Forums / The hangaround / Leonidas vs. Maximus

Leonidas vs. Maximus
14:36:59 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

no way Maximus all the way

19:44:43 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Evan:

well leonidas got alittle something before he left to battle as well :)

23:50:48 Jun 9th 07 - Mr. Durza:

ye he was pumped up for it... he got a bit action...

23:42:59 Jun 10th 07 - Mr. Evan:

damn there too even

01:25:12 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

i bet leonidas and his 300 would beat spartucus and his millions slaves cause his slaves would sht themselves after maybe 15 000 of em are dead

02:06:07 Jun 11th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Alright, considering what the two use for combat, let's think this way.

Leonidas - Long spear, sword, shield, helmet and perhaps greaves. No breastplate.

Maximus - Sword, shield, no helmet, breastplate, light gladiator armor.

Thing is, and they kinda showed this during 300, but the Greek's spears would skewer anyone packing a sword well before they came into melee range. So Maximus would probably already be bleeding profusely.

In a fight, I'd say Leonidas would win. However in terms of sheer bad@$$ery, Maximus wins since he doesn't have to fake it with really bad lines.

02:52:39 Jun 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

When fighting a long spear, the best idea is to dodge/grab/pull. Your enemy either releases it, and you have it, or they come right into sword range.

Also, you can jump in instead of pulling, cramming them and killing them before they draw their sword.

= Maximus wins, of course.

And on the bleeding profusely, remember his last fight? He died of a wound that was taken before the fighting started... And he still managed to win first.

03:15:36 Jun 11th 07 - Lord Senturu:

Senturu FTW

03:28:18 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

what does FTW mean? cause im just lookin at it like

Senturu Fcked the World lol

03:49:10 Jun 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Possibly Free the World...

05:21:16 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    lmao.......maximus was cool and all, but there really is no contest. did u see the *beep*ing ownage in 300? omg, all of his lesser skilled friends were owning 100's of maximus level fighters...Leonidas wins....

15:22:43 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Fireforge:

"However in terms of sheer bad@$$ery, Maximus wins since he doesn't have to fake it with really bad lines."

aint that the truth, the writing in that movie made me gag.

"And on the bleeding profusely, remember his last fight? He died of a wound that was taken before the fighting started... And he still managed to win first."

yeah but that was a fight against a whiny, pathetic king, who only had enough training to not cut his own foot off.

also, a well trained spearman can keep his enemy at range, so the getting in part would be difficult unless the spearman were backed to a wall.

as far as grabbing a spear is concerned, let me see you grab just a quarterstaff at full swing and see how your hand is feeling. and if hes stabbing, you better have one excelent grip, as well as good timing not to accidentally grab the blade.

im starting to lean toward whoever gets tired first, since it would be a stalemate till then

18:48:08 Jun 11th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Fireforge, thats why you wear gloves when fighting.... But good timing is important.

   "lmao.......maximus was cool and all, but there really is no contest. did u see the *beep*ing ownage in 300? omg, all of his lesser skilled friends were owning 100's of maximus level fighters...Leonidas wins...."

Ah, an impossiblity here, as there aren't hundreds of Maximus level fighters. Maximus wins, just cuz he's smarter.

19:54:13 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

Agreed with ET, "100's of maximus level fighters..."
Well, if those "millions" of Persians were all at the skill of a Roman General, then why didnt the persians defeat the Greec? While the Romans, with only a couple of "maximus level fighters" did?

Maximus would win, and Fizban, Maximus DID wear a helmet, remember that helmet with the spikes on top???
 He didnt have it in every battle, but when he became more famous, he did ;) And hed use it against Leonidas 2 =P

20:40:20 Jun 11th 07 - Sir Fizban:

He wore the helmet only once. Did he wear a helmet fighting Tigris? Or in Hispania? Or when fighting the emperor? Nope. Fizban wins!

