Forums / Questions and Answers / STG

16:28:39 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Amaroq:

What is a good percentage when casting STG on a city? I can't seem to get over a 70% chance and i have over 8k MT's and 13k MU's at the moment.  the city i'm trying ot cast it on is only about 2 1/2 ticks away...

16:34:37 Jul 26th 08 - Duke Argyle:

I think it used to be 74%, not sure now...

17:00:48 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

There is a big difference between maximum possible percentage and "good" percentage. You should aim for a lower % even if you fail rather more often, since you will lose far fewer mu's in the long run. Finding that "sweet spot" where % is sufficient and mu losses are relatively low, is the secret of being a good StGer.

17:04:36 Jul 26th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

As well as not casting from a city with MTs..

21:46:11 Jul 26th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

I have been told the secret is to set an army of mu's on a city with nothing but warehouses.... I tried it as human and had fairly good success (do not remember exact %'s).

01:50:33 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Random:

i failed StG 8 times yesterday. I almost cried. worst session of my life.

04:24:30 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

best ratio seems to fall around 60 to 62%

04:33:15 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Come to think about it Kev, how i got that 6K Catapult army early last era was doing that with StG.

I had tons of MUs on a warhouse city that was about 1 1/2 ticks away from the Siegharts mage city.

But that army didnt last long.

I bet its because it was nowhere close to as BA as the exagerated version of it.

That army topped at 6K Cats before i had to move it to defend

05:47:05 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

I was told to sit 5k mages in the town you want to StG and use them....any more and it could be a waste....if it failed I lost several hundred...when I accidentally cast from my mage town (had 20k mages) I lost thousands in mages.....too much of a good thing isnt always good =p  you gotta have a good number

05:49:44 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

so a 90k magic city. 4 ticks away. 15k homes housing 375k MUs and 75k magic towers increasing power. would that do it?

09:02:45 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Random:

make a warehouse city.

3-4k to start with.

build houses if you want.

keep filling with mages until you get a good percentage, where your losses aren't too high but you get a decent success rate (this will depend on your magic level).

save up large quantities of stone (I usually start at 50 million base stone and work my way up till i get to 200M StG's)

I've also got a question....

I was StG'ing last era and found that I reached a point where I couldn't Convert and more that 300M (I think)

Is it the percentage of success the cap on the conversion or is it the amount of warehouses?
I was thinking warehouses but the stone market dried up as we cleared the map so i didn't get to test it and find out....

09:10:19 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

Amount of warehouses..

11:57:47 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Random:

Did i do it wrong?

note: im not a pro StG'er

12:45:57 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Mr Justin wrote: "so a 90k magic city. 4 ticks away. 15k homes housing 375k MUs and 75k magic towers increasing power. would that do it?"

Eh? We're talking StG here, not offensive magic. So I don't know what you're saying.

13:17:30 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

When you max out with your conversions you need more warehouses (generally).

13:54:44 Jul 27th 08 - Lord Random:

ok sweet. I thought it would have been the case.

15:36:50 Jul 27th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Random, i thought Opium has taught you how to do a good StG?

20:40:40 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Gothrim


7/27/2008 4:45:57 AM
Mr Justin wrote: "so a 90k magic city. 4 ticks away. 15k homes housing 375k MUs and 75k magic towers increasing power. would that do it?"

Eh? We're talking StG here, not offensive magic. So I don't know what you're saying.

I was talking about StG to. Wouldnt that give you over the % you need?

22:58:42 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

lol! Yeah it would sure give you a high % but it would also bankrupt you. I can't think of anything more horrible for casting StG!

"Inartful", to use the current buzzword. :P

23:08:45 Jul 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ok good cuz i have 10k of the 15k homes built that i need and then im moving onto magic towers.

00:09:35 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Facepalm:

@ Justin I hope your being sarcastic.

 Let me explain you need to put enough mages into your warehouse city so you get a good percentage rate Justin(what is the exact rate anyways? I cast at 50-70% but I'd like to know). Then cast once you have a good amount of stone  as in at least double digit millions.

Casting in a big magic city *beep*s you over because while your likely to succeed your also likely to destroy all of your Magic Towers and MUs quite fast.

00:12:09 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Justin:

im going to have 1 million income soon and ill have an armory one tic away transfering Mus every time i cast. I have everything thought out

08:46:49 Jul 28th 08 - Lord Random:

@ Val, no i know how to cast a decent StG.... just would like to learn the finer points of it ;)

Cast this yesterday....

  • 14:38:31: Lord Random cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Yay upon X with 68% chance of success...106334247 of the stone in X was made into gold.

