Forums / The hangaround / Riddles!!!

20:48:13 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Make riddles and answer them. After 24 hours of no correct answers I'll tell you.
 What is at the end of time. The beggining of eternity. The beggining of place and middle of year.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/5/2007 8:51:31 PM)

21:15:29 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Klondyke:

Hmmm, guessing, but i think 'Death'

21:17:29 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

this is also a guess but is it "E"


ok here is a really easy one.

i have a mouth but can not talk i have a bed but do not sleep i run but do not walk. what am i?

(Edited by Mr. Bezza 2/5/2007 9:19:40 PM)

21:36:14 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Agamemnon II:

the first one is "E" and the second is water

thoses are both guesses

21:39:30 Feb 5th 07 - Sir Lulu:

River to Bezza's question.

And "nothing"? To Xemnas.

21:51:30 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Nah E is right. To the second 1 River or air. Also you have to tell us weather were right or not.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/5/2007 9:55:42 PM)

21:57:03 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Bezza:

river is correct thats the only one i know so im gonna try and fine some on google

google knows all and sees all muhahahahahahahah.

22:07:29 Feb 5th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

All right I got an intresting 1
 I rise and die each day.
My sister is a real pain to.
What am I?

Praise Google


(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/5/2007 10:08:54 PM)

02:45:23 Feb 6th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

I guess the sun to that one with the moon as the sister... doubt i am right.

Here is another one:

A woman and her escort were in a fatal accident.

After finding one body, the police and medics stopped looking.

What happened to the second body?

03:05:57 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Fiddy Cent:

She was pregnant?

03:09:56 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Ajax II:

the other body was alive

03:10:52 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Ajax II:

toxemnas i think its sunlight

03:12:04 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Lulu:

Xemnas, what did you mean by the begginning of place?

And the escort is a type of car so there is only one body?

03:30:32 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

I would have to say the moon or the sun.

There is a thing, which nothing is,
Yet it has a name.
It's sometimes tall
And sometimes short
It tumbles when we fall
It joins our sport,
And plays at every game...

03:33:05 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Yup to moon and sun. Tunk I think yours is shadow. Messed place up. Finally Tunk quickly reply to this because I got one thats pretty good.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/6/2007 3:33:28 AM)

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/6/2007 3:37:28 AM)

03:34:27 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:


(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/6/2007 3:35:29 AM)

03:41:03 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

ya shadow

03:45:56 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Lulu:

Why do people have to post the answer again after it is already posted? Does it make them seem smarter? And Xemnas you need to post a new riddle. :P

03:59:40 Feb 6th 07 - Ms. Noadea:

You were right, Lulu, with the escort being a car.

04:06:40 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

All right this is a really hard and a really funny 1. A lady has 7 children half of them are girls. How is that possible

04:19:37 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

ones a hermaprodite

04:26:55 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

I love the answers to this riddles(I answered necropheliac)and no.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/6/2007 4:27:20 AM)

04:37:38 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Senturu:

heres one. been a while since i said it so bear with me on it


a father and son were driving to a baseball game. on the way there. they got into a car crash the father died immediatly and the son was in critical condition. when the son was rushed to the hospital and prepped for surgery the doctor walks in looks down at the boy and say's "i cant do this surgery, because thats my son"

how is this possable?

04:40:06 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

It's sons mom. Anyways anyone figured out my riddle it's really easy.

04:49:28 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Lulu:

The "them" includes the lady as well so counting her it's 8 and she has 3 girls?

04:53:39 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

No it's not perhaps I should make it a bit clearer A lady had 7 kids . Out of those 7 kids half of them are girls. It's a riddle that's a bit like Senturu's

05:58:00 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:'s a shadow...damn you....
I don't feel like answering any, so how 'bout this one...
What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with it's roots upwards?

06:12:16 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Fiddy Cent:

They are female centaurs half girl half horse???

06:20:52 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Kylej:

Tunk, yours is obvoiusly an icicle

08:02:07 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

xemnas, its either all of them are girls or one of the children are twins.

12:23:15 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

to Sir Senturu the doctors his mother

13:16:13 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Yes, icicle. What is no sooner spoken than broken?

13:16:38 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Surgeon General got it.

17:49:38 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Lulu:

Can Surgeon General make it a bit clearer please.

Silence for tunk's riddle?

17:58:15 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Quit's silence...

Feed me air, and I live, feed me water, and I die. What am I?

18:11:33 Feb 6th 07 - Sir Lulu:

A drowning man.

18:12:59 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Amazing. I think I might change the answer, but no, it's not right.

18:15:27 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

Fire - air has oxygen which burns.

18:16:27 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

The more you let me live, the more my life get shorter
That's related to tunk's riddle

18:18:32 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

poo on you too

Ok. Here's another

I have hands, yet no arms. I have a face, but no head. What am I?

18:46:58 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

clock :(

20:33:17 Feb 6th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

You buy my time.
I stand in line
If I am happy,
you won't be fine.

If you answer it quickly I will be P.Oed took me forever to think it up.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/6/2007 8:33:55 PM)

00:32:06 Feb 7th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Mr. Surgeon General

2/6/2007 6:16:27 PM
The more you let me live, the more my life get shorter
That's related to tunk's riddle


A match.

04:28:39 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

I am as lighter then a feather, yet no one can hold me for long. What am I?

04:37:15 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Still no one had answered mine.
Air possibly. Also Tunk "I am as" doesn't make much sence

04:48:12 Feb 7th 07 - Sir Lulu:

but you can hold air in a balloon. :D

Yours don't make too much sense Xemnas...

04:52:19 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

I am *lighter then a feather, yet no one can hold me for long. What am I?
(correction, now it makes sense.)
I personally can't even scratch the surface on yours Xemnas, also, you were on the right track.

04:55:22 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Tunk, is it fire?

04:58:05 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

You buy my time.
I stand in line
If I am happy,
you won't be fine.

The words matter way more in this one then any others especially the last word. Put it this way the wording for fine could be different but I wanted it to ryme

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/7/2007 5:00:59 AM)

05:00:36 Feb 7th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

no, not fire.
As in like fined for $200 kind of fined. If so, my guess is a Lawyer.
(your edit makes my post sound weird...I stick with my answer however)

(Edited by Mr. Tunk 2/7/2007 5:01:45 AM)

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