21:04:43 Jun 11th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

you know hed use it ;)

Lets go and ask him :D

01:33:15 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Well, if those "millions" of Persians were all at the skill of a Roman General, then why didnt the persians defeat the Greec? While the Romans, with only a couple of "maximus level fighters" did?

lol, u compare Persia fighting Greece to Rome fighting Greece....impossible to compare that lol.......

anyways, it's called an exaggeration. and not millions, just the 10 thousand immortals. but it's still an exaggeration.

and, maximus is so not smarter. remember the part where leonidas was like "they're just my bodyguard. i don't know wat u talking about" omg, that was like the smartest thing ever XD

10:49:52 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Dalion The Invincible:

I also would like to point out that Spartans, like leonidas did wear breastplate. it was just made of leather and some metal.  they werent all barechested asskickers like in that sad call of a historical reinactment called 300.  but, the movie was awesome.

11:10:12 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus The Battle Mage:

They werent all as good as the 300, no, but if you wouldve payed attention, you wouldve known he said hed take his BEST 300 men with him ;)

Though I think, that the Persian general or executor or whatever he is, the one with the crabhand, would win =P

13:43:08 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Maximus wins no contest, Romans were all well trained, everyone of them was as good as an immortal. They had that Turtle shell thing... the Spartans had one turtle shell and that got owned while the Romans had about 300 Turtle Shells that didn't get owned.

Maximus did wear his helmet mainly, and Maximus did use a spear in the movie, in the first fight at the Colosseum he was using it, and he killed like 5 Chariots with it.


Maximus Wins...

16:53:47 Jun 12th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

maybe you should watch both movies before saying anything i know i have and leonidas wins easy. the 300 were the greatest warriors to ever live and the turtle formation is only for blocking arrows really its not all that useful in anything else but leonidas and his 300 killed thousands upon thousands of persians without losing a single warrior with his little sheild thing.

07:36:12 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Tiber Septim:

Roman General Maximus

Greek King Leonidis

If they both had the same weapons then I believe Maximus would win because one throw to the unprotected chest and pow! Or it would hit his shield and dislocate his arm. Then Maximus would say "Are you not entertained!" Leonidis would then stab him in the back and say a cheesy one-liner.

22:15:27 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Durza:

If you had watched both films, you would have noticed that BOTH maximus and leonidus displayed high levels of intilect .... think about it... leonidis take his men to hells gate and using the small space to his advantage... maximus using cavalry to hammer the germans guys from behind... both smart, Overall though you must look at the best fighter, not intelect , if you are smart it dont mean that you are a good fighter. I think Maximus would win, not because he is smart, not because of his army but because he is the best over all fighter

02:15:21 Jun 14th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

"take his men to hells gate and using the small space to his advantage... "

Chokepoint.  Oldest trick in the book.

"maximus using cavalry to hammer the germans guys from behind... both smart"

Flanking.  Second oldest trick in the book.

1v1 hand-to-hand I'm saying Leonidis, because he has been trained with BOTH spear and short sword, whereas Maximus is pretty much just short sword.

1v1 with ranged I'm saying Maximus.  Leonidis's spear and shield only work in tight formation.

Army v army, I'm saying Maximus again.  The Romans had ballista, catapults, improved bows, etc.  Enough to break a phalanx and probably finish the job off with numbers and maneuverability.

Oh yeah.  Better armor too!

06:24:09 Jun 14th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

If they had the same troops, Maximus would have won. He was a brilliant general.

Also, with your two oldest tricks in the book, using them is smart. The less complicated a plan, the less likely it is to fall apart, and the more likely it is to succeed, therefore, the two oldest tricks in the book should be used.

16:35:20 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    I fail to see how Maximus has demonstrated he is a brilliant general... Was it when he commanded the larger, better armored, better teched, Roman army to annihilate a bunch of barbarians? Was it when he commanded 20 gladiators and owned 3 chariots (while losing most gladiators, and the number 20 being a very low estimation)?

