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Three Kingdoms
03:41:12 May 1st 07 - Sir Rhade:

<<OOC:  A little background first.>>

In the year 964, a number of regional lords came together to attempt to draw up a plan to deal with the growing daemon threat. Long ago the daemon tribes had united, and the size of the army they had begun to amass had begun to greatly worry the human settlements. In response, many leaders decided to form a council and elect a permanent leader.

The humans trained their own army under the leadership of Uther Miad, and built up their defenses in case of an attack. The attack came quickly, and the battle raged on for weeks. Eventually both sides began to appeal for help from the Celestials, a society far more advanced than either human or daemon, and both knew their involvement would tip the scales of war. It wasn't until the daemons started to gain the upper hand that the winged men came down from their cities and joined the fray, pushing back the daemons. They not only pushed them back, but decimated most of the attacking army. This would've left the humans free to overrun their territory, but the celestials left with the warning that, should humans invade daemon lands, the same fate would befall their armies.

This left Uther with a very large and powerful army, and no true enemies to send it against. He instead used it to put down first those who had resisted his original appointment as leader, and then those who protested his new used of the army. With the support of a few regional lords, given in exchange for promises of privileges in the new kingdom, he declared himself king and formed a true empire. Protests were quickly silenced, and only towns on the east coast and up against the border with the daemon territory were able to stay out from under the influence of Uther.

Nearly fifty years later, after Uther's death, a rebellion was started. While it ultimately failed, it greatly weakened the human empire's influence over many territories toward the east, and the new leader had no ambitions to bring them back under control. Since many of the other races had assisted in the rebellion, however, this led to persecution of them within the human domain, forcing most to flee into the rebel cities or south into Erevarte, the daemon kingdom.

<<OOC: Okay, story.>>

Raidel finished another glass and slammed it down, beginning to feign drunkenness. He had no idea why he was here in this town, Esquare, but he knew that being off your guard is never a good thing, and that being underestimated always is. That note that had shown up on his doorstep had been very specific, but had no orders for what to do when he arrived. Date and place, nothing more, and it was starting to piss Raidel off that nothing was happening. The money was great, but he wanted some action too. In the meantime, Raidel turned and began to survey the other patrons in the bar.

05:29:05 May 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

Walking into the tavern Senturu looks around the place, not seeing anything of interest he walks over to the counter and asks the Barkeep for a mug Mulled wine . the barkeep filled a Glass and handed to Senturu. looking at the wine senturu picks it up and smells it, he then sets the glass down and looks around the tavern once again.

18:55:35 May 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion (in town clothes, what might be worn by a minor noble sporting himself amongst the peasentry) walked into the tavern with a kind of dangerous grace, looking straight ahead but seeing everything... This may be a small time tavern, but you can never be too careful, whether on a battlefield or on a barley field... That was said by Escaltor, the, the, whatever he was... Bloody memory... Snapping out of his reverie he asked the fat innkeeper Why are they always so err, portly?.... For a glass of mulled wine, and a room. The innkeeper, all obseqiousness, and willigness to oblige, offered his best room for a mere pittance, to the noble lord. Bloody toadeating lickspittle...

19:53:51 May 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

As he came down from where the Innkeeper had showed him his room I'm a minor noble, well, I think I am, not a bloody Tairen high lord! Wait, what is a Tairen high lord anyway? I seem to remember something about a book... Erunion noticed a human at a table, staring at him, and muttering to himself, so he went over to the table to have a drink with him.

22:19:35 May 1st 07 - Sir Mac:

*Mac and his retinue come to the entrance*

Tavern Guard:"Sorry, no horses inside."
Holowan:"You think I am a mere horse! Why I'll..."
Mac:*Stepping in* "No need for that, come Holowan take care of Grievous outside."
Holowan: *A little disgruntled* "Very well!"
Qymaen: "Now for a drink."
Mac: "Agreed."

*Both men get some mulled wine and sit down to talk at a corner table*

23:47:44 May 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Vorian walked into the bar and took a seat.
"I'd like the best drink you have," said Vorian.

00:33:54 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Paracelzus II:

Paracelzus swings the door open. stands in the door way, light streams in the door iluminating his gold trimed steal armor. his eyes darting about the room, every one stares at him. he takes in the whole sceen. he walks up to the barkeeper and asks for... water. the barkeeper grunts and hands him a glass cup of water.

00:40:58 May 2nd 07 - Sir Rhade:

Raidel had to chuckle when he saw a horse trying to come into the bar.  He had heard of horses enchanted to talk before, as he assumed this one was, but had never seen one in real life.  He shrugged, and started to survey the others who had recently entered.  However, as he started to look around, a very frazzled looking man burst into the tavern, shouting something about an army heading for the city.  Raidel didn't just chuckle at that, he burst out laughing.

Still grinning, Raidel walked over to him as others began to either panic, run outside and check, "You *beep*, who fed you little nugget of information?"

