Forums / The hangaround / PancakesVsMuffins

15:38:17 Mar 27th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Hail Pancakes!

15:53:51 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:


15:58:10 Mar 27th 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VIII:

lol, i like both :)

15:58:12 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Redbeard:

Muffin Flavoured Pancakes?
Is that the solution?

17:44:59 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


18:35:54 Mar 27th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Rule, Muffinia! Muffinia rules the Waves, we Muffins never ever ever shall be Slaves! Ther'll always be a Muffengland, and Muffengland shall be free, if Muffengland means as much to you, as Muffengland means to me!"

21:35:03 Mar 27th 08 - Lady Noadea:

Personally, I like waffles over those two.  All hail waffles!

23:09:59 Mar 27th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Darn Noadea!! That looks sooo deliciousss.. Slurppp... Look at those honey.. Haha.. I think it will be too sweet i guess.. But still!! It looks delicious!

23:18:48 Mar 27th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

NOOO!!! Don't be tempted Val. Don't let them take you!

23:45:47 Mar 27th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Chips own all.

P.S. : All those sugary products make all of you losers unable to raise your freaking fat asses from atop of your computer chair.

02:07:13 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Plato:


I like muffins, and yes I agree, waffles kick butt, but out of the 2 choices...


05:31:45 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Chocolate isn't necessarily sugary!
Also I have an abnormally high metabolism, coupled with an above-average level of activity...

Also, that's not honey, that's clearly maple syrup...

06:15:48 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Soccerispeaceful:

weird, don't make fun of us VUers! if we weren't fat, u wouldn't have nearly as many people to kill!

07:46:56 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum


3/28/2008 6:45:47 AM

Chips own all.

P.S. : All those sugary products make all of you losers unable to raise your freaking fat asses from atop of your computer chair.

said like a true Abydonian Napbreaking Scum :P

08:38:58 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

In actual fact I never actually have Pancakes.... I like the concept more than the reality.

10:18:44 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Sir Erunion Telcontar


3/28/2008 12:31:45 PMChocolate isn't necessarily sugary!
Also I have an abnormally high metabolism, coupled with an above-average level of activity...

Also, that's not honey, that's clearly maple syrup...


Lol.. Woops.. Sorry. Forgot what's that finger lickin liquid called that looks so darn delicious.. Heh heh.. xD

Haha Sal.. Don't worry. I won't go to waffles. xD I love pancakes. In fact. I just had pancakes this morning.

Aww.. Sal.. You should at least try once the Pancakes. Its nice! Trust me.. For Pancake's Honor.. Heh heh.

But waffle with ice cream is tasty... Haha.. jkjk.. I shall be more loyal to pancakes armies!! xD All hail Pancakes!!

13:43:31 Mar 28th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Pancakes FTW!

13:55:46 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

lol, I Have had Pancakes before, like 3 years ago. Nowadays there isnt any flour i the house because every1 is allergic to it.

and You better be joking Val -.-  Jk :D

03:40:38 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:



03:41:05 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:


04:27:15 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Im seriously joking about it Sal... xD

What bacons? o.O

22:44:34 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

why would u steal it?
*puppy-dog eyes*
0.0 *so sad*

22:46:22 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Sir Valentine


3/28/2008 3:18:44 AM
Sir Erunion Telcontar


3/28/2008 12:31:45 PMChocolate isn't necessarily sugary!
Also I have an abnormally high metabolism, coupled with an above-average level of activity...

Also, that's not honey, that's clearly maple syrup...


Lol.. Woops.. Sorry. Forgot what's that finger lickin liquid called that looks so darn delicious.. Heh heh.. xD

Haha Sal.. Don't worry. I won't go to waffles. xD I love pancakes. In fact. I just had pancakes this morning.

Aww.. Sal.. You should at least try once the Pancakes. Its nice! Trust me.. For Pancake's Honor.. Heh heh.

But waffle with ice cream is tasty... Haha.. jkjk.. I shall be more loyal to pancakes armies!! xD All hail Pancakes!!

Actually, waffles with ice cream is delicious!!!!!1

But pancakes with whipped cream is WAY better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03:25:23 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Stickman:

I vote muffins..
And as god of all things stick,
my vote counts 100 x

Muffins win..

03:34:16 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

In the movie Cabin Fever, there is a little girl who yells PANCAKES before biting into a guy's hand! It drives people to insanity!


The film centers on five recent college graduates, Jeff, Karen, Paul, Marcy and Bert, who trek to a remote cabin deep in the woods to celebrate with some wanton sex and copious amounts of alcohol. When they arrive Bert finds a gun. Initially, they think it is a BB gun, but it is actually a rifle. One evening they encounter a vagrant stumbling near their cabin, who is clearly extremely ill. Bert had accidentally shot the man with his rifle while hunting earlier and left him to die. When the man asks for their help in seeking medical attention, they panic and turn him away without assistance. He attempts to steal their truck and in the scuffle Paul and Marcy accidentally light him on fire and he runs into the woods where he falls into the cabin's water supply. They are also visited by a stoner camper, Justin (aka Grim), who has a large dog named Doctor Mambo.

When Karen drinks from the contaminated water, she becomes infected and results in a rapid onset of symptoms. Paul discovers her condition the next morning when he attempts to arouse her and finds that she is feverish, delusional and there is a huge piece of her leg missing. Unsure whether to take Karen for medical attention or wait out her fever, the friends cannot determine the best course of action. Fearful that the truck may be infectious, or that any one of them could be carrying the disease, they begin turning on one another. In order to "quarantine" Karen, they lock her in a tool shed.

