Forums / The hangaround / the United States Marine Corps

the United States Marine Corps
21:36:17 Apr 18th 10 - Mr. Backbone:


14:51:22 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

lol Americans shouldn't boast about their army to much. Its true that only few that join seals etc. make it through but if you would just look outside your own country for just a single second you would see that military training is allmost identical all across the western-world. it sure is tough but i bet Isrealic special forces training for example is tougher.

And about the gym thing, i am with wraith on that on. It is very unhealthy to go heavy exercise one day after the other. you should take at least one day between heavy workouts. I disregarded this when i started working out and now my wrist is allready screwed for the rest of my life, and i am only 18 now. really watch out with hard workouts. btw, this doesn't include running offcourse.

17:08:13 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Hema Fanboy:

17:27:18 Apr 19th 10 - Sir Mirror:

@ Roxbury;

Cardiovascular fitness/endurance is probably the most important thing for a modern soldier; a modern soldier needs to be able to run very fast for a little while (moving from point A to Point B, sometimes under fire) and hold his gun still so that he can aim.
It is very difficult to hit a target when you are breathing hard from running, endurance training will allow you to stabilize your weapon so that you can actually hit something when you need to.

@ You crazy workout people;

Also, it's been said before and I'll say it again, do not work out the same muscles two days in a row. It's fine to work out your arms one day, then go back and work out your abs or your legs, but do not work out the same muscle group twice in a row. You will injure yourself, and get minimal benefit.
When you work out, your muscles tell your body that they need to grow, because they are being pushed past what they can handle. These muscles must then rest to allow them to grow (improvement) and repair the damages sustained (prevention of injury.)

17:33:41 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

All you voluntary army are volunteering just to be a tool for you governments needs. To kill and die for what? Freedom? Democracy? Killing people for peace?

17:47:32 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

To kill and die for what they believe. What they believe is worth fighting for and possibly even dying for is completely different from what you believe. Everyones different some are willing to do more others less but we all have something that we would sacrifice to protect.

18:39:18 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

To kill for what they believe? So how they are better than suicide terrorists? They kill and die for what they believe too.

18:51:03 Apr 19th 10 - Sir Mirror:

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’

Edmund Burke

18:59:42 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

People who wants vengeance for they friends and families also may be considered as 'good men' and go fly straight to building with a plane full of passengers. Everyone can put a mask of 'good man' to do an evil things. Haven'y you learn anything from Stalin? He also said he is doing a good thing... in cost of people life of course.

19:08:52 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

exactly, there is no excuse for killing people, except self defence if its the only way. That does not include invading a country because 0,00000000000000001% of its population are fanatics...

Heres my statement to any USA pro army preacher:
Fuck the USA government (except Obama) and the army it uses for its selfish needs.

19:10:14 Apr 19th 10 - Sir Mirror:

Quite so. The only question then is whether "goodness" is objective or subjective. If it is subjective, then anyone who fights for whatever they believe in is automatically good, therefore they should do it. If "goodness" is objective then you must do what you can to support it, else evil (which is also objective IMHO) will triumph.

19:12:13 Apr 19th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Ahhh, and here you get to the shadowy line.... What is good?

19:16:34 Apr 19th 10 - Sir Mirror:

Exactly. I know what I believe to be Good, but that is my own beliefs. Unfortunately, these beliefs are not shared by everybody. Shame, really.

19:20:52 Apr 19th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Thats the concept of pluralism in action... We accept that other people's views are not the same as ours and have to tolerate them in today's society... Unfortunately, that includes their views on good, bad, etc... :p

19:46:48 Apr 19th 10 - Sir Mirror:

That's very true Wraith. In today's society, we are encouraged to tolerate everyone's views. Is that a good thing? Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn't.
I personally believe that what is "good" is objective.

20:30:04 Apr 19th 10 - Dark Prince Damn You Rox:

wilber you should stop all that running, and take up eating, your too skinny for the military mr twigg!

23:47:48 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Kiryu:

Soldiers are nothing but stupid animals who are nothing more than tools used by politicians to enforce foreign policy.

00:08:58 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Master Mind:

What makes you any better kiryu? What makes you not a stupid animal? What makes you not a tool?

And Tyrgalon that statement is fucking stupid because you can't just say fuck the US government except Obama, hes the policy setter as of now so basically he is the government.... durhhh...

00:40:16 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Roxbury:

The thing is, US marines arent needed. That country doesnt need thousands of bombers, a huge standing army and 15 branches of military. Its basically a big unemployment project for the people, and a big welfare program for the politicians and lobbyists servicing the military industry.