As Raidel waited for him to answer, suddenly he felt a great rumble and the sound of splintering wood coming from outside.  Immediately he raced outside to join the growing throng, just watching.  As he exited the tavern he was able to witness what had caused the first crash, as another large boulder fell through a nearby building, leaving a huge, gaping hole.  Quickly he ran for main street, and stopped short when he came in view of the gates.  Outside was an army at least ten thousand strong, mainly orc but interspersed with ogres and khaz, and random other beasts.

Raidel knew it would be hopeless, but maybe this was why he had been sent here.  He did not, however, welcome death, so he decided to flank the army and attack near the back.  Raidel drew his sword, and began running towards the city's west exit.

00:47:43 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Ohmnialator:

8/10, it was good

00:48:53 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Paracelzus II:

Paracelzus jumps up, and runs to the door following Raidel.

"I will fight with you! Please introduce youself to me. he said hughing and puffing, as he ran to the stables. the stables were on the rood to the west gate.

00:50:15 May 2nd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Oh Blood and Bloody ashes! Why, oh why do I have to be sorrounded by orcs now! Bah!"

As he said this, Erunion walked out of the Tavern, the light around him flickered, and when it stopped, he was wearing his armour and had his bow out. Every arrow that hit an enemy caused a firey explosion, knocking down those directly around and burning everyone within several paces. Not enough bloody arrows. Blast! This has got to be one of the worst days of my life, raining on my way in, windy all day, tripped on a root because I let my mind wander, that blasted innkeeper and now this!

01:11:23 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    While boulders fell about him, and an orc army besieged the city, Vorian calmly sipped his drink.
"An interesting turn of events..."
As he finished his drink, he walked out through the East gate, then turned North towards the army.

01:37:53 May 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

Looking down at his drink Senturu finnaly downs it. getting up he walks through the door all around him people were running and screaming at the advancing army, looking up he could see that this isnt going to be a good day. taking off his cloak Senturu draws Honor, his sword, from its sheath. looking up at the sky Senturu mutters, "this is defanitly not a good day" at that Senturu charged to meet the Advancing army head on.

01:51:58 May 2nd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion turned his head to see a brash young lad charge into the midst of the horde. Bloody youngling. Bah, I'm out of arrows so I might as well pull him out of the pickling kettle. "For Naergothrendar! For my people! What have I flamin gotten myself into this time!" With that cry he charged into the battlefield, followed by a few young fools with swords Bloody fools must've stolen them from the blacksmith Yelling loudly in an attempt to imitate this elven warrior. Obviously they didn't here the words.

As he hacked his way to beside Senturu, Erunion wondered Why under the light did I get myself into this, I'm too old to die now... Laughing at the incongruity of that last thought, Erunion set too staying alive, and keeping this lad here alive too. Bah! Hate the stink of these foul creatures, it's always worse when they're sweating in the heat of the battle, with their own co*beep* black blood spilt everywhere.

02:48:31 May 2nd 07 - Sir Mac:

    (Holowan is not enchanted. He is a special breed of horse) Mac and Qymaen rush outside to where the horses were and quickly got on. Realizing that the city was under attack they decided that they had to do something. However the importance of their quest was too great so they did not wish to throw their lives away, so they quickly thought of a better way. Look over there! said Holowan. They see a man running out the west exit. Let's go join him and flank the attackers. They quickly overtook him and ask him to get on one of the horses so that they can reach the enemy faster.

02:52:41 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Paracelzus II:

        I get my saddle ready, dash out of the stables, and charge out of the gate. with my sword ablaze in the sunlight, i swoop down upon my enimy. the clavery, seeing that i made a good efert dicisded to join this sloughter. with men at my sides, i charge down upon the orcs. thousands upon thousands stand at my front. i cry my war cry, sword in hand, and bolts even faster towards the enimie leaving my comrade behind. i sheath my sword and i pulled out my bow. i spoke to my bow, and fited arrows, then i let my arrows sing. sweat was the music of my bow and arrows, every one of them flew true. five, ten, fifteen. put away my bow, got my dagger out. five yards away i threw it. it hit one of the orcs on the helm. i dashed past the orc, grabed the dagger, and pulled out my sword just in time to ward off a blow to the knees.

        Nuzguls fly in the air as i retreat before i got engolfed in the enimies grasp. i turn around, there a Nuzgul flies right at me. i swiftly get out my bow, and set a arrow to it. Wispers somthing, and let the arrow loose. the arrow struck true. protruding from its nostrul, a arrow head stick out of between his eyes. the Nuzgul drops dead.

        I drew my men back before they were overcomed. I make a charge again, except with my comrads at my heals. we come close, closer then we wanted, for we were just meaning to swoop past there flanks, and slice there men along the lines. our horses crashed into the orcs. my swords thir*beep*lly drew blood. we fought and fought. what seemed like hours, we finaly drew back. i and 4 others were left. we drew back to the city to rest.

