Forums / Roleplaying / court of justice re-made

court of justice re-made
18:31:04 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Yes I would like to hear the story from ALL of them.

18:40:19 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"I don't think you understadn that hobish gibbering of them..and peasants are not to be trusted...but at that time in the town there was a lord from a nearby town....he was also present when this happend, he can tell you all what has happend....i'm sure that what he says is more accurate and more to trust"

[the lord hasn't been foundet yet...^^]

18:41:57 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

(Umbar, he did not say what ya jus put for him, wizardus has to say it himself)

Um... I didn't steal your gold. I have proof! I don't have any gold!!!

I should have posted this also above my message..see he HAS said he didn't has any gold!

18:45:55 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Your Honour the Judge, Members of the jury.
I would wish to point out that all of these, so called 'Witnesses' Have families still in Umbar's lands. This means, that if they do not bring forward their false witness, the cruel, dishonourable Umbar will torture and murder their families, therefore I wish to strike any evidence they present from the record. Thank you."

18:48:26 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"Your Honour the Judge, Members of the jury.(:P) I must point out that the lord that was present at that time is not under my influence. About the peasants...i already said they are not to be trusted...."

19:08:36 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Umbar, where is my esteemed colleague, the prosecuting attorney? And more to the point, where is this, apparently fictitious lord, and who is he? What is his daily income? How do you know him? Where does he hail from? What lands are his? What is your daily income? Until items such as these are answered, this trial cannot proceed."

19:22:37 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"I can't reveal at the moment anything about the Lord without his premission. He is not yet in the courthouse...but he will be soon. Than he will tell Might all he wants to know....
But can you tell me? Why should the cow god want to know my daily income?
What has that to do with the crimes wizardus has made? But if Might wants to know this, i will tell him."

20:36:13 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

"Alright calm down everyone I would like to hear this from the defendants point of view."

20:43:25 Dec 13th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: I think that Sparemylifeplz is Wizardus's new name, but don't quote me on that.}

20:47:12 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

{ooc: Sparemulifeplz is Wizardus new name...he somewhere said that it think...)

22:53:31 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

[Yeah, I'm Wizardus]

02:24:12 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

[[Oops, I think I only posted that my new name was Sparemylifeplz in another thread]]

03:18:28 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

[[In the casino thread]]

13:53:43 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

[might, you need to decide ywho wins within three days]

As the lawyer for the accuser, I must put forward my opinion. Judge might, I have talked to several victims of this behaviour, this vandalism, and must say that the evidence is there. A guard, who refused to be named, saw a beggar pass nto the city, but thought that he looked like a rich man rather than a poor tramp. then,  several people saw the vandalism take place. Also, there is evidence of the event. also, a small card with  defendant's signature on it was found just outside the city.

I rest my case Judge might. I will try to peruade a peasant to come forward and give evidence. 

14:34:51 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

[three dasys! Hmm nobody wants to be a witness....:( ]

*Sudnely a little hobbit messager runs in and says something to Umbar
Umbar says something back and the messager runs out again....Than Umbar stands up and says:

"O mighty cow god and judge, i just recieved a shocking message, the absence of the lord is finaly revealed...he is sick..but not just sick..he is sick form POISON!"

*Ulsfar looks around to see what for impression (?) his words have caused. Than he continues to speak.

"You might have noticed yourself but i will tell you still:... was Erunion, the lawyer of the defender,  not  little to sure that this lord would never come here? With his talks that he was 'fictious'? My thinking is that he poisond the Lord so that he can't tell the truth here before us!"'

*Umbar sits down....

19:18:46 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I see.

00:10:50 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion rises, clearly appalled by the lunacy of the arguments against his client,
"Your honour, members of the jury,
This is entirely fictitious, where in the name of ZeTa is this 'Lord'??? If he has been poisoned, we need the certificate of a respected doctor to prove this, and if he had, why, by all that's holy, would I wish to commit this crime, as has clearly been intimated. Win or lose, I am stilled payed the same amount of money...
It is also highly unlikely that my client managed to pull this off, as he is in the custody of this court.
On the count of the signed card, Well, I would like to see this, so-called piece of evidence. If you wish to convict someone, my esteemed colleague, you should present your evidence. Just telling of some 'card' is pointless...
Your honour, members of the jury."
Shaking his head slightly, and seemingly laughing silently, Erunion takes his seat again.

