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The Hellav
06:48:49 Jun 8th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

The Hellav

by Septim

A villain of many forms occupied the world of Bev. The locals called him the Hellav, but that name is young, his names were quite numerous. He had been known as the Jorvosk, the Killanosk, Gerbon, and Des. Many heroes had attempted to slay him, all have been lost. The Hellav possessed the unique ability to change forms, anything from a dragon to a flea. But, all things have an end, be them seemingly immortal beasts, or an old stag, and the Hellav was no different.

Chapter 1 - The Attack

Bertilius Septim, a Horven city guard, began his day like any other. He rose from bed, ate breakfast, answered nature's call, bathed in a nearby stream, and put on his guard uniform. He made his rounds as usual, walking around the city, there was never any crime in Horven. His friend, Ernest, was practicing his archery when Septim went to the barracks to take off his armor.

"Ernie, you're never going to get any better...", muttered Septim.

"There is no room for improvement, is that what you're saying?", asked Ernest.

"Of course there is, but you always stay the same distance from the target, try backing up", said Septim.

Ernest backed up and fired, and missed the target.

"Missing means there's room for improvement", said Septim as he walked away.

As he took off his armor, a bell ran in the distance, Septim listened.

"Two rings, three seconds apart...uh-oh", said Septim, he grabbed his longsword and shield and ran outside. Ernest turned to him.

"What?", he asked.

"That isn't a church bell! C'mon!", yelled Septim.

The two ran to the center of town to see two destroyed buildings, but in the middle was a beast more terrible than the fiercest dragon. Ernest immediately fired an arrow at it's eye, but that did little. The beast brought it's arm back and smacked Ernest, he flew twenty feet, knocked out cold. Septim drew his blade and ran at the beast, but it swept Septim aside like an old rag. Septim, with three broken ribs and a broken left arm, layed there as Horven was destroyed, unable to get up. Many other guards came, many were killed, few survived.

07:21:18 Jun 8th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 2 - The Vow of Vengence

Three riders on horses approaches Septim and Ernest a few hours later. One dropped down and approached Septim.

"This one here's still alive milord!" yelled the soldier.

"Ernie", whispered Septim, pointing to Ernest.

The soldier approached Ernest and checked his pulse.

"This one's alive too", said the guard, picking up Ernest he put him on his horse. The other soldier picked up Septim and put him on his. They rode off towards the neighboring city of Gavingar.


"How are you feeling?" asked a man by Septim's bed, he turned to see it was Ernest.

"Ernie, what happened?" asked Septim.

"Well, a monster tossed you like a salad and threw me like a javelin", said Ernest.

"What about the villagers?" asked Septim.

"All dead, your uncle too, a few of the guard made it with broken legs and arms, you yourself have a few cracked ribs, and your left arm is broken", said Ernest, "Hell, I had some internal injuries, luckily Lord Gavin has a court mage!"

"What was it?" asked Septim.

"Well, the loremaster here says it was the Hellav, some ancient monster or something...", said Ernest.

"Ernie, it must be killed, we must kill it", said Septim.

"I would like to avoid more broken bones, thank you", said Ernest.

"No, Ernie, this monster, it must be defeated, it will never stop it's attacks, it will never stop", said Septim.

Ernest sat and thought for a minute.

"Septim, you are a fool, a brave fool, but I see why, we must stop it", said Ernest.

"So, you're with me?" asked Septim.

"Yes, my friend, I am with you", said Ernest.

09:58:51 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

This is going to be interesting (:

17:07:46 Jun 9th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Could be good...

23:26:30 Jun 9th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:


23:32:19 Jun 9th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Im in it so it must be good =D

17:40:25 Jun 10th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 3 - The Gathering of Heroes

Septim sent out word that he was looking for men to accompany him on his quest to slay the Hellav. It took a month for word to spread, but Septim was in no rush, he needed to wait for his arm to heal after all. After two months of waiting, the first hero arrived. Cloaked in fur from various northern animals, a greatsword on his back, and a rather large wolf at his side. He approached one of the farmers on the outskirts of town.

