Forums / Roleplaying / THE VILLAGE - THE NEW WORLD

07:57:30 Jan 13th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Sir Karzun Demonsul


1/12/2009 2:03:11 PM
[[To accommodate for my couple-of-day absence, my character will now go sick until I return. I entrust colony command to all the other players/group leaders, they will work as a democratic council with decision making meetings and votes and stuff.]]

[[OOC: He's going to be gone until at least the 14th based on that comment...]]

08:21:16 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

[[Hmmmm I see, cant we just wait one more day then?]]

14:39:10 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer glanced at the yellowed and crinkled map in front of him. Since Demonsul had taken sick, it would be best for each leader to cast a vote. Killer pondered for a while. "I am not versed in such matters, but I vote that we go to this area here," he declared, pointing to the area labelled 2, "for it should be defendable in case there happens to be any intelligent creatures upon this isle, or even hungry ones would be enough of a threat. Besides, I'd imagine that the small inlet may be useful for landing the vessel, but not too hard to maneuver to. However, as I stated, I am not versed in such matters, and if any of you gentlemen put up a good argument, I'd be more than willing to follow your lead. It is I pity the captain has taken sick, but it may be foolish to wait until he's cured."

14:59:28 Jan 13th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Michael had managed to glance at the paper while being mostly silent on the later part of the voyage.  "I believe that the area marked three would be sufficient.  The island could be a break against any violent waves and stormy weather that could damage our ship.  It could also be a place to retreat to if we are threatened greatly." said Michael as he moved to the corner silently.

17:59:21 Jan 13th 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

*Ranraac looked out as the others talked amongst themselves about where to land. Getting up, he calmly walked over to the table and looked at the map. ''I must agree with Deallus. Area One seems too open but Area Three has a number of different bays nearby to keep our ships safe should any stormy weather befall us.'' Ranraac wanted to get of the ship... he was starting to forget the feel of solid land under his feet.*

18:55:08 Jan 13th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Pulling the arrow out of his sleeve, Wilber cut off the wood and kept the arrow head. Wilber then made a small hole in the head and inserted a length of string and put it around his neck. Then took great care to put his hood back up and make sure it was not visible to anyone.
That fool, thinking he can get involved in business that doesn't involve him. He may meet with this again if he's not careful.
Wilber then returned to the cold and damp shadows of the hold. To contemplate his next course of action. Making sure to knock anyone over who stood in his way.

22:49:25 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Electric:

"Number two is best, I agree with Killer." said Electric, "It has a more enclosed room, and is closer to a lake for farming." With this, Electric walked  out and went below decks, and took a nap in a hammock.

14:55:43 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

The decision was made and the course set, the destination they had labeled 2, they would soon arrive at.

16:30:56 Jan 14th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:


3 - Septim, Deallus, Wraith

2 - Electric, Killer

...Wilber didn't vote, so wtf? Are you even reading people's posts?]]

16:51:09 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

[[OOC: From the content in Deallus's post, it looks like he meant 1...He mentioned the island, which isn't present at 3.  I'm confused, Deallus.]]

17:08:16 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

[[Oopsies...meant 1...]]

18:42:10 Jan 14th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[3 - Septim, Wraith

2 - Electric, Killer

1 - Deallus

Wilber should break the stalemate...unless he votes for one. >< XD]]

18:44:29 Jan 14th 09 - Mr. Killer:

There's other players as well... Where ever they are.

19:01:00 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

[[Well, Wraith agreed with wouldn't he be a 1 also? Unless he really wanted 3]]

19:04:27 Jan 14th 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Yea... I understood that as a 3 >.<

19:05:21 Jan 14th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

[[*Takes the island from one and moves it to three to solve everything*]]

19:10:04 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Hirgon contemplated the map for a few minutes.  "Location 1 looks the best to me.  We can shelter our ship behind that peninsula away from the sea, and the island should provide another layer of protection against storms on the open waters.  Like Deallus said, we can retreat to the island if necessary; we may eventually establish an outpost on it, as well..."