10:58:50 Jul 28th 08 - Sir Valentine:



I wanna kill YOU!! :D

20:33:09 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

So? That's peanuts... :P

21:45:24 Jul 28th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

I'm dwarf, so does that limit my StG abilities?

I've just started to use magic science with dwarves after getting killed by a mage last era.

21:52:32 Jul 28th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Facepalm


7/27/2008 7:09:35 PM

@ Justin I hope your being sarcastic.

 Let me explain you need to put enough mages into your warehouse city so you get a good percentage rate Justin(what is the exact rate anyways? I cast at 50-70% but I'd like to know). Then cast once you have a good amount of stone  as in at least double digit millions.

Casting in a big magic city *beep*s you over because while your likely to succeed your also likely to destroy all of your Magic Towers and MUs quite fast.

Yeah lol...overkill is a bad want to have as few MUs involved as possible to get a good percentage...

23:20:10 Jul 30th 08 - Lord Anarkist The Wraith:

Justin...... you sure it was 14 eras exp you've got? I'm relatively new but found that;

  1. MTs are a waste, especially when it costs 1k, or even 500, a building.
  2. More mus are also a waste, due to inflated troop costs and more losses (so more mus that need to be replaced).
  3. Having alot higher than ~65% is a waste. Not worth the mus.
  4. Generally, 4k warehouses is the most worthwhile amount. I tested out and having 5k warehouses and the EXACT same magic power  raised my % of stone converted by literaly a miniscule amount. Haven't tested it out with much higher warehouses but thats what I reckon.

And I reached the 300 million last era. Strange how it was an EXACT 300 million. However I heard someone say they reached 400 mill so I doubt its a cap...

04:28:37 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

What happens if there aren't any warehouses? 0 stone gets converted?

04:40:36 Aug 2nd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

well, if you cast it on a mine, you will get the stone from the mine.


08:13:58 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

hmm... that doesn't sound too bad... since i dont have a warehouse city. I'm assuming its just alot better to use warehouses though cause you can buy stone off the market and convert it

18:40:09 Aug 2nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:


20:11:58 Aug 2nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

And still Revenge still suks *beep*s

09:36:28 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Sherman:

can somebody help me on this?

i cast stg using 6k MU on a 13k WH city. the base stone used was 130K but i was only able to convert 90K of stone to gold.

i'm just thinking, is it possible to convert all of my stones to gold? if yes, what will i increase, MU or WH?

09:43:11 Sep 30th 08 - Lord Incognito:

No, you will almost definitely never get 100% of your stone into gold. And I recommend that you use more stone. My first StG tends to start at 10 million stone..

17:05:46 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

13k warehouses is overkill for 130k stone, and yeah increase your stone base by ALOT.
Minimum stone base depends on the StGer.
And don't use mts -.-" the best way to do it is to camp a few k mages on a warehouse city well out the way. Then add mus when yours die, try and keep the number constant, and maybe tweak with it.

Putting a warehouse city to close to a magic city can have disaterous concequences, likewise having it the the middle of a war ground.
You wont get 100% conversion rate, but yes more magic power means more conversion, this however does not mean more magic power means more money.

12:39:35 Oct 22nd 08 - Mr. Sherman:


Casting Stone to Gold from Let Pass Pls upon Krathorian Farm with 63% chance of success...successful, 360166770 of the stone in Krathorian Farm was made into gold. When casting the spell 769 of our Runemasters died and 256 got injured.

well this one is the latest and most successful! thanx for the info, everyone!

12:58:35 Oct 22nd 08 - Lord Random:

ok well this is the StG part of a guide i wrote for dwarfs.... its pretty similar for all races.... but

Stone to Gold:

As a dwarf you will be disadvantaged in this area to your human opponents where you do not have the 0-10% market discount, and they do. This means they will profit more from and StG than you.
Stone to Gold is a level4 spell; thus you will not be doing this until later in the era as a dwarf because you will want to have a high mining level before getting magic science.
This also means less profit; as the stone market will have stabilized by the time you get to it at .9 gold/stone or higher.

To StG, you will want to set up a warehouse city. this city will be near your armoury; but not too near as you could mistakenly cast from the armoury with your MU's being produced, which would cost alot.

I set up this city with 3-4k warehouses and 1k homes initially. (The homes are purely to feed my armoury)

Set an army or MU's on top of the city and cast from there; you don't want a too higher percentage on the cast, as the losses from the casting are too heavy as you go on.

So experiment with the amount of MU's used.

I find that around 66-67% yields good results for me.