"I would like to know where the one known as Septim is at", said the man.

"He's at the Veydon Inn", said the farmer.

"Where is that?" asked the man.

"It is about thirty feet from the town gate, it has a rather large sign, you can't miss it", said the farmer.

The man nodded and walked off towards the gate, he went through and approached the inn, inside, Bertilius Septim sat by the fire. The man approached the barkeep and asked for Bertilius Septim, and the barkeep pointed to the man by the fire. The man approached, and with a booming voice said, "Storms and Honor Bertilius Septim! I am here to help you slay the Hellav! I am Ragnarr Stormguard, and this is my wolf, Greyjoy."

Septim, having nearly fallen off the chair he was sitting due to the loudness of Ragnarr's greeting, turned around.

"Well Stormguard, you are the first of many to come and ask, are you brave?" asked Septim.

"I am the bravest of my people", boasted Ragnarr.

"Can you fight?" asked Septim.

"Only Vaeskar, the King of my people, is a greater warrior than I", said Ragnarr.

"And lastly, can you think?" asked Septim.

"I have led my people into battle with the raiders of the North, which was a slaughter", said Ragnarr.

"A slaughter of whom?" asked Septim.

"A slaughter of the raiders of course", said Ragnarr.

"Well then, Ragnarr Stormguard, I am honored to be the one to allow you to join our company", said Septim, "Why don't you get a room with the innkeep, we'll need to wait at least another weak for my arm and ribs to fully heal from the first fight with it."

Later that night, another figure entered the inn as Septim was eating his meal, he wore a green hooded cloak, he approached Septim's table and sat, he then pulled back his hood, his ears were pointed, his face devoid of facial hair, and his jaw was prominent.

"Welcome elf", said Septim.

"Greetings Septim, I am Erunion Telcontar of Naergothrendar", said the elf, "And I am here to join your company."

"Wll then, I will ask the same questions I asked the first man to join, are you brave?" asked Septim.

"I am renowned amongst my people as a brave warrior, but I do not bullrush my enemies like a barbarian...I like to consider by options before engaging...", said Erunion.

"A good trait, if you are renowned as a warrior I am guessing you can fight, and if you do not bullrush your enemies, I am guessing you can think, welcome to our company", said Septim.

"My sword and bow are yours", said Erunion before walking to the barkeep and getting a room.

Three more warriors joined the party, the Hero of Kaedon, Sorank Seloc, an elf of the southern woods, Sliveron, and an ex-soldier, Corvus Shakis, but he preferred the name "Shake" for unknown reasons. And with these seven men, the Horven Company was formed.

17:43:52 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

I liked that ((:

18:06:15 Jun 10th 08 - Lord Erunion Telcontar:

Looking good...

19:19:20 Jun 10th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[[And during this time Ernst is recovering from being thrown like a javelin]] :D

04:03:32 Jun 11th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 4 - The Departure

Septim finished packing his knapsack with food, water skins, and wine skins. As he finished Ernest entered.

"So, where exactly are we going?" asked Ernest

"The loremaster said that the Hellav has a lair one hundred twenty five miles from here in a rather large cave", said Septim.

"The three surviving guards want to join, Gaius Krovis, Aesius Conwell, and Antonis Xarxes", said Ernest.

"Then let them join, I know they are all good men", said Septim.

"Alright", said Ernest.

Septim walked outside, where Ernest, Ragnarr, Greyjoy, Erunion, Seloc, Sliveron, Shake, Xarxes, Conwell, and Krovis waited.

"Alright, we are going north to Helmoth Cave, there we will fight the Hellav", said Septim, "Any second thoughts?"

Nobody spoke.

"Good, lets go", said Septim as he turned and began walking out the gates, the company followed.

They covered twenty miles on the first day, and nothing happened, but on the second night, after going a total of forty miles, a strange creature appeared in the trees, eyes as red as the fires of hell and a face to match in ferocity. Septim drew his blade, and the rest followed, with Erunion and Ernest drawing their bows. The beast dropped in front of them.

