Forums / The hangaround / VUs Greatest Players

VUs Greatest Players
11:42:17 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Mr. Von Moormzzery


11:39:19 Nov 6th 09
Well, looks like Revenge got served with a huge dose of STFU. Bloody fool doesn't even belong in this thread nor does he qualify to be viewed as a "good player" (no where near "greatest"), yet still wants to poke his nose in... LOL!

Sure ok TBL =)

11:46:49 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I am sry to tell to all those who think Hittler was any good in military strategy, that he wasn't.
He never was good and each time, he interfeared into the plannings of his skilled generals, the army was led into a disaster.
He had other skills, yes, but non of them were on the battlefield.

Hittler, was never taking any commands in the field, neither in WW1 nor WW2. Oh yes, many if you are unaware that he was soldier in WW1, but he was so unskilled, that he never got a command there and was used to transport documents, because he was a lazy unskilled bum.
The only time he was taking any command in some kind of military actions was, when he tried to putch german government in 1923, but even there he was a scary scum and let Ludendorf lead the charge of the munich city hall, while hiding behind in civil ^^.

Ofc the operation was a failure.....

So if you want to give credit to germans military achievements (not speaking from holocaust here) then give it to their generals like Rommel, the desert fox.
They were the men who planed and fullfilled the military operations.

Ofc you can still say Hittler achieved something, but nothing military. I think the best achivement he did was building highways in hole germany and upgraded the logistic to a new level there. Well yes, this was something usefull....

11:52:22 Nov 6th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

i would say just that hitler was smarter then most people, and knew how to use his position, he knew what people wanted, he was great talked and  he just knew those retards and worked psychologicaly on them...

12:12:27 Nov 6th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Ms. Young Quietone
the thing with hitler is, that he wasn't a  total fail" as general per se as stated above. he made some pretty smart moves, being a layman in the field of warfare. just because he got crushed in the end, doesn't mean he had no skill/talent whatsoever..

Thats funny. All the "smart moves" whats Hitler heeding his generals advice. All the mistakes was Hitler not taking his generals advice. Hitler had no skill/talent whatsoever when it comes to warfare. Not many statesmen in modern history where really generals, a successfull leader in the times of war is he who knew who to listen to / who to appoint. Hitler probably was one of the worst leaders during WW2. Stalin for instance also did mistakes but when WW2 came he rolled back some of them and did what he had to do to win. Churchill was also a much greater military leader, probly becouse he actually had experience of it from before. Of them all though, Mao Zedong was probably the greatest leader of WW2, atleast if you look at military strategy and other skills needed to "win" a war.

12:53:03 Nov 6th 09 - Ms. Young Quietone:


you can say hitler wasn't a good general, and considering that he lost the war by making some decisive strategic mistakes you got a good point there. (it's also my personal opinion that he wasn't a good one. heck, he wasn't even a "general" in the traditional way.)
but you cannot deny that he had some remarkable strategic and tactical insights which can't be considered "luck". a fact, which is backed up by contemporary german generals.

the successful war on france and the western allies in 1940 by attacking through the ardennes is based on the plan of v. manstein - but hitler can be credited with having almost the same idea of attacking france and thus putting manstein's plan into effect (against the resistance of the OKH)
also his decision not to withdraw from leningrad and moscow during the winter of 1941 presumably saved the entiry german heeresgruppe nord from collapsing and was pivotal to the polonged war in the east.

on a sidenote, it's not true that he was a "lazy bum" in wwi. serving as a lower rank soldier (runner/"melder" - a very, very unsafe and dangerous job) it's just natural to not "get a command". that has nothing to with unskilledness. (don't get me wrong.. i'm not trying to defend hitler here or justify anything. it's just that saying hitler had no skill whatsoever isn't true.)

14:11:10 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Swifteh:

Bane is pretty much owning this thread.

21:30:06 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

farming to second doesnt really qualify you as a great player no offence :D but it is pretty easy to get into the top 5 with a decent kd behind you. the Greatest players are the ones who take the fight to the enemy and dismantle kds and fronts single handed

22:00:23 Nov 6th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit:

Mr. Papas Bear
""""05:19:44 Nov 6th 09 he wasnt feeding

he farmed fant
and played mant with me

unless i dont get what your meaning by feeding

he played it completly fair and always has done""""

This is the very reason i came in 2nd on Fant that era. I refused to get any assist from anyone for any type of feeding, city swapping or any other mechanics abuse you can think of. Sure it was offered but if I couldn't win on my own then i didn't deserve it. Yes i farmed for 80% of the era and spent the last 2-3 weeks making HUGE axer armies to beat down the hordes of armies trying to invade our core. Who still cares?

