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Doomsday clock
23:50:13 Mar 26th 20 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

Hitting health care as well. Up here in Maine my private practice company furloughed bear 500 staff members without pay until this is over (myself included). It’s crazy out there.

Be safe everyone!!!

23:57:07 Mar 26th 20 - Mr. Ignis Fire:

Yeah alot of companies seem to go under. Specially small business and restaurants. Even artist have gone bankrupt.  Zeta don't you live in Stockholm. Isn't that the most dangerous state after Sörmland in Sweden. 

06:31:41 Mar 27th 20 - McMax (Mr. Lightfoot):

Admin lives about 280-290 km or so north of Stockholm.....

10:38:10 Mar 27th 20 - Lord Caedus:

I live in Berlin but I have no dependency on the state; I'm completing my PhD research and learning German as a sabbatical out of teaching (where there will always be jobs). My wife is remote working as a fundraising manager for a homeless charity - I feel very lucky. 

Sorry to hear what you're going through Karac - I think what I am seeing in the US is awful. I'm by no means a Conservative, but the British Government (where I'm from) has done some amazing economic and social welfare policies for all those affected in the UK. Everyone is basically on a form of temporary universal basic income (although it's not that... just the easiest way to summarise without detail). 

10:57:56 Mar 27th 20 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

Meanwhile in Sweden we are only giving money to rich people hoping that they will use it to hire some of the unemployed.
We are very keen on keeping the social class hierarchy. :P

17:00:14 Mar 27th 20 - Exalted Evoker Salamon:

lol didn't know reaganism was in hot swing in sweden, unfortunate

19:13:04 Mar 27th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The White):

LOL. It's the same in Denmark my friend.

If it is that healthy to work as "they" say, then let let sick take the jobs.

However, the poor investors and shareholders in the danish banks should have... well last year it was upto 15% dividende. While the common customer would be lucky if he/she should pay 0% to have their money placed in the bank.

03:52:17 Mar 31st 20 - Matthew (Mr. Mattathia):

14:33:15 Mar 26th 20 - ZeTa (VU Admin):

One advantage of living in a small hole is that you rarely meet other people.


I have 10 years of practice with Social Distancing

09:01:14 Mar 31st 20 - Mr. Old School Chade:

Wow! So I just discovered that what we - introverts say daily life, people call it a "quarantine" ?

At 35 - its never too late to learn something new!!! Thank you guys!

19:23:26 Jun 3rd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar):

Another, who might be able to push the clock forward (I hope the American people stops him) fast is....

The present President of the US.

18:44:53 Jun 3rd 20 - Waifu Blah Blah The Brutal:
"2) Surrender, whereas enough players on the map select one player or kingdom to designate as the era winner. Possibly even 100% surrender to trigger."

Popularity contest? That's how you end up with Trump.


And it looks like other VU-players do think the same.....

BTW: I certainly also dislike the leaders of Russia and China. Those two and the above mentioned...... Heck I really do fear for the future of my children and grandchildren.

19:53:05 Jun 3rd 20 - The Wolflord (Mr. Zerocool):

Its dangerous out there right now. Everything seems to be falling to shite. I feel like, here in America, we haven’t been closer to a revolution since the days of the countries foundation! And the news is making it seem that it’s crazy in Europe as well, for the same reasons. 

17:53:24 Jul 16th 20 - Mr. Bonno Ways:

So who survived Corona? Or we all dodged it!

18:03:47 Jul 16th 20 - Exalted Archsage Salamon:

they call me mr. dodge.... 

09:26:25 Nov 3rd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar):

Rest at home is better than "rest in peace".

6 feet away is better than 6 feet under.

Can I have an "AMEN"?!?!

And please people in the US. Remember this when you vote today!

10:36:25 Nov 3rd 20 - Mr. Aussie:


11:06:14 Nov 3rd 20 - Lord Caedus:

You mad McMax? The whole world clearly wants Trump 2020! ;) 

12:02:27 Nov 3rd 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar):

If you ask Trump himself - then I'm sure he believes so.

13:22:41 Nov 3rd 20 - Lord Caedus:

"I'm the president. Am I the best America ever had? I don't know. Probably. Does the world need me in the world? yes." 

- Trump's victory or loss speech, 2020. 

17:05:18 Nov 3rd 20 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin):

McDonald Trump 2020!!!

17:08:21 Nov 3rd 20 - Phat (Grand Moff Tarkin):

Mr. Bonno Ways:

So who survived Corona? Or we all dodged it!

I'm a survivor!

Also, I've seen A LOT of trump campaign signs and such in my very clearly democrat won districts. It's gonna be weeks before we have a "victor" and both will give victory speeches  today  

11:18:15 Nov 5th 20 - Lord Caedus:

Biden FTW

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