Forums / Roleplaying / The Endless Battle Era Two

The Endless Battle Era Two
20:43:16 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

Verthias looked on from his position in the foremost bunker at the base at the distant horizon. Dark shapes could be seen moving - a black tide, sweeping towards the thin line of grim, stone bunkers in front of the wall. He signalled his men to make ready, and there was a sudden cacophany as the five hundred soldiers in the defense bunker rushed to their postitions. Far up the hill, the grinding noises of the deadly machinery of war was clearly audible. Verthias, knowing that all was as ready as it could be, sat on one of the carved stone benches in the barracks, and tended to his weapons.

Half an hour later, the dark shapes of the attackers came into view - nearly fourty siege towers, each ten times taller than a man, came crunching across the vast open plain before the pass. Behind them came a swarm of rotting monstrosities, of every race - humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings could all be seen, and even the odd orc or troll. Maybe one in three of them were carrying siege ladders. Verthias barked a laugh - the undead horde may be innumerable, but noone ever accused it of being intelligent. Looking up the fairly steep incline of the hill, past the bunkers of his second line of defenses, he smiled. This was going to be almost too easy...

He signalled the longer ranged catapaults to begin firing at two and a half miles distant. Standard muntions, just stones, aimed at the siege towers; there was a dark aura, a swirling storm of darkness, on many of the siege towers that he did not like the look of. Half a dozen gigantic stones came soaring up from the second line of defenses - only two hit their siege towers, smashing them to so much kindling and going straight through, wreaking havoc amongst the waves upon waves of ladder-bearers behind the towers, as the gigantic rocks rolled and leaped, crushing hundreds. It was of no matter, though - the other four, deflected from the towers by a mystical force or missing them entirely, killed  thousands more of the teeming hordes of the zombies - carving vast swathes out of the incoming army, gaps in the wave more than ten meters across. The trebuchets fired again, and again, and again. A dozen more of the siege towers were smashed and plummeted to the floor, the huge plates of metal and gigantic spars of hardened oak butchering the unfortunates beneath the towers.

Verthias began to smile. The army was barely half of the way there, and already more than a third of the mage-bearing siege towers were down. He saw another volley, and watched three more towers smashed to pieces by the three-tonne projectiles.

Suddenly, the air around him blackened and coalesced into dark, gibbering figures. With a harsh oath, he ripped his longsword out of the sheath, and lay about him - cleaving the heads and bodies of the zombies who were being summoned into the bunker by the dark magics of the necromancers. All around, he heard the noises of battle as his men - veterans of the long war - reacted in the same way. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that most of the siege towers had been destroyed by the magical backblast, and blew vast holes in the zombie hordes with their dying blasts. But the second line of defenses was under attack as well, and the rate of fire from the lethal siege catapaults dried up as their crew grabbed their swords. Finally, as he began to hack down his eighth - or was it ninth? - zombie, their figures became solid, and their talons, dripping with poison, began to lash out at him. He took such a blow to his breastplate - the claws barely scratching his armour, and his broadsword slicing the zombie in half in return.

He saw the one last shot fired by a heroic ballista crew slice one of the three remaning siege towers in half, before bouncing for nearly half a mile through the zombie horde, slicing and dicing in it's wake, before he threw himself into the battle at the entrance of the bunker, with a roar.

20:59:28 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[Verhtias, how come you are posting, cause u aint on the list. and, btw, that was two kind of huge posts, lol.]]

21:02:52 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[I was invited to by Seloc, my friend. And, yes, it was. And is there any rule against posting more than 100 words? ;)]

21:06:34 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[No, there isnt. but there is such a thing as overkill.]]

21:18:44 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[There's no kill like overkill]

21:19:28 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[lol. I didnt bother to read all of what you put.]]

21:20:16 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[*raises eyebrows*. Well, join the back of the queue. I guess i'm just *too* good..]

21:30:01 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[I dont have the patience at this moment in time, I am not in the right mood]]

21:32:29 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Chuckles evilly. It seems the reach of the necromancers is long indeed. I wonder if Leonidas ever decided that he 'wasn't in the mood' when it came to persian-butchering? No he didn't! And that's why we live in a free world today, free from the evil elephants, rhinos and strangely historically innacurate flame-tossers and mutants of the Persian armies. Mind you, Leonidas probably didn't have to read much to do that..]

