Forums / The hangaround / Hilarious situations

Hilarious situations
07:18:17 May 17th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim:

Here we shall make up funny things that could happen in parodies of certain movies! WORST THREAD EVER CANDIDATE! WOOT! I just wanted to say a few scenarios that I've come up with, if you want to add some, go ahead.


The Ring
A man sits on a couch as the screen turns all staticy. A well appears on the screen, and a corpsey hand reaches out. A corpse of a girl with long black comes out.
"Seven days...", she mutters under her breath as she pulls herself up. She then sees a hulking figure in a crimson cape and leather speedo before her.
"Seven days...THIS IS SPARTA!!!", roars Leonidas as he kicks her back into the well.

The Ring
A man watches the video, and afterwards he recieves a phonecall saying, "You will die in seven days", he yells, "Catch me if you can!"

He runs outside, catches a taxi, goes to the airport, gets onto a plane to Cairo, Egypt. He then rents a camel and goes off into the desert.

Six days later, the corpsey girl climbs out of the TV and looks around, she walks around the apartment and finds a reciept for a plane ticket to Cairo. She curses, and runs out, after five days of working on getting passports she goes to Italy, as she couldn't recieve a passport to Egypt. She then rents a boat, and goes across the sea. Afterwards she lands on the coast and begins running. She finally reaches the man, whom is camping out.

"SON OF A *****!!! You know how much TROUBLE I'VE BEEN THROUGH! I HATE YOU! GOD!", she says before pulling out her plastic surgeon kit, after screwing up his face she injects him with cyanide and runs away.

The Ring
A man sits in his one room apartment with his tiny camping TV. Suddenly the screen turns staticy as a well appears on the screen, the little girl climbs out and runs at the screen. She reaches it, but can't fit, and she tries everything to get through, but she can't. She finally gives up.

"GET A BIGGER TV CHEAP-O!!!", she yells before running back into the well.

07:24:54 May 17th 08 - Demonic One: got way to much time on yer hands...2nd one was funniest though...

11:52:59 May 17th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

What happens if you download and watch the Ring on your computer moniter?

13:09:45 May 17th 08 - Sir Oscar The Grouch:

Yer second is best

09:41:49 May 18th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

She shoots you with lasers through the Webcam....

01:38:42 May 19th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

This may be 10 minutes long but its a funny situation =p


This may be 10 minutes long but its a funny situation =p

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

10:11:11 May 19th 08 - Sir Farm I Harm:

Drinking Appelsap is a funny situation.

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