Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf on Carrothia (Shezmu)

Werewolf on Carrothia (Shezmu)
17:48:20 May 31st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Hullo people!

I'm not *beep* anymore! I turned normal! I've seen the light!
However, Senturu is still nice in bed.

Eh, please ressurect me now I'm not evil anymore! :|

18:35:21 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Bah! This won't be easy to fix you two up, as I wasn't able to mark you before. I didn't really expect to have to ressurect you two. As I wasn't able to mark you before you died, There may be some slight mistakes in the Reconstruction of your body. Also, Side-effects may include Dizziness, Nausea...."

*Flies off into distance still telling Senturu and Hemmer what the side-effects are*

"Immense pain in your head, considerable pain in your limbs, brutal pain in your feet and hands, terrible pai...."

18:56:55 May 31st 07 - Ms. Emogirl:

senturu --> duh! you have psychic powers!

19:00:09 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

which i used twice. once as a guess. while the second time just to confirm my suspicions. and using my psychic powers didnt help me stay alive did they? the first bad guy i had killed turned out evil. from there i found out who was evil by using my head.

and ill do anything to live again Erunion

20:36:38 May 31st 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

Night 4:

After reaching the top of the mountainridge, the remaining groupmembers set up camp on the open plains between the marsch and the forests. This time they decided to set up a perimiter made from torches around their tents, as well as a great campfire in their midst. Thinking this would keep the horrors of the night out of their camp, they all sat down and started drinking a few kegs of beer. The more beer they poured into themselves, the more they forgot to stay inside their perimiter. Knight thought it’d actually be a great idea to take a leak at the swampside of their camp and seemed to have walked himself into a bit of a mess.

Not noticing he was actually sinking deeper into the swamp, Knight releaved himself from the pressure on his bladder. As he finished taking a leak, he tried to turn around thereby noticing he had already sunk kneedeep into the swamp. Screaming as loud as he could, he cought the attention from a shadowy figure who had been staring at him from behind a nearby rock. In the dim light the moon spread across the area, Knight could not quite make out who it was so being rather drunk, he started to thank the person who was coming to help him out of his horrible situation.

Suddenly the figure moving towards Knight seemed to have fallen down and was now crawling on his knees and arms, at least that was what Knight thought in his drunk state as he asked if the other one was hurt. Knight asked again and the person answered with a snarl, slowly showing a row of teeth that stood out in the darkness of the night. Drunk as he might’ve been, Knight did understand that the swamp was the least of his worries from that point on. Slowly the growling and snarling beast with green eyes moved closer to Knight, who by now was trying to free his legs as if he was posessed by a certain form of madness.

Just as the Shadowhound got ready to jump his newfound meal, Knight managed to free himself and started running towards the campsite screaming his lungs out in the meantime. Smashing his face into the mud the shadowhound landed where Knight had been before and quickly he turned around and started to pursue Knight as fast as he could. Slowly gaining of his alledged prey, the shadowhound got ready to take Knight down like a young gazelle would be taken down by a lion.

Slashing with his sharp claws the shadowhound severed Knight’s right achillesheel dropping him to the ground with a loud scream of immense pain. Within seconds the bloodthirsty beast was on top of Knight, the warmth of it’s breath covering his prey as his claws slashed deep inside Knight’s back. Digging deeper and deeper into the flesh of his victim, the shadowhound started ripping pieces of flesh from Knight’s bones and devour them whole. Knight’s screams suddenly got silenced as the shadowhound crushed his ribs and janked out his lungs.

Being able to feast on his prey undisturbed, the shadowhound started to strip Knight’s corpse of all it’s meat, eating it piece by piece untill nothing more then skull and bones were left in a big puddle of blood along with some sort of necklace symbol which Scientist also seemed to carry with him. Satisfied with his messy slaughter, the shadowhound slowly walked off into the darkness of the night.

Shadowhound slaughters Knight the round Table...another Mason...