21:35:33 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[lol, I dont think thyis is quite the same situation]]

22:01:11 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Ssssh. Noone knows that yet]

00:28:39 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks at the incoming undead. They were many, he could give them that, but could see, even at this distance, they hadn't much weaponry or armour. Of course, they'd get up again anyway, but it would take them longer to do anything. Killer pulls back his bow, and tests an arrow. It goes for one hundred and fifty metres, or there abouts. The undead were still further than that. One of the other troops glanced at him, annoyed.  Killer didn't care. The undead came on, and eventually reached the mark of the arrow. The arrows were fired shortly afterwards, and took down many. Killer smiled sweetly at the other troop. He smirked at the grimace in return. Killer cast out his sight to the plains once more. They were coming fast, with towers. Killer cursed. He aimed carefully, and was knocked down. 

            It was the man who looked angrily at Killer when he fired the arrow. Killer picked himself up, and stared at the young man. The man pulled his sword out. Killer found himself looking at many amazed faces, as the man fell down the length of the wall. Killer thought he heard a sickening crucnh, but knew he couldn't have heard it. The man was struck by a bolt, and the man who fired the bolt was the commander. The commander gruffly shouted that this was an example and there would be no fighting along the walls. He called Killer aside, and sent a sergeant along with him to go down to the bottom part of the wall. Killer went with him. He found that there were many more troops than he knew at first, and there were slit holes in the wall the whole way down, and archers standing at them. The troops at the top where he was before were sword-fighters, and were standing at the top of the wall to see what happened, and would go down to the bottom part of the wall to the gate when necessary. Killer reckoned that there were 100,000 archers peeking out those slits.
           He continued downwards to the bottom of the wall, and there he saw an encampment, of maybe 100,000 soldiers, ready to fight when the gate was broken. There was another 100,000 foraging for food, he was informed, inside the walls. Still he was lead down, into the wall itself, for there was an opening to go down into and beyond the wall, but only narrow, and when Killer rose up out of it, he found himself in a cave with 1,000 golems. Killer stared, mouth wide open. Huge creatures they were, and mages were there to make sure nothing was wrong. They must have been the only mages in the wall, Killer thought to himself. He was issued towards the narrow opening of the cave, and the sergeant was nowhere to be seen very quickly. Killer found himself staring at the undead, at the bottom of the wall. He cursed. Just his luck. Still, he had the perfect position to kill lots of them, and perhaps knock down a tower. He saw many were knocked back by the soldier on top of the wall, and archers further down. He found himself between two of the towers, and muttered a spell beneath his breath to set them aflame. Only, it didn't work. The wood had been wetted with something. Killer found himself staring at a mage, an undead one. It looked to magical to be but a mage, so he thought it would be an archmage. No time to make decisions he though to himself.                                                      

           He unsheathed it's sword, and bright it was. He swung it at the undead archmage, but suddenly found him swinging at nothingness. The momentum carried him around 180 degrees, and he saw his sword in the side of the archmage. Killer laughed, more out of despair than anything else. He had been very lucky. He hacked a few undead out of the way, and had a swing at a tower. He managed to crack the wood slightly, and it broke, and the tower toppled over backwards. He was snatched back into the safety of the cave behind the golems, who were hurt by nothing, by one of the mages. Killer was glad, yet sad in a way. still, he was safe, for the moments, and looked out of one of the peepholes in the cave.*

17:30:21 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

The undead were on the horizon, and they were bringing siege towers. Demonsul's unfinished patch of wall stood no chance unless they got the ballista operational.

Demonsul, with the help of the builders, hefted the ballista into position atop the tower. The chain-bolt provisions were loaded into the firing slot and the multiple strings drawn taut. The builders began to turn the huge heavy handle and Demonsul took aim with the huge war machine.

Whamawhamawhama, the bolts flew fro the front. The undead on the ground were being downed, but the siege towers held out against the onslaught, protected by some form of magical barrier.

