Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf with Mac I

Werewolf with Mac I
05:43:07 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:


I think I will vote on Erunion Telcontar. I had previously voted against him and stated a few reasons for this. His staunch defense of Natalia only makes him seem even more likely to be evil.

[Vote: Erunion Telcontar]"

What Staunch defense of Natalia? I feel like I'm missing a whole Page here.

05:55:05 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

(Split vote. I will leave it until tomorrow morning for you guys to sort it out. Besides I am having a really hectic evening and don't have time to kill you both yet)

06:47:37 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Fabulousfool:

"Hey! it was a split vote and I didn't vote! How foolish of me."

[Vote: Erunion Telcontar]

{OOC: Wow, that was reeaaallly stupid of me... x.x}

07:05:44 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Bah! This evidence is entirely trumped up... Damn that's frustrating, now I'm going to die, aren't I?"

09:02:11 Oct 12th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist wobbles in still wearing his spacesuit*

"How is it that you people aren't dead yet? Surely you should all be dead due to lack of oxygen........"

*Looking round he notices that Erunion is cowering in the corner as everyone is starting to gather round him although some people still don't seem convinced*

"Oh, right, I get it now, you're voting on Erunion to be evil........Well since I have no one better to vote on I will just go with the flow."

*Looks around up at the ceiling*

"Great and powerful voice of Mac, is there any chance hat I can run a theme night here at the bar? I think I will go with the theme of hereos and villians. Then whoever comes as a Werewolf we can kill off. How about it?"

*Looks down and just stands there as if awaiting a reply*

[[Vote: Erunion]]

09:37:24 Oct 12th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

(ooc: Oh why do i always get kill while partying, anyway i have nothing to do all era now! not like i killed anyone anyway what a unless kill!)

17:04:50 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

Votes Erunion 5, Fool 3

*That evening the group gathered around Erunion awaiting the actions of their host*

"I applaud your insight in this vote."

*A moment after saying this Mac activates another auto turret that turns and fires at Erunion.*

"He was indeed one of the Evil Scientists assistants. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening knowing that their is one less evil in the station."

*With that the group separated to their rooms.*

It is now night, roles send me your targets if the roles send me their targets soon enough I will try and get it going to try and get back on track.

1.    Natalia DEAD
2.    Erunion Telcontar DEAD
3.    Seloc DEAD
4.    Scientist
5.    Sigheart
6.    Love DEAD
7.    Atreides
8.    Kassius Xxi DEAD
9.    Brannigans Law
10.    Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin
11.    Spud
12.    Tiber Septim IV DEAD
13.    Dakarius
14.    Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven DEAD
15.    Soccer DEAD
16.    Xiax DEAD
17.    Verll DEAD
18.    Barny
19.    Mavich DEAD
20.    Fizban
21.    Fool
22.    benltf  DEAD
23.    Iwasfrozen V
24.    Shezmu DEAD
25.    Lewatha DEAD

17:25:20 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Hey, you guys were right! 1 more evil down!

17:25:40 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Do an inactive kill!

17:53:53 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion's ghost floats in*
"Die you scum! It was for the greater good! The more we knew about the human body, the more lives we could save! The greater goooooooooooooddddddd!"
*With that, Erunion floated away.*

18:25:30 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Verll:

Verll's ghost came out of the wall
"Funny ghost, hihihihihih"
*floats back into the wall*

21:35:23 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

(Only one role has sent me their target. Please, send me your targets so that I can make it day again.)

22:25:39 Oct 12th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Fizban decides to jump on the intercom once again,

"Hey everyone, this one goes out to Erunion for trying to trick us into killing another innocent.."

Fizban then starts "Blue Oyster Cult: Don't Fear the Reaper" and then pulls out his own cowbell and stick so he can play along with them. Unlike his dancing, Fizban can actually keep time until he starts acting like Will Ferrell.

22:29:27 Oct 12th 07 - Lord Mac:

(ok I have received the werewolf and the assasin targets. I still need doctor, assistant, and Evil Scientist.)

22:29:58 Oct 12th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion's ghost appears again*
"You will all pay for your evilness! I left some great plans with my former colleagues, and because of them, you will all die!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!"

02:19:06 Oct 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

*In the morning the bodies of Fizban, Scientist, and Dakarius were discovered. The remainder slowly filed into the cafeteria for the morning announcements.*

"I am sorry to say the my assassin, and the last of my security guards were slain last night. For their loss, the Evil Scientist was killed by the werewolves.

Enjoy your meal as it may be your last on this station."

{OOC} Sorry for the sucky story. I had a limited time to write it and my internet crashed just before I posted.

It is now day. Everyone who does not vote will be killed at the end of the day as an inactive. Everyone who survives will receive further instructions then.


