Forums / Roleplaying / The Arena

The Arena
04:29:15 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

"But if you want to be the LAW of the arena then you can hold a second post, Arena Police!"

*Septim pulls out his sword and suddenly Epyon kneels

"I now dub thee Arena Guard Epyon!"

*Septim disappears and Septim walks over to Epyon

"You just saw the real Gaius Septim, not many people get to do that"

*Septim holds out his hand

"I am Septim-216"

04:30:06 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Paracelzus:

That explains how old he is...

04:34:38 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

"Wow I was just dubbed by the real Gaius Septim! I will now assume my new position as the head of the Arena Police."

*Epyon leaves then comes back with a police uniform, including his gun and beatstick*

"Whoever so dares to disobey the law of the arena will have to deal with me!"

04:40:03 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks up to Epyon

"Well, If people actually come to break the law then we might be set!"

04:42:53 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Ninja:

"i leave for 2 secs and lion appears during my battle :P well sleepy time for ninja. be back tmr."

*puffs away in a ball of smoke*

"i will be back"!

04:45:23 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon looks puzzled*

"If he puffed away in a ball of smoke then how can he talk... nevermind. I will await your return so that we may finish our battle"

07:56:49 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks around and suddenly he touches his ear

"Hmmm, yes, ok..."

*Septim walks through a door leading underneath the arena

08:07:55 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon marches to a door next to the entrance to the arena leading to his office where he sits down in his chair and starts watching late nite tv on the tv on his desk*

08:22:08 Aug 2nd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Some guy in a ski-mask walks into the arena and starts stealin' stuff...

08:27:39 Aug 2nd 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon wonders why someone would want to steal from the arena since there isnt much there, then goes and beats up the burglar with his beat stick and throws him in the dungeon.*

04:01:08 Aug 3rd 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*A man in a suit walks in and puts up a notice, it says:


By the official law of Visual Utopia, Gaius Cephorus Septim is being sued under charges of posting way too many things that have no relation to the topic. Citizens of Visual Utopia that like or dislike Gaius Septim may come and flame him or defend him.

Location: Septim gets Sued, Roleplaying Section, VU Forums


Antonis Yurilus
Some unimportant NPC


02:15:18 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Marik:

*Walks in reads the notice and shrugs*

"What a crazy world"

*Walks into the distance and disapparates*

23:50:18 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks out into the arena


06:30:32 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon jumps up from sleeping in a chair*

"Huh?? Did I miss something??"

*Epyon draws his sword*

"If it's a fight you want, Septim, then it's a fight you'll get!!"

"I know declare a battle between Sir Gaius Septim and Mr Epyon!!!!"

06:33:07 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*A sword appears in Septim's hand

"Say 'ello to my 'lil friend!!!"

*Septim runs at Epyon and slashes at his arm, Epyon blocks and kicks Septim in the gut, Septim recovers and roundhouse kicks Epyon in the face...

06:38:51 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon hits Septim's sword out of his hand. Then Septim kicks Epyon in the arm making him drop his sword. They both assume a martial arts position and an epic battle of Kung Fu erupts!!*

*Epyon is in blue, Septim is in red*


*Just then, Senturu comes out of nowhere and punches Epyon in the face for saying booyaaa*

*Epyon gets back up and looks at Septim who is now passed out on the ground*

06:45:59 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim gets up from his fake passed out state and rips off Epyon's head, Septim then dies of a heart attack

"It's a draw!", said the ref.

*Septim and Epyon are suddenly brought back to life

"Good match Epyon!"


11:29:56 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

*salaras walks in*


I challenge.... septim!!!!

02:13:34 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:

*Walks in with a gun at his hip and starts filling everyone with lead*


02:58:44 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:

*Goldmeister puts on a black trench coat and sunglasses, then extends his hand out in front of the bullets and they all stop, as if stopped by an invisible wall,  then fall to the ground*

'Hello, Marik's friend'

05:43:21 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks up to Marik and looks into his eyes, a strange sensation fills Marik

"Kill yourself...Kill yourself...Kill yourself...Kill yourself...Kill yourself..."