Demonsul loaded up the special magic-piercing bolts he had luckily remembered to have blessed earlier, lit the flame at the front of the ballista, and continued firing. The flaming bolts flew straight through the magic defense and hit the towers, which quickly started to blaze. Soon they were collapsing, igniting the undead below.

But this was only the beginning...

22:04:10 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

As Meowman spoted the siege towers on the horizon he snorted, thinking 'can't they do better?' But one of his elves had noticed something else. Each tower was manned at the top by a staff-weilding skeleton, who was grinning his head of. 'Actually,' Meowman thought, 'being a skeleton it can't really do anything except grin...'

 He called a meeting of his band and explained his plan. They nodded and got to their positions, the elves in the magic towers, the humans at ballista and the dwarves at the gates. After the elves had meditated in the pentagrams for about fifteen minutes they were ready to begin. "Begin firing!" came the voice of Meowman.

As the first of the ballista bolts hit the sheild around the seige tower it became visible, abd Meowman saw it as a kind of orange-green. As more ballista bolts struck, he saw the colour be more concentrated around the general area the ballista were hitting, as he had hoped. He gave the signal.

The elves in their pentacles concentrated on their elements, and summoned a raging ball of each elements blazing power from the heavens. They spiralled down towards the seige towers, and too late the undead saw them and began to concentrate on the areas they would hit. The elements collided just above the sheilds, and Meowman watched them flicker and die, the archmages exploding with the effort of maintaining the barrier. It was then the work of moments to take down the towers with the ballista, watching them cruch the undead beneath, and then for the dwarves to mop up the survivors.

'So we defeated them the first time,' mused Meowman. 'But next timethey will have learned from their mistakes...' He congratuladed his men, and they got back to work...

17:22:15 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Ehm.. are you posting, Seloc? It's been three days. Or can we at least have the next attack wave to defend against?]

17:45:51 Feb 15th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Three days! wow time went by fast!

lol I though we were waiting on another person : S


  1. Meowman
  2. Alban
  3. Verthias IX
  4. Killer
  5. Seloc

A wave of power swept throught the undead lines, tearing up anything in it path. Berzerkers were charging!

17:48:21 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


Sorry for that outburst, but I see nowhere where I could have died...its just I decided to increase my personal difficulty level by being almost undefended.

17:48:30 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[Meowman, get on with it!!! i wanna post!! and Seloc, was I meant to finish the attack before? or do the bezerkers get added to the towers??]

17:50:01 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[meowman has posted-right below me!]

17:50:36 Feb 15th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Demonsul your dead get over it,

Alban it doesn't really matter what you do my stuff is just a guide line.

17:51:39 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

please say where i died, as i have kept up with the posting.

at least have the decency to say

17:51:44 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[demonsul, I meant his new post. and the worst RPer dies, dont they??]

17:52:43 Feb 15th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Yes Alban they do, its a game demonsul and you lost. Please read rules before appling.]

17:54:16 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[now where is meowman?!]

17:54:46 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[well i read the rules and don't see it in there, but if you're gonna kick me out fine]

18:08:04 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[To be honest, I don't see where Demonsul died here either, unless it was from the magic rule. But, Meowman, get on and post! ><]

18:10:09 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Well, the worst RPer dies, it was mentioned somwhere... maybe in last era's one?]

18:11:55 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[errr... here's the closest in this thread:
  1. Killer
  2. Demonsul
  3. Meowman
  4. Alban
  5. Seloc

Ok folks game starts here this is where people start dying, so write your heart out.
Minimum - 100 words

Seige towers manned by archmages come for you! quick deend those walls with your lives!

18:12:33 Feb 15th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[Can you please put me first seloc??]]

18:13:48 Feb 15th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Alban wait your turn this round, I was wrong to let you go early first round.]

18:17:25 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might stands in his shack with a pitchfork ready to take on the.......OH GOD THERES A CRAP LOAD OF ZOMBIES COMIN TOWARDS ME!*

19:00:54 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Yes, I always did suspect that that would be one of the major downsides to a zombie invasion, the zombies]

19:08:13 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

i have a feeling might is worse than me anyway...