But any president that stops finding wars to fight, will get 5 million unemployed servicemen and workers.. causing him to get outvoted in the next election. So he has to find new wars.. the system is feeding itself.

01:03:30 Apr 20th 10 - VU Admin:

Just some advice if you ever go to cold weather training...

1. Wear proper clothes with different layers (layer 1: Transfer water from the skin, layer two; sucking up that water and isolating, layer three: protecting from wind yet good ventilation). Use wool instead of cotton. Wool will keep you warm even if you are wet and it will not stink like shit after a few days of sweating. When cotton gets wet it stays wet.

2. Don't touch metal directly with skin. Use thin gloves for combat and thick ones that you can put over them. Tie the thick ones on  your wrists so that you can throw them off quickly.

3. Wind will make cold colder.Check the wind chill factor. Find shelter for the wind!

4. Try to avoid sweating. Take off clothes if you are working. Take on extra clothes whenever you will be standing still for a longer period.

5. Don't eat yellow snow...

6. Don't forget to drink water. Wear  your water belt inside the clothes so that it wont freeze to ice.

7. If you are jumping into a hole in the ice, don't try to be cool and dive into it. 

8. Always have a set of try clothes and a towel with you.

9. If you fall into a hole in the ice, don't try to get up right away, wait like 10-20 seconds so that your body adapts and you stop hyper venting.
When you are up, find cover from the wind, take off the wet clothes as fast as you can, then put dry ones on and run until you get the heat up.

10. If you feel cold, run until you get warm.

11. If your buddy get cold toes, put them in your arm pits, skin-to-skin: Its very effective. If they get too cold it will cause tissue damage, turn black and then start to rot, so let him use your arm pits!

12. Check each others faces for white areas, it means they need to warm it up or risk permanent damage. 

13. Let everything take its time... Running in deep snow is slow and you get tired easily. Don't take your gloves off just because you are faster without them.

14. The ground is cold! Avoid sitting or standing directly on the ground. Use isolation.

15. Put paper under your shoe sole. It will suck upp water and give you less foot sweat.

16. Eat lots and lots of butter. It will make you warmer =)

We had some fun when navy seals came over for some cold weather training, most of them wearing cotton t-shirs etc. They had to go home after two days because they where literally freezing to death.

01:13:03 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Master Mind:

Well someone has to police the world... The British did it during their colony days but after two world wars Britain just didn't have the power that it had previously to do that, and so the reigns passed to the U.S., and now this is changing as China rises higher; inevitably becoming if not thee strongest, one of the strongest nations in the world.

06:31:40 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"Well someone has to police the world..." Lol... no

10:23:55 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol...seriously world we need a "Europe police" to stop wars here? no, do we need a world police to stop wars in the world, no...

The British Empire never tried to be a world police, it was only looking after its own interests. USA is just doing the same, but they have to cover it up in terms like that so the rest of the world (and the citizens of USA) wouldnīt realize what they really are doing. Its also a way to prevent people from claiming that they are only doing it for themselves, because they gott all this shit about "war against terrorists" and "the gift of democracy" to fall back on as a defense for their actions.

Also, Obama did not start the wars and other shit. On the contrary, he is trying to fix it. He has also realized that USA is not the best place on the world, and learned to take example from Europe (health care system) and not be so close minded and self centered as most in the USA seem to be.
Seriously people are calling the health reform for some communist stuff, who fucking cares, the idea of socialism is great but very hard to implement in all aspects of the society without it going wrong somewhere mostly due to corrupted leaders.

For example, Finland has a lot of socialistic aspects in its government activities, such as free health care and education. Its not perfect, but its not without reason that Russians come here to get service at our hospitals, and they pay well ;)
Not to mention our schools that are famous around the world for their high standard education, and that we excel in the Pisa tests for students.

So please stop having this "God bless America, and no one else" attitude, because the USA is a major fail of a country: 300 million people and a totally industrialized country, but still you manage to consumes more than you produce and get yourself a HUGH debt...
And you wanna be a world police? Seriously, stop dreaming and get a grip of reality.

Regards, Tyrgalon

16:57:36 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

U.S. is a Post Industrial economy. They deal in selling technology and services  not consumer goods.

The reason other economies are able to produce more then they consume is because they sell it here. We buy it. Less then 5% of that 300 million people save money in the bank most blow it like idiots. When 1/3 of the worlds money flows through 1 country you have a tendency to sell there especially since money is spent here thus why we have a higher import rate then export rate.