Good Side (6)
Bezerker (1)(Battle of Death:0)
Assassin (Wolf Ruga - DEAD)
Guardian (Mac - DEAD)
Cupid (1)(Lovepotion Testing: 0)
Psychic(0, Senturu - DEAD)
Deranged Psychic (1)
Masons (1, Scientist, Knight the round Table - DEAD)
Carriers (2, Hemmer Swallows, Morgan(Lover), Erunion Telcontar - DEAD)

Evil Side (2)
Shadowhounds (1, Raidel, Erica Brahmins(Lover) - DEAD)
Pagan Mystic (1)

It’s daytime now...I await a LOT of votes...seriously...I MEAN IT!!! Vote People...

20:53:23 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Poor Knight, and what did you say Sent, you'd give anything to live again? How much money do you have?"

21:51:58 May 31st 07 - Ms. Lewatha:

err I have no clue how to figure it out anymore. I'm expecting to get a load of votes. Only the psychic could help us out here. So I'm going to guess.  :

(Vote : Lelouch)

21:55:26 May 31st 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

"Voting randomly at this stage?!? You must be evil!"

[Vote: Lewatha]

05:18:42 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

i got $2 is that enough?

05:32:37 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Neratu:

im sorry timmy you need $3 to live


"Hmm I'm not sure whos evil so im going to vote on emogirl, who will probably not die. It's my way of getting around voting..."

VOTE: Emogirl

05:53:59 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Spud:

*The wind says "Do or do not, there is no try" -Yoda*

05:56:23 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    "Another random vote! Suspicious....but I'm voting Lewatha this round..."

[Vote: Lewatha]

06:49:59 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Senturu, I've got $3!

Maybe if we put it together we can both be resurrected.. em half?
Both half dead, half alive!

That sounds sooooo cool!

06:52:54 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Neratu:


07:52:32 Jun 1st 07 - Ms. Emogirl:

I don't even play...I'm just watching.

14:55:25 Jun 1st 07 - Sir Scientist:

*An android flies over head and drops a metal container on Neratus head hitting him quite hard. Inside is a message which reads,
She is right, her name is not on the list of players at the beginning. Check there for people if you want someone to vote on.
This message will self-destruct in exactly 1 second.
The message then explodes in Neratus hand causing a small but not lethal explosion*

17:17:57 Jun 1st 07 - Sir Raidel:

*licks the watching Emogirl*

17:55:58 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

ill save you emogirl

*jumps off of Erunion and lands on Raidel.*


19:16:39 Jun 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"With 5$, I'll save Hemmer, and I'll half save Senturu. You'll be my mindless slave until you get the last doll*beep*nt. Or you can both by my half-mindless slaves until you get the cash, You two get to fight it out."

19:18:52 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*jumps on Hemmer and steals a dollar from him*

ok. here ya go.

*gives Erunion the money*

ill pay you back Hemmer. i promise

19:23:10 Jun 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"So, Hemmer is the mindless slave, and Sent's free. Got it. Mages??"

Back in Naergothrendar a team of mages starts a complicated spell. Since the process of this spell is top secret, only those involved are able to see it, and they are physically unable to tell anyone anything about it except what it does, unless otherwise specified by ETM. co. (All rights reserved)

20:35:11 Jun 1st 07 - Sir Raidel:

*possesses the body of one of Erunion's mages doing the spell, then watchees and learns how to do it*

21:30:19 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Hemmer:


22:03:54 Jun 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Resurects Raidel and wipes the memory of how to do it from his head.*

"That'll be three dollars. Or I leave you here. Without food, water, or escape route..."

11:00:36 Jun 2nd 07 - Sir Salaracen The Slightly Tiredii:

mmmm, zombies.
as i alway said people have no idea who the werewolf is, but when sombody says hi im a werewolf they all imeddiatly vote for him, so here it goes

hi everybody im a werewolf, hopfully this  will not affect the voting at all

[ooc/ not a werewolf]

12:31:37 Jun 2nd 07 - Mr. Markovnikovas:

Wow, I'm still alive. Time to vote... I've heard some misterious noises from Emogirls side tonight.

Vote: Emogirl

13:10:08 Jun 2nd 07 - Ms. Emogirl:

I'm not playing! 0.0

16:53:07 Jun 2nd 07 - Sir Raidel:

*Was resurrected as a normal human, but his shadowhound half was resurrected as a nice peace loving shadow doggy.  He sends the shadow doggy out and he returns with three dollars.*


"Alright you greedy little bastard, here's your money!"