19:12:56 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Might isn't in it. He just lurks around on the edges, making strange comments and molesting the occasional zombie]

19:14:10 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

fair enough.

i mean, after all, he is busy with that thread where hes getting his holy cow behind kicked by the true cow goddess (lewatha)

01:09:09 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[Soz guys I'm in +8 time zone, you were writing at 1 in the morning where I come from. Have to go to rugby soon so might have to finish this later...]]

As Meowman and his men enjoyed a moment of peace after the defeat of the seige weapons. Meowman took the time to compare the difference between the lands of dead and living. On the one side

[[To be continued, soz dont have time]]

05:20:46 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[Let's try again]]

As Meowman and his men enjoyed a moment of peace after the defeat of the seige weapons. Meowman took the time to compare the difference between the lands of dead and living. On the one side, the side on which the truly alive prospered, the fields below the wall were rich and flowing. But as they reached the wall, and went beneath it, a strange change came over it, and by the time it was once again visible in the realm of the accursed it was barren and dry, not fit for life. But then again, on that side, nothing was truly alive...

Meowman was broken from his thoughts by a shake on the shoulder. It was a young dwarf, with the age of 35 being young for them. "Yes, brother?" asked Meowman. "Come here sir, and see for yourself!" His voice sounded urgent, and in seconds he was observing a running line of deadlily armed undead, sprinting across the plains. Meowman knew they were berserkers, who would destroy anything in their path without thinking. He immediatly had archers firing and mages casting, but he soon saw that unless it was completly destroyed and it's ashes scattered, the creatures would simply pick up their skulls or arms and stick them back on, nevering ceasing their relentless charge.

By now they were only three quarters of an arrowshot away, and Meowman knew they would all die if he didn't think of something. He thought over everything he knew about the creatures, and they were but half an arrowshot away by the time he thought of something. 'They would destroy anything in their path without thinking.' That was it! Again, Meowman found himself relying on his mages. He raced up the stairs of his left-hand tower and had the mages on both sides hurridly prepare a teleportation spell. The undead were only 75 meters away... now 50... now 30...

When sudenly the back half  of the charging mob found themselves only 5 meters away from the wall, but facing back the way they came. Meowman hoped and prayed that his plan would work. It did. The berserkers ran forward still, and as the 2 halfs met, Meowman watched contentedly as the beasts killed each other, tearing their allys limb from limb. He shook hands with the head of his wizards and began back down the stairs...

[[Don't put me first again or you'll have another wait like that]]

11:02:35 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[I concur. Methinks that everyone should be arranged into an order whereby the person who can be on at that time is the first to post. For example, let's say Seloc puts up the new order at 5 pm. Alban, Killer and I all seem to be on at that time, so it would make sense to have us in that kind of order. Although.. if the worst RP'er is killed off, we won't have that many waves before there's just one guy standing, looking lonely]

11:17:07 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[I dont hav time to write now, and I will be out all day. please put me at the back, this was one of the reasons I wanted to go first.

11:44:46 Feb 16th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Order is random don't complain, also I assumed everyone who wanted to play this thread looked at the previous one, if you don't know the rules it's all the more reason to die.]

21:03:38 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[*looks at Seloc oddly. Drums fingers on metaphorical table of waiting]

21:17:32 Feb 16th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[Sorry. I am bk, obviously, so will now post]

Alban watched as his men drove forward once more. once more the undead were forced to surrender their position on the wall, only to surge back up again and force his men back.

several men stood by the arrow slit, driving home their swords whenver an undead's form came into view. other shielded these men, while hacking at the undead that made it onto the wall. many of the undead were pierced by brutal blows with swords that flashed in the hands of the soldiers wielding them, but the undead simply pulled the swords back out again. the only way to kill them completely would be to blow them up. but they had nothing with which to do that. so the battle went on

As watched, a man hurried up to him. 'Sir, they are almost through on the east wing!'
Alban looked over to se the east side of the defences buckling under the sheer numbers of the undead. the soldiers were panicking. without pausing, Alban ran towards the east side, and drew his sword. he drove forward, hacking a the undead, forcing them back over the wall. the unit cheered, and wth renewed courage, helped Alban to purge the wall of the undead.

But now a new type of undead appeared. bezerkers. Alban stood in grim silence, waiting for the onslaught. It came soon, and with it came fear. his men panicked, and the lines were broken. Alban cried out in frustration, then gathered himself together. he called out to his men, his strong voice carrying over the sounds of the battle.

