Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / slave capture

slave capture
15:37:47 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

I just set a personal record:

We also took 401000 of their peasants as slaves!

anyone have better stories?

16:26:37 Feb 6th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

We also took 534783 of their peasants as slaves!

18:03:10 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Running Diamond:

We also took 984671 of their peasants as slaves.

18:16:07 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Kearn:

We also took 4634862734246234623746892374069823476901874691837076234908672304986248673948 of their peasants as slaves!

18:25:51 Feb 6th 10 - Praetorian Wyzer:

The peasants took you as a slave!

18:39:22 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Running Diamond:

And then the peasants made him kill himself. :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

19:15:06 Feb 6th 10 - Princess Aisha:

We also took Charley Deallus as a slave.

We are now able to do what ever we wish to him.

19:34:41 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

oh, well its still my best

20:00:53 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

We also took 359185 of their peasants as slaves!

50k less :-(

02:37:48 Feb 7th 10 - Duke Jictelious The Younger:

I'm taking you all as my slave.

13:53:46 Feb 7th 10 - Duke Random:

This city has 833325 peasants who are working as hard as they can. :):):):)

07:44:52 Feb 8th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Princess Aisha


11:15:06 Feb 6th 10

We also took Charley Deallus as a slave.

We are now able to do what ever we wish to him.

*pulls out a tape recorder*

"Idea for a roleplay: Septim has to go on a quest to save Charley from Aisha's crazy torture chamber/sex room, then has to escape using dragons and mounted spam cannons."

*puts away the tape recorder*

22:25:02 Feb 10th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Riders for the win. beat my rider vs gold and slave ratio here :-D


My Lord.

We have plundered Greed of all their resources. They had 47998953 gold, 709017 stone, 0 tree, 684 food and 427839 slaves in the city. We also took 11267 of their peasants for slaves!

We killed or injured total of 0 troops.


Check (your army)

18:39:21 Feb 12th 10 - Swedish chef Brashen:

We also abolished the slave trade, and made 40347 of their peasants wear funny hats!

00:16:58 Feb 13th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

That's about 75mil in total, niiiiice.

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