Forums / Roleplaying / Prominence

23:47:33 May 21st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: I control characters during major story shifting don't worry, later you'll have your own battles...]]

06:42:19 May 22nd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: The whole sides thing was sort of an unofficial vote, if more would have picked Valkond, a majority, I would have made them win this battle.]]

"All soldiers of the former Tysolon and Seron! Take up your arms and wear your armor! Valkond falls tonight!", roars a soldier walking down the street. Septim moans as he falls from his bed, he looks out his window and sees that the sun is barely up. He walks to his cupboard and opens it, he takes out his iron cuirass, his iron barbute helmet, and his iron round shield. He puts on his armor, buckles his sword, and picks up his shield. He walks outside and closes his front door, after locking it he walks down to the barracks.


All soldiers and former soldiers meet at the barracks with their arms and armor with them. After being briefed on their mission to take the Valkond side, they are assigned groups, Septim is assigned the same group as last time, with a few extra to replace those lost, he leans to a man to his left, Telcontar, and whispers, "It always has to be either at night or early morning when they call us into battle..."


The soldiers of Seron march towards the torn down wall to be met by soldiers of Valkond, the Seronian archers on the tops of buildings fire down at the enemies, while the Valkondian ones do the same. Septim uses his shield as protection, but is still hit in the leg, he yells out in pain as he looks down at the wound, a man runs up and pours a liquid on it to disinfect it, Septim recognizes him as a field medic. Septim limps forward, determined to fight the Valkondians, but with the pain from the arrow in his leg in his mind at all times. Septim manages to kill a soldier before leaning against a building, he sees a poor soldier fall in front of him, and he keeps going knowing that more are less fortunate than him. He limps forward, and ten minutes later the battle for the city is over, but the battle for the Valkondian barracks is not yet completed. Septim gets the arrow extracted from his leg, and after having it treated goes down to join the soldiers preparing to take the barracks.


Two hours later the soldiers of Seron storm the enemy base, the Seronian spies had done their job of opening the gates. General Hasillius leads the assault, slaying many with his blade, Beson. In the end, Valkond loses to Seron, with many Seronians and Valkondians dead in battle. In the assault Septim had recieved a few cuts, and a gash on his arm, but nothing major. After getting them treated he heads home, tired of battle.


The next day, all men who were wounded in battle recieve one thousand coins each and a medal, the Medal of Vulnus. After a long ceremony they also recieve longswords for their service.

[[OOC: All of the people playing this game that fought in the battle recieved the money, as everybody was wounded (at least an arrow wound, a minor one).]]

Septim limps home using an oak cane given to him by the Seronian military for support, a dark blue cloth is tied around his leg and another blue cloth is tied around his arm. He goes into his house, where he puts his longsword against the wall. After polishing his armor, medal, shield, and swords, he puts them away. Septim then lays down on his bed and puts some of the liquid given to him by the surgeon on his leg. It stings, but it stops the infection. Septim then takes his book and reads before going to sleep.

[[OOC: You may not do a job today, as 1000 gold and free food at a banquet is more than enough. You may read your books if you have one though.

Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 2450
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Journeymen, 2450 gold coins.

Learning: Veteran reading, progress: 5 days out of 7]]

15:52:30 May 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(Too late to join this thing?)

16:22:03 May 22nd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Nope. you'll be a bit behind everybody else, but people can always join.]]

17:50:25 May 22nd 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion woke up the next morning with a sharp pain in his left arm and an extremely severe headache.
As he groggily woke up, he recalled the events of the previous day...


Erunion had been working at a damaged building early in the morning when the call to arms had come. As he prepared to go to the barracks, he knew he wouldn't have time to go home and grab his weapons first and was quite dismayed.
Seeing this, the wealthy owner of the home he was repairing gave him a two-handed longsword, oddly curved and sharp only on one edge, with the sharp edge made of silver.
"Slay those Valkonian filth for me lad! The man had cried;
"I'm too old to fight meself, but they deserve death, the lot of 'em."
Thanking the man profusely, Erunion belted on the blade and rushed to the barracks in time for the roll call.
Once in the barracks, he was assigned to a team of shock troops and was one of the first men sent through the gate.
What happened after that was all mixed together in his head and muddy, with the only clear recolections being fear, pain and heat.
Somehow, he had found himself in command of a group of eight soldiers, wearing an officers armour. He remembered that the officer in charge had had his leg cut off in the first ten minutes of the battle and had ordered Erunion to take command, being the only soldier there with any knowledge of tactics. He had taken another officers armour which who he had found later with an arrow through his eye.
As the battle progressed, he had ended up as the second squad assaulting the barracks. He and the remaining five members of his squad broke through a window in the converted manor house and had stormed through the place. He remembered slaying the officer of the guard with his sword, but receiving a brutal slash on his arm, then having a block of brick fall from a crumbling building onto his head....