Mant was strictly WAR 100% all era and if i remember right i even had to restart once. Who still cares?

Who still cares i had 2 accounts OVER A YEAR AGO?? It's something I'll never do again for more reasons then i care to mention. Past is the past, leave it alone.

If my abilities are in doubt then bring it to the map. Forum talk means nothing on the field of battle.

22:07:05 Nov 6th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

I have seen you play firsthand...legit.

22:08:28 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Horus III:

Duke Drakos


11:00:56 Nov 3rd 09

In my opinion the "Greats" are people who have skill AND actually give something back to the game. By that I mean helping out newer players, answering q's in Threads, etc.....the idea that only people who have been here for 5 years can be great is ludicrous. If thats so, just reset the game to the way it was in the Beta days and the origional few can sit in a circle and have a circle jerk while they say how great they all are. 

 Some Vets seem to just live to slam people in the Threads, flame them, spew venom and vitrol and chase some people off. They may finish high, but are they Great? Sure, if you considered Hitler great.

 I pick Roxbury as a great because not only does he have skill, but he can admit when a newer player has skill, give hints/tips, and engage in civil discussion, unlike many I can name.


I played in the second beta, noone cares i know, and I've popped in and out of VU rather anonymously for the last 5 years. I couldn't really tell you who I think the best players are b/c of all the name changes. But just look at the era names, Rambo and Sezymon and Draiken didn't win multiple eras by being scrubs. I know Elit has been around the block a few times as has Hamish (if you want to talk about active players). The greatest player of all time is probably me though

22:17:50 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Finwe:

no rambo won multiple by err abuse (or at least one era) which puts doubt on the others. but sezy etc are good ya :P

22:21:48 Nov 6th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit:

All Your City Size Needs

Cavemasters for each city size

Even Much of the info in this was from me or with my support.

n00b friendly guide

Don't think any of that makes me a great player but if it helped even 1 person become a better one then all the better. If anything it's nice for quick reference to even old players including myself. =)

22:26:46 Nov 6th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Young quiet one, you couldnt be more wrong, Hitler is the reason the germans lost the east, his refusal to give ground cost the germans in material and troops they could ill afford to lose. Hitler was also obsessed with techology and the germans wasted resources on weapons when they already had an advantage in tech. basically hitler screwed the pooch. perhaps the greatest blunder though was the fact that he was more enamoured of terror bombing than targeting the english war machine.


lets talk about this in another thread though, this is for the vets to feel good about themselves.


Guderian was the man who almost won germany the war out of all germanies generals he was the most responsible followed by Von Rundstedt, Rommel was solid but not as amazing as some people seem to think.

22:37:21 Nov 6th 09 - Mr. Horus III:

Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit


16:21:48 Nov 6th 09
All Your City Size Needs

Cavemasters for each city size

Even Much of the info in this was from me or with my support.

n00b friendly guide

Don't think any of that makes me a great player but if it helped even 1 person become a better one then all the better. If anything it's nice for quick reference to even old players including myself. =)


Yeah well, I made a battle calculator better than the java one and only shared it with my KD mates... so there!

23:28:20 Nov 6th 09 - Ms. Young Quietone:

I'm not wrong at all! I can't! I never am, I am Quietone!


I never claimed Hitler was a good general, or the reason why germany lost the war wasn't to find in his person or sth like that.
I merely said, that he wasn't completely untalented in terms of military knowledge. Imo, for a person who wasn't taught in military leadership and strategy he was surprisingly capable. (that is not to say, that he was more capable than or even comparable to the average member of the general staff). As v. Manstein put it "(hitler) undoubtly possessed a certain view for operational chances" and "a quick grasp on them" [dunno if that's properly translated.. here's the original: "er besaß zweifellos einen gewissen Blick für operative Möglichkeiten.." "diese schnell erfassen konnte.."; v. Manstein: Verlorene Siege, Kap. 11]

And again, the "hold ground at all costs"-stance of him hindered the german military effort big time, yes. But mostly in the second half of the war, when germany was losing anyway. As stated above, there was one time when this stance proved to be greatly benefical to the german war effort, in the winter of 1941.