18:07:20 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

yeah well you should stop blowing up that money and causing global finance crisis, you have the money to pay more for you stuff, they donīt need to be so cheap that your government has to pay the debt that it leads to. Your economy is very badly managed.

20:10:18 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Nerdhix:

Tyrgalon, if you are cursing the huge debt your friend Obama has created, you can also examine some interesting facts. The national debt as a percentage of GDP is listed publicly for all nations. Here are some real examples of the debt nations carry:

United States = 39.7%
U.K.  = 47.2%
Norway = 52%
Netherlands = 43%
France = 67%
Germany = 62%

The U.S.economy is not so badly managed as you claim, but with a little more effort put forth by the present day administration, it probably will be.

21:17:37 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Nerdhix:

more true facts..
Your Socialist countries you admire have the highest personal income taxes in the world. Your Finland friends pay the 4th highest in the world at 46.6%

The per capita disposable income, on average in the U.S. is at least 29% more than any European nation you care to consider, and the average income tax is still just about 28%.

The Socialist European nations carry the biggest national debts AND have the highest taxes imposed on their citizens, and this is your wish for America.

LOL oh man, you are very funny, indeed.

21:22:53 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Nerdhix:

... and before I forget,

Semper Fidelis to you, with strength and honor!!!

21:49:12 Apr 20th 10 - Sir Mirror:

I'm not the moderator here, but shouldn't we be getting back on topic? I'm no great fan of a America (it's got lots of problems, but so does everyone else!), but this is a thread about the USMC. If you want a "Hate on America" thread, make one, but let's stay on topic, eh?

I have a very good friend from your side of the border who has joined the Marine Corps, so I wish you the best of luck in your endeavour! Run lot's (more even than you are already) and work on controlled breathing, so that you can actually shoot your gun after running. :D

21:59:34 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I am not cursing Obama for it. More like your previous president mr. WC Bush. Obama is doing good considering the mess he was left to take care of.

Also, are you aware that most of those depts are from the 2 world wars that where mainly fought in Europe? Those depths have accumulated under a very long time, while the USA one is rather new, and very large considering that fact. USA is doing better now, a lot of it due to Obama, but before that it was all downhill.

A major reason for USAs success is due to the fact that it had a easy time during the wars, it was the only country that had labour and money to spare to build industries for the production of war materials, which it sold to Europe for the money we borrowed.

Not to mention that Europe (and especialy Finland) has had a identical financial crisis as the USA has now, but did you ever study and learn from our mistakes? no, you ignore us because USA is the "greatest and most wonderful" country in the world...

Countries should take Finland for an example on how to get rid of depths. In the 80s we had a 60% depth, and it was at 32% before the recent financial crisis, now it is at 41%. Not to mention that we paid a huge damage (see wiki for definition) to USSR due to the war between the countries (that they started), and the fact that we were "allies" of Nazi-Germany (out of necessity to fend of USSR).

Regards, Tyrgalon

22:19:15 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Couldnīt edit so I will make a new post, was busy elsewhere so my post got late.

"Your Socialist countries you admire have the highest personal income taxes in the world. Your Finland friends pay the 4th highest in the world at 46.6%"

Thats the tax for the richest person in Finland or so, the common citisens is around 25% or so I think, it depends on how much you earn.

And we pay high taxes compared to some, but we also get the best education and healthcare ( not to mention insurances), and our wages are higher than in the USA. I guess you rather know nothing of the world and get screwed when you get hurt than to pay more taxes, as if you wouldnīt have the money for it with the low prizes you got there in the USA.

ps. I am from Finland, I have a good view of how the rest of the world is compared to us.

Regards, Tyrgalon

22:21:43 Apr 20th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Healthcare and Education in Finland is free, isn't it?

22:26:43 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

Even in such a small European country like Lithuania it was free. Only its new government messed everything, so some needs to pay now.

22:29:23 Apr 20th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

I know for Malta its free. So personally I wouldn't mind slightly higher taxes for free health. Can't imagine what it'd be like getting the Hospital fee for a broken leg in America :s

22:53:24 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Slegna Naila:

Depends on the seriousness of the break and what hospital you get sent to  lets just say it can be as little as 800 us dollars or as much as 50,000+ us dollars with ease. > Thats why we hate illegal aliens they give fake name and get it free.

22:58:05 Apr 20th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

$800 for a broken leg?? 

F*ck that, I'll fix it myself!! o.O

22:59:09 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Heroix:

>800 dollars for broken leg? :o

I hope you're joking?