17:52:02 May 22nd 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Tactics: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Engineer / Reserve officer.
Gold: 1415
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Serilon, long handled-sword, officers armour, short sword, barbute helmet, chest plate.

18:16:20 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Ant:

Ant lead his experianced troops into battle, he held his sword in his right hand and walked calmly into the battle. The Valkondian archers rained arrows down at him and his troops. He avoided the arrows by luck and his raised shield caught one or two off them. Soon the main forces met, and Ant quickly kill a few of them, before being faced by a gaint of a man. He was 6'11 and had army like tree trunks. In his hands was a large axe. Ant tried to quickly stab at the man, but his opponant was too quick and moved away from the blow. Ant was soon in the way of a cleaving blow, he moved very quickly and chaught the man with a cut to the legs; the man stumbeled and the blow went wide of the mark.

After a minute of this fight the man pushed Ant to the ground and lefted his sword to kill him off. Ant threw his sword at the man, and the blade struck in his chest ; but the killing blow still hit came down on Ant. the axe didn't have the force needed to kill him but landed to the left of his mouth, where it left a nasty cut, but Ant carried on fighting anyway.

He got his sword back and collect the axe, which he threw into the Valkondian army where it hit their comander on the arm. Soon the Valkondians retreated to their main base, which was taken after a fairly booring 2hour seige.

Ant as always looted the dead,and found another 500g(it was a big fight)

After the victory Ant was celabrated by his men and asked to eat with his comander, Ant was told that he was very lucky to be alive.

18:38:08 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 129 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Librarian
Gold: 2200(sold short sword for 50 gold, if it's ok with you)

Items: Seronian Longsword, Yew walking stick

*Killer awoke with a severe pain in his leg. He looked around, and saw he was in a medic's hut, with ten or twenty people there, some of them dead, he suspected. A boy of maybe twelve years came into the hut, giving water to the soldiers and strange metal round coins, or something. The boy came over to Killer, exclaiming,"Sir, that's a mighty gash on your leg. How'd you get it?" Killer reckoned him to be an poor orphan or urchin from his speech. He began his tale, of what he can remember "It was yesterday noon." The boy interuptted him at this point, "Sir, the war was earlier today..." Killer continued on,"Don't interrupt someone when they're telling a tale. It was yesterday noon when it all begun, when the people had heard of the huge army coming. There were many, it was said.
         When I heard of this, I reached for my short sword, stained pink with blood from the last war. I started towards the place where we had fought from. It was a chilly day, and I hadn't much more than my fat to keep me warm. I stumbled, and the sword fell from my hand, and I cut myself while falling." Killer glanced at the boy at this point. He seemed severely disappointed. "But it was only a small cut, and I continued on regardless. I camped there for the evening, the biting winds numbing my arms and legs. The soldiers attacked before dawn, coming upon me like demons from hell. There were no others there, I was alone. The reason for this, my friend, is that I was in the wrong spot entirely, the fool that I was. They slashed and hacked, afraid they would be discovered if I cried out. I then saw that they must have been deserters. I leapt up, swinging my sword wildly. I hacked through flesh, the men were poorly armed. Alas, I could not hold them off. One stabbed at my leg, giving me that gash you see. I stumbled back, falling onto the earth. I though I was doomed, but then a man came out of the shadows.
          He danced around the soldiers, his sword like lightning, it swishing like its thunder. All I saw was a glimmer here and there, flicking all around. The soldiers could not come near him, and he cut them down in their fours.When the lsat had fled the earth, he turned and looked at my wound. It was clear he was practised in healing, as rapidly he returned with herbs to deaden the pain in my leg. He picked me up, and carried me out of the tent, but arrows appeared from nowhere, one hitting him right through his helm, and out he other side. Many hit me, driving through my flesh like nails, but I managed to stand and stumble on. No more arrows followed me. I reached the battlefield before I fell, and then I imagine, someone took me here." Killer finished his tale. He decided he wouldn't make for a good bard. The boy took one of the coin-like pieces and gave it to Killer. "This is a badge for bravery, sir. And you also get 1,000 gold coins for payment, sir, after you manage to get up." Killer thanked the boy, and when he went from the tent he stood, nearly falling to the floor with the piercing pain. He stumbled outside, and glanced at the battle-field, bodies littering the ground. He went outside, stumbling around the dead bodies, and finally sees the one he wanted. He dropped the medal, and went to receive his pay, talking around the fact that he had such a wound in his leg. He stumbled home with a walking stick he received. He decided he would not be able to work as a scholar, and so asks around for a job as a librarian. He gets one, then he toddles home and collapses onto his bed.*

22:12:56 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman

Ranging: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1100

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus

Ernie woke up with pain in his shoulder area and wondered where he got the injury....he then recalled what had happened earlier.

