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steal science question
01:10:24 Jan 10th 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Oberon Prime):


Casting Steal Science from upon Spam with 59% chance of success... and Successful!
The Spam from Mr. Demon IX has lost all science! We lost Shamans and of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.
Does this mean that he had no sciences? 

04:17:04 Jan 10th 16 - Mr. Necro Emporos:

Nope, just means you need to keep casting it more. >.>

08:45:59 Jan 10th 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

Zero science.wasted spell

13:55:42 Jan 10th 16 - Cloutier (Master Cloutier XI):

I had combat at lvl 8. so I had some. lol

14:19:47 Jan 10th 16 - Polydeuces (Konig Polydeuces):

darn wish I'd gotten even one lol.

20:00:30 Jan 12th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

Usually when you get nothing its becouse A) target didn't have any more science (wich usually happens after you already stolen all he had) or B) you didn't have enough magic power when casting wich is probly what happened here..

There you go, finally someone told you what you needed to know.....

09:38:08 Jan 13th 16 - Princess Aisha:

You only steal science if the target has higher science level than you. He said he had military level 8? Poly did you have level 8 or higher? If you had lower you would steal it. 

12:00:51 Jan 13th 16 - Mr. Josip Broz:

If poly had higher it would've said Demon XI has lost one level military science. One level military science. One level mining. One level forestry. And so on depending on his magic power you steal/destroy more or less lvls.

In this case however it's a lack of magic power I think, ie the spell was successfull but he didnt cast with enough power to steal even one level. It has happened to me before since the most economic way of casting against a target that is already dead is to cast from an army and pretty much steal a level at a time until you have higher science than your target in all categories (after that its just like kicking a corpse, not very useful) and when you run out of MP you get that msg, merge in more MU and you start stealing again.

12:52:14 Jan 13th 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Uninhibited):

Must have been lack of magic power but even still I've cast with less power than that and stolen.  So he must be lying and laughing as he reads this while we try and figure this out lol.

02:43:25 Jan 14th 16 - shyers (Mr. Shyerclause):

Hey, I half way answered it... But I didn't realize that nub had 0 magic defense.... Someone always has to 1up me

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