Forums / The hangaround / Amazing Optical Illusions

Amazing Optical Illusions
18:12:02 Dec 27th 06 - Ms. Mind:

Now i see it! its the snowman behind the two guys! Very clever!

18:16:15 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Are you fukin kiddin' me? What snowman? :((

23:15:25 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Remote:

I know, its something to do with the ,,'s though for sure

But snowman....i don't see it?

(Edited by Mr. Remote 12/27/2006 11:16:02 PM)

02:14:18 Dec 28th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

sorry, nothing right yet, but keep on trying, you are good:)

02:22:36 Dec 28th 06 - Mr. Remote:

A clue please Effie and i will stop holding your cat hostage..

03:38:21 Dec 28th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

My cat is already dead, mom grew tired of it and killed it, really it's true.

 Feel free to kill it again, no clue.

04:34:41 Dec 28th 06 - Mr. Remote:

Effie, i am your mother, if you don't tell me i will kill you.


Damn i'm never going to find out what it is :P

06:22:03 Dec 28th 06 - Mr. Hobo:

LOL! such a loving mother....

06:36:45 Dec 28th 06 - Mr. Hobo:

each of the "s seem to make faces in the white background.. but that can't be it... it would have anything to do with the fact that their noses/eyes look like *beep*s now would it?...

teh dancing peanut butter jelly banana is in the back ground... if you enlarge the pic to the point that you can see individual colored pixels, you can the dancing banana and numerous other faces around the hobos! BWUHAHAH leave it to a guy called Mr. Hobo to own hobo pictures!

edit: oh erm.. invert the colors

(Edited by Mr. Hobo 12/28/2006 6:38:06 AM)

15:33:15 Dec 28th 06 - Mr. Remote:

Don't see it still.

18:30:24 Dec 28th 06 - VU Admin:

Moderator needed!

If you are online a lot and have ICQ/MSN and are over 18 or older you will get the job. Send me a message on ICQ 89271924 or MSN and tell me what times you are usually online.

03:14:38 Dec 29th 06 - Mr. Neratu Xii:

What does that have to do with optical illusions?

03:23:20 Dec 29th 06 - Mr. Remote:

I think hes become an randomer or he likes to spam...i'd apply but i killing spam? That would be like effie giving us a clue...its just not going to happen. (Tired so couldn't make up a better example :P)

03:37:26 Dec 29th 06 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

VR Muhammed, that first triangle isn't a triangle - it's an irregular pentagon with an included angle of about 181.5 degrees between the red and dark green sections :p

04:56:20 Dec 29th 06 - Ms. Mind:

doesn't it have to have five angles to be a pentagram =P u just mind me and that vinegar manufacturing.

05:42:01 Dec 29th 06 - Mr. Hobo:

VR Muhammed, that first triangle isn't a triangle - it's an irregular pentagon with an included angle of about 181.5 degrees between the red and dark green sections :p

Dude! your like almost right! LOOK at the slope of the red and green triangles that form the large triangle! one triangle is 2/5 the other is 3/8.... 2/5 =/= 3/8 so those 2 segments are not part of the same line! ITS A POLYGON!

09:25:03 Dec 29th 06 - Lord Mielo:

ow now I get it efrandor ... it's a picture of you and me being drunk again ... and this is an invitation to go drinking all together ... with your money ...

Edit: Your the short guy ^-^ i'm the tall one (the one with the moustache ^-^)

Isn't he a nice guy eff ^-^

(Edited by Lord Mielo 12/29/2006 9:25:42 AM)

13:28:45 Dec 29th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

Sort of right Mielo, there are two drunken guys on the picture, but, it's not the answer that's all correct, however, I'm on for a couple of beers:)

Ain't a I nice guy^^ ;)

01:18:39 Jan 1st 07 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

I might have a clue, but I'm not going to say it...because I'm sure I know what your doing Effie. And I won't fall into your punk!!

04:38:26 Jan 17th 07 - Mr. Cloud:

ok soo pretty much i didnt see any dollphins i dont get the triangle thingy because that bores me and i wanst able to see a waterfall and i think that the picture of the two drunk guys is supposed to make you thristy

05:11:40 Jan 17th 07 - Mr. Anderson:

Dude, the picture Effie showned us it just making fun of the French. stupid French

05:12:37 Jan 17th 07 - Mr. Anderson:

what is ZOMFG? i know what OMFG is but what is the Z?

21:24:54 Jan 17th 07 - Mr. Arzun:

lmao I was gonna mention that.

21:56:59 Jan 17th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi:


14:39:41 Jan 18th 07 - Lord Spoon:

I quote someone here.

"the 'z' key is right by the shift key - so when silly people would go to capatilize 'omg' they'd hit the 'z' instead and it'd be 'zomg'. People are just mocking them. They also go 'zomg!!!111" because people would put alot of exclamation points and accidently let go of the shift key. They will write out 'one' too just to mock them more. "

09:00:41 Jan 19th 07 - Mr. Anderson:

thanks Lard Spoon. Because of you, I think more highly of spoons now.

09:06:19 Jan 19th 07 - Mr. I Love Dragon:

Yay spoon!!!!! but i like knife more!

11:49:20 Jan 19th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

ZOMFG! Love Dragon is a unbeliever!!!111!!!!!!768396574!!!!!!!!one21!

05:42:11 Apr 5th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Does it have something to do with the fact that they're drunk on water with a red chille pepper floating in it....???

EDIT: Yea, I know. It's an old thread. Actually, it was at the bottom of the list...

10:21:11 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Basch:

was gonna say something but i changed my mind :)

15:50:41 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Brashen:

Why any one would want to see dolfins and watefalls when they can watch nice babes is more then I can understand.......

17:45:08 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

I can't see the waterfall,but I see 12 dolfins,wtf? :(

01:26:57 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Basch:

wtf are you on? cause your tripping out lol

03:01:12 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Arzun:

wtf? Please Eff :( What is it?

10:28:25 Apr 15th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

hahaha, sorry, I won't say what it is.

Some of you here just have to figure it out...  Easy as that:)

They are cute, aren't they? :P

13:58:31 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

He put you in an illusion that you guys think its something.

15:31:07 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Syphillis The Std:

hey arzun, is the illusion that their noses are penisses..?

18:37:16 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

its Efrandor his pic!

for the dutch no i did not mean pik but pic.. Picture!

18:47:48 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Dos:

I don't see how that's an illusion. I'm goin to believe the naked guy.

20:31:05 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

It's not really an illusion, is it?

20:41:48 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Mr. Syphillis The Std


4/15/2007 10:31:07 AM
hey arzun, is the illusion that their noses are penisses..?

I thought the same thing!

And Venomz you might be right :(

21:15:50 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

I guess it's high time somebody should post some illusions again :)

21:26:56 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

How many black dots do you see?

21:54:59 Apr 15th 07 - Sir Venomz The Naked:

Andrei, how original.. look at page 1

22:14:34 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

omg i suck I didn't see it :(

22:21:15 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

What do you see?

22:33:17 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Dos:

A female horse-rabbit of course, and it's smoking a very small joint

22:43:43 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Andrei The Mad Farmer:

Can't you see the seal?

22:54:01 Apr 15th 07 - Mr. Dos:

Argh I get it now. I never get these illusions first time around

23:48:07 Apr 15th 07 - Duke Efrandor:

Hooja, Venomz got it right.

I can't believe that it would take sooo long for anyone to figure out what was going on^^
But credits to all of you that has been trying to figure it out anyway, especially Mind for mentioning the snowman which pissed of Weirdgrivi; "Are you fukin kiddin' me? What snowman? :(("


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