Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Mac I

Werewolf with Mac I
01:09:41 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Let's Ben down and levitates some chocolate towards him, then grabs a bar himself.*


01:10:59 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim zooms out from behind the bar and starts talking extremely fast


*Septim gives Verll a wet willie


*Septim pours Verll a beer.

01:12:42 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*continues to beat up people in Phantom Hourglass*

*Suddenly he yells*

"Linebeck is AWESOME!"

01:16:41 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Benltf:

* looks at erunion in amazement and says * "wooow how did u do that"             

* he remembers that he didnt thank erunion  so he turns , looks at erunion and says * " thanks for the chocolate man wana cup of hot chocolate "

01:17:28 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim disappears from behind the bar and suddenly appears behind Sigheart

"I prefer a game on the PC called Visual Utopia, ever played it? Guess not..."

*Septim disappears from behind Sigheart and appears next to Ben and Erunion

"You like chocolate? Here ya go!"

*Septim gives Erunion and Ben a chocolate bunny and disappears from the room and appears back at the kitchen. He grabs a SPAM Soda and disappears, reappearing at the bar.

[[OOC: When I say "Disappear" and "Reappear" I mean the type in the movies where they walk out of the camera and appear somewhere else, not the *Poof poof* type.]]

01:18:14 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*takes an sip pof the beer*

"Thanks, man. Really needed the beer with the werewolves and all."

*Drinks the whole beerr and laughs to himself when he thinks of the guy that tries to drink hot chocolate with an helmet on*

01:45:49 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

*Bran finishes the breakfast he got from the Cafe and spots a few guys across the way in the bar. With the stresses of the space station Bran decides to go over and have a drink. He approaches Veril.*

"Sooo Veril, thats yer name right? you drink regularly? can i get you Fosters?"

01:49:16 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*looks at brann*

"Almost, but close enough, and a Fosters would be great"

01:51:01 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Spud:

*Spud walks out of his room and stretches then walks and finds himself at a table*

"Hmmm, they serve bre....breakfast here?"

*Spud sits down at one of the neat chairs that was next to the table and scoots in calmly*

[[OOC: Sorry I havent been posting Mac, My computer wouldnt let me post in the forums for some odd reason, Im at a freinds house now. I will post whenever I can though. Dont worry.]]

01:51:33 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim hands Verll a fosters and looks at Brannigans Law


*Septim gives Bran a wet willie.

02:09:28 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

"Branmmhhm...good to uhm.." says Atreides between mouthfuls of pie.

02:31:00 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*Takes a sip of the Fosters*

*looks at brenn*

"So how's you? "

02:50:48 Oct 8th 07 - Lord Mac:

*A slow day followed. Heeding the warning given to them by the announcer, everyone was cautious. Then as night came...


*Quickly everyone ran to the source of the scream*

"I am sorry everyone" said Lewatha, "I thought I saw a bug but it was just a shadow."

*This event although harmless unnerved everyone and they quietly gathered to the cafeteria for dinner.

Once at the cafeteria the voice returned*

"Good evening everyone. I am glad to see that you all made it today. I have bad news to tell you of. Today we discovered that some of our supplies from our lab have been stolen. Although this would normally not be serious, I have reason to believe that their is a group that follows an evil scientist and that delight in experiments, especially on people. Please take all caution in the days ahead as we try to sort this out."

*After eating dinner, the group separated to their various rooms*

It is now night. All roles who wish to or can, please message me as soon as possible. I intend to keep things running smoothly so all day and night rounds will probably take place every 12 hours.

04:43:56 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

[[OOC: Gee...I wonder who the evil Scientist, we had better not repeat the mistake on me last time when I was mistaken as a wolf because I ate Dragonboy...and why is it always the girls that get scared and scream when they see a shadow or hear a noise...]]

*Septim goes back to his room and hangs a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign on it, he then takes his shotgun out of his closet and rigs it to blow away anybody to enter.

"That should work..."

*Septim then checks the whole room for hidden passages and lays down on his bed, but cannot sleep as he woke only four hours earlier.

05:05:50 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Atreides: evil scientist. I wonder who that could be.....whoever it is, I'm gonna go hide in my room and lock the door. That will foil their plan!

05:32:16 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*I turn on t he zero gravity*

*I go to sleep in zero gravity*

05:35:59 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim floats in the air

"This sucks..."

*Septim swims in the air to the gravity controls and turns it back to regular gravity. A few rooms away Sigheart falls on his head onto the ground. Septim lands perfectly on his feet and walks over to his bed, he jumps onto his bed and still cannot fall asleep.

