Forums / The hangaround / KoA welcomes back Ryan n DARK

KoA welcomes back Ryan n DARK
12:36:13 Jul 24th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

robble - robble,

Inmates are forbidden to visit mickey Dees unless dressed in Ronald McDonald coustumes or one Sundays his friends.  Personally I've rented a hamburgler outfit and I'm hoping Ryan comes as the Mayor McCheese. anyway keep your eyes on your fries.


12:37:57 Jul 24th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

I wanna be the policeburger guy!!!

13:35:26 Jul 24th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Can I be one of those blue things? Dont know what they are called

14:09:39 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Samual:

no, LMAO ; )

naa im kidin dunno wtf u guys r talkin bout

14:56:01 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

that looks like jesus on the left side of the tree...he eats at maccas, too???

15:12:30 Jul 24th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

Big Mac: In addition to McDonald's signature sandwich, Big Mac was the name of a character in McDonaldland. He was similar to Mayor McCheese in that he had a large Big Mac for a head, except he was the chief of police and as such he wore a constable uniform.

Grimace is a large, purple being of indeterminate species with short arms and legs; he is known for his monotonous face and slow-witted demeanor.

The Hamburglar character was another thief that dressed in a black-and-white striped shirt and pants, a red cape, and a wide-brimmed hat and whose primary object of theft was McDonalds hamburger from the Hamburger Patch.

Ronald McDonald, the primary icon of McDonald's characters.

15:36:06 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alterax:



what about mcjesus????



16:54:21 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Alright, drama!! Just like in the old warbook days..... I love it :D

21:33:51 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

well as much as i am not a fan of ryan i certainly dont deny him the opportunity to play this game and my post was to call him out for his challenge to crush me and everyone who i played with(put up or shut up kind of thing)

This IS a moderated forum and i do hope your comments are removed, and i am sure it was amusing of someone to invite you here just for this. If you are going to play i encourage you, but if you are just going to post this stuff i hope you disappear back to that other forum too.


21:41:44 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

I am tempted to play. However, I have a fair bit on my hands as is. I just figured I would post here, as a heads up.

Last thing I want is people being hurt; I was unaware that this was a moderated forum. If it is, good, I have no fear of that. Im actually trying to figure out how to delete the post now.


21:43:13 Jul 24th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

its not possible. you could have edited it. i think 5 mins(not sure) limit is after posting a comment

21:45:35 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

Ah well, you live and learn.

21:49:29 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

its gone which is good, my post seems a bit weird on its own now lol..i think its 300 secs i read somewhere to edit post.


21:50:26 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

Damn it palpy, stop talking to yourself :P

02:39:24 Jul 25th 09 - Ms. Transgender Beer Nurse:

The Professor, a mad scientist type character in a lab coat. sez to me he sez:

"yoo dawn't no me , yoo arr knot veree smrt and shood just beet it bak to warbuk. nobuddy hear wants yoo arownd lard salmon tyronnus."

take the quiz

Ryan is a lair!!  he has Fat Dragons livign inside him.

03:25:08 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Denonia:

lol. I was guessing it was Owen as well. I am also guessing that you arent exactly telling the truth on the who is who quiz.

04:49:17 Jul 25th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Ohh those little things are called birdies

Im a birdie

21:52:12 Jul 25th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

yeah its owen.

Im glad to see this forum still has the children like the above.

:) I might just stick around, if it pissess the lamers off.

23:41:49 Jul 25th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Am i a lamer? I wanna be a lamer :)

00:47:18 Jul 26th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

Shmeh your a lamer if you want to be.

you been around long enough to be anything you want

08:33:43 Jul 26th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter


23:47:18 Jul 25th 09
Shmeh your a lamer if you want to be.

you been around long enough to be anything you want


I thought this day would never come =D

I would just like to thank my mum.... and...... the raving lunatic guy who said that :)

09:16:49 Jul 26th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:


09:30:15 Jul 26th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Thank you, thank you

*bows to the applause*

22:22:33 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Owain:

guys i got to say this keep your warbook BS to warbook and not spam the forums of VU with a BS fued none here now anything about.

22:31:27 Jul 26th 09 - Lady Jade:

Thank you I was thinking the same thing.

Some of us left that game to escape the drama. Please don't bring it here.

22:34:26 Jul 26th 09 - Mr. Alterax:


i totally agree , i welcome anyone, friend or foe alike to play this game. what my friends had to endure and some still do, is being told "i am coing back to kill palpy(me)" "i make 300k a tic and will be coming for him soon" "dont join palps alliance coz i will kill ya" etc etc

if he did his own thing all power to him, but we got a bit tired of him gloating how wonderful he is and how he was going to destroy us so we did this thread to say hey here we are. this is my game name. btw i am at the top of zetamania.

no cockiness at all, we just got tired of him going on about it. we are new , we are just saying we aint afraid and get on with it.

23:15:09 Jul 26th 09 - Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten:

You have had 6 days to argue, rant, and/or talk about this.  I think 7 days is the limit before you are just beating it to death :\  Personally I hated Ryan 2-3 eras back but I have put that behind me.  If everyone wants to hold grudges and keep threatening people in a game, then I guess you are not telling the difference between a game and RL...

