it's here in 5 more.

01:39:28 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol ZeTa will definatly make the game P2P

05:40:11 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

3d vu it shows peasant buildng citys and armys walking/fighting :P

17:48:34 Feb 4th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

lol he will create anoither MMO and make VU P2P

20:47:04 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

yeah totaly 3d.

19:50:22 Feb 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

@ nimic:

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unless there were holes in the game :)

02:08:20 Feb 8th 08 - Lord Loren Soth:

the question isn't whether it will be here in 5 years.. we all know it will.. the question is will the amount of players dramatically increase and whether or not that is a good thing ;)

03:09:29 Feb 8th 08 - Duke Ulgrin The Bastard:

VU will be a downloadable application with tons of cool new features.  It won't be in 3d, but it will have some good visuals in isometric view like the old 2d games used to be.

Or maybe Blizzard will buy Zeta out and make a new MMORPG.

05:49:18 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Drunken:

VU will be like MSN. It will be 1 click away from you ;-) umm I doubt so haha

18:57:14 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

VU will have even more worlds than last era! imagine 34.8 different names zeta has to come up with!

09:17:43 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

In 5 years from now, we will still be asking for boats.

19:46:44 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

I hope this will last until I'm 16 and have a life lol

03:56:05 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Saintanger:

....i'm bored :)

01:05:11 Feb 18th 08 - Sir Pesterd:

he should name a map after the person who won the era.

for example: World of Grumpyoldbastards

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