00:30:10 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit


22:00:23 Nov 6th 09
Mr. Papas Bear
""""05:19:44 Nov 6th 09 he wasnt feeding

he farmed fant
and played mant with me

unless i dont get what your meaning by feeding

he played it completly fair and always has done""""

This is the very reason i came in 2nd on Fant that era. I refused to get any assist from anyone for any type of feeding, city swapping or any other mechanics abuse you can think of. Sure it was offered but if I couldn't win on my own then i didn't deserve it. Yes i farmed for 80% of the era and spent the last 2-3 weeks making HUGE axer armies to beat down the hordes of armies trying to invade our core. Who still cares?

Mant was strictly WAR 100% all era and if i remember right i even had to restart once. Who still cares?

Who still cares i had 2 accounts OVER A YEAR AGO?? It's something I'll never do again for more reasons then i care to mention. Past is the past, leave it alone.

If my abilities are in doubt then bring it to the map. Forum talk means nothing on the field of battle.

I hope ZeTa cares :)
This nice confession of yours will be a good reason to check IP logs, Im sure ZeTa could recheck them :)

05:25:30 Nov 7th 09 - Swedish chef Brashen:

some players I consider good when they feel like it.
 no special order

Raistlin, Drakos, Roxbury, DVS, Cobra, Hanky, Fordius,Ben, Elsin,, Binh,
SleEZy, Baneswallow, Darkmoor,
And I knew I miss alot of good players but lots of these are players who smacked me around, the first one ill not forget since it was my first real lesson in VU and around the time I started to play for real.

And I agree with drakos its hard to acknowledge what people who u dont recognize the name on are saying, so stop changing names penors I have a hard time learning names as it is.

and wow thanks for the nomination, once every two years or so I end up on these lists (though only ever get one vote a list) and sad thing is that I can problebly the name on every player who ever voted for me :D

05:42:20 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

U know i wonder what would happen if we had to to tell the truth?

Being honest isnt so bad really.

And btw I vote that revenge and lew stink.

I also vote myself as vu cancer! considering revenge & lew runs the show.

07:30:12 Nov 7th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

I'm a terrible player :P but I love this game too much to ever quit aha!

Some players I think are top of the line:
Drakos, Karac, Satanclausas, Crissxcross, Sprout, Fafnir who sadly doesn't play anymore :(.

08:34:34 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Fafnir ?


09:05:05 Nov 7th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

yes, Fafnir, he trained me as well as Drakos did, and Fafnir and I led Velocity :)

09:27:47 Nov 7th 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Rev is one to laugh...hahahahaha, im going to laugh myself to sleep.

11:07:31 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

yes, Fafnir, he trained me as well as Drakos did, and Fafnir and I led Velocity :)

please dont bring up velocity, i try and forget that kd

12:50:18 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Dark Prince Stirlin


11:07:31 Nov 7th 09
yes, Fafnir, he trained me as well as Drakos did, and Fafnir and I led Velocity :)

please dont bring up velocity, i try and forget that kd


16:41:56 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

Hey prince stirlin... how u been man? I know u got remember me from way back... ?

17:06:04 Nov 7th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Lol, Velocity was a great kingdom in era 37... Then era 38 happened and Fafnir invited players like Penguin and put the kingdom to shame.

17:12:40 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Mr. Sprout Power


15:41:56 Nov 7th 09
Hey prince stirlin... how u been man? I know u got remember me from way back... ?

Im bad with names so i dont remember :S

Duke Polydeuces


16:06:04 Nov 7th 09
Lol, Velocity was a great kingdom in era 37... Then era 38 happened and Fafnir invited players like Penguin and put the kingdom to shame.

Velocity was never a good kd, it was a total fail, i know, i was a vice in it for like a week before i realized how useless it was. Peng was one of the best players in velocity

17:15:05 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

o Thats right it was ur other acc that we played together in my bad.

17:17:28 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

is this some kind of troll?

17:36:28 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

O dont worry it was eras ago .. not trolling just knowing.

Ur a great player and I am sure U prolly dont have that acc anymore rite ?

Nothing personal, just tring to insure people know how large this goes and how many people have done such and got away with over the eras .

17:57:42 Nov 7th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

evidence plz!
your either totally lying or have me mixed up

18:13:42 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Sprout Power:

it could be I have u mixed up it was like era 18 or 19 I think so its been some if I am sorry.

