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Modern Warfare 2
15:19:38 Nov 15th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

soooo true osi!

15:30:45 Nov 15th 09 - Sir Santa:

Anyone managed to complete the Spec Ops Echo mission with the 10 Jugs in Rio yet? (On Veteran of course ;) )

22:40:49 Nov 16th 09 - Mr. Chowder:

i wud have if i didnt have to go home from my mates :(

23:14:26 Nov 16th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

one jug scares me, screw 10 :P

02:57:40 Nov 17th 09 - Duke Buzzkill The Raging Panda Bear:

ok guys, so i join an online game today with mah buddeh, and i spawn right? i take five steps and get nuked...
on the bright side, I GOT A CHALLENGE!!! :P

oh, and my last game today, 78 kills, 18 deaths, and quite a few AC130s in between :P

04:09:16 Nov 17th 09 - Duke Pesty Bear:

Well as you all know they like making their games soooo short..
well I already beat it..

so ya thats why i havent ebeen on VU for so long :P

quite sad tbh..

2 days and already beaten..

04:10:33 Nov 17th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I don't think that the sad part is it being to short...

14:47:16 Nov 17th 09 - Sir Santa:

Its short, but good :)
Same reason why it didn't bother me with Modern Warfare 1 ;)

And for Juggernautlevel, eventually, they'll come with 3 at a time :|

21:21:32 Nov 17th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

The game is awesome in campaigna nd pretty solid in the multiplayer although I dont like the ac130 and other perks that make getting kills so easy. I had a game where I had 54 kills and one death and it had to find a new host 4 times lol.


I am looking for a guild that uses communication because last night I played against a team that was dominating they had 6 guys who owned everyone for over 2 hours lol

22:22:28 Nov 17th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Lol, I didn't have to wait in the cold for mine.. Was able to wait inside our mall where the store was that I pre-ordered it from!

I like using my AUG HBAR with the grip and holo sights

02:16:50 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Buzzkill The Raging Panda Bear:

the aug is pretty awesome...prolly my fav LMGout of what i've unlocked so far, my favs are

assault: FAL
sub: P90
sniper: Intervention
launchers: Stinger Missiles
machine pistols: PP2000
i havent really used the regular pistols that much so i dont have a fav...they all get the job done

i kinda wish they would have added more perks for choosing...5 in each perk level just doesnt allow for much variety.

02:21:58 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

getting a refund for my mw2.. game sucks. It's more of an expansion to COD4, the graphics are almost similar, just maybe a few more details and shading was done. The campaign is fun, but they ruined it with the weapons. A silencer shotgun.. not cod at all.

14:56:15 Nov 18th 09 - Sir Santa:

Whats wrong with a silenced shotgun..? XD

Just a little grab from the internet. Would still like to see it for myself but according to these people, it is possible to make and actually possible to buy them ;)

22:42:49 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Santa the main argument re the weapons was the fact that nobody silences a shotgun and the vector was not done properly the vector has no recoil and is scary accurate, as well it fires a .45 cartridge that is way more powerful than a 9mm and the game should reflect that, we carried them in south america and trust me they are badass.

17:44:21 Nov 19th 09 - Sir Santa:

Hmm well then maybe you should seriously apply as a weaponconsultant or something like that at Infinity Ward. Make the difference in patches/MW3 ;)
I'd do it if only I had any knowledge on the matter that did not came directly of the internet :P

23:25:10 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

LOL no worries Santa, I know that some people have made silenced shotguns its just rare.  I am sure they had consultants but they really needed to do more than net research, go to youtube and google  vector submachine gun, they explain the tech end far better than I can, its uses some sort of asymetrical rolling block technology that nullifies recoil. they also show the difference between the stopping power of a HK mp5 and the vector. good stuff.

23:56:51 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

ya, my father has used the vector as well and he was totally pissed about how bad the gun sucked. i mean he got to be fuming, face red veins a bulging. twas funny tbh, however i dislike it. i do however love the mpk5 or w.e. my favorite  weapon so far would be the aug though, that thing is too powerful if you ask me.

01:30:18 Nov 20th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

the aug is a bit overpowered and the barrett is underpowered lol I like the scar in game.

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