23:12:32 Apr 20th 10 - Sir Mirror:

That's horrible, + you'd be out of work for who knows how long.
This is why I was incredibly shocked that people actually opposed the Health Care Reforms Obama pushed through. Seriously, why?

23:16:05 Apr 20th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Because a lot of them are greedy. They can't see that its going to be beneficial later and they don't want to pay a cent if they don't get immediate compensation for it...

23:16:42 Apr 20th 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

9. If you fall into a hole in the ice, don't try to get up right away, wait like 10-20 seconds so that your body adapts and you stop hyper venting.
When you are up, find cover from the wind, take off the wet clothes as fast as you can, then put dry ones on and run until you get the heat up.

Getting naked and rolling around in the snow is also a good idea.

10. If you feel cold, run until you get warm.

Or if you can't run, press ups are a good way to warm up. 

Mr. Heroix


16:33:41 Apr 19th 10 All you voluntary army are volunteering just to be a tool for you governments needs. To kill and die for what? Freedom? Democracy? Killing people for peace?

Let me read you a little something, you may know.

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

I'm sure you don't believe in self-defence either Mr. Heroix!

You may say terrorists are fighting for what they believe. However theres abit of a difference between purposely targetting civillians and fighting against insurgents who could be anyone, anywhere at any time. It is a shame, mistakes are made were civillians are killed. But fighting enemies like this, it is expected.

00:02:22 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

how do you mean that? how many civlians died in total in the western world? compare that to the civilian casualties in the Afghanistan and Iraq... you wouldn't even get close to that number... beware with what you say as one day you might be in the same position as they are now... and trust me, most would do the same... What do you think your grandfather would do if he lived in an by germany occupied country in WW II? if he was angry enough he would do exactly the same. War is war... it isn;t fair.

01:51:07 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Master Mind:

Sir Mirror


17:12:32 Apr 20th 10
That's horrible, + you'd be out of work for who knows how long.
This is why I was incredibly shocked that people actually opposed the Health Care Reforms Obama pushed through. Seriously, why?


Sir mirror, it depends on the job you do. And if your out of work for some time period you can get a check from the government. Plus if you got hurt while on the job your company pays for the injury through the insurance it offers it's empolyees. Also you're going to pay the 800 dollars one way or another through taxes so not like the healthcare plan changes much : /

Mr. Tyrgalon wtf is your problem? You keep making these accusations of how we Americans think we're the smartest people or whatever, but honestly have you ever actually lived in America? Have you actually ever gone to school in America? So then how the fuck would you know the mind set of the American people? Stop making such wide generalizations because it makes you look like a fucking douchebag. Want to know why? Because you sit there and lecture us like your so much fucking better get the fuck over yourself.

"ps. I am from Finland, I have a good view of how the rest of the world is compared to us."

That comment just proves how conceited you are so seriously stop making so many fucking dipshit comments about the rest of the world of what you think you know because I could take a poll and the majority of Americans wouldn't call America the best nation, not only that but they wouldn't say they're the smartest either.

Starting on a new note and going to this post.

Mr. Tyrgalon


04:23:55 Apr 20th 10
lol...seriously world we need a "Europe police" to stop wars here? no, do we need a world police to stop wars in the world, no...

The British Empire never tried to be a world police, it was only looking after its own interests. USA is just doing the same, but they have to cover it up in terms like that so the rest of the world (and the citizens of USA) wouldnīt realize what they really are doing. Its also a way to prevent people from claiming that they are only doing it for themselves, because they gott all this shit about "war against terrorists" and "the gift of democracy" to fall back on as a defense for their actions.

Also, Obama did not start the wars and other shit. On the contrary, he is trying to fix it. He has also realized that USA is not the best place on the world, and learned to take example from Europe (health care system) and not be so close minded and self centered as most in the USA seem to be.
Seriously people are calling the health reform for some communist stuff, who fucking cares, the idea of socialism is great but very hard to implement in all aspects of the society without it going wrong somewhere mostly due to corrupted leaders.

For example, Finland has a lot of socialistic aspects in its government activities, such as free health care and education. Its not perfect, but its not without reason that Russians come here to get service at our hospitals, and they pay well ;)
Not to mention our schools that are famous around the world for their high standard education, and that we excel in the Pisa tests for students.

So please stop having this "God bless America, and no one else" attitude, because the USA is a major fail of a country: 300 million people and a totally industrialized country, but still you manage to consumes more than you produce and get yourself a HUGH debt...
And you wanna be a world police? Seriously, stop dreaming and get a grip of reality.