*Marik's arm goes up under his chin, gun in hand, Marik cannot stop the urge to pull the trigger and kills himself

"Good boy..."

*Septim turns to Salaras

"I accept the challenge!"

*Septim pulls out a sword and smacks Salaras with the blunt edge

05:46:58 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

*Epyon stands up*

"Woah woah woah Septim! I have to declare this as a proper match in order for it to be legitimate! I hearby declare a battle between Sir Gaius Septim and Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven!!"

13:37:22 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Seloc walks in followed by the real Septim discussing some matter. They stop in front of the group, suddenly lightning hits Epyon and he falls to the floor. Septim then disappears after agreeing to something. The arena gates open and suddenly the place is filled with giant man-eating-ant-eaters. Seloc then takes a seat in the audience and watches the others struggle.*

17:26:51 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*kassius walks in, takes of the top hat and under neath is captain pugwash the monkey holding a knife in either hand

"Go for the eyes pug!!!!!!!"

kassius fills the room with demonic laughter as pug goes and eats evryones eyes*

21:11:29 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

*Watches pugwash multilate the meatballs in a dish of spagetti and meatballs.*

"Well it's a monkey, what you donna do..."

21:55:17 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks at the monkey

"Hmmmmm...I am sure that he *points to a gorilla* needs some company in bed..."

*The male gorilla grabs the male monkey and heads into the gorilla barracks...

22:24:20 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:

*Gets up without a head*

"Hmmmm An ankh of ressurection brought me back to life without as head. O there it is."

*Walks up to a y mass on the ground*

"Tsk Tsk that won't due."

*Has 100 magicians come and they cast a spell that recreates his head and places it in its right spot but blows them all up.*

"That feels better."

22:26:40 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim looks into Marik's eyes and waves his hand in front of his face

"You want to beat yourself to death with a hammer..."

*Marik feels an uncontrollable urge and smashes himself to death with a hammer

22:30:25 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:

*Spirit rises out of body"

"Not again!"

"Spirit glances at itself then Septim"
*Flies into Septims body and takes control. Calls all of Septims freinds and loved ones and curses at them in Septims voice and then tells all his troops to go free like birds.*
*Septims enemies start to move in on him now that hes defenceless...*

22:33:57 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Marik's spirit cannot stay in Septim's body due to years of alcoholism and spamming. Marik's spirit is immediately destroyed and Septim looks at the crowd of people before him. Septim pulls out a flashy thing from men-in-black and puts on sunglasses. He then presses a button on the flashy thing.

"I never called you all those bad things, you should sit down and read a book"

*Everybody does as Septim says

22:39:54 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:

* Specs of dust his spirit has become float together to make a mouth*
"Darn I should of guessed that would happen"

*The dust floats into a healthy soldier who was unfortunatley close to Marik*

"Finally a body"

*Realizes as he sees from some dust still outside the soldier that he can possess more than one person. Notices an army trooping by*
"How convienent"

*possesses 50 more soldiers and has them troop into the arena*
**With uncanny precision and without speaking they perform complex maneuvers and kill many people easily as if they all had only 1 mind**

22:46:13 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim runs in to the soldiers and cuts one's arm off, he then stabs his sword backwards, going though one's chest. Septim blocks two blows to him and cuts one man in half. Septim then grabs a fallen soldier's sword and blocks two blows at once, he cuts both of the men's arms off and pulls a double-lariat, cutting ten men's heads off. Septim then blocks around five blows and stabs two men in the chest. Septim then blocks a blow and cuts two men's head off, Septim stabs the man with the severed arm and blocks two blows. Septim battles for around 35 minutes before the battle is over...and Septim is the winner!


22:49:42 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:

"Dangit... Oh those were peasents in armour.. hee hee um..."

