Forums / Roleplaying / Desserts Galore!

Desserts Galore!
03:57:29 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

A crowd surrounds a two story building, with colored ribbons and balloons all around it.  Arvious VI walks up to the stage and speaks.

"It is my greatest pleasure to open 'Desserts Galore!', the new bakery with the most greatest desserts known to man!"

A young man's smile faded.

"I thought this was a steakhouse!"

"No, there are no meats here... unless you want meat pie, for it is a pie.  If you want meats, go to Septim's Exotic Eats."

Most of the crowd leaves.

"...Why does this always happen to me?"



There is no menu, as long as it's a dessert, you get it.  Don't order anything in bulk, or you may be waiting long, ask that guy over there.

A pile of fragments of bones covered in dust was in a seat in a corner of the bakery.

He's Jimmy, how are you today?

"Not too bad, thank you," said the piles of bones as it moved slightly.


Arvious walks up to the door and takes the 'CLOSED' sign and rips it up, and puts a neon light in the shape of a milk shake on the front, and when turned on said 'OPEN'.

[[How'd you people like the intro?]]

04:00:14 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Four Well Suited men storm the Dessert-Bar and tra*beep*

" This is a clear attempt at copying Exotic Eats, If you continue, you WILL be taken to court "

The men leave the bar with a trail of mess behind them...

04:03:29 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*wonders why 4 little kids came in and decided to play 'Judge'*

"Erm, what can I get for you today?"

04:08:43 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*A man walks in the door*

"Hmm....I would like a chocolate cake to take home to the missus."

04:15:01 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*Arvious goes back and grabs a chocolate cake topped with crushed almonds and blueberries, puts it into a container, and gives it to the man*

"That'll be 32.93, sir."

04:17:18 Aug 3rd 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*Hands Arvious some Tasidian currency and runs out the door*

04:18:13 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

*looks at the coins*

"Good thing we have a converter here," he mubbles to himself before going into the back room.

03:20:35 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Arvious VI:

Arvious puts a sign up saying, 'FREE DESSERTS FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS!!!' and sits down waiting.

05:11:18 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Sonicx:

*Steals a cookie*


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