    And why does everyone keep saying Leonidas can only fight in a formation? Have those people seen the movie? The coolest scenes were NOT in formation...seriously, watch both movies first.

    Also, people keep saying the Romans would have owned in army vs. army.....retards, the two movies were over 500 years apart (in setting). Of course the *beep*ing Romans have better tech!

17:30:38 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

dude more like thousands and thousands of years apart. 300 wass set long long before the roman empire existed

17:33:06 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Not thousands....but almost a thousand. I don't really remember though so I was just saying over 500....can't go wrong with a statement like that.....

18:04:51 Jun 14th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

It was near the start of the Roman Empire, so several hundred before Gladiator.

Maximus's brains came in when he won the battle he was scripted to lose. He also had to be a good general to rise through the ranks, all the way to the top, and to get his men to love him. They would fight an army 3 times there size if he was in command, and expect a victory. They would probably get it.

20:59:07 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

If we talk about the movies and not RL its easy.

Maximus win

They are probably pretty even in strength and fighting skill but Maximus superior intelligence would give him the victory in the long run.

05:19:20 Jun 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    @Erunion...that battle is the one with the chariots. anyways, i'm not saying he's a bad general, but you're talking like he's some kind of godly general......

    @Brashen....why you think Leonidas is dumb and only Maximus is smart? Leonidas seems to me like an intelligent and strategic person.

08:23:06 Jun 15th 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

leonidas is very smart you know everything that happened he planned it remember in the movie he was explaining it to them preists? and how he made all them ambushes? and that thing with the wall? i could keep going on lol but it wasnt really possible to command a really small army better than leonidas did. he would have done it better than maximus could ever do with a small army like that.

18:16:37 Jun 15th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

He's not a Godly general. He's a brilliant general. Like Hannibal, Wellington, Napolean, Rommel, Fizban...

18:25:46 Jun 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    that's what i mean.......godly = *beep*ing amazing. So you're comparing him to Hannibal, Napolean, Rommel.........ok then..........................

if anything, i would compare Leonidas to those guys. he is using a small force to out maneuver the Persians and force them into a small gap and using ambushes, formations, and walls to force them to fight on his terms. that, is what brilliant generalship is all about.....

and, dude, this is about two chars from movies. stop bringing real-life stuff into this. leonidas is like THE most awesome fighter ever!!!

21:52:00 Jun 15th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Shoots Leonidas in the head*

Not anymore.

23:30:06 Jun 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Oh well....I guess Maximus is the best now.

01:32:18 Jun 16th 07 - Sir Ironpick II:

"Was it when he commanded the larger, better armored, better teched, Roman army to annihilate a bunch of barbarians?"

But vastly outnumbered and fighting in enemy soil, that tweaks the odds a bit.

03:02:24 Jun 16th 07 - Mr. Evan:

was maximus a real person? i have no clue :X

06:16:34 Jun 16th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"i have no clue :X"

We agree. You have no clue.

However, Maximus isn't real, but a gladiator did fight an emperor in the Coloseum, and he did kill the emperor. Gladiator was constructed from those two facts.

However, it could be true, for we don't know who the Gladiator really was, and why the Emperor decided to fight him Etc.

06:49:04 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Evan:

ok thanks erunion :-P

03:29:04 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Ajax:

achilles would beat both of them.

03:11:07 Jun 19th 07 - Sir Fizban:

Thanks Erunion. :-)

18:41:20 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Fafnir:

I'm not too good with the history of the greeks but......Maximus would win......for basic reasons. Both on the battlefield and 1on1. On the battle field because the Greeks Hoplites were not flexible and where horrible on hills so the ground would have to be flat. So the leagionars are flexible.....that was the main reason Greece lost to the Romans. Also I think when some person said that Romans fought individually, I think they meant the Romans don't have to be in a perfect formation, also if they weren't in formation someone said they wouldn't be more then untrained peasents, if they were how did they defeat all those nations.
And 1vs1 just because Maximus would have better weapons.........

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