Forums / Roleplaying / Sp@malot vs. Mustardon

Sp@malot vs. Mustardon
17:47:47 Jun 11th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie stands from his ship in space*

"Where the hell did he come from after all this time??? Doesnt he know that the world ended as we know it and we all left pretty much?"

17:52:44 Jun 11th 08 - Sir Wraith:

*Wraith smiles evilly and and picks up a walkie-talkie.

"Major, the time has come. Start the plan and put it into action... hehehe..."

*The Cows started marching in. Brigade after Brigade marched at their enemies with milk guns at the ready. Mouldy Cheese cannons blasted away giving them cover fire. The thinner, assassin cows attacked from behind enemy lines, knives at the ready to assassinate the leaders...*

17:54:56 Jun 11th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Of course  there was really no one still on the planet.......Charley's Clone Commando's had long left the planet and colonized other world's due to the destruction wreaked upon the planet*

18:16:08 Jun 11th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

As the cow hordes pour into Mustardon, they realize something, something horrific...
All they see, from the girl to the armies, is an illusion. An illusion cast by a powerful mage...
Suddenly, fire erupts from every corner of the land, slaying millions of cows...

In the sky, a huge sign floats for all to see....

"You got Owned!!!"

18:20:36 Jun 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Erunion was to busy to realize that Might was sneaking up right behind him with a large cleavor. [After making sure this it IS in fact Erunion.] Might walks out of the compound with Erunions head on a pike.

"Erunion will be back though....He never seems to die."


The Cow Hordes continue to conquer.

18:33:40 Jun 11th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

*Err.. Might, I thought Ernie gave you a hint. We ain't here no longer. Your the only one still on this planet, and your army got toasted.*

As Might walks away, the head disappears. This was yet another illusion, but a much more solid one.
The Pike then get*beep* by lightning, frying the poor unfortunate Cow god.

18:37:42 Jun 11th 08 - Lord Mac:

*Then the planet explodes officially ending the battle the screen jumps to a far away space station where Scientist is holding a detonator with Mac and Shezmu smiling as they stand behind him*


18:44:18 Jun 11th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim sits on his large throne in space, he presses a button that says "Release the clones". Suddenly, millions of clones are being launched into the battlefield supported by SP@Mechas, SP@M tanks, Sp@m recon vehicles, Sp@m jet fighters, Sp@m bombers, and Sp@m artillery...

19:11:28 Jun 11th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie looks at Lord Mac and wonders WHICH space station he is standing on....and then realize they are on the same one* X_x

"Hey!...I didnt know we were sharing this damn thing.....oh well"

*And they lived happily ever after...the end*

01:38:09 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might is confused.*


Might ransports his army to another world and takes over it. Might watches Septim kill billions of Sp@m Troops.

01:51:35 Jun 12th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Prince Bertilius Septim II


6/11/2008 1:44:18 PM
*Septim sits on his large throne
You "putting on" the ye*beep*h Septim? hehe....cannot fit in a NORMAL throne?  =D

03:26:05 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. Arvious V:

Arvious shakes his head.

"Might, I hate you.  We had a peace agreement, and now you have to go and ruin it, you fool!"

Arvious grabs a gun with Anti-Cow ammo in it called Cow Killer 2000, and fires away at Might.

03:28:14 Jun 12th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Leaves the thread*........

07:18:42 Jun 12th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim revives his troops, Septim then decides that, due to a peace agreement with Telcontar, this thread should die.

"If Might wants to war me, then he should make his OWN thread..."

07:22:51 Jun 12th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie pulls out a revolver and shoots the thread in the head*
"Its dead Septim........." *Pulls out a shovel*  "Time to bury it"

15:53:09 Jun 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might laughs evilly at the head of his giant army.

"Bwhahahahahhahahhahahahahah! Septim, you SUXS!"

16:15:59 Jun 12th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Fizban sighs and shakes his head at the Lord of Bovines. "What is this? This is clearly not following the premise of this thread, and is thus sp@m! Yet, as this is sp@m not generated by Lord Septim, I think I can freely intervene..."

Suddenly Might and his army are thrust out of this plane by a rather violent force. They end up on another thread, where this battle can be done properly.....

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