Forums / The hangaround / Riddles!!!

16:50:22 Feb 8th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Is is a walk? Like the more you walk the more you leave behind.

18:05:40 Feb 8th 07 - Duke Azaruc:


the older you get, the more time you've left behind....

18:22:09 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

Lord Weirdgrivi

2/8/2007 4:50:22 PM
Is is a walk? Like the more you walk the more you leave behind.


that was the closest it was footsteps and sorry ajax for steasling it from you but u said it wrong

18:30:22 Feb 8th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

another one:

The poor have it,
the rich need it
when you'll eat it, you'll die

18:41:29 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:


the poor have nothing their poor

the rich need nothing they got everthing

and if you eat nothing you die

(Edited by Mr. Yoshintaku 2/8/2007 6:42:08 PM)

20:37:52 Feb 8th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

yeapz, correct :)

20:56:38 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Ok hoping that Andrei isn't on the sight right now but

 What letter is never found in the alphabet?

 What starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T?

 Tommy Tucker took two strings and tied two turtles to two tall trees. How many T's in that?

Why should a boy avoid the letter Y?

What odd number becomes even when beheaded?

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/8/2007 8:57:19 PM)

22:06:21 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Scientist:

In answer to the Tommy Tucker one, is there 2?

22:15:24 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

yes scientist your right

22:18:00 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Scientist:

I have no idea about any of the others though :(
I may be supreme but I'm not that good at these :(

22:19:09 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

for the T one, is it a Tea Party?lol

Wait, no its not its a Tea pot! i win!!

(Edited by Mr. Brannigans Law 2/8/2007 10:19:57 PM)

22:26:07 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Yup for Teapot

22:45:47 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Rommel:

For the odd number riddle... 'seven'. I'll figure out the rest later.

23:07:33 Feb 8th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Yup your right rommel

04:42:35 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Barny:

Why should a boy avoid the letter Y?

Well, I'm assuming that this is because the letter Y easts penises, right?

(Edited by Mr. Barny 2/9/2007 4:42:57 AM)

05:38:22 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Nope sorry Barny

06:50:39 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Beggar:

that riddle... could have a realllly nasty answer
highlight at you own risk

(Edited by Mr. Beggar 2/9/2007 6:51:03 AM)

zomg thje color button betrayed me

(Edited by Mr. Beggar 2/9/2007 6:51:34 AM)
erm highlight at your own risk now :P
--okkkay.... if you look at the letter "Y" in the font he used, it... looks like a guy with a boner...  ok this is the terrible product of staring at the screen for 20 minutes... it may not be the answer But...--

(Edited by Mr. Beggar 2/9/2007 6:55:38 AM)

07:18:01 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Marcjen The King:

Mr. Xemnas

2/8/2007 8:56:38 PM
Ok hoping that Andrei isn't on the sight right now but


Lol, I'll have you know that Andrei answered all my riddles too in our forum last era.. I had a similar thread like this one in our KD forum and he is damn too good..=)

11:10:21 Feb 9th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

HEY!! I answered some of them too, I was right behind him, hmpf!

13:06:07 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Sorry Begger

14:55:54 Feb 9th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

the letter I just sent you :)

15:37:27 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

well V was the old female symbol. so your saying he should stay away from girls?

16:30:09 Feb 9th 07 - Duke Azaruc:

(Edited by Duke Azaruc 2/9/2007 4:30:22 PM)
(Edited by Duke Azaruc 2/9/2007 4:30:46 PM)

y can turn a lad into a lady..

(Edited by Duke Azaruc 2/9/2007 4:35:01 PM)

18:37:27 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Santa Claus:

scientific studies have shown that there is a direct, positive correlation between foot size and performance in spelling bees / spelling tests. how can you explain this correlation?

Hint: Don't think too hard ... it's just for the most obvious reasons.

21:48:17 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Bigger feet mean they are probably older, meaning they have a larger vocabulary and spelling rate and such.

I cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. I lay behind the stars and flee from light. What am I?

(Edited by Mr. Tunk 2/9/2007 9:50:31 PM)
(Edited by Mr. Tunk 2/9/2007 9:50:55 PM)

22:04:49 Feb 9th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Yup to the Lady and letters. Probablly shadow

01:16:31 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why?