02:56:17 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Paracelzus II:

I see men aproching from the city! cried one of my comrades. we shall give them news of our battle then! i said ruthfuly. mac and his horses stoped infront of me and my comrades. Sir! we have delt a blow to the orcs! a bigger one then i or the orcs expected! we will join you in battle again once we are refreashed and have more men.

        I rode of with my comrades back to the gates.

05:25:24 May 2nd 07 - Sir Rhade:

As the horses caught up to him, Raidel couldn't help but chuckle again that one could talk.  Now was no time to ponder it, however, and he gladly hopped on.  As they rode through the west gates Raidel could tell that his original assessment of the army's size was not quite accurate.  It was slightly smaller, actually, but still far too large for the city to fend off.

Shaking his head, Raidel shrugged and looked over at the stranger who had offered him a ride.  "Your call."

05:58:03 May 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

Senturu drove into the enemy with vigor slicing all who stood in his path. eventually he wove into the enemy army until he was completely surrounded. unable to see any type of exit short of killing them all. as senturu pondered this situation. the Elf he had seen before suddenly appeared beside him.

"this isnt a good day is it?" Senturu yells to the Elf.

16:45:19 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Binh The Assassinator:

Azgaroth begin his journey into the unknown world, He travel from one city to the next searching for adventures. Upon one day, he reached the town of Esquare.

To his surprise, outside the city was thousands of ogres. In that instance, he remember Elendil's teaching: "Azgaroth, remember this, you must use your power and knowledge to help the innocence and vanquish the evils that existed in this world." Immediately, he summon the small water elemental and charges into the ogres. With his amazing speed, he hit one ogre after another with his staff.

In the meanwhile the little water elemental (little for a water elemental but is as big as a fully grown human) cast water prison (a spell that surround the enemy with water) on the head of many ogres. It suffocates these ogres and within minutes, they fell to the floor and died. An ogre came up from behind and slashes the little water elemental. To the ogre's surprise, the water elemental was not damaged at all from the physical attack. It is now that the ogre realize that water elemental cannot be harmed by normal means, he ran away.

Azgaroth's speed was fast and when combined with a partial concealment from Chameleon, he was nearly undetectable until it's too late. One ogre fell after another.

17:02:31 May 2nd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"No, It's not a very good day! What possesed you to come into the middle of a battlefield full of orcs, orgres and everything else the empire likes to hire!?!?" Bloody fool of a youngling! "If you think I wanted to join you out here, think again you blasted fool! We are in the middle of a battlefield, sorrounded by enemys who's main goal is to put us in the cookpot," Erunion yelled as the two of them stood back to back, weilding their swords mechanically, hewing flesh and armour alike. "Now, I will create a wall of fire, collapsing behind us, and as soon I do, we are going to RUN for the village, for I can't keep something this large up for long against opposition from the enemy Shamans, however weak they are, alright??" With that, a wall of fire five paces tall burst up behind them, and Erunion yelled "RUN!". Senturu followed, and as they ran, the wall of fire collapsed behind them, seemingly running with them.

17:06:37 May 2nd 07 - Sir Mac:

    Holowan offers the his back and then the group proceeds on to the attacking army. I am Mac, said the rider. This is my... *pausing* friend Qymaen and our horses Holowan, and Grievous. What do you think our plan of action against the enemy should be?

19:03:42 May 2nd 07 - Sir Mac:

"So Raidel, what is your plan of action against the enemy? Do we charge in headfirst? Or should we sit back and mage them?"

19:09:39 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

Seloc walks randomly into a deserted bar, hops the counter and pours him self some beer, with some herbs from his rucksack he sat down to drink. "Stupid orcs" he muttered. after seloc drink was finished he whipped out some alchemy eqipement from deep within the confindes of his rucksack and start fiddaling with a purpose. "lemon, duck feather, heather, testros......." listing the items as he went.

21:41:28 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Vorian walked circled behind the enemy army and crept up on them with surprising speed. He finally put on his special ring, which endows partial invisibility to the wearer to  make them nearly impossible to detect unless  an enemy is looking  very carefully, and brandished his short sword and dagger. Quickly he stabbed 2 orcs from behind before they even saw him. A few tried to turn around, but he brought them down with his blade before they were able to.
    Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a very large ogre charged into the fray (trampling some of the smaller orcs as he came). He swung a large battle-axe down upon Vorian with all his might. Vorian quickly parried the blow with his short sword and side-stepped to avoid having to take the full weight of it as he knew the ogre could overpower him. He lunged at the ogre with his dagger, but the ogre knocked him aside with his arm. Vorian quickly rolled away just in time to avoid an orc's spear. He got up and threw his knife into the orc's neck, and then charged at the orc, pulling out his knife as he launched himself off the orc's body before it fell down dead, and jumped on the ogre from behind.
    He stabbed it in the back just as the ogre threw him off onto an orc. Another orc slashed Vorian's arm, but his blade kept going and killed the orc upon who Vorian had fallen. Vorian stabbed the orc with his shortsword, then turned to face the ogre. The knife's poison was working on it, and it's movements were slowing down. Taking advantage, Vorian jumped off another orc and shoved his sword down the beast's throat while at the same time retrieving his knife which was still stuck in the beast's back. The ogre dropped it's ax and fell down, writhing in pain. Vorian finished it off by slitting it's throat with his dagger,  and he retrieved his shortsword before continuing on to slay more orcs.