Regards, Tyrgalon

Whether you want to admit it or not Britain did try to police the world, and just like you said they were looking out for their own interests, which I agree with. After the two world wars with a battered Britain, America arose from its isolationist policies and took on a new world policy partly due to Communist threat, but also because Britain lost its pestle, and after WW2 Europe came to rely on America for protection that's why European countries don't need/have to spend a lot of their military nowadays because they know America would come to help, it's also the reason why America spends 30% of its budget on defence/military spending.

Addressing the second paragraph the iraqi war I agree was not exactly needed, but the Afghan war was needed. In the early decade the taliban were gaining power threatening to overflow out of Afghanistan someone needed to stop the taliban from getting complete control of Afghanistan, and Bush was trying to end the two wars just as fast as Obama there is not much of a change between the two in strategy on the war. Bush was already making plans to withdraw out of Iraq, and Obama finished those plans.

Why do you keep making those comments?   

"He has also realized that USA is not the best place on the world, and learned to take example from Europe (health care system) and not be so close minded and self centered as most in the USA seem to be."

No, one here ever said the USA is the best place on the world so wtf? Why even bring it up? Also Americas had many of the same social programs as Western Europe for most of the last half century, the only difference was that we didn't have a nationalized healthcare system. Also why is it that you make it sound like Europe is so perfect? You don't out right say it, but you definitely imply it the way you talk. Addressing that same paragraph the idea of socialism itself is not great, but in combination with capitalism it is a great idea.

As for your paragraph about Finland education and healthcare. Russians may come to Finland and you said they pay well, but see a Mexican could come to an American hospital and pay for none of it beause a hospital can't legally denie someone healthcare because their not covered or can't pay, and so the American people are left to fit the bill. As for the education part the scoring of nations students it is a bit rigged. See in European states ( as it has been explained to me, so forgive me if I'm wrong) that based on your score you either go further on to get a higher education or go to a vocational type school to get specialized training for a particular skill. And in America going to a vocational school is a choice, and even then not a widely offered one. Thus we try to give everyone the same opportunities and the same education where as in European countries based on tests you go were you must. Thus only those that go to get higher education in Europe are actually counted when taking those tests to grade countries on their education whereas in the USA it's not exactly the same, but I do agree European nations do have good school systems, and I think that education should be free whereas right now after High School it's not free.

As for the last paragraph idc.. Lol, someone should take more history.

09:41:39 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

"it depends on the job you do"

Exactly, almost none with lower wage jobs get no insurance, in Europe they do. And its good to hear that the government might help them, its better than nothing.

The idea of paying for healthcare is that then also the very poor can get service without paying all their savings and playing out on the street. The rich people who have more money than they need pay more so that the poor can have a reasonable life too. The thing is that anyone might find him/herself in a situation where they canīt afford the bill.

"Stop making such wide generalisations" (fixed spelling error)

I have never been in the USA, but neither have most people in the world. And still many consider Americans to have such an attitude, because always now and then you can see it on TV and videos or encounter it on the Internet or in life. I have never said that every American is like that, but surprisingly many seem to have such an opinion. I dunno where you live, but there are parts in the USA that are so far away from any contact to the rest of the world, that they now nothing of it really, and guess what they think? exactly...they know even less than I do about USA, and would claim its the best place in the world.

"because they know America would come to help"

lol...since when after the cold war has there been a situation when Europe would have needed large military forces? not once, know why? because we donīt stick our noses in everyone else business with the gun first, we talk and solve it that way. The independence of Namibia is a good example, you donīt always need military forces to achieve your goals, even tho I agree that Afghanistan is another case. When Europe send soldiers somewere, we go to keep the peace, when the USA does it they go to war, been like that every time...

"America spends 30% of its budget on defence/military spending. "

Do you have any idea how much of that goes into researching new technology? A considerable part I would say, with all that money you could help millions of people in much more needed ways than research another toy for the soldiers, seriously soldiers donīt need all that super equipment. They have and can do just as well without it.

"same social programs"

Those are getting/have gotten better there yeah, but what about the taxation? It favours the rich a lot, ie keeps the poor porr and the rich rich. USA is also not a country of opportunity, since to get a good education you have to pay tons, now do you think the poor ever get that chance? most definitely no.

"Also why is it that you make it sound like Europe is so perfect?"

I never imply anything, I always speak right out. In other words I neither say nor think that Europe is perfect, no place is, but its for sure better than the company controlled USA.

