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The Place-Warzone
18:49:51 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[errrr...Septim. That would never happen. And erm.... hes called the "HellGod" for a reason. Hes a GOD. You are a MORTAL. GL! Xerxus still doesn't consider you a demon. Wanabe.]

18:58:40 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A door opened in the side of the throne room and the Dukes saw their emperor.
"Emperor Septim!"
Overjoyed, Silverscar and Eskar ran towards Septim, clearly wielding the Blade of Erabor. Neither of them saw the Demon lord.

With a flick of his mighty hand, both of the unprepared warriors flew into the wall, then exploded.
Erunion saw the beast in time to restrain Drakonius and the others.
Drakonius lept into the throne room and transformed into a mighty dragon. Staring at the Demon, he flew forward blowing fire. The Demon lord, with unnatural speed, crushed his fist against the Dragons head, breaking it's jaw and knocking it into the wall. Erunion, ran forward and brandished his sword, using his magic to protect the now unconscious Drakonian.
Walking forward and carefully keeping his guard up, Erunion spat out at the creature, hoping to set it off balance, or better yet, enrage it. An angry creature has tunnel vision, and that could give Septim the opening he needed.
"Damn you! Damn you whatever name you go by, lord of the flies! You are nothing but a scavenger, one who has only risen from his dung-heap by trickery and treachery. By the lord above, you are nothing but a maggot, wriggling and writhing, eating from the flesh of the deceased. A creature without any goal or end but it's own twisted lust and growth. You, are filth."

19:03:43 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Delran needed a week to prepare his forces for a march against Essilia. He firstly need to restore the numbers of the Imperial Legion to 4,000. He chose 1,000 humans, elves, orcs and tigarians who seemed to be slightly better in battle skills than the others and had a different kind of thinking. In the Legion you had to be tolerant to the others beliefs and you need a quick thinking or else lives may be lost. He send some of his men to search for horses and meantime, had the veterans of the Legion to train the new guys. After the return of the men sent after horses, Delran had 6,000 horses to use. He quickly assigned 4283 to the Legion and their officers, 500 as pack-horses and the rest to other officers.

The order to move-out is given and 22,000 men march into Essilia, covered by 430 fighters. A week of resting and training did wonders for this force. It wasn't the group of ragged liberated soldiers who were freshly freed, they became once more the elite fighting force known as the Imperial Army of Erabor. And at it's core stands the Imperial Guard Legion, the cream of the elite, trained in all kinds of warfare, battle hardened in the wars under the Emperor.

This impresive force marched into Essilia, and using most of the tactics that helped them in Welliar, almost all of Essilia is liberated in one week. All that remains is the capital.

Now the army commanded by Delran, gained 18,000 more soldiers from the liberated cities. All that stands in their path now for the complete liberation of Essilia is the capital. The army now laid siege to the capital. The demons, knowing what happened to their comrades from other cities remained within the safety of their walls. But they didn't knew the powers of the oposing general.

After a week of siege, Delran inspected all of his troops. The presence of The Imperial Legion there was an inspiration to the men and a boost for the morale. Because of that, his men were enthusiastic and because the soldiers of the Legion thaught most soldiers some of their fighting skills. Also, during this time, Delran sent some of his men to take any horse they could find.

Delran deviced a plan and showed it to his officers. They all agreed to use it. At the cover of night, the Imperial Legion embarked on the fighters, along with 2,000 more soldiers. Delran shielded the fighters and they set course for the capital. The fighters could not be detected by any demons unless they would strike one. The same was for the soldiers inside them. The fighters deployed the men into the central plaza and then took altitude and started to bombard the capital, the exploding potions being directed by magic so that they would not harm their own men.

Covered by Delrans spell, the men proceded towards the gates. There, the entire army awaited, splited into groups to cover each gate. At Delrans signal the demons guarding the gates were masacred and the gates opened. The army poured into the city, and the fighters stoped the bombardment. In one hour the capital was in the hands of the Imperial Army.

After the liberation of Essilia, Delran made camp for a week to give his soldiers some time to rest. Also the men sent after horses returned with 60,000 horses. Delran keept 23,000 horses and sent 1,000 men with the other horses to bring them to Might.

