Forums / The hangaround / Kingdom Banner

Kingdom Banner
03:08:05 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Just wondering if there is anyone out there who is good at making kingdom banners, and is willing to do one up for me?  It would be greatly appreciated, and the credit will go to you.

Lova Lova, Leader of Requiem

05:40:19 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

erm, we'd need to know the general idea of what you want it to be like, and the mission of the kd would be helpful too (like if you war everyone, or if you're peacefull, etc). :)

    oh and requiem is basically a song for the departure of a bunch of dead people, did you want to incorporate that? (like having ghosts or something)

06:15:06 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Thanks for the advice :).

Hmm, yeah the definition is why I chose the name Requiem. (for the people i kill in battle haha :P

Well, colours Red, Black and white, predominant colour is red, we don't war everyone but we're not peaceful either.  In fact none of the wars were currently did we start.

I just want like something that looks really cool, with some wicked font sayin Requiem down the side.  And you could incorporate the idea into too.  But not something silly looking obviously :).

Prosapia has a really cool banner.

-Lova Lova, Leader of Requiem

07:34:14 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  I'll throw some designs at you tomorrow when I'm bored ;)

07:55:40 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:


    meh, just did that kinda quick, the cool thing though is that you can basically see the design even when it's the size it would be on the map

    I'll do some better ones tomorrow that incorporate the music thing (if you want).

13:54:41 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Yeah sure, that is pretty cool though :).

Thank you for taking the time to do these.

21:09:13 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

another kinda quick one.

21:27:15 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

That ones pretty sweet too.

21:31:20 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

how about this, a guy sort of laying up against a rock in a battle field with dead soldiers all around, ad then a grim looking angel is in the image, sort of like the one you have in that one, but like floating over the guy on the rock, really large black wings that cover most of the sky, with like a red sky behind them as if the sun was setting, and then requiem down the side of it, or across the top with really cool tribal designs around it?

21:37:47 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Samual:

lovalova just a idea but you could have requiem aperaring in a lighting kinda thing

22:28:07 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

to custom make a full scene like that would take awhile ^ but I'll look around and see if I can find a good base for it.

22:35:53 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

oh also, you don't want to much going on in a banner, it isn't going to be very big.

22:36:59 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

true, maybe no dead bodies :)

01:17:30 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 just did another where an angel (of death I guess) is standing on a tombstone in kind of a battle-destroyed town area, red sky behind him, black wings out, but where do you want "Requiem" ?  in the wings? down the side?

01:22:41 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Manwe:

dude, how do you make those? they're crazy good? do you need some wierd program?

01:29:02 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  I use gimp most of the time, it's just as good (or better) than photoshop, and it's free,  but you do have to know your way around it, and that takes a little practice :)

04:54:12 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Well, across the wings or down the side.. doesnt matter whichever you think looks better

05:20:05 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I thought this was pretty cool. Maybe Fitesalot can take it and add to it if you want him to.

05:37:48 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

I'll put it in the wings, but I've been kinda busy with thanksgiving and all that, I'll finish that later and then maybe do one more, then you can pick one of em' =)

05:46:38 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Alright, thanks Fite :)

06:12:44 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

   I kinda like this one... may be to much going on though...

06:16:25 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Dude that is freaking sweet Fite.

06:17:55 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 ty =D

06:42:41 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Yeah, I really like this one man, thanks! :)

12:17:28 Nov 30th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Lova Lova


11/28/2008 6:15:06 AM

Thanks for the advice :).

Hmm, yeah the definition is why I chose the name Requiem. (for the people i kill in battle haha :P

Well, colours Red, Black and white, predominant colour is red, we don't war everyone but we're not peaceful either.  In fact none of the wars were currently did we start.

I just want like something that looks really cool, with some wicked font sayin Requiem down the side.  And you could incorporate the idea into too.  But not something silly looking obviously :).

Prosapia has a really cool banner.

-Lova Lova, Leader of Requiem

> thx! And roxbury did the special effects on it :)

23:56:57 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Yeah I have been told he is really good at doing them.
Which is actually why I started this thread *hoped he would message me about it*

00:46:30 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

 meh, I think that one is cooler than prosapia banner ^ xD   

but I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

01:09:02 Dec 1st 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:


08:12:41 Dec 1st 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Fitesalot


12/1/2008 12:46:30 AM meh, I think that one is cooler than prosapia banner ^ xD   

but I guess it's just a matter of opinion.

> I really hate the type of, 'let's put some emo-like creature in our banner' ... I prefer having a logo-like banner then just a simple drawing.

09:08:17 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Lova Lova:

Hm, yeah a logo style would be nice actually.

16:32:28 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

*sighs* well you know, that was what you asked for, and the kd name is fairly macabre already, I don't see a problem with making a banner that fits the name.

17:06:05 Dec 1st 08 - Sir Gilth:

I wouldn't use REQ     UIEM  in a banner.. Try to design one with REQUIEM as 1 word..

17:50:03 Dec 1st 08 - Mr. Fitesalot:

  I fail to see the problem, but if you want to design one, go right ahead.

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