Forums / The hangaround / the United States Marine Corps

the United States Marine Corps
05:31:49 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

whose a fan? btw im going career military in a few years so i will be trading this game for the corps

05:34:08 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Razios:

I prefer the Rangers seeing that I've got a couple of buddies in Afghan right now. But I appreciate anyone who goes into the military service. Good luck mate

05:35:44 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

thanks im looking forward to it and i admire anyone who made into the ranger program

05:44:37 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

07:40:53 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

UNITED STATES MARINES!  Wohoo!  Wanna join there when I can, had family there.  Sorry Army and Airforce, but Marines are the best ;)

07:43:57 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

about 1/3 of my high-school is joining the corps or other branches after graduation

07:50:52 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Which school?

07:53:16 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

rio rancho high its in new mexico

07:56:14 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Cool.  You going to the Academy?

08:06:39 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

im trying to get into N.M.M.I know but i probably wont be able to until junior year

11:24:07 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

From the Halls of Montezuma 
To the Shores of Tripoli; 
We will fight our country's battles 
In the air, on land and sea; 
First to fight for right and freedom 
And to keep our honor clean; 
We are proud to claim the title 
of United States Marine

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze 
From dawn to setting sun; 
We have fought in ev'ry clime and place 
Where we could take a gun; 
In the snow of far-off Northern lands 
And in sunny tropic scenes; 
You will find us always on the job-- 
The United States Marines

Here's health to you and to our Corps 
Which we are proud to serve 
In many a strife we've fought for life 
And never lost our nerve; 
If the Army and the Navy 
Ever look on Heaven's scenes; 
They will find the streets are guarded 
By United States Marines.

11:26:53 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

USMC? Ha, what a joke.

11:30:52 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

and what country do you belong to wilbur? or are you just upset because some of us are planning on doing something useful with our lives and wish to discuss it? 

11:33:04 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

I'm from England and I'm (attempting) to join the Royal Marines.

I say attempting, because you actually have to work hard to get in them, unlike their counter-parts across the ocean.

No offence to anyone who wishes to join the Military, but the difference between US and UK troops is massive and I generally like arguing with US people about this topic.

11:35:46 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

there counterparts who kicked your british ass back across that ocean and dont you forget it (honestly tho i have a lot of respect for all military personnel from every nation it takes a great deal of courage to be willing to sacrifice yourself for you nation) 

11:38:30 Apr 18th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Mr. Backbone


11:35:46 Apr 18th 10
there counterparts who kicked your british ass back across that ocean and dont you forget it 

Excuse you?

11:41:02 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Editted my last post around the same time you posted.

Lets not turn this into a debate about the the past. But just regarding that point, you guys had help and supplies from other major powers at the time and were fighting on home ground :P

An interesting fact I once read... the fitness requirements to join the Navy SEALs are roughly the same as the fitness requirements to join the Royal Marines.

(As I said, respect to anyone joining the Military. I just like arguing with Americans about how the "greatest troops in the world," aren't.)

11:43:22 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

revalutionary war & war of 1812

also i have a lot of admiration for the royal marines its a very hard program and i hope you make it through wilbur

but do not doubt the USMC it has one of the toughest training program in the world only about 20-30% of those who try make it through

11:50:35 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

no not the greatest but we do have some of the best (navy seals, army rangers, delta force)

almost all the military academies in the us have very strict requirements the air force academy in Colorado Springs Colorado has the weirdest though: shoulder width, arm length, height, weight, fitness, abdomen height, etc

and yes the navy seals have almost the same requirements as the royal marines but i still think delta force could kick the most ass

12:00:55 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Osiris:

SAS > Delta!

12:04:54 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Mr. Osiris


11:00:55 Apr 18th 10 SAS > Delta!


I know a couple people in SAS and quite a few horror stories about it though. I must say I wouldn't like to go for either of them :P

This isn't how I expected the thread to go. Was hoping for a load of very angry people marching in here and arguing about how the USMC is the single greatest thing since well, ever.

*turns back into nice Wilber*

Yeah, I know USMC is tough and all the best to you. Anyone who joins the military has respect from me, even if I don't show it at first :P

Oh and thanks :)

12:07:17 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Osiris:


12:07:56 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

alright this isnt about which military is better the royal marines have the longest training course in the world 32 weeks. the next in line is the Navy SEALs. russia has a tendency to torture and beat their recruits. the USMC has some of the best side training programs on the planet. 

each branch is respected here. 

12:09:59 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

well wilbur in the marine corps defense it between 3-7 in the moring in the US depending on where you live (its 4 am where i live) so not too many people are online

12:15:52 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

True, maybe I should of waited another 5-10 hours until I turned back into nice Wilber :P

Actually Osiris, loads of respect to many TA guys. I mean, you work all day, then train at nights/in the mornings, so you can be good enough to pass. I mean, I know requirements may not be as high, but still to do things such as the commando course, you'd still have the be majorly fit.

I know my one of my staff at my Military Preparation College is an ex-TA Commando. I think it's an army commando, but still he got his green lid and also his wings. He's joined back up now as a TA-para though.

