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The Place-Warzone
20:03:46 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Jonas Topal stands atop the inner wall. He pulls a spyglass from one of his coat pockets and looks out at the force approaching Oceanus. 100,000 demons with only barely 20,000 defenders.

I guess we'll just have to send five back to the void apiece then...

Topal climbs down and approaches the rest of the army.

"A force of about 100,000 approaches, and we have 20,000. Remember, Septim conquered all of this continent with 20,000, we have a chance, and Septim had no airships", says Topal, "This is the last Eraborian fortress, it must not fall, if we defeat this force then we can move to Erabor and from there we will rescue the Emperor!"

[[OOC: Oceanus is the island fortress. It is that massive island in the Gulf of Erabor...]]

20:10:40 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[Indeed, hence the smoke was coming from the north - Erabor]

[And I resent that implication that demons come from the Void! The Void is, well, the Void. It's... Void. That's the point of the Void. Demons come from Hades, Cereberus, the lower energy planes in general. The Void is.. special. And demon-free]

20:12:53 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( hmmm the void is the void? or maybe the void is the void because the void became the void which became the void is that right? )

20:12:55 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( hmmm the void is the void? or maybe the void is the void because the void became the void which became the void is that right? )

20:31:58 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

"Sir, I suggest that we prepare the defences a fast as we can. We should keep the navy near the coast line. They should be the first line of defense. If they will be destroyed, the crews can then join our land forces. The navy can buy us some time to destroy the outer rimm of fortifications and strenghten the inner rimm. My air ships are awaiting orders."

[We have around 24k to 25k men. 4k brought by me + the navy and air ships crews.]

20:38:53 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{We have a navy?}

"Delran, take your airships and harass the incoming enemy.
The are coming from the north west. I want half of the eastern, southeastern and southern defenders to move to the western, northewestern and northern walls immediately.
Drakonius, I leave the Drakonions to be used as you see fit.
Eskar, have the 12th legion reinforce the northwestern wall."

20:55:07 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Mights army arrives at the caves and fan out into defensive positions while Might goes to the top to try and contact Erunion.*

[Erunion, you hear this in your mind.]

"Erunion, where are you? Im at the Serif Caves in Erabor."

20:55:26 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

sir! look coming from the south its strange airships! Zryike comes to see the commotion and looks at the airships...

"Don't fire! their other mages! They land and greet Zryike while they give the 200 airships they came in to the army, their armament: 2 rapid fire crossbows on each wing and weak defense plating, each one carried 2 mages

inventory so far 4 troops and stuff:

402 mages including master mages

1000 drakonions

6000 Eraborians

2000 orcs

2000 Serpentians

500 trolls

5000 elves

1000 hobbits

2000 Tigarians

1000 monkey warriors


500 heavy airships under Mights command

300 heavy and 200 light airships under Delrans command

50 commandos and I cant seem to count the number of ships

20:59:44 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Im now where near you! SHUSH! I have 2k elite guard...]

21:00:28 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Thanks Zryike, but I'll make a few improvements.

402 mages including master mages. Not including mages already in the ranks.

Numbers are approximate.

1000 drakonions

6000 Eraborians

2000 orcs

2000 Serpentians

500 trolls

5000 elves

1000 hobbits

2000 Tigarians

1000 monkey warriors


500 heavy airships under Mights command (Not here yet.)

300 heavy fighters and 200 light fighters under Delrans command (Note, I will now class Might's bigun's as Airships and the rest as Fighters, or Aircraft.)

50 commandos and I cant seem to count the number of ships???}

"Thank the heavens! Reinforcements! Half of you magi, go to the northern, western and southwestern walls. The other half, take your airships and place yourself under Delran's command. He is organizing a preemptive airstrike, so be ready to fight."

21:01:03 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( what i meant by ships was water ships )

21:01:31 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Might? You're alive? We are in the citadel of Oceanus, come here as soon as possible, we're under attack. An army of 100 thousand demons are coming. I suspect that they'll send some undead at us after that."

21:04:28 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike places himself with the magi at the northern wall. " OK mages you know what to do when Delran is done with is attack we shall see if the like tidal waves!"

( btw how are the demons getting across? )

21:29:40 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[Commandos? Who brought the commandos?]

[And Zryike, just no. No. The Void is the Void, has always been, will always been. It was one of the few self-explanatory things in the universe, and breaches causality as it sees fit]

Verthias frowned as he saw the fighter-airships whizzing over the heads of him and his men in their dozens. The firepower on those things would be enough to flatten most cities: What was coming down from the north that needed this number of reinforcements?