07:42:23 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Benltf:

* ben slowly walks to the kitchen he enters the kitchen and  runs to the chocolate bars that are on the table  picks them up he looks around he finds that every thing is floating so he swims to a pans catches it and he starts thinking *

" this pan will be useful but wait i need two of them so i can kick some wolfs  at night "

*swims to another pan catches it and heads to the door suddenly he finds that hes not floating any more so he he falls on hes feet walks out of the kitchen heads to the bar gets two cups of hot chocolate gives one to lewatha and says*

" drink this it will help i am going to bed now good night "

*ben to the stairs then he  runs up the stairs as fast as possible to his room then he opens the door gets in the room locks the door eats his chocolate and drinks his hot chocolate and gets under the covers of his giant bed with his pans and sleeps *

07:58:24 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

[[OOC: Ben, not trying to be mean, you know how to use commas?]]

*Septim finally drifts off to sleep...only to wake a few minutes later with the urge to check his VU account, Septim pulls out his super awsome laptop and starts to spam the VU forums.

10:25:51 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc wakes up, head hurting like hell. Looks at the note beside him..*

(caps lock)"oh my god what in the blazes just happened!"

*Seloc then trys to get up and sits against the wall pressing the button again. Seloc contiunes to be knock out again and again until my next post....*

[I'm to lazy today to do anything...]

13:30:57 Oct 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Fizban retires to his room where he turns on some Barry White music. It's not too long before a few ladies from the station join him. After letting them in his room, he hangs his own, "Do Not Disturb" sign on his door.*

14:37:23 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

*Grogily gets up in the middle of the night, still half asleep.*
*walks down the hall to get a drink*
*werewolves pass across the hall in front of Dakarius, this goes completely unoticed by him*
*Dakarius continues down the hall, gets his drink, and returns to his room*
*soft snores soon are heard from Dakarius's room*

15:52:29 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*Falls asleep in the bar because of too much beer. Starts to snor*

*After some hours he wakes up, half drunk only to notice that everyone have left him*

"Hello......Anyone there?"*he calls out to the empty room, then he remembers the werewolves and scientist*

"Mamma, where did I leave my room, hm.....I can't have left my room anywhere because it isn't possible to move the room. So where did the room leave me, that does not work either. AHA!!!! Where is my room!!! That work. So where are my I think I can remember it now........its right above some stairs and is small as an....something"

*Starts to look for an stair*

"There it is!!!!!!!!"

*walks over to what he thinks is an stair, but when he tries to walk up the stair, he just can't. His feets just glides of the first step*

"What the hell is this!!!"

*He tries to touvh the first step, but when he reaches down he skalls into the something. He looks up only to notice its an mirror like Verll right in front of him standing at the stair*


*He then looks behind him, and sees the same stair as the one before him*

"Ok I think I had one beer to much..."

*walkes over to the real stair, but freeze when he see something move upstairs, but relax when he see it's only Seloc going back to his room after being knocked out like hundreds times*

*Walks up the stair, only to notice his room isn't there*

"What the blooming hell is this?!?!?!"

*he then looks to the left, and sees the room in the far end of the hallway*

"Thanks god...."

*starts to walk over to the room, but freeze again when he hears something in the room he pass by, he then thinks this isn't the right place to freeze and starts to run to his room*

"The key......where is the bloody key!?!??!"

*searches through his pockets and finds them in his left pocket*

"Thank god!"

*looks up the door and walkes in and close the door behind him, puts the thing that looks like an table in front of the door, after locking it.Then he pulls out his gun, puts it under the pillow and goes to sleep*

16:02:12 Oct 8th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim wakes in horror in the middle of the night and smacks his head.


*Septim runs to the door and quickly eximprovements the regular shells with shells of silver.

"Much better..."

*Septim puts a silver knife in a sheath on his leg and grabs his trusty Colt 1911, he loads a clip loaded with silver rounds into it and turns the safety on. He then puts it in a holster on his right leg and goes to sleep....

16:15:43 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc having finally managed to get away from the evil button suddenly remembered, he didn't have a room.....*

"Uh hu....hmmm...."