00:37:34 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"Pay...yes with my stolen money....if he loses he needs to give the money back to me...and he can't pay you anymore....and if you fail in defending don't get anymore clients...what will ruin you...And i didn't say you or the acused did it himself....he could send someone else...he has the gold now for it..."

00:41:57 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

*whispers to Euronian*
"He still has not provided any evidence that the king was poisoned, nor any evidence that I committed the crime. It seems like he's ignoring you..." (louder) "because he has no evidence".

00:46:00 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"King? Wich King ar we talking about?"

00:50:25 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"I believe that my client meant the Lord. I also believe that you shouldn't be listening in to my conversation with my client, hence our whispering. What are you doing looking over my shoulder anyway? Isn't that contempt of court???"

00:53:49 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"But i guess you are talking about the Lord? Now the doctor has given mine messager this piece of paper that confirms it...."

*Umbar hands over the paper

"Here", Umbar pionts "He has put his signature on it, you may recognize is a good an well respected doctor..."

01:13:28 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Thank you. Is the poison that was used, in the dosage that was used, normally lethal? Also, will this Lord be able to witness in court before the verdict is found, if otherwise, his testimony is completely pointless to this court."

01:16:46 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"He probably will, at least let's hope for it..."

01:28:04 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"I would like to point out something else to the court. I've been hired by Sparemylifeplz's government to defend him. He didn't have enough money to hire me. I also have a set fee, so win or lose I make the same amount of money. One more thing, every lawyer loses a case. Losing this one wouldn't exactly hurt my reputation that badly. So I think that covers all the bases. Other than a love of justice, I have no motives to cheat, murder, steal or maim for my client. Thank you very much."

01:34:33 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"Wow! A honourable Lawyer!"

* Umbar laughs

02:05:08 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Your honour, Members of the jury.
I wish to bring forth a further piece of evidence for the defendant, it is this letter."
Erunion rises, and brings this letter to the judge and jury;

"My Lord

I wish to state that Mr Sparemylifeplease was in Umbar's town very briefly. I think, no I'm sure it was just 20 minutes. I saw him as i was polishing up the berserkermobile, and thought "I know that Orc" you know how when you think you know someone and it turns out you do and thats why i noticed see..... Anyway must go, I need to wash the dust off me boots and have a brew.

Lady TS"

"This is an eyewitness account stating that Sparemylifeplease was only in the town for twenty minutes. If that is so, these ludicrous charges that have been brought forth are clearly impossible, as no living creature could feasibly have raided a mine, (or several mines) stolen all that gold, carried it out, murdered a peasant and then vandalized the town in twenty minutes. Unless the prosecution has further evidence, I hereby rest my case, and wish to move for an early deliberation by the jury, on whether my client is, in fact, not guilty.
Your honour, members of the jury, thank you."

02:14:50 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I must have more evidence!

02:25:06 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

*whispers to Euronian*
"And yet the prosecution has only provided evidence that has deemed to have a high possibility of being untrue. Additionally, it seems his lawyer has abandoned him, most likely because he is, too, an honorable one and knows when his client is lying.
Finally, the accuser has lied. Note how Umbar stated that I was arrested by his guards. As everyone in this room knows, I arrived here because the court called me here, and I do not wish to be seen as one who disobeys the law. If he denies saying that, tell him we are (using magic) recording everything said in court.
Also, if he denies the fact that I arrived here by my own will, I will present the lord from a town close to mine, Eason. He will not lie, for he is my ENEMY. However, I am sure he is very truthful. He saw me come into my city just 1 hour before the court started, and saw me come out of the city (heading to the court) right when the court ordered me to come."

11:22:14 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Olichar:

three men walk in , one of them supports on the 2 others, he sees sick.
Then he sits down.
Umbar stands. "Look, here is the Lord! Let him speak! " The man tries to stand up but he doesn't succed and starts  its tale sitting:
"It was already evening, I was in the city of Umbar walking around, where I already stayed some time.
That day there it was rumourous in the market square, I was curious and went to look at what there was going on. What is saw shocked me. A man was beating a hobbit against a stone wall. Again and again... nobody did something, they just stood and did nothing, i also...than the gaurd came and arrested the man...
I have come here to see how the man is going to be punished before i die from his poison, please don't let me down o mighty judge!"