He briefly considered jumping on board one of the ships, but decided against it. If he landed in the turbines, even he would not be able to avoid meeting a sticky end, and his men would certainly not be able to jump the four-hundred-meter plus distance. He decided to make all haste to the massive wall to the north. He conveyed the order to his men with a wave and a yell, and they set off at a run that he knew they could carry on all day.

21:46:00 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Sir, we have a platoon of troops running towards the wall yelling."

"What!??! Second platoon, 501st, with me."
Erunion and a platoon of the 501st teleported, landing twenty meters in front of Verthias.

"Hold! What are you doing here? Friend? Or foe? If the latter, prepare to die. If the former, as I suspect, welcome."

22:04:25 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( you did though you said it wasnt 50 I just made it that and the void thing i was making fun of because you kept saying weirdly ) ( once again how are the ground troops getting across if were on a island? ) Zryike walks up to Erunion. " should i teleport them sir?

* Another fact about Zryike his favorite spell is the teleport spell so thats why he popping up all over the place*

22:08:34 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{The enemy are crossing using wings, boats, and magic bridges.}

22:09:52 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Jonas Topal goes into his tent and sleeps, awaiting orders.

22:11:22 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( Thank you! ) Sir still awaiting orders should i teleport them? ( and how are they running across water? )

22:16:08 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Teleport who? Who's running? We are currently in a city in the middle of a very, very large island. Verthias is running across the grass of this island, while the demons are just about finished crossing the water and will be here in force soon.}

22:17:27 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( ah teleport Verthias and his men so they can stop running :P )

22:18:23 Feb 27th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: A large fortress island with thirty foot thick inner walls and ten foot thick outer walls, along with enough food to give a hundred thousand men food for a year and enough housing to house an army of two hundred thousand...but don't increase the army too much, I like the idea of humanity being close to extinction XD. And Verthias is a demon, why do you want to help him?]]

22:19:20 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC: lol  because we need more troops and he good right now?)

22:19:48 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Yup. We've abandoned the outer walls, and demolished them. We are defending the inner walls right now.}

22:20:48 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC those that mean to tele him? )

22:21:27 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

"Understood, Sir! I am on my way! Use the mages to give me orders. I am half human and half high elf, so I was raised to use magic."

*Delran turns to one of the mages:*

"Teleport me to the flag air ship please."

*Delran is teleported to the flag air ship and start giving commands.*

"All right men, our orders are to harras the enemy. We have 500 fighters, light and heavy. Signal to the fleet, follow the flag ship and engage the enemy from a safe distance, I do not want unnecessary casualties. Do not go too far from the main group, and do not engage them alone.Be ready to withdraw at my command!"

*The air ships are moving into battle formations. The signal to move out s given and the air fleet sets out to battle.*

22:25:24 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[You have 300 fighters I have 500 dragonships.]

"I just fought off three waves 300000 demons each! You can even hold aganst 1 wave? Ill be there just hold them off..."

22:28:06 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

22:28:10 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike start walking away muttering " oh well let them run they don't need me "

Zryike teleports to the mages at the north wall " Ok my friends before Delran hits them let u*beep* them! "

Zryike orders the mages to use ice rain " no no no my men these ice chunks are to small make them bigger! "

He then tells them how to do that and all of  sudden ice chunks the size of new born babies are falling from the sky! ( OOC: im not calculating the casualties )

22:29:04 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Might. Three waves of three hundred thousand demons each...
You've got to be joking. Three waves of Three hundred thousand undead with a few demons for stiffening, that's more reasonable.}

22:29:51 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge walks out, he is stronger now and has got a new sword by his side
His other sword was taken by the Demon Imperial Head Guard when they stromed his castle..
He plans to take it back and kill that guard for ever touching it..
He stuffs some bread in his mouth
" Here here"
The Soldiers turn
" We will take this god dam castle if its the last thing we do, till death do us worse"
A roar is heard, before they lineup
Revenge though asks for 3 people to accompany him through the back entrance
He would have gone alone had it been twenty years ago...
While they would sneak round through the forest, the main army would storm the gate and make a big diversion
Revenge drew up a plan and let the rest see it
Attack.jpg picture by chivz92

[[ Green and that - Forest
[[ Fat Arrows - main army
[[ Lines - Walls
[[ Thin arrow Sneak
[[ Yellow patch - passage to celler ]]


22:31:05 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Revenge, a good plan, but we'll need to kill the massive army of demons coming towards us first..."

