Forums / The hangaround / Best Races and why

Best Races and why
00:31:15 Jan 28th 12 - Orin (Mr. Vesta Orin):

Tell me in order what is the best races and why please, i have been inactive for a year so i don't know what zeta changed and i want to see what vu addicts think of the races :) 

00:45:20 Jan 28th 12 - William Shitfaced (Mr. Drunk And Disorderly):

it is probably the most balanced since ever...

02:38:39 Jan 28th 12 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

it is extremely balanced... but... i can throw out the following:

Best Race for score-whoring: Halfer
Best Race for Magic: Elf/Halfer (orc ownage is emerging too)
Best Race for Late era (if well farmed): Elf/Orc/Troll
Best Race for OOP: Orc/Halfer

You'll notice no dwarf or human. They are still relevant though.

These are my opinions only

04:49:43 Jan 28th 12 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

i want to add that halfers are resilient as fuck.... very easy to restart/rebuild after losing significantly

06:48:22 Jan 28th 12 - Canucks (Mr. Hermes):

dwarfs should be added to late era

08:59:38 Jan 28th 12 - Mr. Acreon II:

yeah humans are pretty much the same as ever kinda boring

11:21:08 Jan 28th 12 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon):

dwarfs on middle era.

14:04:06 Jan 28th 12 - MUSE (Mr. Nero):

Dwarves overtake halfers after a couple of weeks, then, a week later, AMs start owning every other race

15:33:12 Jan 28th 12 - Princess Aisha:

There is no order of best races...
Every race has its advantages, and requires a certain way of playing it...

If you are not bored to farm up quite some time, to get that 200k city, and if you are extremelly active to do stone to gold, with the market advantage, nobody can stop you in the long run.
Peasants give move income, 200k city is extremelly profitable, and with the mobilize option you train as fast as Orcs.
If you play humans well, you can be by far the most powerful player on any map (if you have time to farm for quite some time)

Agreed, best race in beginning of the era, faster cheaper building, cheap units, they are very powerful in the beginning, and indeed they can recover surprisingly well if they get hurt. But in the long run they fall behind due to army upkeep, unless they get extreme war spoils and can keep up with costs.
People having 100+ sciences with them is just amazing, I play them quite alot, and I never mastered the Adventues and their specialty, so I guess you need to know what you're doing to do well with Halfers...

They are nice and easy to play due to no tree needed, but its also needed alot of time to build up their massive income needed for them to be good. If you manage to farm enough you can do very well with them, if you can handle the cost of army upkeep and all that. Their special abilities are quite nice too, all about profit, like its supposed to be.

Best magic users, and like many mentioned, Archmages pretty much take over the game later on. But again like other races, farming for quite some time is needed to be successful with this race. If you manage to get income and magic science up, you can get unstoppable later indeed.

Orcs and Trolls
Best races for highly active aggresive attacking players. If you gain war spoils and keep up the momentum, they are pretty powerful, in all stages of the game. If you do not keep the momentum, the farms overcome you later on.
But people who know how to play these races can handle fighting other races very well. Burn and destroy option of the Orcs is awesome, everyone wants it, Trolls could get something specific for them, it might make them too powerful as they already have the best point/cost units in the game

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