12:19:44 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

yea i wanted to make sure i was in the best shape i could be before my graduation so ive been doing P90x to get in shape 2 hours everyday

12:22:39 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Gabriel:


i think thats what they are called :S :P

12:30:33 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

so apart from me and wilbur who else here is going into the military?

12:35:38 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Gabriel, the Aussie SAS? Lol.

Backbone, I'm about to start a new training programme myself, as soon as I find out where I put it.

Monday: 6/8mile run with college. Then gym in the evening.
Tuesday: Gym with college.
Wednesday: Marine training day.
Thursday: PT with college. Gym in evening.
Friday: Not sure yet.

Weekends off.

I'm adding quite abit more too it, but don't want to injure myself again, as I've only just semi-recovered from a wrist injury.

Plus whenever I get abit bored, I bang some press ups out.

Isn't Justin joining the USMC or something? I can't remember now... even though I talked to him last era about it.

12:42:39 Apr 18th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

You shouldn't be doing that much training... You'll injure yourself again...

12:44:57 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

i think he is and that sounds pretty fun 

i do this workout
Monday)       2 mile run in the morning/chest and back in the evening
Tuesday)       2 mine run in the morning/arms and abs in the evening
Wednesday) 2 mile run in the morning/legs in the evening
Thursday) 1 mile run in the morning/ football(USA) evening (3-5 hours)
Friday)         2 mile run in the morning/endurance training and boxing in the evening
Saturday) 5 mile run
Sunday)     6 mile run

its hard but it works really well i went from being 298 pounds to 208 in 3 months (27% body fat - 12%) once i get under 200 ill be cutting the runs in half

12:49:55 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Gabriel:

Yes Wilber the Aussies SaS :P

And i plan to join the military Backbone :)

12:51:40 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

thats fantastic and the Aussie SAS is pretty bad-ass

12:53:43 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

My gym sessions aren't that tough Wraith :P

Just an hour of reasonable sized weights for like an hour. Some bench press, shoulder press, tricep dips and the last excercise is my favourite. Bicep curls, over an upright bench, everytime I do a set, bang 5/10 press-ups out straight after each set and start doing bicep curls again straight away.

Plus, I know my limits this time :P

I need to add more runs, press ups and pull ups to the mix though. While I was injured I was doing squats instead. My legs are pretty big so no leg work needed really. Once I did 1000 squats for being 20 minutes late, that was fun :P

12:57:09 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

That looks like a good work out Backbone, but rest days are needed on time to time. I mainly have my weekends as rest days because I go out and get wasted.

Train hard, play hard...thats my motto!

12:58:01 Apr 18th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Meh, its nothing to do with Toughness....

I recently got a Specialised Coach to help out with Rugby and according to him you shouldn't be doing gym everyday. His program was something like;

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Gym in the morning, Rugby in the evening
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - Go for a nice long jog.

That way you build up strength and keep speed up. Now I know its not a training course for Military people, but surely you guys need Speed as well as power? And keep in mind how many of the soldiers in England are Rugby players ;)

12:59:44 Apr 18th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Oh, and he also told me that Gym everyday will lead to injuries :)

13:14:05 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Jet:

13:15:52 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

yea i like my system it works and the runs are actually really soothing

13:26:08 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

thats a really balanced workout schedule wrath 

13:33:32 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Wratih your correct everyday is the gym is dangerous. Its suppose to be work your muscles then relax a day to allow them to get stronger then work them again after that. Most people think everyday will help you but in fact it only hinders you.

Also the Marines arent the strongest military branch in the US that would be the Navy Seals.

14:13:03 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Gabriel:

lol no imo GB are :P dont know if they are still around tho :P

15:15:44 Apr 18th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Well I'm limiting myself to 2 gym sessions a week. But every week day includes press-ups.

The college work does alternate between gym and running, so yeah.

Wraith, your session is sorta what I used to do, but I hit my fitness wall and not get that much fitter, even if I put 100% into sessions. So I'm upping the amount of sessions.

I do like your one Backbone.

We're going a little off topic though :P

15:20:41 Apr 18th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter


15:15:44 Apr 18th 10

Wraith, your session is sorta what I used to do, but I hit my fitness wall and not get that much fitter, even if I put 100% into sessions. 

Well... eat more then :P

16:43:10 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

The two best military "programs" in the world are the French Foreign Legion and the Gurkhas.

Certain units of the Spetznaz can also compete.

Full stop.

16:43:48 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

You should go to the SEAL's. :)))) lol I don't mind where you go, anywhere you go you support the country (not gonna say protect, because we are at no real threat of being invaded) and that's always good.

17:12:47 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Roxbury:

can someone explain why these military branches do so much long distance running and weight lifting? its not like you need to march across Europe and manoever around the battlefield like Napoleon did. Todays militaries get to drive around in nice cars, fly in choppers and have internet access (play vu omg) in the helmet.

I get the feeling that all this physical training is just to break the soldier down, to make him submit to the idea that someone might shoot him in the head.

17:16:22 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Endurance training, Roxbury.

And ultimately, better to train for and be prepared for any eventuality.

21:31:29 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:

it does seem silly but the more fit you are the better chance of you surivalin combat

21:34:15 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Pantheon Universe:

I'm from a Marine family..... Semper Fi!!!

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