22:31:15 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[We should have about 43 ships, five of them imperial battleships brought by me.]

22:31:27 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC: um revenge were going to attack when the attack on us is over )

22:32:43 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Revenge:

{ Yer I know ^^ , Im just showing you our plan on the castle }

22:33:59 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike all of a sudden appears beside Erunion " Sir me and my mages just did rain of ice could you come calculate the casualties? "

22:35:35 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"Erunion after you finish fighting off the horde I will transport the army via dragonship to my city in Mightaria. There we will get our resources."

[I just said tower did most of the killing though.]

22:50:23 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Hearing Might's request, Erunion creates an Eye in the Sky.
"You did considerable damage at the start, but after a few seconds they managed to shield themselves from it, Approximately 17 thousand demons are no where to be seen, so clearly they fell into the ocean."
"Verthias, if you are indeed a friend, and would be so willing, I advise that you place yourself on the northern wall."
Erunion prepared to teleport, but then turned and spoke to Verthias,
"One more thing, please refrain from destroying, in any way, shape or form any of my soldiers or civilians."
Having teleported back to the city, Erunion ordered all of his men to their places.
"The enemy have landed on our shores and will be here to attack in an hour. Ready yourselves!"

22:52:29 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC: since when could you tele and use eits? and it was me who requested it!)

22:57:48 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*The air fleet engages the enemy, just as they try to land on the shores of Oceania, slowing them and alowing High General Erunion to organize o better defense. The battle is tought, but the crews follow their commander's orders and engage the enemy in groups of 3 to 4 fighters. Under no circumstance, the groups do not get too far from the main battle group of 25 heavy fighters directly commanded by General Delran.*

[Erunion, you can send the navy to help me, it would create more havoc in their ranks, and I can destroy more demons. Also, I will withdraw only at your order. You will decide my casualties.]

23:01:51 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike uses eits seeing how many are missing. " Erunion there is now 74389
enemy demons left "

23:03:35 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Zryike, I've always been a competent mage, an excellent fighter and a brilliant tactician. You and Silverscar are better mages than I am, so I've placed you in command of your individual segments, but I am still a very good mage.}
A ball of crystal flickered to life in the admirals cabin.
"Admiral, take your fleet and harass the demonic horde, but only use ranged weapons, do not directly engage."
Another such ball flickered to life in the Command Aircraft.
"General Delran, fight a retreating and a strafing action against the enemy. I want you to pull off then harass the flanks, stay high, drop potions. Avoid direct engagement, we cannot afford a high level of casualties."

The fighters had already lost twelve of the lighter craft and seven of the heavier.

23:09:07 Feb 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Zyrike, they started with 200k, and we haven't killed that many...
The enemy currently have in this battle approx 147k. Our aircraft give us a decided advantage as the only response to them the enemy can give is by using magic, and as there is a mage in every fighter they're rather difficult to destroy.
Unfortunately, most Demons fly, so if the fighters maintain engagement pretty soon they'll be swarmed by the enemy. Our craft, however, are far, far faster than the demons, so a hit and run style tactic will be extremely effective.}

23:19:21 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran imediately order the fighters to gain altitude and drop potions.*

"Allright men! New orders: Do not engage them directly, concentrate all attacks on their flank*beep* and run tactics. We have to buy more time. Use all available means to fight them."

*The fighters proceed to follow the orders. After gaining altitude, a rain of fire hit the center of the demon navy, and the fighters started to engage the flanks. Flying in zig-zag, in 3-4 fighters formation, they would hit any enemy in sight and then flee for safety near the main group. Any demon foul enough to get to close was killed instantly. Then the ships would hit the demons again and again.*

23:24:13 Feb 27th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[I am going to sleep now. Erunion, you can call my forces off anytime.]

00:27:13 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC: um at the tops of page number 2 you say theres 100,000 coming not 200,000 )

01:11:17 Feb 28th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Umm... Well... *Tugs collar.*
100k demons with 100k undead.}

01:25:18 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( ok well there only 74389 demons left now )

01:30:13 Feb 28th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: 500,000 demons guard Erabor, and when they see us one hundred will arrive per minute (game time). minor cities have about 5,000 guarding them apiece, and the capitals have about 20,000 apiece. Upon liberating cities you gain troops from the prisons there, about 5,000 per city and 10,000 for the capital...]]

03:47:52 Feb 28th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

( OOC: but we have to wait for this invasion to be over to be able o took provinces back right? )

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