17:17:15 Jun 2nd 07 - Ms. Hathor:

OOC [thanks to LGC Carnage PHI and guardians of destiny. I got the chance to rename to Hathor




17:27:21 Jun 2nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

Hathor who are you?

18:03:42 Jun 2nd 07 - Ms. Hathor:

Did you actually take the time to read my message? You guys killed me and I renamed.


(on VU)

14:03:26 Jun 3rd 07 - Sir Scientist:

[[OOC: Markovnikovas, Emogirl isn't playing. For all those people who want to be foolish and vote on someone who isn't playing the game, DON'T!!!!!
Look back to the list on the first page of this thread for those people who you can vote on.
Also on a side note......Lewatha = Hathor]]

13:11:03 Jun 4th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

[[ I had hoped more people would've voted by now...ah well...Daytime will end soon ]]

16:55:19 Jun 4th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

awww... anyone want to vote on lelouch? do so now!

20:23:39 Jun 4th 07 - Mr. Markovnikovas:

Right on. My vote goes to lelouch then.

20:57:59 Jun 4th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

Day 4 Ending:

As the fourth night slowly came to it’s end, the people in the camp slowly awoken from their slumber with a severe headache. None of them actually heard what had been going on that night, none of them seemed to care that Knight wasn’t there to join them for breakfast. They simply sat there with a great hangover, stuffing themselves with what little food they had left. The village elder had already plotted their next route towards their next possible campsite, it would be quite a nasty trip they’ll have to finish before reaching their next spot. Through the swamplands of Darkmoor they’d have to travel, a place filled with treacherous terrain and even more treacherous creatures lurking inside it’s shadows.

Slowly the remaining carriers loaded up the crates and bags and as soon as they were fully packed, the group headed out into the swamplands. After an hour or so, the village elder told the group to stick very close, as they’ll soon reach the swamps most treacherous part. This part of the swamp was known for a few things, one of them being the poisonous plants and trees and the other one being a species of toad you’d not likely want to have cross your path.

The group immediately started to look carefully at any signs of danger, except one person. As the travellers walked further away from her, Lewatha stopped to investigate a strange sound she heard to the right from her. Slowly she searched for a way towards the direction where the sound had come from. Whilst climbing over an old rotten tree, she suddenly slipped and fell face down into a pool of mud. As she crawled back onto her feet and wiped the mud of her face, she stared right into the eyes of a brown toad. She simply stood there and laughed for a bit thinking how silly the elder had been with his stories about dangerous toads, for this creature wasn’t even bigger then a chiwawa. She decided to turn around and head back to the fainthly visible road on which they had been walking on the past few hours and rejoin the group.

As she turned around she noticed a few more of these little toads sitting on the rotten treelog behind her, feeling rather uncomfortable with the increased amount of toads, she decided to make a run for it. Quickly she pushed a few of the toads aside as she ran past them towards the direction she came from, though the toads had a different plan with Lewatha and they slung their tongues at her body. A stinging sensation was felt by Lewatha as the toad’s tongues pierced her clothes and her skin, though she kept on running and by now screaming into the direction the road should’ve been. The world around her started to spin and she began to feel weaker and walk slower it seemed. By now her perception was really playing tricks on her she thought, when she noticed that the toads who’d been surrounding her seemed to have a nice rows filled with sharp teeth.

Breathing slowly as she dropped to the ground, she knew these toads were poisonous as well. Filled with adrenaline her mind started to picture all kinds of horrible endings of her life and as the first toad jumped on her arm and sank it’s teeth into her flesh, she knew what her fate would be. More of the toads jumped on Lewatha’s stunned body and they slowly started to chew on her meat, ripping pieces of her bones whilst other toads drank her blood. Unable to scream, Lewatha was doomed to simply lay there to get eaten alive by a bunch of little toads. From underneath the surrounding bushes, even more of these little toads arrived as if they’d been drawn from far and wide towards the sweet smell of Lewatha’s blood. Piece by piece, Lewatha got devoured untill she was nothing more then a skeleton, destined to slowly sink away into the ground of the Darkmoor Swamps.