22:00:09 May 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

Following behind the Elf senturu starts to laugh, "Ehh no matter how much i hate magic im glad someone  could use it. and why not run out there, ill die eventually".

22:30:02 May 2nd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Ahh but there is much you can do do before you die! Here, you really should have noticed that they put a bad gash down your arm before I got to you, but that may have been because of your adrenaline. I think I see a medic in the tavern, see if he'll fix that arm of yours." Now, where in this light-forsaken village is the fletcher! I'll need more arrows if I don't want to exhaust myself.

06:38:55 May 3rd 07 - Sir Rhade:

Why does he know my name... oh well, no time.  "Thanks for the ride, the army's already almost into the city, we might as well just go all out at this point."

Raidel dismounted and began running down the hill and drew his sword.  As he darted through the little grouping of trees outside the city walls, he let out a warcry, taking a group of orcish archers by surprise.  He slashed through the gut of one soldier, the rolled and tripped up another, stabbing down at his throat after standing back up.  He then ran off into the midst of the battle, taking little heed of the orcs as he had found a new target.  One of the ogres was attacking without mercy, or concern for who was an enemy and who wasn't.

Raidel ran at his back, sword drawn, leapt as high as he could, and was able to get a grip on the beast's shoulders.  The ogre immediately smacked his shoulders with his fists, however, and Raidel dropped to the ground.  His enemy turned upon him and attempted to smash him with a club.  While Raidel was able to dodge the club, he didn't see the ogre's foot coming until it was too late.  The kick sent him flying, and he was slow to get back up when he landed, coughing and trying to catch his breath.  The ogre charged him and brought the club down again, but this time Raidel dodged through the beast's legs and slipped his hands into his claw gauntlets.  He jumped again, but then impaled the claws into the ogres back and started to climb.  This, of course, agitated the beast who began to swat at his back, but could not reach to where Raidel was.  When he reached the top of the ogre's back, he reached around and slashed its throat with his right claw, then slid down his back and dragged the blades the whole way.  This simply enraged the beast, who began stomping and swinging its club wildly.  As Raidel was attempted to get out of the way, the club knicked him and sent him flying back into the little wooded area, where he began to fade in and out of consciousness.

08:40:07 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

Done! excliamed seloc, by this time there where a number of contraptions whizzing about on some of the bar tables. The most remarkable being the one nearest him, a array of circles wizzing in and out each other, that almost had to be magic but in a strange way it made sence. Seloc quickly glupped down his polyjuice "Can't beat a good breakfast" he exclaimed to himself.
    Whipping all the items into his rucksack, he left th

08:40:32 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

the bar and headed toward the commotion.

17:06:36 May 3rd 07 - Sir Mac:

"Bah, the fool will probably be dead in 10 minutes!" exclaimed Mac.
"He seemed like a descent fellow so let's go help him out." replied Qymaen. "I'm up for it." said Holowan.

"Very well then. Let's go.
The stories about him are undoubtedly false. He's probably a stuck up half wit who isn't worth saving.

"For all free peoples!"
Having said that the small group charged down the hill and Mac placed his strange gem on Synth and began to shoot blasts of fire energy at his opponents. They reached the line and began hacking their way through terrified orcs. Then Mac dismounted and began to hack his way towards Raidel. Then he heard a terrified cry and turned to see the charred corpses of orcs lying on the ground while several others ran burning through the ranks.
"Well done my friend." he said to his horse.
Then he reached an orc cheiftan. This chieftan had two well armoured ogres on either side of him. I can't take them alone... Just then however Qymaen came to his side on top of his horse and he was followed by Holowan. Without a word they charged forward and began to fight. Mac and Qymaen both against an ogre while Holowan began to fight with the cheiftan. The battle was only a few seconds but it felt like it raged on for hours. Synth shone in the light as gash after gash was made in the ogre. Then the weary beast stepped back and at that moment Mac released a burst of fire energy and it fell dead.

    He then turned to see how his comrades were doing. Holowan was standing near the charred corpse of the chieftan and orcs were running every direction from where he was, but Qymaen was nowhere to be seen. He found the dead body  of the ogre a few seconds later and then he saw Grievous, but Qymaen was not on Grievous and this worried Mac greatly. A few seconds later Grievous reared up let out a long cry and charged forward. Mac then saw his target. A group of shamans surrounding the lifeless body of Qymaen. Horrified yet hopeful, Mac rushed towards them followed by Holowan and although one of the shamans was fairly powerful, the others were easily defeated. Come on Qymaen you cannot die now. Leaving Holowan to protect him while he examined his friend Mac stooped down and discovered that Qymaen's heart was still beating.