The call to arms had sounded throughout the area and messengers were running all over the region looking for militia and previous soldiers.  Ernie was placed in an archery squad that had orders to provide cover to the infantry.  The Valkondians were charging into the streets when the Seronian troops started to arrive in force.  The two armies clashed and the intense fighting began.  Ernie was on a rooftop overlooking the fight and was engaged by enemy archers.  Many on both sides were hit by arrows as volley after volley was fired but Ernie had not been hit yet.  Suddenly several Valkondian swordsmen had gotten on top of the roof and were cutting down the archers there.  Ernie was one coming for him and mananged to quickly fire off a shot, hitting him in the face.  Then an arrow struck him from behind in the shoulder and Ernie fell to the ground.  At the moment Seronian troops fought off the swordsmen and also took the other roof before going on the offensive.  Charley was carried to a medical tent where the arrow was removed but he would not be able to fire his bow until his wound healed.  His arm was placed in a sling and he was sent him after hearing word that the battle was won.  Ernie was told to rest for a day before working but recieved a longsword and 1000gold for his efforts that day.

22:49:27 May 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Name: Pallin Oakenshield
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Skills: None currently
Gold: (0? Didn't see if we started with any.)

Pallin was the son of a minor lord and lady in the Valkondian lands. He was serving as the squire of a knight when he was gravely wounded in a battle. Having no more use for a squire who would require months of rest, the knight left him. By the time Pallin was able to return home, he found that the wars had destroyed his family land and left him with nothing. Setting up a temporary residence out of the remains of his family manor, Pallin has sworn to rebuild what was his, and then seize more.

His wounds had left him without as much muscle mass that he built up over his time, and he's going to have to polish up on his fighting skills. With that thought in mind, he sought out the local garrison to join up with them...

22:51:02 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[You start with 10gold and a shack]] X_x

23:42:08 May 22nd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Lord Erunion Telcontar


5/22/2008 9:52:02 AM
Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Tactics: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Engineer / Reserve officer.
Gold: 1415
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Serilon, long handled-sword, officers armour, short sword, barbute helmet, chest plate.

[[OOC: That officer's armor was taken away after the battle (a bit unfair to get free armor), the long handled sword will be given to you instead of the longsword, and I'm guessing the inn-key is yours instead of the shack you should have gotten. Ant, the 500 gold was confiscated, 1000 gold is enough you greedy person! And Fizban, you start out with 10 gold coins.]]


23:53:54 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie...realizing that he could still read while sitting around doing nothing productive, read several chapters in his Reading For Dummies book (3/7)

01:15:15 May 23rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(I get the 10 gold and the place is a ruin homie. Imagine a place built out of burnt-down lumber and broken rocks, you'll get my vision.)

01:20:56 May 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Home Sweet Home*

02:36:55 May 23rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(That's it! lol)

Pallin reports in to the barracks and gains the iron breastplate, short sword and other equipment. He studies parrying and other swordplay essentials. Later he goes to the local baker, buys a loaf of bread and heads back to his shack.

(Gold: -5, gains fighter equipment, job for the day: fighter)

02:39:52 May 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[Bread costs only should have 5 left not -5]]

03:06:48 May 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Oh, and just to remind you, you give the helmet and the breastplate back after the two days is up.]]

05:04:03 May 23rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

(Subtraction guys. :-P )

05:16:49 May 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Tactics: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Engineer / Reserve officer.
Gold: 1415
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Serilon, long handled-sword, officers armour, short sword, barbute helmet, chest plate

Stick to this format so us *beep*s dont get confused >_>]]

06:32:45 May 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Septim walks over to the academy after telling the Lord he won't be teaching him today. He asks the lady at the front if any classes on oration are available, she replies with a yes and gives him a small piece of paper with the date and class. Septim walks down the hall to the class of the old Tysonian speechwriter, Govon, and is taught the skills of a orator. Septim walks out as a journeyman of oration and goes to the bakery, after eating he walks home, goes to the bathroom, eats, and reads his book before drifting off to sleep.

[[OOC: Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 2050
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Journeymen, 2050 gold coins.

Learning: Veteran reading, progress: 6 days out of 7

By the way, the medal's called the Medal of Valnus, not the Medal of Serilon, that medal is for the greatest soldiers Seron has to offer, the Medal of Valnus is like the purple heart, if you recieve a wound you get it. And Ernie, there is no such thing as "Officer's Armor"!

Now introducing two new food types! :-D

Fruit - 5 gold
Vegies - 5 gold

THERE IS NO OFFICERS ARMOR...Everybody, please read the OOC parts of my posts (Besides the character info...) Most of them are somewhat important.]]