I'm gonna start counting down the minutes till you get this one.

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."

The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.

In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

For this one I think it will be an hour.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/10/2007 1:17:50 AM)

01:22:33 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

the farmer carried one sack of grain, the helper carried only sacks, it didnt indicated if it has grain in it, so i will have to say the farmer

01:23:48 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

the man wrote: "Your exact weight" LoL

01:24:40 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Yup twice

George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee.
Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda.
Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?

Meh so,so I was talking about the riddle.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/10/2007 1:28:18 AM)

01:25:27 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

sorry man, cant help it, my IQ is 20.  :P

01:39:57 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Fuego Walker:

Elizabeth is drinking cofee since there are 2 e's in her name?

01:44:50 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Elizabeth is drinking Soda because she is the child of Bert and Dave?

02:14:40 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

shes drinking coffee

02:17:06 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

Does any of the beverage drinkers have a gun or other weapon that would put them in an advantage in a fight?

03:14:39 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Fuego is right.
Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them.
"There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully you may find out.

(Edited by Mr. Xemnas 2/10/2007 3:17:10 AM)

04:57:03 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

Shadow is close was the dark.
Oh, Xemnas, yours is 'language', i think
I seem to have a recurring theme of shadows...
How about this 'un

I pass before the sun, yet do not make a shadow? What am I?

(Edited by Mr. Tunk 2/10/2007 4:58:46 AM)

05:03:07 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

air. just about everything actually. as long as it is close to the sun.

05:04:53 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Tunk:

yeah...i need to think of an good one, people get mine within minutes.

(Edited by Mr. Tunk 2/10/2007 5:05:29 AM)

05:17:56 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Fuego Walker:

Tunk is correct on the one Xemnas's a very well known one actually.

05:21:04 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Proilon:

how does shadow work on xemnas's

05:47:30 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

I won't be on for a while so hope these are good.

A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?

A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?

A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how?

I am the ruler of shovels
I have a double
I am as thin as a knife
I have a wife
What am I?

Last 1

What force and strength cannot get through, I with a gentle touch can do.
And many in the street would stand, were I not a friend at hand.
What am I?

05:56:26 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?



its a picture of him

05:57:09 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Yoshintaku:

A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how?



he was under but his head was up

06:00:13 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

1 time Yoshintaku was right second time could you clarify.

06:02:53 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Surgeon General:

1. the guy was not born in the year 1955.  1955 could be a street number, house number, room number.

2. The wife did not shoot with a gun or any fatal weapon.  probably, hmmmm, camera?  but why would he hold him under water? hmm, i think she is a photographer, she shoots her husband, gets the film, immersed it in water and hung it to dry.

3. Probably the kid did not immersed himself into water.  He just went under something that contains water.  like a pail, or bathtub.

4.  this is tricky, ruler of shovels?  i think its synonymous with King of Spades (Ruler=King, Shovel = spade).  A card is thin as a knife.  But im not sure if he has a double.  Im also not sure if he's married to the Queen of Spades. 

5.  I think this riddle has something to do with something that can pass through a very small opening, like air (again), water, string, keys.  I would eliminate air since you can't hold it in your arm and you can't touch it.  But if you need to get through something, i think you need a key.

06:05:26 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

All right Surgeon General.

17:25:16 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching!

Hi! Ma and Pa told me I'd better say that all the two-letter words in this paragraph have something in common ...... or else! What's the common factor here?

A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis:
The Wife said she was sleeping.
The Cook was cooking breakfast.
The Gardener was picking vegetables.
The Maid was getting the mail.
The Butler was cleaning the closet.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis:
The Wife said she was sleeping.
The Cook was cooking breakfast.
The Gardener was picking vegetables.
The Maid was getting the mail.
The Butler was cleaning the closet.

The police instantly arrested the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

A man walks into a his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using a real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn't miss and he wasn't Superman or any other caped crusader.
How did he do this?

17:52:39 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

There is a metal plate on the man's forehead between the eyes.

The maid because mail doesn't get delivered on sunday? I don't know how it works over where you live... Or mayber the butler is not supposed to clean and is supposed to leave thaht up to the maid?

17:58:43 Feb 10th 07 - Mr. Xemnas:

Lelouch he does not have a metal plate on his forehead and yess the mail isn't delivered on sunday.

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