Station Staff x1
Security Guards  DEAD Verll, Kassius Xxi, and Fizban
Special Role Chef, DEAD Benltf
Special Role Assassin Dead Scientist
Security Monitor DEAD Septim
Doctor Ability: Save x1 every night

Ship Passengers x2
Civilian’s x2 DEAD Soccer and Xiax
Special Role Government Leader Dead Mavich
Special Role Bodyguard DEAD Love
Special Role Priest DEAD Lewatha
Special Role Guardian DEAD Seloc


Werewolf side x3
Werewolves x3 DEAD Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven Ability: Feast x1 every night
Hacker DEAD Sezmu

Evil Scientist Side x2
Special Role
Evil Scientist Dead Dakarius
Special Role Assistant DEAD Natalia and Erunion Ability: Kill x1 every night.
Special Role Loyal Servant Ability: Protect x1 every night. Vengeance shot x1 following the death of the Evil Scientist.

02:42:07 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Sweet! I was right about Erunion. Sorry for accusing you Fizban....
At this point, I'll vote for Sigheart. He voted with Erunion and Dak on FabulousFool. I'm very sorry if I'm wrong...

[Vote: Sigheart]

02:52:53 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

The only reason I voted for Fabulous Fool was because I don't know(and I still don't know) where Erunion protected Natalia.

Vote:Johnny Bacardi  the Last Paladin.

03:11:52 Oct 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

{I have of free time so}

*The screen flips on in the main room and shows the group what happened during the night.

Fizban stood in the hallway waiting for new orders when from out of nowhere Scientist appeared and stabbed him repeatedly in the back. Following this, the shadow of someone is seen but then that person runs away. Scientist is satisfied with his kill but then a dart hits him in the neck.

When he wakes up his is on a table with Dakarius looming over him. Dakarius cuts out Scientists heart as Scientist starts to mutate in response to the experimentation. Dakarius heads away from the table disturbed that his experiment failed in overdose but is suddenly frightened by a shadow in the corner. Then two werewolves pounce on Dakarius and he is ripped to shreads.

The loudspeaker sounded off following the video.*

"I must also add that Fizban's room blew up following the death of Scientist."

03:23:27 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Fabulousfool:

"Oh, that's nice of you not to vote for me twice. But that doesn't mean I won't vote for you!"


"To tell you the truth, I have no idea who to vote for, just trying to keep from being deemed 'inactive', quite sorry if I'm wrong"

[Vote: Sigheart]

03:39:56 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Wow, scientist, seriously you need to learn how to identify evil..."

04:21:07 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

lol, I had everyone going. If Fizzie and I hadn't been killed I bet Fizban would have been voted for evil. oh well, it was a good strategy protecting an innocent. watch out for my servant now >=D

For kicks and giggles:
You (10/9/2007 9:06:21 AM)
well, I intend to now experimanet on Fizzie
You (10/9/2007 9:34:28 PM)
Fizzie again
You (10/10/2007 9:01:26 PM)
and again, Fizzie.
You (10/12/2007 6:20:06 PM)
Evil Scientist kills Scientist.

12:11:23 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Good are doing really badly this round.

14:31:08 Oct 13th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

I dunno the werewolves seem to be helping good a lot more now, i would point fingers at the stupid people

14:34:03 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I advise killing the quiet ones.

14:35:33 Oct 13th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

I never had time to kill anyone i was always busy partying irl

16:31:01 Oct 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

1.    Natalia DEAD
2.    Erunion Telcontar DEAD
3.    Seloc DEAD
4.    Scientist DEAD
5.    Sigheart
6.    Love DEAD
7.    Atreides
8.    Kassius Xxi DEAD
9.    Brannigans Law DEAD
10.    Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin DEAD
11.    Spud DEAD
12.    Tiber Septim IV DEAD
13.    Dakarius DEAD
14.    Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven DEAD
15.    Soccer DEAD
16.    Xiax DEAD
17.    Verll DEAD
18.    Barny DEAD
19.    Mavich DEAD
20.    Fizban DEAD
21.    Fool
22.    benltf  DEAD
23.    Iwasfrozen V DEAD
24.    Shezmu DEAD
25.    Lewatha DEAD

*Before he could be voted out the three actives suddenly stopped to hear their hosts voice once more.*

"I have killed everyone else because they were inactive. That leaves only you three. I have hidden four objects one each corner of the station. The victor will be decided by this."

Atreides, Fool, and Sigheart. Please message me which corner you wish to head to. If two people head for the same box, the role they are will depend who gets it.

17:57:55 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Ugh, this game was moving to fast for me.

19:10:27 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"It's cuz theres too many inactives"

19:18:01 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Verll:

I Would have beeeen VERY active....BUT SOMEONE KILLLED ME :(

20:36:39 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    lol....that's pretty funny. I wonder what happens now lol.

20:42:38 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Lol, I was trying to be active but he killed me off. =(

20:42:57 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:

I didnt want to be a werewolf anyways!

20:50:25 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Really you were a werewolf?

20:52:11 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:'s been like the third werewolf game i've played and I've been a werewolf in all three games...Does it have something to do with my name??!?!?!

Does "Spud" sounds evil to you!

I want to be goooooooood!!!!

21:04:19 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

I'm sorry Spud, but it's random chance. This (out of around 7 or 8 games) is my second run as evil...