07:40:38 May 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Emperor Ursur Valkar sits in his throne room wearing his grey armor of unknown metal that had been in his family for years. Valkar always keeps his temper in check, each person he faces, each diplomat he talks with, he analyzes with his cold grey eyes. General Yosar, one of the four Generals under the High General, approaches him and kneels.

"Colonel Gorvon has failed to take the Tysonian Capital, Seron has captured it and has started a campaign towards our capital...", says Yosar.

"How many?", asks Valkar.

"We estimate them to be around ten thousand, they are under the command of a General Hasillius", says Yosar.

"I want you to take the forth army to them, I want them to be defeated. Do not pursue them if they begin to run", says Valkar.

"Yes milord", says Yosar, he then rises, bows, and walks towards the double doors leading out of the throne room.


General Yosar leads the army into battle with General Hasillius, both commanders being great tacticians, the battle seems like it will be a stalemate until the Valkondian Second Army in command of General Jessus attacks from the side. Hasillius barely manages to organize a retreat as he goes off,  Jessus's army pursues. Yos*beep*nds a messenger to tell Jessus of the Emperor's orders, but Jessus doesn't accept the message as Jessus and Yosar are long time rivals. Yosar does not follow, knowing that if he were to go with Jessus, the Emperor would see to it that he, as well as Jessus, is tortured. Jessus's army is ambushed and slaughtered by the Tysonian Army, which numbers around five thousand. After the battle a head count occurs, two thousand Seronian soldiers had died, five thousand Valkondian soldiers and General Jessus had fallen. Hasillius decides that a much larger army would be needed to take Valkond, and goes back to the Tysonian Capital.

[[OOC: This has no effect on any of us, just progressing the story.]]

17:35:21 May 23rd 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion goes to work, then buys intermediate tactics.\

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Journeyman
Mathematics: Journeyman
Tactics: Journeyman, learning Veteran, 1/7
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Engineer / Reserve officer.
Gold: 650
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Valnus, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, iron chest plate.

{I'll be gone over the weekend. During that time, I'll be working eating and reading if you don't mind.}

17:50:39 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 129 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Librarian
Gold: 2400

Reading: Veteran Reading, 1/7(Sorry, this is the only way to make you pay any attention to my questions...)

Items: Seronian Longsword, Yew walking stick

*Killer limps down to his new workplace, and sits around not doing much for the day. He picks up a book about reading, and starts to read it for the day, as only three people come in during his working time.*

23:29:35 May 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[OK Septim I never said there was Officers Armor in the first stop yelling at me >_> it was Erunion...]]

Ernie goes to work for Master Tange and earns his 400 gold,  he then  buys some fruits for 5 gold.  He then went  home and read his book some more READING(4/7)

Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman

Ranging: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1495

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus

23:33:20 May 23rd 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Sorry for ignoring your question earlier Killer, it was unintentional. No you cannot read books as a librarian, all of the books in the library are pretty much news archives anyways, no real books.

Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1045
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 1045 gold coins.


Veteran reading, progress: 7 days out of 7 - Completed

Expert reading, progress: 1 day out of 7]]

Septim arises from bed, buckles his shortsword as he always does, dresses, and walks down to his Lord's home. He teaches him many things, and due to his better reading skills he is able to teach more to his Lord, and recieves double his old pay. On his way home Septim buys Reading for Veterans, leaving him with 450 gold coins, he also buys a loaf of bread, leaving him with 445 gold coins. Septim then goes to the book store and sells Reading for Journeymen back for 600 gold (half the original price), leaving him with 1045 gold. After returning home he eats his bread, goes to the bathroom, and begins reading the first chapter of Reading for Veterans.



05:30:25 May 24th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Name: Pallin Oakenshield
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Skills: None currently
Gold: 5

Job: Fighter Day 1

Equipment: Iron Breastplate, Short Sword

Pallin woke up and reported in for his training at the local garrison. His old skills were coming back to him in a hurry. Just needing to work out a few more old war wounds and he'd be able to cross blades with any of the Tysonians out there. Heading back to the rubble that was his home, Pallin stopped by the bakery to get another loaf of bread. Spending the last of his coin. Hopefully tomorrow, he'd get paid something so he can get back on his feet...

08:58:04 May 24th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Fizban, today was your last day. Now you need to go to the academy to learn a skill, or do a job that requires fighting. You are a journeyman of fighting by the way.

Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1845
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 1845 gold coins.