20:09:39 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[Septim, I am an isolated person. I choose not to vote. I can do if its even though and I'm being relied upon]]

20:12:58 Jan 14th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: You were also about to shank me...-_- XD]]

20:18:42 Jan 14th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[Damn right. I'll continue RPing once we sort out where we're going]]

11:57:56 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Salaracen The Good Dancer:

Beia decided that without the captain all this voting would get them no where, considering their low crew count. so he decided to vote also.
"I choose 'umber 2, now that thats settled we may finally begin to end this journey."

[[Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it! To solve to inactive problem I took control of the situation, this is the one time that will actually happen. Thank god we never have to use democracy again...]]

20:02:07 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Rhade:

On his way to speak with the captain, Rhade had been informed by one of his aides that the captain had fallen ill, and not only that, that a co-commander of the labourers had been appointed.  Having returned to speak with this co-commander Rhade witnessed the confrontation between Septim and the man the aide pointed out.  Headstrong, dangerous, this was the kind of man who would either get them all killed or save everything in this new kind of world.

Rhade decided to let the matter slip, and as democracy set in, also decided to make his escape from the discussion.  Wherever they landed, his men would be ready to go.

20:18:02 Jan 15th 09 - Mr. Killer:

[See, no. 2 was the sensible one to pick...]

Killer was relieved that the voting had ended, there had been a tension in the room. He was also secretly glad that the wise Beia Thorr had chosen the one he had picked, for all his talk, Killer was unsure of the others' decisions. Electric's sight must be failing, he decided, he had looked at the map invertedly, not seeing the boat nor the coast lines. Elsewise, Killer had not grasped the concepts of cartography. Killer was well aware this might be so, but he doubted the ship would sail across dry land, pestered by an intimadating sea-monster.

22:32:58 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[SAL: "Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it! To solve to inactive problem I took control of the situation, this is the one time that will actually happen. Thank god we never have to use democracy again..."]]

[[I may be back, but I may also keep democracy. Oh, the look on your face! Of course, the chairman gets the deciding vote in case of a tie, solving the issue...and I am the chairman.]]

Demonsul stirred, feeling far better than he had been in the previous days. Rising, he climbed wearily to the top deck, and looked out at the ocean. "Haven't we landed yet?" he moaned, before wandering over to the nearest person, who happened to be Killer. "Okay, what's been happening while I was sick?"

22:43:03 Jan 16th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer answered the question hesitantly, "Well, not altogether too much, captain. There was a vote, as you're probably aware, as to where to land, according to that map of yours. We chose to land at the area number two." Killer glanced at the weary man in front of him, and decided to tell him as little as possible about the scuffle. "There was also a slight discontment in the ranks, but it's sorted now sir. You'd best carry on back to bed sir, you'll need to conserve your energy for the landing, it won't be too long I'd imagine. As I'm sure the wise scholar Electric will agree," pointing to Electric. "Now, I must see that my men are ready," he continued, slipping away from Demonsul in case he asked any more questions about the 'discontentment'. He did do as he said however, and organised his men to be ready to land.

23:03:23 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul decided to call an assembly of the crew, to make some sort of speech before the big landing. Although he was indeed tired, there was no time for resting inside; the landing was imminent.

After the entire ship was assembled on deck, Demonsul stood on a raised platform overlooking the crowd. There were a thousand settlers here, the number daunted Demonsul even now. It was ridiculous that he should command them all. Clearing his throat, Demonsul stepped forward.
"Now, I am sure we are all aware that we will be landing soon. We will be landing, if I may say so, in a new world. A completely blank slate. We will be turning over a new leaf for mankind!" (cheers) "Of course, we all will have responsibilities in this new world. I will be forced to lead you, and no, it is not an easy task. Everyone here has an important role to play, and the entire venture could easily depend on one man." ("Or woman!" shouts a woman)
"However, what we have here is a completely free chance. Although we may have been sent by our nations, we are too far from them for  them to maintain control! So, what we have here is the founding of a new nation, a new world once more! We are free to resculpt society in any way we choose! We need to take advantage of this. Indeed, while I was taken sick, the leaders among us debated and decided on the very location of this colony! I was told that the procedure was smooth and hardly contested," (muttering) "and thus have decided to create our society like this. Our leaders will form a council, and the Council will represent the people, that means you!" (cheers) "And so, with this new Council making decisions, you will be closer to the decisionmaking than ever before. It will be a land for the people, and the people will create a perfect land!"
As the audience broke into greater cheering than before, Demonsul stepped backwards. Turning to the somewhat bewildered-looking new Council, Demonsul said to them, "would anyone care to say a few words?"