    Joyfully he quickly propped Qymaen up on his loyal warhorse and he mounted Holowan and the group withdrew to the village for Qymaen to recieve medical attention. Although saddened that people may be dying because he was in the village Mac felt that he owed his friend more for all the times when Qymaen had saved his life. Upon entering the village he quickly discovered a healer and assisted him in healing his friend.

    Qymaen had been shot in the arm by a poisoned arrow that pierced his armour. During that split second of distraction the shamans began to overwhelm him and he gradually felt his strength begin to whane. However after he fell to the ground and passed out it was only a few seconds before Mac arrived which prevented the shamans from doing any further injury.

    Mac was able to help a little bit providing magic to help the healer quickly remove the poison. Then he went to the main street and got back on Holowan to continue his assistance of the small village.

18:04:21 May 3rd 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

There's that talking horse, seems the other lad was injured. Ah well, I'm sure there's at least one good healer in the village. Erunion then saw the other headed to the battlefield, and the locals starting to rally in a knot near the front. Bloody militia won't stand a chance against veteran warriors, blast it! I'll have to go on in there and see what I can do. Why is it always me? Seeing this, Erunion charged onto the field, his Trendarat flying without thought, carving a burning scythe in the orcs line "Rally you fatherless sons of a spavined goat! Rally you bloody sheepstealers! Hold together or they'll overwhelm you you blasted fools!" Blasted farmers don't even know how to skewer a boar, let alone an orc!

Then they came. Four of them. Ogre champions. One with a cleaver, one with an axe, another with a club, and one with a sword. All of them were well armoured. "Shoot the blasted thing in the throat or the eyes you woolheaded farmers! It's not a deer for crying out loud, it's got a bloody breastplate! Those pathetic bows of yours will never peirce that! Shoot the eyes or the throat!" One went down, the one with an axe. One, not enough. Not for these sheepstealers to stand a chance. Why do I always have to do things like this??? With that thought he charged, straight towards the one with the club, trying to stay away from the other two. One long slash took out the leg at the shinbone, another stabbed it in the small of it's back, and a third took off it's head as it came crashing down. He turned to charge the one with the cleaver, when the club came crashing into his back, sending him flying. A mass of bruises, he saw the swordsogre coming, while the one with the cleaver hacked a peasent in half. Fool! I should have watched where that club was falling instead of forgetting it and charging at the other like a bloody recruit out for glory. His sword lay near the beheaded ogre, I must have dropped it when I wa*beep*. But it was too far to reach before the other one got to him. With a cry, he charged straight towards the ogre. It slashed straight down where he was standing a moment before, just as he rolled to the side of his right leg, he hamstrung it with his forearm guards, then hamstrung the other leg, kicked it right above the ankle with his shinguards, putting a trio of holes in the leg as it fell, then as the head came crashing down beside him, he tore it's throat out with the forearm guard. The whole fight had lasted seconds, and the third ogre was down with a boar-spear in it's leg and it's head half severed with a bill. Eight peasents were down, three of them dead. Too many casualties, Light! Let these farmers hold. With that he started tossing fire into the ranks of attacking orcs, as well as using the farmers arrows as carriers for his fiery shockwaves. Light! Let us hold long enough.

19:01:31 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

Seloc seeing an cluster of milita decided to follow them. Inevitablely they lead to the orc the milita themselves seemed to group near the front, lost he decided to follow them. The frey started instantly. An orc seeing him as an easy target charged, seloc wipping a potion out of his belt threw it at the orcs head. It instantly ducked but the vial continued and hit another orc it immediatly erupted into a sea of blue flame. The charging orc swung it axe in a wide arc, to wide it missed seloc by inches. Above the din of battle Seloc could just heard some nut-case scream some inaudiable taunts. Strangly enougth they where directed at the peasent folk. The orc had prepared for another swing, this one was aimed this time but easyily doudged, a neatly aim short sword to the head settled the matter.
       Seloc very quickly found himself with nothing to do, and instead of charge head long into the orcs. He decided to turn his attention upon the injured. Using a mixture of banages and potion he set to treating people.

20:01:55 May 3rd 07 - Lord Senturu:

Senturu saw as the Elf and Farmers took down the Ogres but he had no time to Help. a small detachment of Orcs split off from the main force and began to Flank there position. Senturu gripped his sword even tighter and charged the oncoming Orcs, when he reached them he Blocked the first sword slash at his face. then countered with a wide swing taking down three Orcs. he moved faster and faster with each sword stroke an Orc fell.

As senturu finished off the small detachment of Orcs he heard the Twang of Bow strings being released. looking up he saw a good two dosen arrows headed his way. "blast. this is not a good day!" he muttered to himself. too late to get out of the way Senturu jammed his sword in the ground and began to concentrate, a moment before the arrow*beep* him they  bounced off an invisable shield. Letting go of the magic Senturu started to pick up his sword when a stray arow took him in the shoulder. looking down at the arow Senturu grabbed the shaft and broke it. he then got up and picked up his sword and began running over to the Elf and Farmers.