"European countries based on tests you go were you must"

Now where the did you get that bs from, I am sorry to say but your source is totally wrong. I could go to any school in Europe if my results are good enough. After High school its up to you to do the best you can for your results, but its not dependent on money for where you can study. The thing is you donīt need to study further, but most due because they can and its worth it. Its harder to get a good job without further studies than High school because everyone else also has some kind of further education themselves.

And about the tests, I took part of them even before High school, in and after that too. The results are taken from several generations of students (also including college I think, nut not 100% sure on that).

And please explain what you mean with that? I have actually studied history a lot, took almost every course on it I could in college.

ps. I donīt think every American is stupid etc etc, there are also many who are not, they are just not loud enough to be heard over all the noise from the dumb heads, which is a reason why the USA has stayed so stagnant in its development for so long. It is changing tho :)

Regards, Tyrgalon

11:42:34 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. The Born Loser:

Well, regardless of whether America is stagnating or not, they are still the bar that every other country looks up to, and the milestone that the next superpower always looks to exceed.

That said...

1. China will rulez you all :P

Mr. Tyrgalon


15:41:39 Apr 21st 10
I have never been in the USA, but neither have most people in the world. And still many consider Americans to have such an attitude, because always now and then you can see it on TV and videos or encounter it on the Internet or in life. I have never said that every American is like that, but surprisingly many seem to have such an opinion. I dunno where you live, but there are parts in the USA that are so far away from any contact to the rest of the world, that they now nothing of it really, and guess what they think? exactly...they know even less than I do about USA, and would claim its the best place in the world.

Excuse me!!! You are wrong!!! The Americans not only know everything about their own country... they know everything about the world too! How so? I can give you an example!

The Alaskans.... they know ALL about Russia... they can see Russia from where they are *thumbs up*

(I wonder how they view being stuck next to Canada then.... :P)

3. America spending 30% of its budget on military:

They are just encouraging a worldwide spiral employment effect :) I bet for every 1% the Americans pump into their military budget, it encourages the rest of the world to exponentially increase their arm forces and military spending and so keeping global employment up and running ^_^

4. Americans almost indirectly voted in Sarah Palin to be the President of the United States.

LOL! I would give ANYTHING to be a fly on the wall when Sarah Palin meets the like Putin, Sarkozy and Hu Jintao :P They would be like pythons toying around with a white lad mouse, LOL!

As President Vajpayee once told George H.W. Bush: "I have been in politics since even before you were born!"


5. China will rulez you all!!! :P

(and that's why the Americans are now converting to a socialist / communist state model to compete with the dragon, bwahahahahahaha!!!!! :P :P :P)

11:48:38 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol nice sarcasm TBL :P

15:10:40 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

Mr. Willem Beunhaas


23:02:22 Apr 20th 10 how do you mean that? how many civlians died in total in the western world? compare that to the civilian casualties in the Afghanistan and Iraq... you wouldn't even get close to that number... beware with what you say as one day you might be in the same position as they are now... and trust me, most would do the same... What do you think your grandfather would do if he lived in an by germany occupied country in WW II? if he was angry enough he would do exactly the same. War is war... it isn;t fair.

Obviously, the cost of civillians will be more in Iraq and Afghan than the western civillian casualties as we're fighting on their home turf, it's guerrilla warfare. Lets face it, if the taliban were in uniform and had a real war with the Americans/British/Coalition forces, it would be over and done with within weeks.
How long did it take for Baghdad to fall after the invasion?

A difference between us and them, is that they purposely target civillians. Do we kill young children who associate themselves with our enemies, then leave their bodies to be seen publically as an example?

15:23:14 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

did you look at the video wilber...? its not the first time, nor the last if this war keeps going on with your soldiers not being in control of their feelings.

15:25:06 Apr 21st 10 - Lady Wilber Who Loves Gary Porter:

My soldiers? If you read the thread, you'd realise I'm not American.

I was pretty disguisted by their comments on it, yeah, but as I said I'm not American. If they wish to go gung-ho about if, fair enough, they're to blame when it goes wrong. But don't generalize all Americans or all soldiers like that.

15:28:57 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

ohh.. sorry I canīt remember what everyone has written lol :P but you sounded just like an American there so thats why I thought you are one.

17:14:52 Apr 21st 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

A difference between us and them, is that they purposely target civillians. Do we kill young children who associate themselves with our enemies, then leave their bodies to be seen publically as an example?

yes, NATO troops do that stuff as well. you just don't hear about it.

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