'To me! To me!'

the men soon gathered round his position, and formed a shield wall. Alban lockd his shield into postion, and through a small gap slashed at the undead, closing the gap whenever a counterattack was launched. slowly, the bezerkers were forced back. the soldiers surged forward, and forced the undead back over the wall. they hit them with their shields, and they fell, hitting their companions waiting below. Alban sighed with relief. this would at least give them a brief respite. he ordered for drinks to be passed round, and for his men to relax. they could for now regather their strength. soon they would be lainched back into the mayhem of the battle.

22:15:19 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

A rotting, disembodied head narrowly missed Verthias's own as he ducked, rapidly. It whizzed over his head, and thwocked into the wall with a hollow noise. He hacked down a ghoul to his right, and spun to impale a wight to his left, before flicking the sword out and around, slicing through the necks of a trio of zombies menacing a wounded soldier. A zombie on the floor, behind him, twitched and groaned slightly: and with almost preturnatural speed, Verthias span and dismembered it with a single blow. Eyes burning with rage and bloodlust, he sprinted through the bunker, killing as he went, and listenting to the dull crump of the mines outside detonating. Within minuites, as suddenly as they arrived, the undead were gone - pushed out of the fortification or butchered inside it, all was clear once more. Verthias marched to the command tower, the only hatchway that lead from the second storey to the roof, and through which he had previously been observing the battle. As he yanked it open, he heard a thud from the hatch. Without even a thought, he raised his sword to run through the gribbler which had been lying in wait atop the bunker.

Verthias looked around the battlefield. The first wave of the undead was all but spent - the second line of defenses was firing again, carving troughs into the massed ranks of the undead, and the first line of bunkers were full of the noises of soldiers dragging the bodies of the undead down into the caverns, for disposal in the gigantic furnaces built for that very purpose. One of the surviving siege towers had rolled over a mine, and the resulting explosion had showered the surrounding hordes with razor-sharp, super-heated metal. The second was just sitting there, dormant - the top had been removed from a glaive, slaughtering the mages atop it, and the undead who had pushing had all rushed to attack the front line bunkers.

 Yet the greater mass of undead was still there - hovering just outside the effective range of the trebuchets. At this distance, it was just possible to see the blurring lines of blood and fury, as Beserkers, released in the midst of the army, charged towards the human position. Verthias groaned internally - but kept it to himself, for the morale of the men around. He knew that the beserkers would be moving too fast and too erratically for the siege machines to hit; it would be down to cold steel and colder hearts to beat these monstrosities. He blew out the signal for a regiment of crossbow-toting troops to move foward from the third line of defenses. Fresh from the rear, Verthias knew that they would be far more accurate and far more efficent than the winded archers already defending the bunkers.

As he compared the distance that the beserkers had to travel to get to his postion, and that which the reinforcements had to, he realised it would be a close run thing. The undead  had three times as far to go, and that uphill - but were moving at least twice as fast. He bellowed up the hill to the jogging crossbowmen to pick up the pace.

Finally, the disciplined ranks of the crossbow troopers were upon him: and in a moment, so would be the beserkers. He knew that they would have only one volley - so they would have to make it count. Verthias did some quick mental maths: two thousand crossbows, two hundred and fifty beserkers. Assume one in every two miss their targets, working from relative size but factoring in aiming, assume one hit in ten is a killing blow.

That still left a hundred and fifty or more to wreak havoc on the humans, and he knew that a beserker was more than a match for five veteran soldiers.

Thinking quickly, he ordered the crossbowmen to fire at the beserkers when they were outside their normal range - relying on the beserkers to run into the bolts with sufficent speed to kill, reload, and fire off a volley at virtually point blank range.

The first volley fired off - and virtually blotted out the sun, which was setting behind the undead army. Perhaps fourty beserkers fell - there was no time for a head count. The men reloaded as fast as was humanly possible, being (understandably), terrified. When the beserkers were only ten meters from their lines, the volley was ready, and fired.