21:13:29 May 3rd 07 - Sir Mac:

    Mac returned to the battle knowing that Qymaen was in good hands. He had left the horses behind this time and had told Holowan that if the village was going to fall that he was to take as many of the citizens as he could and he was to have Qymaen strapped to his horse while they withdrew. Mac however would continue to fight until from his bones his flesh be hacked. As he pulled it from his back Synth shone despite the darkness of the metal. He rushed forward into the battle, just in time to see a human stop several arrows with an invisible sheild. Not bad, he thought to himself then continued onward. Eventually he arrived beside a young teenager and began to fight the orcs around him. Synth struck true every time he swung it.

    The exhaustive battle continued but Mac made sure that nothing happened to the teen and they became a formidable team. During one instance Mac had exhausted himself having used his magic to break the weapon of a quick orc. Then another orc came upon him and it may have been Mac's final hour if not for a quick stab from the teen. The two of them then withdrew a little bit and Mac began to shoot mage blasts at the army while the teen covered the front of the little hillock. "It's going to be a long day."

06:40:26 May 4th 07 - Sir Rhade:

Raidel was finally on his feet again, having cleared his head after the heavy blow from the ogre, who appeared to now be laying lifeless on the battlefield due to some major blood loss.  There was a great deal of rumbling coming from behind him, however, and as Raidel slipped behind a tree to look for whatever it was coming from, he went white.

There, approaching him were the most khaz he had ever seen in one place during his life time.  That wasn't actually saying much, since the most he had ever seen was two, but there were at least a hundred approaching the city.  From foot to head, the smallest among them stood at least fifteen feet tall, the largest somewhere above twenty.  Completely metal, these robotic golems ran off some intricate clockwork, but could cause some rather nasty explosions if destroyed, as Raidel had seen once many years ago.

This is impossible, since Mechan was destroyed no khaz have been in production, especially in good enough shape to actually be used in war.

Decididing to fight instead of pondering, Raidel scrambled up a tree with low hanging branches.  He then waited for a khaz to pass nearby, and leapt out, landing on a shoulder.  Immediately the golem swung at him with its opposite arm, but Raidel simply dodged to the other shoulders.  Noticing a large number of tubes and wires coming out of its body and up its neck, he began slashing at the wires, causing a reaction from the golem.  It immediately careened to one side, and slammed into a try, throwing Raidel off to the ground.  Slowly it regained control and, while still tilting a little to the side, began trying to crush Raidel.  He rolled out of the way as quickly as he could, dodging narrowly each time, until he could get back to his feet and start running.

Raidel slipped behind another tree, hung his gauntlets on his belt and drew his sword again.  As the khaz approached he enflamed the sword and struck the tree as quickly and as hard as he could.  The newly enchanted blade sliced through the tree which fell after a kick from Raidel.  The khaz was too cumbersome to get out of the way in time, so was struck by the full force of the falling tree, knocking one of its arms awry.  Noticing the gaping hole the dislocated arm had left, Raidel scrambled up another tree and leapt into the air.  He threw the still flaming sword into the khaz, which flew straight through the hole and into the golem's chest. 

For a moment all the air around the khaz seemed to compress and everything went silent, then a split second later it exploded, sending Raidel flying back before he even touched the ground.  His sword hit the ground a few metres away, but even as he was busy counting his blessings a shrill scream pierced the air.  He slowly sat up and scanned the area, then saw the source.  Three large dragons, one with a rider, had recently flown into view, and were making their way quickly towards the city.  Raidel then looked over at the new khaz that had joined the fray, and saw that they had begun to rip the town apart.

So....time to go, then.

Raidel stood, picked up his sword, then took off running as fast as he could east, away from the army and the town.

07:12:01 May 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Senturu looked up and saw the Dragons fly right over him. this is turning into a very bad day. Senturu thought as he realized that this is a losing battle. calling to the Elf. "This is a losing battle Elf. get those farmers outa here or they'll die".

Looking over Senturu noticed a man running to the east. "this way Elf" he called before he took off after the man.

09:06:22 May 4th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

Seloc noticing dragon on there way, knew there was no way to win. Instead he set about stalling them. Deep within the confides of his bag lay a glimmering silver vail he downed it in one. The pain was unbearable. Skin lay all around him. His skin, but no blood. He had no arm but instead the lay a giant golden wing. It worked. The giant golden eagle set of into the sky, heading directly toward the dragons.
    His beak just missed the first dragon, switching his dive then toward the second rider. Talon*beep* steel as the rider tryed to fend him off, the fight dissolved as a dragon hit seloc from behind. The beast had his talons around Seloc's wings, a quick barrel roll sorted this problem. The third dragon joined in now. Seloc was not fairing as well as he hoped. He could last maybe 5 minutes more, but just as that thought was thought a dragon crash into him from behind. Everything was black, he was falling. The dragon paying no head to there fallen pray continued there flight toward the city.
    Seloc was unconsious, and slowly turning human again as he fell. He still had a while before he hit the ground. Seloc quick swift flight to the ground was enevitable. It came closer. But just before he hit the ground a cloud on magic caught him, absording the worst of the fall. He was alive. Just.

