Forums / Roleplaying / The Arena

The Arena
20:19:43 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc stabs Might a couple of time and a couple of times over, with his bat and a nail.*

20:23:33 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks interested as Seloc stabs Might with his bat. Killer wonders what Might'll do.*

20:27:04 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Die hopefully.]

*Seloc contiune to smash Might up then Napoleon and a group of strom troopers come and help Seloc out.*

20:32:11 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer selects a grave, picks up a rock and sticks it up as the headstone for the grave, inscribes(with his spade): Here lies Might, who foolishly challenged Seloc, and then stood doing nothing, and the picks another gavre, and picks up a rock and inscribes: Here lies Seloc, who died bravely against Killer. Killer then puts the spade back where it was and leans against it, waiting for Seloc to finish hitting Might.*

20:40:12 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion walks into the Arena, wearing full Naergothrendarin armour and weilding both a Trendarat and a Naergothrendarin Longbow.*

"I challenge ye, Killer, to a duel!"

*Erunion wonders why Killer's posts are always italicized...*

20:41:33 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

"I accept."

20:42:14 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Killer's grave stone disappears (my one).*

20:43:30 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer picks up his spade, awaiting some action from somebody.*

20:45:11 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

At 350 paces away from killer, Erunion opens fire with his longbow...

{OOC: An average longbow, weilded by an average longbowman, was bullseye accurate at up to 50 paces. A good longbow and a good longbowman, 75, Excellent with excellent, 100. 140,000 year old elf with fantastic longbow, 350... :p}

20:46:49 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer jumps into one of the graves as the arrow whizzes by, then jumps back out, unharmed.*

20:47:59 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer realises there was no arrow, as Erunion didn't takes arrows in with him. Killer shakes his head.*

20:51:38 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might laughs as he dodges all of Selocs attacks exept one which slices in leg. Might uses his axe to chop of Selocs Right foot.*

20:55:03 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc laughs as Mights misses then seloc and co procede to bash Might to a pulp.*

20:55:46 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks as Might manages to dodge all apart from one hit, then as Seloc beats him to a pulp. He decides that will be an interesting match.*

20:56:21 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might kicks selocs legs and Seloc falls onto the floor. Then he gets his axe ready to hit Seloc in the head with it.*

20:57:05 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Might dies from a heart attack sudeenly and Seloc burys him.*

20:59:30 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer picks up a stone and chucks it away into the air. It comes hurtling down towards Might.*

21:01:45 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer takes an arrow from the weapon stand and passes it to Erunion. He then takes a light, strong willow bow and an arrow for himself. " on your count of three"*

21:05:48 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*When Erunion counts to three, Killer's arrow flies straight and true, as does Erunion's, and they knock off each other, causing them to swerve off course. Erunion's flies towards Seloc, while Killer's flies harmlessly into the ground.*

21:07:27 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer picks up his spade and charges at Erunion, avoiding all graves.*

21:08:56 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Right, I have to go, so let's finish this for once and for all. *Killer charges towards Erunion, kicks up the dirt, blinding Erunion momentarily, and then swings his spade at Erunion.*

21:10:42 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Time pauses...*

21:26:59 Oct 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

"Killer seriously man, one post a time......."

21:36:49 Oct 29th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion Jumped back, as the spade whizzes in front of him and the dirt clears from his eyes. He then lashes forward with his Trendarat, first at killers arm then at his body...

14:28:11 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer speedily jumps backwards, with spade in hand, and starts parrying with Erunion, with the slight disadvantage of a weaker weapon.*

15:57:08 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Hacking with all his might, Erunion breaks the haft of the spade, sending the metal part flying. Having done this, Erunion kicks Killer on the side of his shin, the spikes of his Naergothrendarin armour penetrating and shattering the bone, and tearing the muscle. With Killer writhing on the ground, Erunion takes the handle away from him, then takes him to the stands.
"Get yourself a doctor, Killer. And never bring a shovel to a swordfight..."

17:14:20 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might sneaks up behind Erunion and stabs him in the heart with his spear which puncters and kills Erunion.*


17:30:22 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Seeing his master fall to such an evil trick, one of Erunion's mages heals the wound, and ressurects Erunion. Waking up, Erunion turned and saw might, with a bloody spear in hand.
"Damn you boy, I've had enough of your tricks, your incompetence and your foolishness! Die now and forever!"
With that, Might flashed into flame, and turned into a pile of ash.