The plan was a complete success. More than two hundred of the beserkers were killed outright - some were hit by so many bolts, they were physically thrown back. But three of them still lived - and came on, roaring furiously, at the sight of the meat-twigs lined up before them. The carnage would be horrible if they hit the lines: they outmassed a human more than four to one, and their sheer weight would crush dozens of the lightly armoured crossbowmen, let alone the lashing of their teeth and claws.

Verthias knew his duty to his men. Without a pause for breath, he was running fowards, shunting one of the crossbowmen aside even as he drew his sword. With a single, smooth motion, he hamstrung the first beserker, dived under the enraged swipe of a second, and finished off the third with a stop-thrust, double-handed, before it even realised he was there.

Then, his sword got stuck in his dying foe. Verthias looked on with amazement and horror as the beserker grabbed hold of the blade with one paw, and grabbed his hands and pushed it deeper in - pulling him along with it, towards it's gaping maw.

He did the only thing he could do in the circumstances - his muscles burning with the wasted effort to pull the sword out, and his tendons screaming as the beserker started to pull his arms out of their sockets, he headbutted the beast.

He did the only thing he could do in the circum

22:16:34 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[How strange.]

01:11:17 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[lol I think you went past the max of charectars in a post...]]

10:24:52 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


[Basically that means i will just comment]

[Verthias, stop writing too much]

[4 OOC boxes in one post!]

12:29:11 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Hey, it's only 996 words or so. I'm sticking all this stuff together and will soon be marketing it off as epic fantasy, so i've got to maximise my wordcount, y'know xD]

[Which is currently 4 pages of A4, or 2486 words in total. *whistles appreciatively* *prods Killer*]

14:45:25 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer was in the safety of the cave, but wanted to get out to at least breath some fresh air. He took another peep out of one of the small holes. There were lots of undead there, and Berserkers were charging through the lines. They were coming rapidly, killing other undead as they went. Killer saw a bigger hole higher in the wall, and climbed up to it with some difficulty. An arrow whizzed through, narrowly missing Killer. He found a ledge to sit on, drew his bow, and started firing arrows, with a lot of difficulty. At least he didn't have to aim, they pretty much undead anyway they were shot. The Berserkers were huge, and might do more damage to the walls than the damage they did to the undead. Killer managed to aim at one of them, and shot. The arrow did hardly anything. Another few bolts and arrows came through the hole, one taking Killer on the shoulder, not doing any damage, as it didn't penetrate the armour, but did manage to knock him off the wall. Killer landed carefully on his feet.
            He squeezed past the golems, who were being hit without results by the undead. 100 of them were out killing the Berserkers, doing a hell of a lot of damage too. Killer charged at the undead, sword out and singing. He was overcome quickly, but then a Berserker chared at the place where he was in line of, and the undead scrambled out of the way. Killer picked up a nearby spear, carefully putting it on the ground so the Berserker would impale himself on it. This it did, but the Berserker was travelling with such force that it managed to continue on regardless, and Killer was trampled on by it,but the Berserker fell down soon afterwards. Killer was winded, and attempted to get up, but failed. There was a blast of light, it was the first spell by the mages, and it wiped a lot of undead, and stunned more, and gave Killer time to get up. He managed to after a few attempts, and then staggered back to the cave with a Berserker hot on his heels, who weren't affected by the light, seemingly. He rolled into the cave, and the Berserker turned, going towards the gate with a high speed. It crashed the gate open, getting several pieces of wood stuck in him. It was quickly overcome by the troops on the other side, but the undead were advancing. Half the golems, of which none were destroyed yet, so that made 500, went over to defend the gate.

          The gate was broken beyond repair. It would take too long to make another one. The golems easily smashed down undead to near the gate though. A sergeant came into the cave. He told the mages to be ready to fight, and let the golems out. They would be making a counter-attack soon. The men were coming down of the top of the wall. Killer cursed. What had got into the mind of the commander, this was crazy, he thought. There was no point arguing with him though, Killer knew that. He steeled himself for the inevitable defeat, or at least the death of  thousands of men pointlessly...*

15:09:52 Feb 17th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Alrighty, Seloc. What new horror will you unleash this time, me wonders.. It had better be inventive ;)]

15:24:27 Feb 17th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[yeah. and who dies?]

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