21:15:11 Oct 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

*Upon hearing this the three survivors ran to their areas. Sigheart ran south, Atreides ran to the North East, and Fool ran to the North West. Once Sigheart made it to the south he found a code located in a box. He realized that this code bore similarities to the radio codes and quickly ran to the nearest radio.

Meanwhile Atreides found what he was looking for in the North East corner. Lying on the ground was the key to the arms room on the station. He picked it up and ran as fast as he could to get a weapon.

Fool ran for what seemed like minutes then finally he found what was to be discovered in his area. The auto turret mainframe. He quickly sat down and scanned through the cameras for a target. It didn't take long for him to find Atreides. He was running down corridors towards the weapons room. He activated a nearby auto turret and opened fire. Unfortunately for him the turret was a chain gun and took a moment to start spinning. In this instant Atreides took cover.

Sigheart having finally found a radio entered the code. A voice responded asking if he wished to execute what the code was for. He answered yes and a deafening explosion rocketed across the station. The Northern half of the station blew away from the southern section and took fool with it. Atreides was saved by the fact that the *beep*nal was located in the southern section. Hopeful that he had won Sigheart headed towards the cafeteria.

Atreides got up. He felt blood running down his leg from having been knocked against the wall by the explosion. He knew that only a few feet remained between him and a weapon so he struggled on. Once he entered the *beep*nal he picked out a powerful looking gun and checked to make sure that it was loaded. Then he headed to the cafeteria. Once he arrived he was surprised to see Sigheart at one end of the room with Mac standing in between the two of them.*

"I must congratulate you both on your survival. It amazed me that you were not killed sooner Sigheart. If I had not taken pleasure in watching the struggles of the passengers against your side, I might have intervened, but alas, I did not. As Atreides is my last remaining staff member, I must say that I am glad to see him win."

*With that he gave Atreides a nod and Atreides opened fire on Sigheart. The bullet*beep* him before he could even respond and he collapsed a moment later.*

"Well done Atreides. Now this hologram will end. But first, the location of an escape pod is just down that corridor. I will see you at home base."

*Atreides gave a little bow, then he headed towards the corridor that he was directed to. A moment later he realized that he had been betrayed. The door slammed behind him and the hull began to heat up. A moment later the station ceased to exist as a powerful explosion rocketed around the surrounding area.*

This round is now over. Good won, but you don't expect me to have let anyone survive did you?

The roles were:


Station Staff x0
Security Guards  DEAD Verll, Kassius Xxi, and Fizban
Special Role Chef, DEAD Benltf
Special Role Assassin Dead Scientist
Security Monitor DEAD Septim
Doctor Ability: DEAD Atreides

Ship Passengers x0
Civilian’s x2 DEAD Soccer, Brannigans Law, Barny, and Xiax
Special Role Government Leader Dead Mavich
Special Role Bodyguard DEAD Love
Special Role Priest DEAD Lewatha
Special Role Guardian DEAD Seloc


Werewolf side  x0
Werewolves DEAD Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven, Spud, Fool, and Johnny Bacardi
Hacker DEAD Sezmu

Evil Scientist Side x0
Special Role
Evil Scientist Dead Dakarius
Special Role Assistant DEAD Natalia, Sigheart, and Erunion
Special Role Loyal Servant DEAD Iwasfrozen

21:32:22 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

YAY!! That was very intense! I won! Oh yea!..too bad I died =(

21:47:04 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

So cheap. Evil didn't have a chance in the end. Though the scientist side did play the best.

21:49:25 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Verll:

so....can you tell me who killed me?

21:53:29 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Excellent Story Mac, You should make all Day and night turns end like that next time you host.

21:55:09 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Yeah it was a good story though. Verll we killed you because we decided that Natalia was popular and because she was popular Erunion knew that he would be able use said popularity to kill you and besides Natalia was part of our team.

21:57:29 Oct 13th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

Alright werewolves! Why did you kill me!?

21:57:54 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Spud:


22:00:25 Oct 13th 07 - Duke Tiber Septim IV:

I didn't ask for you to apologize. I am wondering why you decided to kill me first.

22:00:36 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Tiber(it was probablly because you spam) don't feel to bad we were going to kill you off after Benltf, we killed him off because of atrocious grammer. My question is how can Atriedes use the doctor ability on himself? It's the only reason we didn't kill him.

22:09:54 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Verll:



22:10:27 Oct 13th 07 - Lord Mac:

He can save himself, by dragging himself to the hospital and saying that he was saved. The hospital is like a safe room.

Good won as soon as you were voted 2 to 1 Sigheart. Atreides would have been able to save himself then vote out Fool without being voted out to win which is why I ended it the way I did.

Thank you Spud. It is very useful as the host to have the list of people and roles handy so posting it at the end of every day and night worked well and I will do it again next time.

Who wants to host the next round? I would kind of like to play this time, but if no one else wants to...

22:19:11 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Scientist team, take a bow! We gave this game spice with our manipulation.

22:26:11 Oct 13th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Totally we were the best team since we always killed the good side and changed the vote to the good side the most.

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