Expert reading, progress: 2 day out of 7]]

Septim wakes up, dresses, goes to the bathroom, and walks over to the Lord's house and teaches him of the ancient Hosarian Empire. The Lord being a history nut, he asks millions of questions, and Septim answers most of them. After being payed his new salary of 800 gold coins Septim walks down to the bakery and buys a loaf of bread and an apple, after eating them both he goes to the bathroom, does his workout routine, and reads his book until falling asleep.

17:22:33 May 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke up and took a course in oration for 400gold before going and buying some veggies, and reading his book some more  [5/7]

Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic 
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman

Ranging: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1090

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus

[[ "he goes to the bathroom, does his workout routine"....(is that your workout routine? lolz)]] X_x!

18:01:41 May 24th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

After re-learning everything that he needed, Pallin turned in his armor and strapped on his short blade. It's time to get a little cash in his pocket, and he knew the perfect way to do it. Journeying out to the borderlands of Tysonia, Pallin decided to lay in wait for a hapless traveler. Besides, what better way to start getting back at the country that has caused him so much anguish than to raid on the Tysonian economy?

As he was waiting, a lone merchant came by with a donkey laden with goods. The poor fool didn't even have a blade on him. Pallin came from the bushes and rushed forward, the merchant turned around and his eyes went wide as the blade plunged into his belly. Pallin drug the corpse off the road and into the wilderness and led the donkey and the cargo off. When he came back to town, he sold the goods and beast of burden for 375 gold coins. He then bought some meat in celebration of his great deed, spending 15 of the coins. He then retired to the shack, ready to think of his next day's plans.

Name: Pallin Oakenshield
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Skills: Fighter (Journeyman)
Gold: 360

Job: Highwayman

Equipment: Valkonian Short Sword

23:04:19 May 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Librarian
Gold: 2600

*Killer continues at his job as Librarian, reading a few scruffy books lying around the place. He found a few about mythology and read them.*

[Is there any point working at a cheaper payed job then? I'm injurde anyway, so I can't work as a scholar...]

00:04:50 May 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: No point at all really, just throwing them out there...]]

03:26:43 May 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[In case you feel like living a quiet life of peace and harmony...and then getting a hot wife]]

06:08:29 May 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 2640
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 2640 gold coins, oak cane, liquid for wound.


Expert reading, progress: 2 day out of 7]]

Septim wakes up, goes to the bathroom, gets dressed, and walks down to the bakery where he buys a loaf of bread, after eating he walks down to the Lord's home to find a platoon of Seronian guards outside.

"Lord Neskovar killed himself attempting to do a ritual known as the Sudovan", says the guard.

Septim, having taught him about the ancient Sudian civilization and their rituals that allowed them to obtain great strength of mind and body, suddenly went cold.

"Know anything about it", says the guard.

"I am his teacher, I have no idea", says Septim.

"Alright, be on your way", says the guard.

Septim walks off.

Fool must have tried to attempt the ritual, only the Sudian race had a body capable of doing it...

Septim walks around until he finds work in the home of the Governor of Tysos's son, Dirson Kovas. Septim teaches him many things that day, but the child seems uninterested. Septim recieves his pay nonetheless and returns home, after going to the restroom and doing his workout routine he reads his book. After reading a chapter he checks his arm and leg wounds, they seem to be getting better. After pouring the liquid given to him by the doctor on it he redresses the wounds and falls asleep.


Emperor Valkar sits upon his throne listening to General Yosar.

"He pursued?", asks Valkar.

"Yes milord, I didn't as you ordered me not to...", says Yosar.

"That I did, and had you followed I would have punished you", says Valkar, "Start a draft, anybody from seventeen to forty in good physical condition is to begin military training."

"Yes sir", says Yosar.


General Gaius Hasillius stands in front of his men. After giving an oration for the men he lost he gives out another one calling for all men of the ages eighteen to thirty-five to join the military. Many do.

06:33:39 May 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Now giving the option to buy buildings to own them! You can either work in them, or hire NPCs to work in them while you do other stuff, such as work elsewhere! These are the keys to BIG money! You can own up to three taverns,

Cost: 5000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day
Cost: 10000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 800 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 400 gold a day.
Cost: 20000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 1600 gold
Money recieved if you don't work there: 800 gold

Cost: 10000 gold.
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day.
Can have one custom weapon or armor piece built a day, you must obtain the ore if you want anything above iron (steel, mithril, adamantium).

Cost: 5000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 2800 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 1400 gold a week.

Cost: 10000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 5600 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 2800 gold a week.

Cost: 20000
Money recieved if you work there (all week): 11200 gold a week.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 5600 gold a week.

I will post mines and other businesses when I have more energy. Lots of money in this, LOTS, if you can buy enough. I will also post the prices of countries, as I said you can buy them.