(your pick who cast magic)

17:01:13 May 4th 07 - Sir Mac:

"Come quickly!" Mac said to his new companion.
"Why?" he replied.
"Dragons! Come now!"
Why couldn't they have not sent reinforcements.

    Noticing a familiar person falling down from the sky Mac quickly created a sheild around him but had no time to check to see if he was alive.
Crazy heros trying to do everything themself.

    The two of them quickly ran to the city dodging the lumbering khaz. His companion did not react fast enough though and caught the full swing of the khaz's weapon. Mac turned and saw the lifeless body of his fighting companion lying on the ground. He knew he couldn't go back and check to see how he was so he continued to the where he had left his friend and horses. He passed where the khaz were destroying the town and came to the spot. Remembering what he had told Holowan, he knew that their would be no one there. So went inside the building and waited for the khaz.

"Who is this?"
"It's me Holowan!"
"What are you doing here!? Is Qymaen safe?"
"Yes the healer and he are waiting for us somewhere to the east."
"Where are you?"
"I am behind the building come quickly!"

Running out the back Mac found his horse and they quickly left the city.

"Thank you for disobeying me."
"It was my pleasure."

The two of them then left the inevitable defeat the village was facing and withdrew to the east where Qymaen was.

"There you are. I must stay here and wait for the battle to end so that I can see if their are any survivors." said the healer.
"Very well, but how is he doing?" replied Mac
"Quite well. He is strong and your assistance has probably saved his life. There is nothing more that needs to be done for him. It will take a week for him to fully heal." replied the healer
"Thank you! Good luck to you." said Mac.

With that the two of them left and continued to the east. Seeing Raidel Mac led the group towards him.

19:28:43 May 4th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Blood and bloody ashes! I haven't seen so many Khaz since the fall of, of, oh blast it! Blasted memory! "Pull out! Stick together and pull out you sheepgutted fishmongerers! Move it! Double time! Stick together, and we are going to get out of here double time! Move you sheepstealing dung-carters!"

With that, the militia (and a few armed farmers) began to jog out of the town, in an organized square. Sorta organized. "Stick together you lazy farmboys or you bloody fools will be killed one at a time! Together I said! Orcs are lazy cowards unless driven, or hungry, and they'll hunt through the town before turning on a formation of armed troops getting out of here! Stick together or you'll be stuck in some ogres sandwich! Together I said!" Blasted useless militia, I should just leave them alone to get eaten. Bah! Me and my conscience! Just then one of the dragons swooped down. "Scatter and stay low! NOW!" Saying that Erunion followed his own advice. Only the dragon wasn't about to comply and fly away. Blast! It tried to breath fire, but Erunion redirected the flames up into the dragon. Saving the militia, but enraging the beast. Cursed sheepstealers are getting me in some serious trouble. The dragon swooped down, snapping at Erunion and slashing with his talons. Dodging the bite Erunion sent a firey wind at the talons, pushing them to the sides and preventing them from hitting him. He then slashed at the tail, putting a deep gash in it and then caused an explosion right beneath the Dragons hindquarters, flipping the creature who landed on it's head. Much better, now it's down to my size, well, maybe not that, at least it's not airborne any more! "Stick together and run you flaming farmers, I'll deal with this thing!" The dragon started to move at Erunion, reared back it's head, then was shocked as Erunion ran in and slashed at it's jaw. Working quickly, Erunion cut the right front leg, then jumped up and pushed his sword along the full length. He pulled it out, fell down into a rolling dive, slashed the underside again, then the dragon decided to crush him. It fell on him. At least I'll have bought the farmers some time.

Then he blacked out.

23:10:30 May 4th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    HOLY *beep*!!! What are those huge mechanical things...and dragons too....this day just seems to be getting worse and worse. Well, sucks for all the people that live here, but I've got to escape.

    Vorian ran through the town, now in flames. Damn it! If there was time, I could loot so much from these homes now!! Soon he ran into militiamen.
    "What happened? Where did the rest go?"
    "We were making a retreat, but then a dragon attacked and we scattered. Since we're losers we're still here because we don't know the way out..."
    "Speak for yourself! I'm not a loser!!"
    "Whatever...I don't really care, you two follow me. If we run into a group of orcs, try to keep them busy while I escape."
    "What the hell?? No way dude. We want to get out alive too...but I guess we'll follow you anyways, as there's no chance we'll get out ourselves..."