Now Delran had an impressive force of 43,000 cavalry and 430 fighters, loosing only 1,000 men during the whole operation, plus the men sent to Might. The next step is now the province of Erabor and the Imperial Capital itself.

Delran reported to Might by magic.*

"Sir, I have liberated Essilia. My forces have now 43,000 cavalry men. I have sent 1,000 with 15,000 horses on the way towards your position. In one week I will march into Erabor. The base of operations will be established west of The Capital City of Erabor, between four towns, so that we may be able to link up very fast with the forces from Xerilia. Awaiting further orders if any."

19:04:02 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Xerxus stares at the HellGod.*

"Didn't I just escape from you? Why don't you ever DIE!"

*Xerxus takes out a sword made of white fire the size of Erunion.*

19:11:36 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Placing his hands together, a ball of pure white fire shot towards the demon lord from Erunion. The Demon lord reacted just in time to block it, but this, coupled with the string of insults he was getting from that pathetic human over there, overset his temper. He was furious now...

{FYI, he summoned reinforcements when Septim walked in. Expect his best demons to be here very soon.}

19:12:15 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike sees all this going on and help Erunion provide magic protection to Drakonus and and also helps him make the creature very angry...

"come on you rat ball lets see what you got!"

" You are just a peasant under my eyes you thingy!"

Zryike continued until the H3ll God got very mad.

19:14:41 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Captain Dark, saw what was happening. He draw his sword. Using magic, he froze the blade.*

"A demon can only be hurt by ice. Fire will just make him stronger. General, I suggest we attack him from multiple sides, drawing his attention fron one to another. Also, I sense that some of his guards are coming here."

19:17:15 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Dark, don't be silly. Demons of this type are flesh and blood, like us. They're just... Different. But not immune to heat, by any chance. That is merely a myth.
Dark, I advise that you cover the entrance against these guards."

19:25:00 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Dark moved towards to entrance. There, using his magic, he cloned himself. These clones were like him, having his abilities, but also they could be hurt. Dark also made a spell shield to protect him from a certain dergee of damege.*

19:26:04 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: omg everyone has like the same magically capabilities as me...)

19:27:14 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Not quite. I see that your magic power is almost without end, as for the rest of us, we have a limit.]

19:34:21 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: almost without end... ive had to not do spells because their "to powerful")

20:03:53 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias arched one of his eyebrows as he saw the two demons facing off in the chamber before him. The entry to the demon world had been surprisingly easy, mostly thanks to the distraction that his armies had been providing to the demonic defenders. He mused a moment over whether he should help Dark defend the entrance, or join the fight, but made his mind up quickly.

He'd always wanted to fight the Hellgod...

Closing his eyes for a moment, he focused, bringing more and more power from the Void into his terribly, terribly pitiful form. He was suddenly all too aware of the precariousness of his existence - poised on the boundary between life and death, a mere push could send him tumbling either way, to disaster no matter what happened. The roaring energies reminded him of his own awful mortality, and despite all that he had acheived and done in his millenia-long life, he felt a sense of utter despair; that he had failed in all things, and was doomed...

"Dammit", he muttered, annoyed. "I never get used to that". Drawing pure negative energy from the Void always had that kind of effect, he knew, especially on those in his.. delicate.. situation.

Raising his hands and pushing the energy in, he fired a beam of darkness from time immemorial, a slash of the void projected into the world: With thousands of millions of tiny hangers-on, hungering for light and heat and energy, towards the Hellgod.

20:07:28 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"Verthias, don't do it. It wont work. He is a God and not a thing of this earth, void, or hell. He is part of another world. He is the embodiment of all evil things. Don't do it!"

20:26:39 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

A bar of darkness shot towards the creature. It hit him, then he turned, and seeing it he stopped it. Having stopped it's flow, he sent it back, with a massive ball of dark-fire.

20:31:13 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Moght, would you pls respond to my post about the siege?]

20:49:46 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[What post?]

20:55:43 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Third post from the top of the page.]

21:00:17 Mar 4th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

"HELLGOD!!! Let us make a wager! One on one combat, you and me! If I win you give your powers to me, if you men will accept your dominion and no more demons will go the the void...", says Septim.

"You are a brave one, and I respect that, but stupid...I accept!", says the Hellgod.