*Giving it careful consideration Seloc slept on the buffay table in the kitchen.*

16:17:00 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

*Bran is sound asleep in his luxurious double-bed when he is awakened by an explosion followed by a fizzing noise. He sits up and looks over towards his wardrobe where the fizzing seemed to have come from. Bran gets up and stumbles over to the wardrobe to see what all the noise is about. As he opens the wardrobe door there seems to be just vests, jeans and shirts. Until he trips on a bottle on the floor and leans on the wall behind. The wall isnt solid, it falls back and Bran pulls it to one side to a whole room full of desks and scientific equipment. Bran rubs his eyes and retreats to his bed before being noticed by whoever occupied the room. For the rest of the night Bran tosses and turns, constantly peering over his shoulder at his wardrobe and wondering what that was all about. But whatever it was can wait till the morning, as Bran has organised breakfast in bed for 10.30*

16:41:34 Oct 8th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} It would be morning now, but I am just giving some people time to reply. I will post this as soon as I can.

18:14:47 Oct 8th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} This stands for Out of character. I do it as to not confuse parts of my post with other things. Please Scientist or another mod, delete the spam posts.

{IC (In character)}

*The night went slowly. It was bad enough knowing that their were werewolves wandering around, but having some Scientist trying to kill you was to much for many of the group and they hid in their rooms with the doors blocked. However, Septim could not. He was up late pouring over codes and monitoring the station. Then he heard a knock on the door. Believing this to be Mac giving him his next instructions he opened the door to see a familiar face."

"Good evening."

"Good evening to you," Septim replied.

"I am sorry to bother you, but could you help me with something."


*With this Septim followed this person out the door and heard a low growl. He realized he had been trapped and frantically reached for the alarm. He broke the glass cover and was about to push the button when a strong arm grabbed him twisted his neck and then ate him.

Meanwhile Benltf was working late as well. He had the cafeteria all cleaned up and breakfast was prepared for the next day. Then he heard someone moving around in his walk in freezer. He knew that no one should be there so he armed himself with a knife and moved to see who it was. As he walked inside, he felt something jabbed into his arm. He quickly turned to see a needle stuck just above his elbow. He felt faint but could not call out for help, then a heavy object hit him on the head and his life left him.

Lying quietly in his room, Atreides was reading late. Then he felt odd, and his legs began to feel numb. Soon he could not see anything as his eyes were getting dim. Then everything went black. Walking down the hall near his room, Sigheart noticed a shadow moving by his door. Once he got their he heard a whisper and the sound of a fast moving object then he passed out. When he woke up, he was in a lab and noticed that needles were being pulled out of him. He still felt weak so he did not struggle but closed his eyes and remembered nothing else.

*In the morning the loudspeaker sounded the alarm again and the voice followed*

"I am very sorry to say today, that breakfast will be delayed. Our chef Benltf has been killed by the assistants of the Evil Scientist. Also, our security monitor, Septim, has been slain by the werewolves. For the first time ever, I do not feel safe in my own station. We do not know if the werewolf disease is contagious or not so we cannot evacuate the base. I hope for all our sakes that my staff is able to eliminate this threat before it becomes too great to handle. Please enjoy your meal and try to stay in your rooms as much as possible."

Benltf killed by Assitants
Septim killed by werewolves
Atreides protected by doctor, cannot be voted off today
Sigheart experimented on by Evil Scientist, cannot be voted off today

IT IS NOW DAY. Voting works like this you type Vote: NAME. I tally up the votes and the end of the day and whoever has the most will be killed. Please stay active and no more spamming!


Station Staff x5
Security Guards x3
Special Role Chef, DEAD Benltf
Special Role Assassin Abilities: Execute x1 every night. Vengeance shot x1
Security Monitor Ability: DEAD Septim
Doctor Ability: Save x1 every night

Ship Passengers x8
Civilian’s x4
Special Role Government Leader Ability: Attempt to discover role x1 every night
Special Role Bodyguard Ability: Vengeance kill x1 every day following the death of the Government Leader.
Special Role Priest Abilities: Protect x1 every night. Marry two people one time use.
Special Role Guardian Ability: Defend x1 every night


Werewolf side x5
Werewolves x4 Ability: Feast x1 every night
Hacker Ability: Spy x1 every day.

Evil Scientist Side x5
Special Role
Evil Scientist Abilities: Experiment x1 every night. Overdose x1 kills your patient.
Special Role Assistants x3 Ability: Kill x1 every night.
Special Role Loyal Servant Ability: Protect x1 every night. Vengeance shot x1 following the death of the Evil Scientist.