Seron: 10,000,000 gold.
You recieve 500,000 gold a day after this purchase.
Valkond: 9,500,000 gold
You recieve 475,000 gold a day after this purchase.
Tysonia (Seronian Province): 6,000,000 gold.
You recieve 300,000 gold a day after this purchase.

A lot of money, but they pay for themselves in around twenty days time...there are countries in other, larger continents, but for right now lets focus on this one...]]



06:58:02 May 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke up and went to work for Lord Caldine at his estate and spent his time looking up old texts that were in his great library.  He earned his 400 gold, bought some fruit AND veggies, and read his book some more.  Ernie looked at his shoulder and it seemed to be almost healed due to the good bandaging by the doctor.  No infection seemed to be present and it actually was getting some strength back in it.  Ernie made note to keep eating fruits and veggies to get plenty of vitamins for recovering.


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1480

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus, Reading for Dummies, and sling on arm

07:35:27 May 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Just realized that I made the mistake of not advancing my reading in my post! By the way, a rather large battle is going to happen tomorrow. I forgot to mention, everybody (except Fizban as he didn't take part in the last two battles) now has a skill level of Veteran in fighting (Lots of practice in real combat gets you somewhere!) :-D.

Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 2640
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 2640 gold coins, oak cane, liquid for wound.


Expert reading, progress: 3 day out of 7]]

15:27:56 May 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny
Age: 18
Fighting: Expert
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Librarian
Gold: 1675

*Killer buys some meat and bread. He learns Expert fighting.*

23:21:15 May 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1480

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus, Reading for Dummies, and sling on arm

[[OOC: Wouldnt my ranging upgrade instead of my fighting since im an archer? Or should I do both ☺☻ b/c im cool]]

23:27:17 May 25th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Sir Ernie The Orange


5/24/2008 9:22:33 AM

Ernie woke up and took a course in oration for 400gold before going and buying some veggies, and reading his book some more  [5/7]

Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic 
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman

Ranging: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1090

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus

[[ "he goes to the bathroom, does his workout routine"....(is that your workout routine? lolz)]] X_x!

Sir Ernie The Orange


5/24/2008 10:58:02 PM

Ernie woke up and went to work for Lord Caldine at his estate and spent his time looking up old texts that were in his great library.  He earned his 400 gold, bought some fruit AND veggies, and read his book some more.  Ernie looked at his shoulder and it seemed to be almost healed due to the good bandaging by the doctor.  No infection seemed to be present and it actually was getting some strength back in it.  Ernie made note to keep eating fruits and veggies to get plenty of vitamins for recovering.


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1480

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus, Reading for Dummies, and sling on arm

Sir Ernie The Orange


5/25/2008 3:21:15 PM


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1480

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, and Medal of Vulnus, Reading for Dummies, and sling on arm

[[OOC: Wouldnt my ranging upgrade instead of my fighting since im an archer? Or should I do both ☺☻ b/c im cool]]

[[OOC: Your second post was thirteen hours after your first, and your third post seventeen hours after your second. That means that the third was thirty hours after the has three days gone by? And it is fine for you to upgrade ranging instead of fighting.]]

23:41:46 May 25th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[The last post didnt update anything....I just restated my stuff and asked my question....and I didnt actually plan on being online yesterday OR today since I had work but got off early both times....I made them >_>]]

And I was planning on posting YOUR times but dont think it would help anything X_x Dont be maaaaaaaaaad ><

02:40:18 May 26th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

*Septim checks the third post.

Crap...sorry. And I know I've posted my times correctly, it's pointless to cheat in your own game! Lol.]]

03:22:39 May 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Prince Bertilius Septim


5/23/2008 6:33:20 PM

[[OOC: Sorry for ignoring your question earlier Killer, it was unintentional. No you cannot read books as a librarian, all of the books in the library are pretty much news archives anyways, no real books.

Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1045
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 1045 gold coins.


Veteran reading, progress: 7 days out of 7 - Completed

Expert reading, progress: 1 day out of 7]]

Septim arises from bed, buckles his shortsword as he always does, dresses, and walks down to his Lord's home. He teaches him many things, and due to his better reading skills he is able to teach more to his Lord, and recieves double his old pay. On his way home Septim buys Reading for Veterans, leaving him with 450 gold coins, he also buys a loaf of bread, leaving him with 445 gold coins. Septim then goes to the book store and sells Reading for Journeymen back for 600 gold (half the original price), leaving him with 1045 gold. After returning home he eats his bread, goes to the bathroom, and begins reading the first chapter of Reading for Veterans.

Prince Bertilius Septim


5/24/2008 3:58:04 AM

[[OOC: Fizban, today was your last day. Now you need to go to the academy to learn a skill, or do a job that requires fighting. You are a journeyman of fighting by the way.

Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Journeyman
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 1845
Medals: Medal of Valnus
Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, Medal of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 1845 gold coins.


Expert reading, progress: 2 day out of 7]]

Septim wakes up, dresses, goes to the bathroom, and walks over to the Lord's house and teaches him of the ancient Hosarian Empire. The Lord being a history nut, he asks millions of questions, and Septim answers most of them. After being payed his new salary of 800 gold coins Septim walks down to the bakery and buys a loaf of bread and an apple, after eating them both he goes to the bathroom, does his workout routine, and reads his book until falling asleep.

I have no clue what your last post just meant (im kinda messed up atm) but you did 2 days in less than 10 hours >_>

18:51:23 May 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Name: Killer
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Blue
Build: Skinny
Age: 18
Fighting: Expert
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Mercenary
Gold: 1665

*Killer looks for work as a mercenery. He buys some bread on the way*

19:16:42 May 26th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Veteran
Mathematics: Journeyman Learning Veteran, 1/7
Tactics: Journeyman, learning Veteran, 4/7
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Officer.
Gold: 650
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Valnus, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, iron chest plate, Intermediate Math, Intermediate Tactics.

Erunion heard the call, and after buying himself some extra reading material went to the barracks and signed up for the war. As was an obviously skilled warrior and had had some training in tactics, he was granted the position of ___________ commanding X men into battle.

{Septim, fill in the blanks please...}

19:58:44 May 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke up and finished reading his book giving him veteran reading abilities...he then took a class in veteran oration for 1200gold and he  would start working as a diplomat for Seron between them and other kingdoms the next day.  He was given a passport since he was a diplomat and safe passage to any country he wanted.  He was also given the power of Diplomatic Immunity. He then bought some fruit and veggies to help keep infection away from his almost healed wound.  He was able to take his sling off and had most of his mobility back in it.  He then went to sleep.


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Seronian Diplomat
Gold: 270

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew longbow w/ arrows, Medal of Vulnus, and Diplomatic passport and immunity.

01:35:07 May 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: Diplomatic immunity won't protect you against King Valkar, he's very dishonorable. Also, all work that anybody has done today is cancelled, if you were injured you recieve 1000 gold, if you weren't you recieve]]

Lord Erunion Telcontar


5/26/2008 11:16:42 AM
Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Veteran
Mathematics: Journeyman Learning Veteran, 1/7
Tactics: Journeyman, learning Veteran, 4/7
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Officer.
Gold: 650
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Valnus, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, iron chest plate, Intermediate Math, Intermediate Tactics.

Erunion heard the call, and after buying himself some extra reading material went to the barracks and signed up for the war. As was an obviously skilled warrior and had had some training in tactics, he was granted the position of Junior Lieutenant commanding twenty men into battle.

{Septim, fill in the blanks please...}

There you go Erunion. And Killer, paygrade for a merc depends on his rank, you start out at the rank of Mercenary due to your skills, earning you a 500 gold a day pay.]]

Men run through the streets calling for men to come to arms. Septim falls out of bed, gets up, walks to his cupboard, and puts on his armor. He then walks down to the barracks, where three junior lieutenants await. Septim is put under the command of junior lieutenant Erunion Telcontar.


As the army of Valkond approaches the city, archers ready themselves on the walls. They fire their arrows at the enemies, and when they get close enough they pour hot oil down upon them. When the enemies finally get in using a battering ram. Erunion Telcontar leads his men against them alongside many other lieutenants and their men. The battle rages for fifteen minutes with Septim killing many, Septim is a better swordsman than any rank and file Valkondian, and uses his shield well. After the battle, the remaining Valkondians retreat, with many Seronians dead. Septim, with gash in his leg, limps down to the barracks where he is treated by a few field medics. The gash is sutured, disinfected, and dressed. Septim is given an oak cane and goes home. The next day he is called to the castle where he recieves the Medal of Valnus for the second time, along with 1,000 gold for his wound. Septim limps home after the feast and reads his book before falling asleep.

Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 3640
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus.

Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 3640 gold coins, oak cane, liquid for wound.


Expert reading, progress: 4 day out of 7]]

05:23:16 May 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Ernie woke to the sounds of alarm and grabbed his bow and arrows.  He was put into an archer squad and was put onto the walls firing down at the Valkondian army that was below.  Many arrows fired back but none his their mark due to the good defenses for archers on the wall.  Then the gate is smashed in by a battering ram and soldiers rush in and run up to the walls killing many archers before Seronian swordsmen can stop them.  Ernie kills 5 Valkondian swordsmen as they ran at him due to his incredible skill with his bow.  He ran at another swordsman, ducked his blade and knocked him off the top of the wall before spinning and kicking another in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.  He then quickly fired an arrow into his face killing him.  A swordsman who wasnt killed crawled up behind Ernie with a dagger and stabbed him in the back of the leg before being beheaded by a Seronian swordsman.  Ernie is carried away to a medic station and has his wound disinfected and closed.  It was not a serious wound but would make walking painful for several days.  He was given a complimentary cane along with another Medal of Valnus to add to his collection.  He was also given a prize of 1000 gold for being wounded (yay?)