The power signature cloak on the Blade of Erabor makes it look like a normal mithril sword to all, even a God.

The Hellgod marches forth like a tiger about to pounce on an unsucpecting gazelle, he shoots a fiery beam at Septim, but Septim swings his blade and the fire disappears. Septim swings the blade again and a blue wave comes from the blade and into the Hellgod.

"Argh! For a mortal you persist onwards!"

Septim swings the blade again and another bluewave comes forth, the Hellgod falls down and rises, and Septim aims the Blade of Erabor at the demon. The blade charges and the demon looks down upon the mortal. A white beam shoots from the blade into the demon, and real damage can be seen in the form of a glowing hole in the demon's stomach. The demon roars and brings his hand down upon Septim, but Septim slashes the hand and a blue shockwave erupts, driving the demon's hand back. Septim then stabs the hand and the hand explodes. Septim uses the blade to create a shield.

"Hellgod, you have underestimated a mortal for the first time...and it is your last...", says Septim, "For the Blade of Erabor draws upon the power of the planet itself!"

Septim swings the blade and another blue wave knocks the God back. Septim then turns into dragon form, an enormous white dragon with the blade of Erabor fused into it's claws, and Septim uses the Power of the North to become stronger, he charges the demon and slashes at it's stomach, Septim then lifts the weakened demon up and throws him on the ground. The demon lifts Septim up and throws him from the palace breaking the ceiling, Septim lands in the town square. The demon lands in front of him.

"You anger me mortal!", he says, marching towards Septim he punches him with his left hand. Septim then slashes at the demon with his talon, afterwards he blows fire hotter than the sun into the demon's face, even he cannot withstand the heat. Septim then bites the demon's neck, and rips his head from his body, the Hellgod of the demons dies at last. The demons disappear and the Hellgod's body turns into black smoke, it blows away with the north wind and Septim turns back into a human. The powers of the Hellgod belong to him now.

21:06:02 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Xerxus starts to laugh at Septim.*

"Nice show my young man, but your stupidity.....well ill save that for later.  Don't think you have won, Septim.  You have yet to fight the greater powers.  The Hellgod is a puppet. You have inherited it and now they will be the puppeter and you the puppet.....have fun, mortal."

*Xerxus dissapears.*

"Delran, contact Wraith and see what he has accomplished so far."

21:13:46 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

*Before entering Erabor with his forces, Delran contacts Wraith by magic. A cristall ball appears in front of Wraith.*

"Wraith, I am now entering Erabor. My aim is to liberate the N-W territory. There are 8 cities there. I need you to tell me what you have accomplished so far and give me a point where our armies can link for the final assault agains the capital."

*In a few days, Delrans forces liberate the N-W part of Erabor. The soldiers from the 8 liberated cities follows him and they set camp west of the capital, between four cities, awaiting Wraiths reply. He also sends a message to Might.*

"Sir, I am in position, west of Erabor. I have established a base of operations there. I have 52,000 men ready for the final battle. Awaiting orders."

21:14:04 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith has been leading the army and captured 5 cities, liberating many humans. The army grows stronger and he is outside a large city. It has 500,000 demons in it with a large 25 metre wall surrounding it. Wraith only has 200,000 soldiers and they are camping a little way away, on the edge of a narrow valley which is in between them and the city. *

21:16:52 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Wraith you have too many men. You only get 1,250 for each city and 5,000 for capitals.]

21:20:44 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

Zryike his job done helping defeat the h3ll god (lol) teleports over to the the southern most province and starts liberating the cities there he goes after the weakest an then works his way up to the strongest when he gets more troops,

Zryike takes over the southern most province with only 1000 casualties.

21:21:46 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Oops sorry. Didnt see that anywhere.... so I have 6,250 + whatever I started with... can I change it and say the enemy has 10,000 soldiers?

21:23:28 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[An enemy city has about 1k demons, a capital 5k. So I believe.Ask Septim for more detailed and accurate info.]

21:25:10 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Ahhh where is this post/posts? I don't remember seeing them =P
Fine. Its a Capital then. ^^

21:39:18 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Zryike, those casualties are way to low. More like 4k men lost.]

21:42:48 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion walked forward, and bowed before his emperor.
"Septim, the demons are gone back to their home, for now, with many others being sent to the pit of fire.
I am exceedingly happy to see you, free at last."