23:15:08 Jan 16th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

After hearing this speech, Hirgon looked out towards the open sea to hide his face from Demonsul and the crowd.  Hawk eye is troubled at this news; from the Captain's words, it was unclear just how much say the people would have in decisions.  He searched for a fellow military man, and spotted Septim close by.  He edged towards the older man, and said quietly from the corner of his mouth, "Major, what does he mean, 'a new leaf for mankind?'  If every one of my archers, or each of your cavalrymen has a say in decisions, our miliitary force will be rendered useless!  If this new Council has to be consulted for orders in defending the colony, we may as well turn back now..."

01:28:06 Jan 17th 09 - Mr. Electric:

Electric walked downstairs and came up with some extremely acidic liquid and some herbs. "Watch what happens when I mix these." he said. A large purple jelly-like substance popped up which was very painful to hold."Here," said Electric, "This might help you tame animals Killer."

20:50:27 Jan 17th 09 - Mr. Killer:

Killer thanked Electric, admiring the substance in the glass jar(or whatever, you'd hardly be holding an acid in your hand, it would be rather unwise) wondering what to do with it. He questioned Electric about its properties before thanking him and wandering off to hear the start of Demonsul's speech(sorry Electric, moving your post back in time). He stepped forward upon the makeshift podium, and addressed them "Members of this new esteemed Council, and to you future dwellers upon this idyllic isle, I wish to say that though the captain will have a major say in all decisions, I shall not, I am merely in charge of the beast-masters amongst you, and I feel it would be foolish to let all the members of the Council, especially one such as myself, to have a say in all matters, and I will merely be in charge of the beast-masters, and though I will gladly listen to others' suggestions, I would not do anything foolish just because I was over-ruled by this new Council, as, in my opinion, it should be each to his own. That is all, thank you." He stepped back to some mutterings, but no applause. Killer wished he had not done that on the spur of the moment.

21:24:58 Jan 17th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Looking oddly at Killer, Demonsul stepped down from the podium. If others wanted to speak, they could do it without him; he had a civilization to design.

21:30:17 Jan 18th 09 - Mr. Killer:

*pokes Salaracen*
[Can we land sometime in the near future please?]

21:46:10 Jan 18th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

[[Sorry, but I am dropping out...cannot RP for awhile right now.  Taking a leave of absence...sorry, you can stick Wilber in my place since he was kind of an extra.(or do something)]]

04:00:06 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[Mmmkay, so I'm the new warchief? xD]]

Upon hearing the retirement of the War Chief - Michael - Wilber had decided to forward himself as the new War Chief. A man of experience, of common background like the men he would command. A perfect fit for the part it may be said.

Wilber approached Demonsul and explained his reasoning in the mildist mannered way he could manage.

The other officers may call him a jump up, or undeserved of the position. What the hell do they know.

"Demonsul, will you accept my proposal?"

16:40:49 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul considered this. "Hmm...this is an unexpected issue. With Michael joining the peasantry, we need a warchief, but my first choice would have benn Septim, to tell you the truth." Demonsul was silent for a moment as he thought this through.
"I know, we will put this to the new council, to test it. All remaining leaders who choose can vote on who they think will take the title as new warchief. I'll only vote if there is a tie."
A few minutes later, the leaders were assembled, and the question was put forward.

18:17:26 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

"I nominate Major Septim," said Hirgon early in the meeting.

18:47:56 Jan 19th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

"I sure hope this doesn't end up like the Old World...were some old bastard who thinks he knows what he is doing sends his men out to die on the battlefield..." said Septim in his rough voice to Hirgon, "Because if so, then I might as well have not left..."


"That's nice of you," said the battlescarred officer as he heard Hirgon say his name, "It's against my personal code of honor to vote for myself, so I'll vote for Hirgon, as he seems to be a military man with a good head on his shoulders."