"So you wish to slay my master do you? You know not what you're in for...", said the beast.

"We know that your master will fall by our weapons, be them blade or arrow", said Septim.

"Arrow? Blade? Bah! They cannot pierce his skin! Not even dwarven mithril can pierce the skin of Master Des", said the beast.

"Well what can?" asked Septim.

"I'll tell you, for a price", said the beast.

"What's the price...", said Septim.

"I rather like that wolf there", said the beast pointing to Greyjoy.

"You'll get my wolf when hell freezes over!" yelled Ragnarr.

"Fine...", said the beast, going off into the forest.

09:06:36 Jun 12th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Typical ragnarr always choising the difficault option....

19:34:05 Jun 12th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 5 - Hung out to dry

The group prepared for their journey early the next morning, but Conwell could not be found. The group went searching, and found his body nailed to a tree, his eyeballs missing, his teeth ripped out, and one of his legs apparantly sawn off. Nobody said a word as Septim took the body down and buried it. They continued their journey without words. Nobody said anything until noon, when Krovis broke the silence.

"He was my best friend...", he muttered.

After that, no more words were said. They camped later that night and the creature approached again.

"I have decided to come back, have you changed your mind?" asked the creature.

Krovis got up and threw a rock at the creature, hitting him in the face.

"Ooof!", said the creature as it fell down and got up, "Well I guess not..."

"You killed Conwell, didn't you!?" yelled Krovis.

"Of course not! I don't kill!" yelled the creature before walking away.

Septim took the first watch, Seloc the second, and Krovis the third, but when the group woke up, Krovis was gone, only his bones were found outside the campsite.

"Septim", said Xarxes, "This journey should be called off..."

"And let their deaths be in vain...I think not Xarxes, let us complete this quest...", answered Septim.

21:59:52 Jun 13th 08 - Lord Ragnarr:

[ Heh, that is some typical Septim humour in some typical good Septim RP. ((: And I do not always choose the difficult option, but what I think is right (? I hope) ]

22:02:50 Jun 13th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: It's more the "This is my friend and I don't want you to have him" option! :-D]]

22:05:00 Jun 13th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I would say the same thing....]

20:24:48 Jun 17th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 6 - Discovery

The party, now consisting of eight men and a wolf, continued the journey. They walked ten miles before seeing smoke in a nearby town.

"Septim, do you see the smoke?" asked Sliveron.

"I do, it might be the Hellav, follow me", said Septim as he began running, the seven other warriors, and the wolf, followed. They ran for three miles before reaching the gate, they were out of breath, except for the Elves, who used lighter armor and were used to running. The eight run into the town to find the creature, along with several others of his kind, executing the surviving citizens. Ernest, Sliveron, and Erunion fire arrow*beep*ting two of the creatures, but not killing them. They turn around.

"Well, you humans sure are slow, never thought you'd get here!" exclaimed the creature in the center.

Septim took his shield off of his back and held it ready, and the creatures rushed forward, clawing wildly, one jumped on Seloc and began clawing his face, Septim smashed it off and saw that Seloc's face was ravaged. Septim turned and stabbed his blade into the fallen creature, but saw that the creature simply moved, and the blade went through the creature as if it didn't exist. Septim stepped back, and the creature launched itself forward, Septim jumped out of the way, and the creature flew past him into a fountain. The creature shrieks in agony as the water melted away at it's flesh, and then it's bones.

"Men! Use water to defeat them!", yelled Septim.

Shake grabbed his water skin and opened the top, he sprayed some onto a creature, and the creature's flesh melted where the water had landed. The others did the same, and the same happened. The battle was soon over, with the creatures dead. Septim found Xarxes, injured with three large slashes to his face and two missing fingers, Seloc was missing an eye. Sliveron and Shake helped the wounded as Septim filled the waterskins and any other containers he could find with water.

If these creatures were weak against water, I hope the Hellav will be too...