21:45:37 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: i took the first city by myself and then i took the rest with only little help by my troops so i didn't lose to much except for the capital battle, i guess they could be 2k)

21:46:27 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[What? You took cities ALONE? You sure about that? You would get massacred.]

21:49:38 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: it was 1k demons in each minor city so i could easily take them with my magical powers.)

21:50:52 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[ Even Septim would have problems with 1k demons. Your magic powers are not limitless.]

21:54:48 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: then let me explain how i can do it... first off i lure them out with illusiond then i use rof and other spells, if i cant beat 1k demons by myself then i guess my powers are the same as everyone else's)

21:58:27 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Yes, your powers are about the same level as everyone elses.]

22:00:28 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: then y am i primarily a mage? if i was a mage then my powers are better then everyone else except for my hth combat.)

22:12:14 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I am also primarily a mage. Your point?]

22:16:46 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Delran:

[Stop fighting for such a nonsense. Zryike, even if you were an archmage, you cannot take over a town by yourself. Might, pls cut it out. Let him be a stronger mage than any of us except Septim. This game is almost at the end. Let's fini*beep*.]

22:18:41 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(I  know that im not saying i have more power then you im saying thati have more power then anyone else)

23:14:57 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias watched as his spell was rebounded by the Hellgod, and raised his eyebrows as he threw it back at him with a fireball attached. He simply absorbed the void energy, and empited out the fireball - but his point was made, it seemed that this fight would not be one that he'd get to partcipate in. Pulling a satchel of strange, fluffy bits that crunched when he ate them, flavoured with butter and salt, he decided to watch - only to be greatly dissapointed by the two-minuite fight.

"That it?" He muttered. "Some Hellgod. I guess they've been retrograding since last I walked this world..." He sighed deeply, and got up, leaving the team with his powers of the Void, and reappearing with his men attacking Erabor from the west. When he arrived, the battle was all but done - he incinerated a clutch of demons that were making a last stand on a broken lenght of wall, but his men had done most of the work: The corpses of demons and men alike littered the ground, the former far more common than the latter. Verthias walked over to where Imputor was ripping apart a group of hellspawn, blurring with unnatural speed, and killed a couple before he finished the bag of popcorn.

As the last demon tumbled to the floor, he nodded at the Captain, and was pleasantly surprised to learn that almost all of the troops that his men had freed were willing, nay, enthusiastic, about joining the Guard.

"How handy", he chuckled. "I think we're going to be spending a lot of time in cleanup operations". He ordered that the army wait, rest, and train for a couple of weeks; to start to bring the new Guardsmen up to scratch, and to give him time to process them.

Two weeks later, the new army of the Void all but ready, the black snake of men marched out, to the west, and to the south, to help cleanse Erabor.

[You've got more power than anyone else, Zyrike? What about, oooh, Septim? Hellgod? Xerxus? Indeed, me? Why do you have to be the strongest of us all: in fact, why do any of us have to be stronger? We end up with this kind of escalating posting, competing to show how powerful we are. Does this sound like what a band of generals, saving their land from demons, would do? -_-]

23:23:18 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: i meant magic, Spetim is more powerful and me and Might are the same in magic)

00:10:55 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Zryike.....somehow I doubt Septim is "God" in Magic. Hes just good is some things and im good in others. There is no one "magic" its different things. Xerxus however is another matter same with Verthias. They have been living billions of years. If anything they are the most powerful in "magic."]

00:13:50 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Zryike:

(OOC: ok about Spetim but Verthias hasn't really put any thought into magic so if had been studying magic for half his time he would be awesome... Xerxua on the other hand probably is the best in magic due to the fact that he i like natrual in it nd spend his time studying it.)

00:38:53 Mar 5th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I am now the new Hellgod and God of Fire...I control the all of these takeovers you have done are void...]]

Septim turns to the demons, and they bow to their new God of Fire, an older one approaches.

"Milord, what are your orders?", he asks.

"Return to the Realm of Fire...I will be there soon..."

All of the demons (with the exception of Xerxus and Verthias) return to the demonic plane of fire. Septim turns to Erunion.

"Good to see you alive my friend, I will give lands out to my loyal soldiers, and then I must be gone for a while. I need to sort things out...", says Septim.