The others had by now reached the end of the marschlands and looked once again at a huge selection of mountains. The village elder told them not to worry, as he had heard rumours of an underground passage that would lead them directly to the other side of the mountains. All they needed to figure out now was, where exactly it was located and if it wasn’t infested with lifeleechers like the previous passageway had been. Though for the time being they would just setup camp again and wait for another morning. As the group helped the carriers unpacking, they noticed a few spare crates obviously they had left someone behind since they all got their stuff. Curious as of who didn’t make the trip towards their new campsite, they opened up one of the crates. Inside it were a few bottles filled with strange pink liquids and two empty ones labeled “Morgan” and “Erica Brahmins”. At the bottom of the crate they found some sort of book entitled “Lewatha’s Lovepotionreceipts”. Now they had finally figured out who didn’t made it, somewhere Lewatha’s ghost was roaming the marschlands of Darkmoor...

Lewatha the Cupid (2x voted)

Good Side (5)
Bezerker (1)(Battle of Death: 0)
Assassin (Wolf Ruga - DEAD)
Guardian (Mac - DEAD)
Cupid (0, Lewatha - DEAD)(Lovepotion Testing: 0)
Psychic(0, Senturu - DEAD)
Deranged Psychic (1)
Masons (1, Scientist, Knight the round Table - DEAD)
Carriers (2, Hemmer Swallows, Morgan(Lover), Erunion Telcontar - DEAD)

Evil Side (2)
Shadowhounds (1, Raidel, Erica Brahmins(Lover) - DEAD)
Pagan Mystic (1)

21:09:41 Jun 4th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

[[Story was ready and posted before I read the last votechange, next time please try to vote on people actually well as alive ones...also when voting, keep in mind that there are more players actually playing then the ones who post here often...ever thought about those not saying a word?! I'm not saying they are actually evil, but I'd like you all to know that they are playing as well]]




Wolf Ruga
Knight the round Table
Hemmer Swallows
Erunion Telcontar
Erica Brahmins

23:00:57 Jun 4th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    *beep*! Sorry Lewatha....I really thought you were evil...

07:58:42 Jun 5th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

All I wanted was to be loved =(

18:32:40 Jun 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Poor Lewatha, Hathor, whatever. Fortunatley for you, it's just three bucks for a ressurection!"

21:27:38 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Just in case I die today, I'd like to say that now I believe Neratu is evil. I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure. But, I don't want people to go by just this...not after what happened from my last hunch......

23:25:41 Jun 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Due to mage injuries, Ressurection now costs $5. Pre-payment is encouraged. Just in case you die today."

23:46:05 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Neratu:

"Like logic matters anymore Atreides, you've said my name and evil in the same sentence so I will probably die."

00:55:42 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

"All evil shall perish!!"

"Though I think it's one of the quiet ones, those are the ones we should watch out for, they are almost always evil..."

07:20:02 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Senturu:

or mabye he's one of the ones that wont shut up? there is no reason one of the ones who dont post in here is evil. prove your point lelouch

21:38:41 Jun 6th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

Night 5 Ending:

Yet another day ended and yet another groupmember ended up missing during the trip. As the moon climbed up the nightly sky, one of the groupmembers had already left his tent to supposedly investigate the surrounding area of their new camp. Little did the others know that he was actually meeting with the pagan mystic to decide who should be their next target.

Quietly discussing the possible target for this night, the last shadowhound and the pagan mystic sat behind a few bushes inbetween soem trees near the campsite. In the middle of their discussion, they suddenly heard a branch break nearby. They looked at eachother for a second and then the pagan mystic knodded to the shadowhound who was still in his humanform at that point. Slowly the shadowhound transformed into his true self, one of the fericious beasts that had been slaughtering their fellow groupmembers the last couple of nights. By the time the transformation was complete, they both heard footsteps heading away from their secret spot. This could only mean one thing, they had been spied upon by one of the other travellers and within seconds the shadowhound started his pursuit.

In the distance the shadowhound sighted a dark figure running towards the direction of the campsite and under heavy breathing the shadowhound closed in on his prey. Though he was too late to intercept the little spy before he reached the camp’s perimiter, instantly the dark figure ran towards the big tent they always used for breakfast and discussions. The shadowhound broke off his pursuit and headed towards his own tent, meanwhile the pagan mystic had also returned to his own tent under the cover of darkness.