Another this with StG; the amount of stone converted is dependent on a number of things; the Magic power you have. E.g. the amount of MU's you are willing to use in the process, the amount of stone possessed and the amount of warehouses in your city.

-The amount of stone possessed is where the figures come from.
-The magic power controls the percentage converted.
-The Amount of warehouses controls the maximum stone able to be converted.

From memory 1 warehouse can accommodate for 30k stone per cast.
This meaning the start cast for your StG will be no higher than 120-180M gold with 4-5k warehouses....

I begin my StG with however much stone I have accumulated over the era; along with as much as i can afford to buy off the market at the time. usually ends up being around 100M first cast.

After a while you'll reach the 'cap' for the amount of warehouses you have and at this point you'll want to either expand your warehouse city, of play around with MU's until you have the perfect power to stone ratio (you can figure that out by yourselves)

17:08:25 Oct 22nd 08 - Lord Incognito:

Good, I just want to point out that Elves should have gotten their magic to 4 early era and should even be StGing in Protection.

Besides that, its important to remember do NOT build anything other than the warehouses and possibly homes. The bigger the city, the lower the %.

Great work Random =)

17:11:53 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

does it work if your in a kd and one of the mages knows what city of your to cast stg on... can they cast it on you city and you get the gold..???

17:14:11 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

if you have 2 armies.. an allied army of 100k mages and a orc army with lik50k nazguls... if they merge are the nazzies covered by the magic protection of the mages..

18:18:21 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Binh The Avenger:

"does it work if your in a kd and one of the mages knows what city of your to cast stg on... can they cast it on you city and you get the gold..???"


"if you have 2 armies.. an allied army of 100k mages and a orc army with lik50k nazguls... if they merge are the nazzies covered by the magic protection of the mages.."

yes move very slowly though.

18:21:06 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

  • 12:18:21: Sir Mad Mage Pesterd cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Magic War Zone upon Rainboweddd with 74% chance of success...367334247 of the stone in Rainboweddd was made into gold.
well kinda since I own all at Elf and probably had the most MU's to Cast Arma.. I would say that my StG was much better

18:22:54 Oct 24th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

Lord Anarkist The Wraith


7/30/2008 5:20:10 PM

Justin...... you sure it was 14 eras exp you've got? I'm relatively new but found that;

  1. MTs are a waste, especially when it costs 1k, or even 500, a building.
  2. More mus are also a waste, due to inflated troop costs and more losses (so more mus that need to be replaced).
  3. Having alot higher than ~65% is a waste. Not worth the mus.
  4. Generally, 4k warehouses is the most worthwhile amount. I tested out and having 5k warehouses and the EXACT same magic power  raised my % of stone converted by literaly a miniscule amount. Haven't tested it out with much higher warehouses but thats what I reckon.

And I reached the 300 million last era. Strange how it was an EXACT 300 million. However I heard someone say they reached 400 mill so I doubt its a cap...

What The Heck??? You clearly dont understand how StG works.....

18:40:46 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

what are you talking about.????????... he clearly knows alot..  if he is StGing 300 mil... he knows alot more than most players...

20:57:54 Oct 24th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Sir Mad Mage Pesterd


10/24/2008 6:22:54 PM Lord Anarkist The Wraith


7/30/2008 5:20:10 PM
Justin...... you sure it was 14 eras exp you've got? I'm relatively new but found that;

MTs are a waste, especially when it costs 1k, or even 500, a building.
More mus are also a waste, due to inflated troop costs and more losses (so more mus that need to be replaced).
Having alot higher than ~65% is a waste. Not worth the mus.
Generally, 4k warehouses is the most worthwhile amount. I tested out and having 5k warehouses and the EXACT same magic power raised my % of stone converted by literaly a miniscule amount. Haven't tested it out with much higher warehouses but thats what I reckon.
And I reached the 300 million last era. Strange how it was an EXACT 300 million. However I heard someone say they reached 400 mill so I doubt its a cap...

What The Heck??? You clearly dont understand how StG works.....

You might want to explain for everyone else then whats wrong with this guy's statement? :)

03:45:41 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Random:

am i right pestered?

08:09:36 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Elite Man:

what.. are .... you .... talking about... (pestert)!!!

03:22:37 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

Warehouse = 30k of resource....
everyone already knows that...
just build a fucking warehouse city.. send on it mus ... and cast stg... never waste it by building a fucking magic town near your warehouse....

14:04:17 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Lanoc:

Warehouse doesn't equal 30k of resources... It holds a hundred times more than your other buildings, all of which hold infinite amount. So, they're divided in a proportion.

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