[[OOC: Anybody who does not have a province, pick one that is owned by an NPC, for all of the NPC dukes died in the war...except Rufus Skorg's province, he lived...]]

Septim disappears into dust a few days after giving the titles of Duke to his best followers.

Septim appears in the Realm of Fire, where an old looking demon approaches.

"Hello Lord, I must explain a few things to you...", he says.


"Many years ago, an all powerful God created the universe, but the effort shattered him into seven pieces. The biggest and most powerful piece is Mastros, King of Gods. The two second biggest pieces became Destructos and Creatos, the Gods of Creation and Destruction. The four smallest pieces became the Elemental Gods...Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, whom are now you, Aquos, Earthis, and Airos, respectively. You and Airos are under the God of Destruction, Earthis and Aquos are under the God of Creation. We are your servants and soldiers, the demons. Aquos's are the mermen and mermaids, Earthis's are rock and earth giants, and Airos controls the harpies. Do you understand?", asks the demon.

"Yes, I do...", says Septim.

"Good, Destructos will visit soon..."


Topal takes the Province of Gordia as his own and renames it Topalon.


Septim sits upon his demonic throne when Destructos arrives, he is an angry looking man, ten feet tall, with an enormous black beard and no hair on his head. He wears adamantium armor for intimidation purposes, for he does not need it. A massive maul is slung across his back, as it is his tool of destruction.

"God of Destruction, I am Septim, the new God of Fire...", says Septim.

"I know. Firos was the stronger of my two lesser Gods. I will explain a few things that your demon did not. Your realm, the Realm of Fire, reflects your state of mind, you may have noticed that it has become a better, by human standards, place...that is because you are more peaceful than Firos was. You also control fire in all it's forms, meaning that if a fire is happening in the mortal plane, you can snuff it getting me? You control every aspect of your realm, and your element...", says Destructos.

"I understand...", says Septim.

"Good, I am constantly at war with the God of Creation. Destroying as he creates, so I must leave...goodbye...", he says as he disappears.

Septim ponders his new position.

00:45:03 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Zyrike approaches the Emperor and says he would like the provinces of Miller Tarson and Gaia Tonnis

00:46:26 Mar 5th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

The Emperor's steward, Janus Reseldor, turns to see Zryike.

"I am sorry, but he said one per person..."

00:51:49 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

(OOC: lol i knew it! i need to stop doing that... anyways)

"Then I'll just take Gaia Tonnis's province

02:13:24 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Septim, I would like the province of Oceanus. Failing this, the province of Dumarot."

{Zryike, you are more talented than most of us in magic, I am neither the most talented warrior, or the most talented mage. I am, however, the most clever of us, apperrantly.}

03:53:16 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might turns to Septim.*

"I would like Gordaria."

*Deep into the unknown hells, in a place Septim cannot control. [One of the only places.] Xerxus sits in his throne thinking about the happenings.*

"This young "God" Septim.....his day will come when he comes around to reality and stops thinking hes omnipotent."

*Xerxus's servant, Uthor, giggles.*

"Yes, Your Most Awesomeness, his day will come when he meets the real "Xerxus ,and when that day comes....he will wish he was never born!"

06:17:31 Mar 5th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: I'm not omnipotent...only the seven Gods combined are omnipotent. And you need to stop doing this without my consent, Killer made me the controller and with that I control this game...and Xerxus is not a God, he is not in charge of demons or anything, he is your servant, nothing more, nothing less, that last post is void...if you want to add a plot point message me and I will consider it.]]

Septim, the new God of Fire, watches over his realm, the volcanoes go dormant and the sky goes from it's old dark red to a new blue. Septim's demons also reflect the change, they become more human in appearance, although they can sprout their rings at any moment, but the red eyes remain. As the new, once mortal, God of Fire, ponders his next move a demon runs in.

"Your Empire in the mortal plane is under attack by raiders...", the demon says.

Septim smiles, "Bring me my seeing glass..."

The demon brings Septim the seeing glass.

"Thank you..."

Septim summons a wave of fire that destroys the raiders in mere seconds.

[[OOC: Gordia was given to Topal, read my posts Might...Erunion, Dumarot is yours, Oceanus is still under my command, remember, on the map my name is under it...]]

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