12:30:48 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

[Ok, decision time is in 24 hours]

15:58:13 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"So...the dicesion will come soon, and Wizardus will be hopefully punsished for it's dreadful deads....i'm curious what he will now say? Will he continue  his 20 minute story?''
*Umbar laughs
"20 travel a long time to my city and than you stay 20 minutes, you say? I had expected a better something better from you.."
*Umbar laughs again....
"You two, you can lie, but than lie at least good! Can you explain why you stayed in my city only for 20 minutes?"

16:50:49 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

[ 14:21:11: Sparemylifeplz[E] bought 20000 food for 18000 gold from you on the market.
He buying my food with the stolen money! ^^ :p]

16:54:20 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

*Stands up*
"I would like to ask the so-called Lord how I managed to poison him. I assume that you had some guards with you (I wouldn't know considering I have never seen you before). And even if you didn't, did I just come up to you and say, 'Hey drink this, it's not poison!'. And even if I did (which I didn't), why would you drink it after I supposedly beat up the peasant? Because you were scared of me beating you up, I'spose, even though you had a sword in your possession (I assume, as most lords carry swords with them when they don't have guards)?"

"I also want to present some evidence from an enemy of mine, Eason. He is a very truthful man, and even if he was not, he would lie only for your side because he would really enjoy me going to jail (he could take my city):"

Eason [] (12/16/2007 7:56:42 AM)
um ya i saw u exit town 6:30 + go back ur town at 7:00 and 30 min b4 court call u. and then u left ur town when court call u

"Although it is almost unreadable, here is what it means. I left my town at 6:30 to go to your town, Umbar (a dreadful mistake, do you accuse every peasant who comes to your town of stealing gold). Then, at 7:00, I came back to my town, Colonyd. Then, when the International Police accused me and wanted me to come to this court of Justice, I left my town (at 7:30)."

"It takes only 5 minutes from Colonyd to your city, as you well know (they're so close together...). Eason would know of all the times as he is watching my every move, as he's my enemy."

"As the whole court knows, I ARRIVED here by myself at 8:20 (50 minutes from my town to the court)."

"Now, about me staying in the town for 20 minutes. I did that because I was telling a friend of mine in your town that I had settled at Colonyd. I was going to stay longer, but he yelled at me, probably because you ordered him to (as a part of your master plan to get some gold from me)."

"Now that I have presented my evidence, I would like to ask you, Umbar, how I could have stolen everything you say I stole, beaten a peasant, and poisoned a Lord in 20 minutes."

*Sits down*

16:57:27 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

[ 14:21:11: Sparemylifeplz[E] bought 20000 food for 18000 gold from you on the market.
He buying my food with the stolen money! ^^ :p]

"That is the money I have raised in my town. Would you like me to state my production, and state how many mines I have? I can give you my official budget, from the Bank of Visual Utopia."

16:59:25 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

09:23:11: Deadordying[E] bought 40000 stone for 35600 gold from you on the market.

Oh, and if you deny the production, that is enough money to buy all the food you say I bought. Unless you are going to add in a detail to your story that I stole some stone as well.

17:03:56 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"umm Colonyd? Never heard of that town..Umbara is in the middle of daci's core, and there is no city of you somewhere near, so don't talk noncence..and even if they were near each other..why should you travel to the city and back? For evidence i let you see the map [a screenshot]
Also you can't build a city that close...Umabara has 7000 couldn't have 7000 buildings if there was a town 5 minutes away....
Oh and how you poisond him? hired a assasin to do the job,  you had the money for it..."

*Umabr than speaks to Might

"See, o mighty judge, how not-logical he rare and unbelievable his tales are? It's clear he is  lying and that he doesn't do that good!"

17:10:39 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"Wait, what are you talking about now? You are saying I stole from Umbara? Is your town not named 'Xirtam'? And, if you ARE indeed talking about Umbara (although I doubt its existance), then I have never been inside. In fact, I have never been inside the Daci core before! What, you think that the border guards of Daci will let an enemy like me inside their core?"