18:39:07 Nov 7th 09 - Duke Insane XII:

i nominate Jondrus-best player

02:18:15 Nov 8th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

LOL I like sprout, even if he did join no honour at least he tells the truth.

03:23:05 Nov 8th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

Poly, Velocity was pwnd my mah kd. Why aint I on your list? pfffff

03:25:21 Nov 8th 09 - Lord Cygnus Lazarious II:

so how am I considered?

12:09:43 Nov 8th 09 - Mzz Mzzery:

I think the one that ends last is the best, cuz bigger number = better.

13:40:47 Nov 8th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

Duke Polydeuces


18:06:04 Nov 7th 09
Lol, Velocity was a great kingdom in era 37... Then era 38 happened and Fafnir invited players like Penguin and put the kingdom to shame.


Velocity never was a great kd. Only Stirlin and Piece maker was something great in kd. You where just some retard who thought that your the best player with huge ego...
Fafnir never invited me. Fordius asked me to join RVL , we talked and he mentioned he is making a nub kd to train, then i thought why should i play with some vets, some retards, and some unknown people while i could train or try to develop some fagish kd. thats why i came to velocity... and it was an uber mistake. Fafnir never took a shit about kd , was seriously inactive.... thats what screwd velocity..

19:21:06 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Felic:


20:18:31 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Killa Bear:

faf was a gd player, very capable PERIOD.

whether velocity was gd or nt has nothing to do with faf, 1 player doesnt make or break a kd.

like we heard peng was in it among other gd players and nubs too, if faf is crap for being in velocity then so is peng, peacemaker and stirling too.

20:19:31 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Felic:

you seem to miss the point he was inactive ... An inactive leader does make or break a kingdom ... Break it is :)

21:35:30 Nov 8th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Well thats what vices are for... and good vice(s) with an inactive leader can do win an era

<3 Random

22:24:42 Nov 8th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

<3 stewie

22:54:23 Nov 8th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

Lord Stewie Griffin


22:35:30 Nov 8th 09

Well thats what vices are for... and good vice(s) with an inactive leader can do win an era


if kd is full of retards and doesnt listen to you? or the fuck you do? and only to leader, which doesnt give a shit and logs once a day? when all the main players are sleepin ? When leader doesnt give the main power to vices? when vices ask to leave leadership and give it to one of the vice, so we would have 100% control? cause how could we handle lets say relations or anything else if other kd leaders send msgs to inactive leader and he doesnt do anything? or doesnt log in once per day? how then we should go on? KD was ment to fail. and it failed.

01:19:35 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


21:35:15 Nov 14th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

Hitler made some very poor decisions, particularly later in the war and of course the battle of britain strategy change to switch from airfields to city actually is quite a reasonable assumption that many others made(dresden) but the brits by luck and talent got their air power back up because of hindsight it was a tactical error but a natural one to make since th british air machine was "finished" in most people's judgement.

best way to look at ww2 is the army strength and casualty numbers. the german soliders killed 5 times their TOTAL army size in just russian SOLDIERS alone(mind you for the russians a peasant with a hoe was good enough for battle).

The germans were vastly outnumbered, should never of been in Africa, and the cracking of the enigma code was a real disaster when they had allied shipping crippled. They were technologically superior in every way and their soldiering ability was superior(again just look at the stats for those who disagree)...their biggest problem was lack of natural resources and in particular Oil...with sea transport under threat they had to invade russia for this alone and i type now from volgograd,former stalingrad, where such an epic battle took place.

Hitler did second guess his generals later in the war but he wasnt totally incompetant, just not an experienced as his General peers. he also wasnt the only motivator and the myth about him was just as much the work of goebbels and the propaganda machine so i would say average general who had some successes and some spectacular failures, and an above average motivator and speaker.

i recall reading an account from Goebbels describing how "hitler's blue eyes shone with passion" and which of course they werent blue...

22:32:16 Nov 19th 09 - Lord Protector Imnotswifty:

I wouldn't score very high in some categories, but fuck me if I'm not a 10 for farming!

22:37:48 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

i would give myself this:
farming 1, warring 2, rhino 27. makes an average of 10 :-) I ROCKZZ!!

23:26:03 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I get at least an 8.5 for pissing off nerds.

00:46:11 Nov 20th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

you dedicate your internet time to pissing off nerds

that sir, makes you a nerd!

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