04:49:22 Jun 18th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Chapter 7 - Death of a Hero

The company travelled the final miles of their journey, and reached the Hellav's cave. Septim grabbed a torch from his knapsack and lit it. He proceeded into the cave, leaving his food, but not his water, outside. The others did the same, and they entered the cave. A strange sound disrupted the silence, and out of the shadows at the edge of the light, a skeleton approached.

"Welcome", said the skeleton.

Septim ran forward to attack, but the skeleton transformed into a massive demon. Septim stepped back and took out his waterskin. Septim poured water on his blade and stabbed it into the Hellav, while the others ran forward. Erunion drew his bow and dipped his arrow into a bucket of water he was carrying, he shot the arrow at the Hellav, and the Hellav didn't die. It merely kicked Septim and walked forward, seemingly laughing. It ran forward and picked up Seloc, the Hellav prepares to eat him, but before he can, Seloc stabbed his blade into the roof its mouth. The Hellav roared and threw Seloc into the wall, killing him instantly. The monster then kicked Ragnarr before being bitten by Greyjoy, the wolf clamps onto the Hellav's leg, and the Hellav roared with hatred, the saliva ate away at the Hellav's leg, and a few seconds later, the the leg fell with a thud, the Hellav fell to the floor, and Greyjoy ran forward and ripped at the Hellav's neck. The same thing happened, and the Hellav died, not from man or woman, but from beast. Ragnarr limped forward and gave his wolf a pet.

"Well...I'm glad...that I didn't friend away", said Ragnarr.

Septim got up and found that he couldn't move his arm.

"Broken...great...", muttered Septim.

Ernest approaches Seloc's remains and let out a tear for his former comrade before approaching the rest of the group.

"Well, it's over", said Ernest.

"Not quite", said a voice from the darkness. An old man walked forward wearing black robes. His staff had a black stone set in the top.

"You killed my pet, I'm not sure why, it only ate a few meals and wanted to fight once in a while", said the old man.

"It slew villages!" yelled Ernest.

"What is a few villages every once in a while?" muttered the old man.

Ernest drew his bow and aimed it at the old man.

"You aim your weapon at me, at ME?" asked the old man, "I am Hervu, Necromancer of old, apprentice of Gorvon!"

Erunion stepped forward and shot a blue beam from his hand, hitting the old man in the chest.

"You are Hervu? Good", said Erunion, the old man fell to the ground, frozen.

"Telcontar? What was that?" asked Septim.

"I have not been very honest, I am not Erunion Telcontar of Naergothrendar, I am Erunion Telcontar of the Venifician Order. We recieved reports that necromancers had been active in this area, I was sent to take care of them. Sorry I lied, and sorry I didn't use my magic sooner, or my knowledge of dark beasts, but I had to maintain my cover", said Erunion, "Or he would have departed."

"Seloc and two other good men are dead because of this!" yelled Ernest.

"And many more would have died if I had told you", said Erunion.

Ernest said nothing as the seven and one exited the cave.


Erunion returned to the Venifician Tower, where he continued his duties. Ragnarr Stormguard had great honor upon returning home, and was given the title of Lord. Sliveron returned home to find his village burnt by raiders, that night he slew every one. Seloc, Krovis, and Conwell were given a hero's funeral in the city of Cidel, the capital of the western Empire. Shake returned to his wife and son in the town of Varmoth, which was soon burnt to the ground by barbarians, all three were killed. Septim, Ernest, and Xarxes returned to the town of Horven, where Septim became mayor and worked on restoring the city with Ernest, the Captain of the Horven Guard. Xarxes found happyness with a woman he had met in Gavingar, they never left eachother.

04:52:30 Jun 18th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie cries uncontrollably because of the death of Seloc*

17:24:44 Jun 19th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake:

lol *beep*..i knew u were gna kill me off haha..revenge is sweet i guess septim :D

17:27:17 Jun 19th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Revenge? He's alright, not exactly sweet.

17:30:29 Jun 19th 08 - Mr. Shakenbake: guessing...theres som1 called revenge?

17:51:40 Jun 19th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Pfft, "Tis nothing more than a scratch"

17:55:01 Jun 19th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Yeah there is a person called Revenge.....e ☺

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