00:59:04 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Overcome:

lol, i actually dont see much difference on that one demon^^

grudges are being hold whereve you go. in real life and games=)

im not a fan of Ryan either, i think he is treating people very bad. atleast that was my last impression of him. i am always trying not to keep grudges, but i cant promise i will be sceptic if i encounter him again.

01:53:42 Jul 27th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic Duh Mad Hatter:

This thread is really getting tedious

06:10:34 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Lithium:

This thread was Lame with a Capital L right from the start, if you want to challenge Ryan then Challenge him, getting that weirdo Tyronnus to post his trash was pretty lame and continuing to complain about someone who hasn't even posted is even more so.

Where exactly have your "friends" had to put up with Ryan threatening them? I have yet to see him post anything let alone anything resembling a threat.

I think some of you need to start by taking yourselves a little less seriously before you chase more new players away.

06:21:16 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Alterax:


tyronnus can go jump for all i care, if he doesnt play he can get the hell out. his big post was itgher removed by mod or himself whatever but none of us support it in the least.

my friends , and indeed they are, are in several skype rooms with Ryan, they are in these rooms for other people and have to listen to him go on and on and on about how great he THINKS he is. if ryan or anyone else just came to play the game then fine, but saying his sole purpose was to come back to kill me is infact lame, the guy holds grudges that clearly affect his health.

i just announced that i am here and this is my in game name and i am on zetamania and if he is so keen he can come up find me.


06:34:16 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Overcome:

lol, it was suppose to be "won't be sceptic" in my last post:P

and i think this whole thread is kinda funny^^ btw. Lithium, you would'nt happen to be his brother or something? :P

you first said: "who is this guy and who cares?"

and now you are defending him like crazy xD
sounds like you are someone that knows the guy and just try to make this whole thing go away;)

06:34:22 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

"getting that weirdo Tyronnus to post his trash was pretty lame"

No one got me to "post my trash" but thanks for thinking that.


Trash would be the ones... continuing... the drama... after its been resolved. The resoution point was  when the mod removed my post... and after that, well, we have some more winners posting?

06:40:01 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

"tyronnus can go jump for all i care"

so cruel Palpy. So cruel.


hows Uzbekistan?

06:53:10 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

uzbekistan is great, but yeah i dont like people posting on a forum for players who dont play at all. includes a certain someone posting in nebulous once too. just delete your account and head for the exit and do something else, or start playing and enjoy a really good game.

08:00:38 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

im tempted to play- everyone and their dog is saying play. my issue has to do with our albertan freind and his grurges- there is no point (i find) in playing a game where someone will go BEYOND the game to try and interfere with/manipulate/assail you.

Sides, i dont have the time to test the ins-and-outs of the game, or read the FAQ... so I will admit I would be a total noobcake.

Do you have time to take someone under your wing?

08:10:00 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Tyrronus:

and it for some odd reason is telling me I have compleated the tutorial... something I am sure I have not done.

08:27:52 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

i don't think it is likely you can join us but plenty of good alliances out there. we are warring at the moment and i cant really spare the time to teach someone to play. there is also a few who would prefer you are not with us, i have to say. no offence. but by all means join another alliance(we are not the only one full of warbook ppl) and learn the game. first era is hard learning curve for anyone.

08:32:24 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

nods~ i may, I may not.

Though I find the comment about folk in your alliance prefering me not to be there somewhat humourous... excluding Taush, I dont think I can name anyone who actually got to know me who has had any issues.

But what do I know?

Will with you guys? And who else from Neb is playing?

08:43:39 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

they dont have to KNOW you to make an opinion talon/ etc and many others ppl either loved or hated. LOTS of ppl dont like you, plenty dont like me either. grudges coming over from warbook from long ago(i hate that dead game) i have issue with. but just coz you may not hunt someone down if they play a game doesnt mean you have to have them in your alliance. i dont mind saying i am not a fan of your antics(case in point your post in this thread and the fact you are here without playing), though i try and be polite but yeah many of my alliance mates wouldnt want you here.

08:53:16 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

Their loss, not mine. Part of the whole social game concept is the, well, social part of it. If they would remove their crainum from their rectum... but thats not my issue.

So, you didnt answer my question- anyone from Neb playing? and where is Ogrim floating around?

(Feel free to call me Owen, i dont care, its my name and anyone who wants can find it out- if im gonna RP as a Cole i'd post as such).

08:59:38 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

I just noticed that my name changed... wonder how that happoned.


It asked me to make a KD when I went in, says I compleated the tutorial. I deleted and remade another one, same name and everything, and apperently it didnt reset.


09:03:24 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Alterax:

yes will is in our alliance.

09:04:20 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Jalal:

owen.. u can try joining revelation or angels..

09:05:48 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:


join Holy Sexy Union baby!

09:06:41 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

Palp: Im glad. Its good to see freindships stay.

Jalal: (Do I know you?) Who are Revelation and/or Angels?

09:12:51 Jul 27th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

ur Gladiatorul?

09:13:38 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

I am at the moment unalingned with anyone.

11:40:36 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Jalal:

owen... u do know me...

21:17:35 Jul 27th 09 - Mr. Talon:

And who are you? Jalal is not an IGN i have associated with a name. PM me here or on FB if you want..

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