    What a bunch of imbeciles..why am I stuck with them? He continued running through the city and soon came upon a dead dragon. Wow, whoever did this must be a pretty amazing hero. Oh my god! He's been crushed under the dragon! Damn it! He's an elf too...I guess I'll have to save him. Damn it!! I've killed enough people already, one more won't make a difference...but he's an elf!! Stupid racial kinship!! Well...maybe the 2 militiamen will actually help out...

    "Hurry! We must save him. If he's killed this dragon, his abilities will be needed in this time of chaos. Not to mention, he'll owe us, and I'm sure he would be more than willing to help us against any more of these creatures we run into."
    Hearing this, the 2 militiamen grudgingly accepted Vorian was right, and carried the unconscious body with them.  They met none of the monsters on there path, except a small orc group which Vorian quickly dealt with. After escaping from the city, Vorian decided to go east to get as far away from the army as possible.

00:18:27 May 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion slowly came to, only to realise he was covered in blood, both his and, by the smell, dragon. Memory came crashing in.
"The Militia, where are they? Did they escape? Where am I exactly? Who are you?" I still have my sword "Where is my bow? By the way, Thank you for pulling me out from under that thing. Did you kill it, or did I? I had my sword up when it tried to crush me."

00:42:10 May 5th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

    Seloc woke it a world of pain, he had fallen from the sky yet he lived. No time to ponder the mystery now the town was in flames, milita scattered, this acursed land stood no chance. Rumaging about in his rucksack he soon found what he was looking for a small green envilope, with the words "to my dearest" scribbled on it, quickly opening it a tiny green vial dropped out lifting it up he toke a small drop. He was instantly revigorated, all know his physical wound didn't seem to change much. Seloc started scrambling toward an east-ish direction. keep by the trees to remain out of sight. The town stood no chance against such an army.

01:11:49 May 5th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Senturu assured himself that he was far enough away from the enemy that he could relax..if only a little bit. he sheathed his sword and pulled out a rag from his pack and began wiping up the blood on his armor as he walked. once he was assured his armor was clean accept for whats left of the arrow sticking out of his shoulder he bent down to one knee and dug a small hole and burried the rag. getting up he continued east.

this armor needs repaired. he thought as he walked. not long after the burrying of the rag. he ran into two militia men a Dark Elf warrior and the Elf. another Elf, great. "well Elf it seems that we keep running into each other." Senturu said. taking a seat "it seems you had some fun while i was gone" looking over to the Elf covered in blood.

01:48:40 May 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"If this is fun, please, please let me live a boring life. Bah! I feel like every bone in my body is broken! They probably are, too. By the way, whelp, the names Erunion Telcontar. Yours?"

02:50:46 May 5th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Grinning Senturu replied. "im Senturu, im afraid im not the best at Healing. but i do a little. would you like me to see what i can do for you?"

03:47:11 May 5th 07 - Sir Mac:

Leading his small group, Mac came across two militia, an elf, a dark elf, and a human sitting around.

"It seems we fought in the same war today so let me introduce myself. I am Mac, this is my wounded friend Qymaen, and these are our horses, Holowan, and Grievous."

04:41:38 May 5th 07 - Sir Rhade:

Scanning the area behind him, Raidel noticed two figures moving towards him. Two orcish scouts, riding horses, were quickly traveling east, presumably to check out the next city. He knew a desert lay in the way, and while the orcs may or may not have known, they wouldn't make it either way. Running as fast as he could at the orcs, he made sure to stay in the horse's path, the used its neck to propel himself up and kicked the rider square in the chest. The orc flew off, which left Raidel clinging still to the horse's neck, until the animal calmed down again and Raidel was able to take control. His first act was to turn around, draw his sword, and impale the orc that had just stood up. He then began to cautiously move back towards the city.

From far away he noticed a small group that appeared to be resting, and approached with his hand on his sword. When he recognized the man who had given him a ride he relaxed a little, but then remembered that the man also knew who he was. Immediately after he dismounted, he drew his sword and pointed it at the man, for he couldn't have random people knowing much about him, or his services to many clients would be forfeit.

"Who are you, and why do you know me?"

04:49:29 May 5th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Hearing the approaching rider. Senturu lept up and drew his sword. Looking at the new arrival, he noticed that the new man had his sword pointed at Mac. "who are you?. so far as i see you have no reason to draw your sword on this man. explain yourself." Senturu commanded

10:24:29 May 5th 07 - Mr. Sorank Seloc:

    Seloc, stood on the clearing looking down. 10 orcs and there mounts were there, one started walking his way. He hid behind a tree untill he came past, throwin*beep*ellow vial at it's head, the orc's head seemed to melt it let out asn ear pieceing scream. Seloc quickly commandeered the horse from the burning orc and rode. The orcs below must of heard as there where charging after him.
     Keeping his east heading, staying low on his horse in a urge to make it move faster. Arrows now where wizzing by him, thankfully the aim was of but never the less an arrow clipped his hand. A small group of people camping lay to his south- east changing direction he rode towards them. The orcs must of realised his intentions as they all made a reckless dash, to cut him off.

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