1.    Natalia
2.    Erunion Telcontar
3.    Seloc
4.    Scientist,
5.    Sigheart
6.    Love
7.    Atreides
8.    Kassius Xxi
9.    Brannigans Law
10.    Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
11.    Spud
12.    Tiber Septim IV DEAD
13.    Dakarius
14.    Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven
15.    soccer
16.    Xiax
17.    Verll
18.    Barny
19.    Mavich
20.    Fizban
21.    Fool
22.    benltf  DEAD
23.    Iwasfrozen V
24.    Shezmu
25.    Lewatha

18:25:55 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*hears the loudspeaker from his room*

"Poor Bentlf and Septim"

*Takes out the gun from under the pillow and load it with silver bullets, and prepare himself for whatever might come at him when he walks out the door*

"Here we go."

*Steps out the door..........and nothing come attacks him, he then relax and walk for the cafeteria*

{OOC}The votes go here or should I just send them in mail?

18:33:05 Oct 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Fizban becomes majorly concerned at the statement of Septim being killed and,  more importantly, breakfast being delayed because of a dead chef.

"Dammit, just because there's werewolves running amok doesn't mean that we should be having a delayed breakfast. There's only one person that can get our productivity back in line...."

Fizban gets on the phone and soon, a small space shuttle arrives and someone steps out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you Terry Tate, Futuristic Space Station Linebacker!"

*Soon there's a loud commotion from the kitchen as one of the sub-chefs get*beep* by a flying tackle and a loud yell coming from back there...* "Whooo! If I see you spitting in the batter again, I'll give you some of my own cake. The PAIN-cake, you feel me?"

As the day wears on, the kitchen crew is back in line and lunch actually comes a bit early.

18:36:30 Oct 8th 07 - Lord Mac:

{OOC} Votes go here  like this:

VOTE: Name

18:59:03 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I wonder if scientist is an evil scientist.

19:21:11 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc wakes up hears the annoucement.*

"Look like there going for the actives again, I'll have to play it incognito.."

*Seloc pulls out a large hat and moves to the corner of the room.*

19:24:55 Oct 8th 07 - Ms. Elsin Your Dead:

*Looks at fizban,* "what are you on about? Have I been asleep too long or are you muttering nonsense?"

*Hugs fizzy*

19:30:54 Oct 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"Yep i missed something! Well thats the last time i ever sleep all day!"

19:41:06 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

Vote: NATALIE!!!!!!!

You shouldn't have posted right before I was about to VOTE!!!!!!!!


19:41:26 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*Sigheart wakes up groggily*

"What the heck  happened last night?"

*Notices Benltf  is dead*

*sheds a few tears*

*notices Septim is dead"


"The Chef is dead and without my 39 servings of Choco-frosty mints I get hyper....."

19:45:29 Oct 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

*Terry Tate comes up and does a flying tackle on Sigheart and drives him to the ground*

"Shush up man and calm down! There's a double murder goin' down and you want to worry about a sugar rush? Get your priorities straight or I'll do it for ya!"

19:51:40 Oct 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*Breaths deeply and slowly* "Now where does it say my name is natalie? and how is that a reason to vote for me. And since you are so quick to vote on me with out a reason I'm guessing your either stupid or evil AND stupid. Either way you should back track right now since i'm way to tired to do anything other then hug fizzy and cook him some breakfast."

19:54:01 Oct 8th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Hey! I can hug Natalia now, instead of some dead corpse.


19:57:03 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Poor Natalia. She wasn't awake all day, and you just jump on her! That, I presume, means you are evil, Verll."

Vote: Verll

19:57:05 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*looks on natalia*

"I WITHDRAW my vote!!!!!!!!!!. She looks scary!!!!!!"


19:58:40 Oct 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"I don't mind fizban jumping on me, *giggles* but i don't like being picked on for waking up and being confussed!" *cuddles fizban*

19:59:05 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*sits down in deep trance({OOC}I have no idea if that is the right word *

"Who shall I vote's like the mysteries of life...."

19:59:47 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Natalia is beautiful, not scary.

Vote: Verll

*hugs Natalia*

20:05:10 Oct 8th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"Aww thank you guys, i'm not scary I just hate the name Natalie, my name is different! And I get annoyed at people who get my name mixed up!" *Hugs Dak back!*

20:06:38 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

*starts feeling like he is dying*

"I feel like I am going to die......which who shall have my vote is yet undecided...."

[OOC]Sorry about the name mixe up :p

20:19:52 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

*Takes a deap breath"

"Yeah okay Fizban your right"

"But don't you think your being a little to nice to Natalia? I mean just last night you were doing something with a couple girls in your room, don't you think your moving a little fast? "

"Now then I'm going to go bowling, anyone with me?"

Vote: undecided

20:23:03 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Verll:

"Sure I 'll go with you."

20:44:34 Oct 8th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

vote: undecided

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