"And additionally, now you are talking about me poisoning the king again, and now you say it occurred outside of your town (Umbara?). Well, you realize that assassins cost 1000000 to hire, or 500000 for just one assassination, in my part of the land. Additionally, I only know one assassin, and the only place I know him from is from writings in advertisement areas."

"I cannot believe the prosecutors are now saying I traveled 1000 hours, broke through the Daci gates, beat up a peasant, poisoned a Lord, just to tell one friend of mine (who didn't seem very happy with me) that I now had a city of my own, Colonyd."

17:13:45 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"Hm.. I have contacted the leader of Xirtam. It seems that the ruler is indeed not you, but someone else. I have also never seen him before, but I naturally thought you were speaking of Xirtam because that is the only city I have been to for the last month."

"I would like to have a response from the Lord to this question. How do you know that you were poisoned by an assassin from me? Perhaps he was sent to you from someone else, maybe even someone within your city?"

17:21:45 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"You have stated the following thing that is false (along with many other false statements):"

"20 travel a long time to my city and than you stay 20 minutes, you say? I had expected a better something better from you.."

Well, would you like to deny both the letters I have presented?

17:24:08 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"Yes..1000of hours..and you say you stayed only 20 say...and assasins kus 10mill to hire...? Since when that's so...please don't tell tales...
and now lets put i all up straigt from all that's toled....:
I have a town called Ubaumbara [sorry forgot the name's really there on the map..] I goes produes a lot and it's rich. You a bandit as you are hear of this...sneak inn our kingdom diquised as a beggar and travvel to my city...There you steal the money...You hold some money with yourself the rest you send sith a friend or so...not some place...You decide to stay becouse now the word has spread of the city noby is let out of the city...(how the rest of the gold got out i don't know maybe it hasn'than and was hided somewhere else in the city, it's stil not found)  The next day you go to a bar to have a drink to much...vandalize houses,..beat a peasant and get yourself arrested...than a part of the money is found itn the rathole you stayed....
you are called (as you yourself say it) to this courthouse and you hear about the lord that saw it...than your lawyer hires from you money..or his money...a assasin to kill the lord...unfortunaty for you you don't seem to have suceed...
So that clears up a lot not? why not just tell the true story yourelf, Wizardus? It would make an end to all this noncence..."

17:25:44 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

[There is now 19 more hours to decision time]

17:25:45 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Well, would you like to deny both the letters I have presented?

Letters you probably wrote yourself...letter of some peasants?
I think this lord is much more tru*beep*ll...than some letters...?

17:27:04 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

[somebody can tell me how to make a screenshot?]

17:30:14 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"I shall tell the true story (again)."

"At 6:30, I left on a 5-minute trip to Xirtam. I wanted to meet a friend of mine, and tell him that I had settled a colony called ColonyD. The peasant seemed angry at me, and didn't say anything, so I went out of the city after 20 minutes, back to my city. I arrived at my city at 7:00. 30 minutes later, I had news that some liar named Umbar was accusing me. I left for the court immediately at 7:30, as I thought it would be shortly resolved. However, it seems that Umbar is a better liar than I originally thought."

"Now, will the lord come forward and answer my question? I am sure you can still speak..."

"And now I ask a question directed to you, Umbar. How could I have gotten to your lands. If I am not mistaken, they are surrounded by huge walls, and guarded by thousands of men. You say that they just let me pass? They just let an enemy of theirs pass?"

17:32:51 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"I have sent for the writers of the letters to present their evidence. Although they were indeed the writers, as you can tell from the signatures, I will have them say it in this court. Hopefully you won't think that they are holograms created by me and I am the one speaking?"

17:37:19 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Oops, try

17:44:24 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"You where diqiused like a beggar...and thera are no could easily go right into ourt core..."

17:46:17 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Umbar:

"Looks at the map..That ar  no 5 minutes! that are like 3 days!"

[how to make a screenshot?]

17:46:26 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

"Well, why would I spend 1000 hours just to steal some gold from you? I haven't even been in Mantrax for 100 hours!"

"And I would still like the lord to answer my question."

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