As Salaracen stumbled into the main tent out of breath, he found it to be completely abandoned since the others had already went to their own sleeping tents for the night. Before he could turn around to wake the other members to inform them what he’d seen, he felt a seering pain running through his chest. Slowly he looked down and noticed a few sharp claws sticking out of his chest, the shadowhound must’ve transformed back to humanform and followed him into the maintent silently. Before Salaracen could scream for help however, the shadowhound's other claw slashed through his throat and he got thrown through the air to the back of the maintent.

Dropping down on the floor at the back of the tent, Salaracen once again witnessed the transformation as the shadowhound transformed further into his nightly form. Slowly the  beastlike characteristics became more visible as the teeth and claws further developed in the dim light of the tent. Seconds later the shadowhound was standing in front of him in his most evil form, sharp claws digging into the ground and his razorsharp teeth covered with saliver which was slowly dripping onto the ground beneath the dark horror. The green eyes of this ferocious beast looked straight at Salaracen who was unable to make any sound to warn the others, by now he knew it was too late to get out of the situation alive.

Knowing that his prey was unable scream for help, the shadowhound slowly walked towards Salaracen, his claws digging into the ground with every step he took. Before Salaracen could grab a nearby pan to smack his attacker in the face with, the beast slashed his claws into his shoulder seperating several muscles in his attack. Unable to use his right arm and feeling immense pain, Salaracen tried to scream thereby producing nothing more then a few funny gurgle sounds. Not soon after the shadowhound forced his teeth deep into the neck of his prey, ripping pieces of flesh and parts of the cervical vertebrae out of the fresh wounds. Salaracen who by now was nearly dead due to his head literally being chewed off, simply sat there on the floor unable to do anything to save himself.

The shadowhound however didn’t seem to be hungry at all, as soon as Salaracen stopped moving and his twitching had finally ended, he took a few more bites at the shoulder of his prey and then backed away. Carefully the horrible beast left the maintent, leaving behind Salaracen’s headless corpse at the back of the tent, simply sitting there in his own puddle of blood...waiting for the rest of the group to join him for breakfast in the morning...

Good Side (4)

Bezerker (1)(Battle of Death: 0)
Assassin (Wolf Ruga - DEAD)
Guardian (Mac - DEAD)
Cupid (0, Lewatha - DEAD)(Lovepotion Testing: 0)
Psychic(0, Senturu - DEAD)
Deranged Psychic (1)
Masons (0, Scientist, Knight the round Table, Salaracen - DEAD)
Carriers (2, Hemmer Swallows, Morgan(Lover), Erunion Telcontar - DEAD)

Evil Side (2)
Shadowhounds (1, Raidel, Erica Brahmins(Lover) - DEAD)
Pagan Mystic (1)

Once again it's daytime...also do remember those hiding in the shadows...hopefully MORE then 1 people will actually vote this time...

22:17:43 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Senturu:

yess. you did it. albeit its not exactly how i said the person should die. but close enough :D

20:43:14 Jun 7th 07 - Sir Mac:

*A ghostly shape appears*

"I think good is going to lose......"

*Posts a sign*

Hear ye Hear ye

After this round has ended you are all invited on a cruise so sign up in the forum I create.

21:46:40 Jun 7th 07 - Sir Raidel:

*Raidel's pet eats Mac's ghost, one of his many abilities as a resurrected shadowhound.*

"Goooood doggy.  Here."

*Raidel's houdn regurgitates Mac's ghost into a ghost-proof bottle*

"That's right ghosts, be fearful of me, for I now hunt you!"

*Takes Mac to Erunion's place, to sell him as a mindless slave*

04:47:58 Jun 8th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

*Lelouch slowly puts his head out of the tent and looks around. After a night of ghosts haunting him as well as the shadowhound stalking the night, Lelouch is visibly shakened. He carefully gets out of his tent and rekindles the previous evening's fire.*

"Hmmm.... No one else seems to be up yet, I wonder whats going on..."

*Lelouch looks around and takes the kettle and heats up some water.*

"Phew... I suppose I should make up my mind on who is evil... I really don't want a repeat of what hapened yesterday... I'm sorry Lewatha who is now Hathor, I really thought you evil!" :(

[Vote: Markovnikovas]

"He votes so randomly, trying to confuse us?!!?"

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