{OOC: Might, cut it out. You're acting like a four year old. Stop doing silly things in the forums, like stabbing me from behind, using sp@m nukes, attacking Fizban, somehow surviving being destroyed completely... You get the picture.}

17:34:31 Oct 30th 07 - Sir Verll:


17:45:17 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC:I feel insulted! I just might be a 4 year old!]

*Outo f the pile you hear a strangled, "Ow.....Ressurection cheater"*

[OOC: Erunion ive killed you plenty of times so be quiet]

18:16:59 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"I only do things like this when someone cheats. As we were not fighting, and I haven't the foggiest idea where you got that spear, I resurrected. So please, in the future, fight fair. You might win."

18:31:42 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Hmm who'll ressurect me...."

19:28:49 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer feels slightly sore in the ankle as his bone is slightly out of place. He stands up wobbling, and notices he can't use his right leg. Erunion, being such a kind chap, brings him over the stands. Killer quickly realises that he needs some medical attention, so he spots some healing herbs and picks them up out of the arena. He takes out a morter and pestle, with some water and crushes them together, and pours the water on them. He hobbles towards his home, not being far from there, and sticks the mixture in a pot and boils it on the stove, and once done, he applies to the wound, relieving him of his pain. He stays indoors for several weeks, while his wounds heal.(Killer has miraculous healing skills...) Killer thinks about Erunion Telcontar's suggestion, and decides it might be a good idea to get some proper armour and weapons.*

20:18:25 Oct 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*After a few more weeks resting, Killer sets out to get some armour and a weapon. He's pretty poor, and so doesn't have enough to buy some good ones. He walks up the mountain, carrying nothing but a knife on him. He sees a fully armoured dragon-slayer there, with a servant, who is sewing a dragon-armour. The dragon-slayer walks up to Killer, and says: "Haha, I suppose you were looking to kill this dragon and get the profits for yourself, huh? Well... I did so first and so hahahahahaha." Killer looks at the weird *beep* in front of him. He ignores him, and walks into the cave to rest a while. The dragon-slayer follows him in, unsheathing his sword. "You there, I challenge you to a duel, and since you have no weapon, you can have this," throwing a small, weak sword to Killer. Killer picks it up and breaks it over his knee. "No," he answers. The dragon-slayer, furious that Killer had broken the pitiful weapon he had given him, runs towards him, waving about his sword pathetically. Killer easily dodges to the side, and the dragon-slayer hits the wall, falling unconcious. Killer looks at him, pityingly, almost. He walks on into the cave, and sees a dragon-nest. He sees baby dragons in the nest. He looks about him, as 20 armed men enter the cave, and pick the dragon-slayer up and take him out-side. Killer follows, angry that the dragon-slayer had killed a nursing mother. When the dragon-slayer wakes up, the armed men have an argument with him about him not paying them money. Killer now realises that they all helped kill the dragon and is annoyer. He runs into them, and wields a large rock he found and a knife. He hurls the rock at one of them, killing them. He then takes the knife to the nearest guy and gives him a lethal wound. He takes the sword out of the dieing man's hands, and slays all the others. He at last kills the dragon-slayer, easily. He walks back to the cave, and reaslises he'll have to look after the young dragons, and he stays there for weeks, feeding them with plants(a lot of people seem to think dragons are carnivores, but they're actually omnivores, and only eat meat rarely. How else would they not starve while seemingly spending hundreds of years in mountains?) He then decides, that as the arena is near by, to go down and ask for a job. He awaits to see if there are any jobs available.(he needs the money to look after the little dragons, all seven of them, by buying them food, instead of speding so much time getting food himself.)

16:55:10 Oct 31st 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer decides to come back later to apply for a job, but for now he walks up the mountain, and starts making weapons for himself with the dead dragon, who is beginning to stink. He makes an armour made of dragon-scales, and also a shield of it. Dragon-scales are very strong, and resist buring from fire.(Otherwise they'd get quite a lot of burns...) For a bow, he takes a bone out of the dragon's wing, which is pretty flexible and strong. He then attaches a string of rope to it, which he makes sure is taut and strong. He picks up a dead tree and takes it up beside the bow. He breaks off a branch to test how far the bow will send arrows. He shoots, and it flies down the mountain. He takes the sword off the dragon-slayers dead body, and starts making arrows. Then, for a sword, he takes the dragon's fore-legs bone, and attaches it to the tree branch(this is a pretty small tree...), and it is a sword, with two pronged (ummm...) blades. He sharpens the bone on both tops. Dragon bone is not made of calcium, but osmium, which is much stronger.
Killer goes down and looks for his job after feeding the dragons...*

08:56:06 Jun 24th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: SUPER-OMEGA BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

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