Forums / Roleplaying / The Place-Warzone

The Place-Warzone
02:36:25 Mar 15th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I have a plan...jeeze...]]

The Xerillians arrive at the coast in massive numbers, they run up the coast and destroy all defensive positions. Validus Septim uses his blade to wipe out several key figures and thousands of men, but he soon has to retreat. The remainder of the Erusian forces march forward, 35,000 men versus 1,000,000.

[[OOC: Just fight, something will happen that will result in Xerillia's destruction...]] 

02:58:34 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion's airfleet, which contrived almost solely of fighters and light fighters, was still largely intact.
Using their superior speed and maneuverability, they managed to devastate the Xerillian airfleet, which contrived solely of the massive dragonships. As such, they were extremely easy to hit. Most of the dragonships were made of wood, and with the Magi busy, many dragonships fell to magical fire ballista from the light fighters, which (incidentally) were nearly impossible to hit due to their high speed.

On land, the 10th division and the 501st, both with a very high contingent of mages (to be a member of either, you had to have at least a very small amount of magical ability, and every 6th soldier is skilled enough to be considered a full mage) were doing remarkably well, striking the enemy forces than using illusions and teleportation to escape.

03:18:09 Mar 15th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

A demon servant approaches Septim.

"Sir, Xerillians are invading Erus", says the demon.

"Take care of it", says Septim, "Use the terraformer only if you HAVE to..."


The Xerillians manage to defeat a quarter of the The Erusian forces, the 501st and the 10th division. Eventually, demoralized, the Erusians retreat while the Xerillians chase after them. Suddenly, the sky goes gray and the ground opens up, taking every Xerillian into it, killing every last Elf on the plain. (Except you, if you are an Elf Erunion...). The continent of Xerillia sinks into the ocean, killing all on it, including King Silverscar. The Elves are driven to extinction.


Septim's servant approaches.

"Milord, the Xerillian invasion has been...quelled...", says the demon.

"I sense much death...", says Septim, "why did you have to kill them all?"

"Because...errrr...I don't know, sorry milord...", says the demon.

"Ten ashersuches of torture for you...", says Septim.


04:04:51 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Alas, I'm not a true elf... Just a human with an elf's mortality...}

Erunion's elite forces of the 10th legion and the 501st had been mauled badly.
In their ranks, there had been a 50% mortality rate, but the survivors were proud, they had fought valiantly and killed thousands of the Xerillians, managing to defend the indefensible long enough for civilians to escape.

But now there was no Xerillia, no enemy. There was peace.

For now.

04:38:47 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:


05:40:47 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Why is all the Islands un the Eraborian Empire?! Trolls belong to me.]

05:56:30 Mar 15th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I didn't feel like erasing the Eraborian Empire thing, so just pretend they're independent. And the trolls are the most rebellious, along with the orcs, and they will revolt A LOT...]]

09:20:43 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge in his old age
Turns to the door...
There in the doorway....
A son....

Someone to take his name....
Someone to continue to rule...
Someone to take Revenge.....

16:54:30 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Revenge....sorry to say ,but I thing me or Verthias owns your former lands.]

*Might rebuilds his army makeing all the 5k men into trainers.*

19:54:58 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion rebuilds his army from the militia.
Fortunately, he already has a large number of retired soldiers training the militia. He merely has them step up into training troops for full military service and has a good portion of the militia do the same.

04:35:42 Mar 17th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: bump...]]

13:47:05 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might sits in his office surrounded by paper and various magic tools, he is holding a small stick in his hand.

***One Hour Later***

*Xerxus opens the door, "Might, I have been wondering whe---." Mights dead on the floor of his office with his hand clutching where his heart is. "Get the guards, NOW!"*

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