[[OOC: I never like to vote for myself. =P]]

19:32:32 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Upon hearing the news that Demonsul would not accept the offer but force a vote upon the matter, Wilber went balistic. Returning to the hold he destroyed crates of food, flipped chairs and tables and got into a fight with one of the cavalrymen and two archers.
He punched the cavalryman in the gut (who fell down sidewards like a sack of spuds) and turned to the archers and drew his blade. The archers had seen it though and in turn, drew their blades.

Just before the action commenced however, Wilber overheard the meeting and Septim and Hirgon's little chat.
Then with lightning fast reactions and cat-like agility, Wilber spun on the spot and quickly retreated, stepping over the downed Cavalryman on the way.

"Septim, are you calling me a fool or an old bastard?"

19:35:26 Jan 19th 09 - Lord Frost Wraith:

''It matters not, I vote Septim as well'' Ranraac said quietly getting up and holding his staff lightly out in front of him. From under the hood, his eyes scanned Wilber over calmly and cooly. He didn't like this hot-headed man, and certainly wouldn't serve under him.

20:31:45 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul eyed Wilber coldly. After a little thought, he spoke. "I recommend we not choose this man, had anyone considered it. His fighting skills may seem good, but I doubt with that temper that he would be a good tactician. I think that, at most, he ought to take the position of whoever moves up to warchief."

20:59:14 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[I wasn't planning on going warchief after you suggested the vote, (knowing the main candidate/vote would be for septim and hence the self-saboutage) but I'll up his position if its needed]]

19:27:28 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Hmmmm...this vote is taking a while...>.>]]

20:00:46 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Killer:

[Has Salaracen gone inactive again during this excellent RP? ]

20:03:33 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: I don't know, but if he does, I propose that one of us adopts it. This is going good. I would suggest Demonsul, seeing as he's the Captain/Grand Councilor.]]

23:59:17 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Electric:


16:35:30 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Hell no, my foot is across the threshold of the exit door. Somebody else.]]

Demonsul waited, and when nobody else stepped forward, he spoke. "It is decided, the title of warchief now falls to Septim!"

And so Septim became warchief, and Wilber was forced to take the office of cavalry commander.

18:43:19 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[Wilber was forced? :P]]

Wilber, learning he had become the new Cavalry Commander stepped forward to speak to his men. Most of them feared him after he took down one of their most powerful corporals, with ease.

"Listen. I am your new officer, follow me and you shall survive. Don't follow me and I'll kill you myself. Simple? Good, well as you were."

18:48:10 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Killer:

[I'll take it over, if no one else will. I'd much rather Salaracen did it, but it would be terrible to leave this for dead, even worse than stealing his thread.

19:29:53 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

[[This can't die! It's my first proper RP, excluding werewolf games..]]

19:58:18 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Killer:

[Well, whoever is doing it, we'll need a tally. Can everyone in this RP post if they are still playing. I'm underlining whoever might still be playing, and emboldening the ones I'm more sure about. Whoever will probably need to split the jobs up.

1 Septim - War chief (Commands infantry and other military captains ie Wilberforce and Hirgon, Controls 70 men)
2 Wilberforce - Head rider(Captain of Cavalry controls 34 men on horses)
3 Hirgon - Hawk eye (Commander of the archer division, Controls 18 Archers)
4 Demonsul - Captain of the Vessel 'Our lady', Organizer of the colony. (The boss, commands all 1,000)
5 Wraith - Head mage(Controls 3 mages)
6 Killer - Beastmaster (Controls 40 men)
7 Electric - Scholars (Controls 9 men)
8 Vishnu - Farmer - (Controls 79 men)
9 Rhade - Labourer - (Controls 220 men)
10 Travis - Captain of the Guard (Law enforcement, Controls 20 guards)
11 Gigant - Blacksmith (in control of 60 men)

The ones underlined(Rhade, Travis) only I doubt are playing, they only made a post or two. Gigant and Vishnu haven't made any posts though.]

20:48:43 Jan 22nd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

[[OOC: Demonsul's not going to do it? Killer would be best then. I have The Great War, Resistance, War of Ghosts, and Wasteland (if it ever gets ANYBODY) to worry about. And plus I leave for five days every other weekend.]]

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