Name: Ernie
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Orange
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Skills: Reading
Fighting: Journeyman
Job: Seronian Diplomat
Gold: 2500

Items-Seronian Longsword, Yew Longbow w/ Arrows, Medal of Vulnus(2), High Quality Oak Cane, and a free meal at Country Kitchen Buffet(Or was it the medic station?)

07:43:34 May 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

[[OOC: The money for being wounded is a "Please accept this for your wound, now don't sue us" thing...:-D. And the free meal was at an awards ceremony. By the way, you can't do any physical work after being wounded. Such as being a highwayman, mercenary, or officer in wartime, until two days after being wounded. You also can't go to the academy and gain new skill levels in fighting, but you can in non-physical classes, such as reading, math, and oration.]]

Septim wakes up, grabs his oak cane, and walks over to his dresser. He gets dressed, goes to the bathroom, and walks to his lord's home.

"My God! What happened to you?", says the Lord.

"I was in the battle", says Septim.

"Oh, alright, well, my son needs teaching", says the Lord.

Septim walks down to the son's room and begins teaching. After he is finished he is payed 800 gold and goes to the bakery where he buys a loaf of bread for five gold coins. Septim goes home, eats it, and wonders if he should do his workout routine. He decides that it would have to wait, and goes to his bed. Septim grabs his book and reads until falling asleep.


Name: Bertilius Septim
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Age: 18
Fighting: Veteran
Reading: Veteran
Oration: Journeyman
Job: Scholar
Gold: 4435
Medals: Two Medals of Valnus.

Possessions: Seronian longsword, Tysonian iron cuirass, Tysonian iron barbute, Tysonian round shield, Tysonian shortsword, deed to a shack, two Medals of Valnus, Reading for Veterans, 3640 gold coins, oak cane, liquid for wound.


Expert reading, progress: 5 day out of 7]]


18:36:10 May 27th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion had been very pleased at the group of men he was handed. They were some of the best in the army.
Having belted on his long-handled sword {to avoid confusion, I have a katana. I just don't know what it's called...} and his armour, Erunion formed his men up.
When the battering ram started assailing the gate, he was assigned to a larger group of men to charge out of a postern gate and destroy the ram.
Unfortunately, the charge didn't go so well and the groups were separated by the Valkondian forces.
Stupid over-officer...
Now on his own, Erunion ordered his group into a tight knot and started advancing towards the gate, using the shields of his men to guard their sides and head. He remembered thinking that such a formation could have serious advantages if worked on.
Meanwhile, the battering ram managed to fini*beep*'s work at the gate, breaking through. Just as this happened, Erunion's ordered his force into a charge, managing to secure the entrance of the gate while reinforcements came up from the rear. Erunion's long-handled sword flowed smoothly from strike to block to strike, showing himself as easily the best swordsman in that segment of the battle. Unfortunately, the Valkondian pride wouldn't stand for this. A squad comprised of their best shock troops was ordered to attack Erunion's now half-dead squad, which was still at the forefront of the gate. The Valkondian heavy axemen charged in with their signature rage, breaking through the line. Erunion, seeing the danger the city was in, charged head on at the officer in charge of the group, hoping to disorder them. As he was charging, a Valkondian swordsman took a swipe at him. It broke the breastplate, but as Erunion was still charging the other direction it gave only a small gash.
Erunion's charge quickly brought him to grips with the axe-weilding officer. The man swung his greataxe with surprising speed and strength, but in the end he was defeated, but at the cost of another gash across Erunion's chest and face. Moments after Erunion killed the axeman, the rest of his squad arrived to protect him. They proceeded to escort their officer off of the battlefield and to the medics tent.
 Leaderless, that charge of the Valkondians failed, giving the Seronians time to regroup.

{Name: Erunion Telcontar
Height: 6'4
Weight: 188 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
Build: Athletic and Fit
Age: 19
Fighting: Veteran (Expert?)
Mathematics: Veteran.
Tactics: Journeyman, learning Veteran, 5/7
Reading: Journeyman

Occupation: Officer.
Gold: 300
Possesions: Key's to an inn-room, medel of Valnusx2, long handled-sword, short sword, barbute helmet, iron chest plate, Intermediate Tactics.

Erunion sold his intermediate math-book, and with the money he earned and the money from that sale he signed up for the academy program and learned intermediate Mathematics.}

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