As Karen lies in the shack getting sicker, her friends seek help from several sources, to no avail. Jeff and Bert seem driven mad by the situation, and their actions become more and more irrational. Doctor Mambo, now vicious and possibly infected, returns without his owner and terrorizes the campers. Jeff sets out on his own with his uncontaminated supply of beer because of his fear of infection. The other members of the group contract the disease by exposure to the tainted water and other ill people. Bert shows signs of infection after also drinking the water and leaves the group to get help; during his trip he is hunted by the local townsfolk, who fear the disease he is carrying, and attempt to kill him to quell it. Paul sets out to get help on foot and comes across the body of the drifter who carried the disease rotting away in the local reservoir, into which he falls, and lands atop of the diseased body. He also finds the body of Grim in a cave, having either rotted in half or been torn in half by his own dog, Dr. Mambo. Marcy (who had drunk some of the contaminated water) shows signs soon after having a sexual encounter with Paul, and breaks out in huge lesions along her back and legs which she tries to wash away in the bathtub. Panic grips her and she runs from the cabin, but is chased down by the dog, Dr. Mambo, and torn apart.

Abandoned by everyone else, Paul returns to the shack in an attempt to finally take Karen for help. He runs right into Dr. Mambo and shoots the fierce dog. He finds Karen still alive but her flesh horribly deteriorated. He realizes that there is no hope for her and puts her out of her misery with a shovel. Around this time a wounded and thoroughly infected Bert makes his way back to the cabin, and pleads for Paul to help him with the local hunters, Paul agrees. When the hunters find the cabin, they enter and shoot Bert, killing him, but Paul quickly kills all three.

Paul, newly infected by his fall into the reservoir, seeks a way into town and comes across a party that has a deputy of the town in attendance. The deputy had promised a tow truck to fix their broken car days earlier, as Paul stumbles into the party, bloody and infuriated, the sheriff radios the deputy and informs him that a cabin of college kids have a disease and that they've killed several people; their orders are to shoot on sight. Paul attacks the party goers in a rage and attempts to escape on the highway, where he is brought into town by a passing motorist.

Paul arrives in town and seeks medical treatment. The doctors realize they cannot treat him, and instruct the sheriff to take him to a larger hospital. The fear of further outbreak and Paul's earlier, violent run-in entices the sheriff to have Paul's body dumped in the woods and left to die.

Jeff emerges from his alcoholic stupor and finds his way back to the cabin to discover it littered with blood and evidence of the deaths of all his friends. He seems sad at first, but quickly becomes relieved of the fact that he didn't get sick. In a decidedly comedic twist, as Jeff exits the cabin, laughing with joy, he is gunned down by the sheriff and his deputies. The bodies at the cabin are subsequently burned to remove all evidence.

Ironically, Paul's diseased body was dumped partially in the water as well, further spreading the disease. The film ends with shots of the contaminated water being used to make lemonade, to which the sheriff and deputies drink, and also being pumped into bottles and loaded onto trucks to be sold as "natural spring water."

03:37:36 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Septim, please, stop posting these stupid pointless annoying messages!


Oh, wait...

04:08:21 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

*bites in Plato's arm*

04:09:23 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Plato:

*whacks Vineraven in his ping*

"Don't ask what a ping is. Also, you just bit into 2 layers of magical protection, which shattered your teeth."

10:59:34 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Lol.. Noooo Sal!! Your teeth!!!!

You have no more teeth!! Nvm!! I have a friend who works as a dentist! He will give you these cool new looking set of teeth..

TADAAAA!! Check out Sal's new pair of teeth!! BLING BLING!!


00:59:35 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

i need a pair of those!!!
and, didnt muffins already win?!?!?
the war is over...
the stickman had spoken...

10:59:17 Apr 4th 08 - Sir Son of Salaracen Vineraven Fro:

Muffins totally lost...

13:22:38 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


17:02:15 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:


5 Tips for Guilt-Free Pancakes

07:37:11 Apr 20th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

I need not your tips for lack of guilt Pancakes!!!

07:58:47 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Im guessing its a really slow night.....explains the reviving threads =p

And I like pancakes =p

14:17:25 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

U should have went to that day to get the tips.

15:00:47 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Com:

me have some pancakes to =*(. PANCAKES RULE.

Im going to the pancake Kitchen.MMMMMMMMMmmm
mmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..... pancakes. where are my pancakes.

15:09:04 Apr 20th 08 - Mr. Com:

I like poptarts more.

I have not tried these ones.

04:19:30 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Shiiiii....zzzaaaaammm.....those look good....

09:04:15 Apr 21st 08 - Sir Valentine:

Damn!! Caramel Chocolate!! Slurppp!!

09:31:41 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Com:


09:36:15 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Charley II:

I like the Hot Chocolate or Chocolate Fudge more.....I would almost love to have one now if I didnt feel sick to my stomach....  =(

11:38:21 Apr 21st 08 - Mr. Com:

i no something better...................... Space cake!!! Brownies surprise, the choco trip and also called fun. lolz

06:08:15 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Com:


06:11:57 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:


00:41:52 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Com so fat, he fell over on 4th street and landed on 12th!  oooh!

Sorry, but I had a good joke.

10:54:33 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Com:

lol. @plato

10:55:13 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Com:

I am a skinny dude

04:01:49 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:


04:31:37 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Shanghi:

french toast is better than all those foods combined

oh ya beat

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