*Dust goes and possesses 5 nazguls they struggle but he takes control. Then he goes and possesses some wierd ghostlike creatures in black cloaks.*

"Where is the ring?" they ask

*Marik Possesses them and has them ride the nazguls back where they promtly start fighting Septims Clones 214-225.*

22:59:17 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim-214 looks at the nazguls and host like creatures and says a cheesy one-liner before running into  battle. He runs towards a nazgul, who tries to bite Septim, Septim jumps on his head and sends his blade through his skull. The nazgul falls and Septim shoots a crossbow bolt at the strange host- like creature, hitting him where it hurts, Septim-214 is then killed by an angry host-like creature.

*Septim-215 throws a spear at a nazgul, hitting him in the throat and killing him instantly. Septim-215 then grabs the spear and stabs it into a weird-host like creature's skull, killing him. Septim-215 then jumps on another nazgul and stabs a spear into it's eye. Septim pulls the spear out and drives it into it's eye before being eaten by another nazgul.

*Septim-216 stabs a nazgul in the chest and is promtly slashes at, Septim-216 dodges the slash and stabs a dagger into it's side, Septim-216 uses the dagger as a ladder as he climbs up the side of the nazgul, upon arriving at the top he kills a weird hostlike creature by stabbing it in the face, Septim-216 then sees the nazgul he is on top of swallow Septim-215. Fueled by anger Septim-216 cuts off the nazgul's head before being slashed in half by the last nazgul.

*Septim-217 runs into battle and kills the last nazgul with a spear to the throat. Septim-217 then regroups with the other Septims and battles the rest of the weird hostlike creatures. Septims 220, 223, and 225 lost their lives in the process...

23:13:29 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:


*The dust swarms the remaining septim clones and eats their flesh off*

"This will never end will it..."

*The dust goes into the future gets nukes and starts dropping them all over the world while cackling madly*

"MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the end of the world has come so everyone loses... but Septim hell find a way to live"
*my dust flies into space to avoid the fallout preparing to fight Septim one last time...*

23:16:09 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Forget it I'm not reading that......

23:17:15 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*The real Gaius Septim appears and raises his arms, the nukes are all deifused and the world is restored to it's previous grandeur. The real Gaius Septim then sends Marik's soul to Sithis, a god who loves to torture...the real Gaius Septim then disappears

23:33:36 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Marik:


*Dust goes into the gods nose and he is sneeze propelled back into his body where he promptly leaves the arena and goes spectate*

10:30:56 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Well that was fun."

*Seloc claps his hand and the arena is filled with lions again.*


19:27:30 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*A mongoose walks up and puts up a flier, it says:


Ye Olde Taverne is a cozy Tavern in the roleplaying section, it has a beer pool, lots of tables and chairs, and lots of good ol' fashion fun! C'mon down and join the party!


Gaius Septim

14:02:38 Aug 14th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

*salaras stands up after being hit with the blunt end of the sword*

"you should know better than to hit a nurse

18:41:23 Aug 18th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim hangs up VUPAVUPAS banners all over the arena

00:55:21 Aug 21st 07 - Mr. Jay Brown:

Big mac chesse

22:00:45 Aug 25th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

IVE COME TO FIGHT IN THE ARENA and if he says that again hell be my first oppenent

22:14:55 Aug 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Big Mc-Cheese (Its a name)

22:16:20 Aug 25th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

ok i thoght he was promoting mcdonalds

01:34:05 Aug 26th 07 - Duke Pelagius Septim IV:

*Septim walks up behind Dragonboy and pokes him on the shoulder

"I accept..."

*Septim and Dragonboy are suddenly in the arena, Septim pulls out his blade, Firengard, and attacks...

03:35:02 Aug 26th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

*vineraven walks in*

"HOLD IT!!!"

*stands between them*

"now you see in the contract here septim it says this is a place were 'people' fight, not dragonboys!"

09:41:23 Aug 26th 07 - Duke Pelagius Septim IV:

*Septim sheaths his blade

"Your lucky, Dragonboy, that Vineraven knows the rules..."

*Septim looks at Vineraven

"You can be the announcer, you act as a ref and say when the match is over. Do you accept?"

11:52:54 Aug 26th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

aw i really wanted to fight someone *pulls out his dragovian sword*"how about mr. jay brown who keeps saying big mac cheese

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