Forums / The hangaround / RIP Carrie Fisher

RIP Carrie Fisher
03:55:52 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

She was, well, I'm not really sure but dying sucks so rest in peace Princess Leia.

06:50:46 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

"Every man dies. Not every man really lives.". - William Wallace

She lived a pretty good life. 

While you cry for someone that really lived, lots of random children die in bombs in a country far from yours. But you dont get sad for that, nor do a post.

06:55:15 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

Cause they naughty little shits

07:03:26 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Im sorry for your childhood, Bling. You missed the best part.

07:05:37 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Luckily for you, you still living yours.

07:15:22 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

I found a picture of Bling

07:26:15 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

yep, admittedly I hadnt had my morning coffee before that pic.

But you got no excuse for your own looks Uwer

11:16:20 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):


You're right. I don't 'do a post' for them. Since honestly, 'doing a post' for random children that die in bombs will not help to save them. The only thing i can do is practice the non aggression principal myself and speak to others about it. Trolling me like that is rather disrespectful considering you know absolutely nothing about me. I might be posting on political boards raising awareness of these atrocities or i might be the pilot with ptsd on the verge of suicide because of the atrocities I've committed. Words are powerful mechanisms of thought control, be careful how you use them.

Mr. Uwer:

While you cry for someone that really lived, lots of random children die in bombs in a country far from yours. But you dont get sad for that, nor do a post.

11:33:42 Dec 28th 16 - McMax (Mr. Mcmax The Humble):

Well replied Alrisaia.

11:36:55 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

All I see is yourself sad for a simple death from a person that had a good life.

And you did a post for it, to say how sad is that...

But for the children...

Oh, and I can see you raising awareness for Bling when he says the dead children are "naughty little shits".

Great job, Alrisaia. All I see is yourself defending your ego against "trolling".

I had enough of most of mankind.

11:42:49 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

And worse, you have an audience... 

Im not trolling you, Alrisaia... Its just bizarre to see how humanity values are totally distorted.

11:53:46 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

You're right Uwer. This was about me defending my ego from trolling. I actually do feel like i don't do enough for those children getting killed by the mighty eagle. I didn't reply to bling about the naughty comment because honestly i don't think anyone here considers him worth reading personally i find his comments similar to that childish middle school class clown that everyone remembers but nobody is friends with. 

Humanity has values. They just don't understand that the state has twisted those values into permitting the bombing of innocent children. It's the state that had no values and us tax cattle have little power to change it other than to live as free as we can and help others see the truth.

12:12:52 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

Naughty kids with naughty parents.

13:11:06 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Now that was a good reply, Alrisaia.

But in my point of view, humanity does not have values. Only some humans do. 

If humanity had values, Hitler wouldnt be chanceler, Trump wouldnt be ellected, Putin would not be "president" for 20 years and the chinese would not be the modern slaves... just to give few examples. Yet, we all have something made in China...

Cutting the chains is hard to do it, but you gotta figure out yourself how not to be a part in this broken system.

I wont live to see the change. But I will die showing it is possible to change human minds just like the system brainwashed us.

Real revolution starts within one's brain. And once you have seen what is possible, there is no turning back. Anyway, there is a lot of sacrifice you will have to make it to go against this system, a price that most of humanity isnt willing to pay. So they turn into sheep and just follow the so called standards...

They do not realise that the great human beings that passed thru Earth where actually the ones that went against the standards. 

Rebels, like the movie you've mentioned.

13:31:23 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

You are a millennial moron, with the ability to do little more than break wind.

You are a self entitled bunch of self serving, narcissistic basement dwellers, who still believe vaccination causes autism and a world without borders or elitism and racial equality is the future.
You preach about changing the world, yet you could barely leave the proximity of your remote controls, or a wifi signal to post your next selfie.  You need participation awards and emotionally safe buffer zones to protect your pathetic asses from the realities of this world.
In 5000 years of humanities existence, you represent a low in its ability to self survive as a species, and if you are the generation to lead the world in the future, the rest of us cant wait for the mars expeditions to become a reality so we can get off the planet before you lot get a chance to take over.
So let me give you a dose of reality. The world sucks. Its a hard place that will chew you up and spit you out. In the real world, there are no safe zones. Babies get bombed, rich people look down on the poor and racism is a genetic trait for survival that will never be removed from the planet. The Democrats are the real racists, Republicans are elitists, and you Uwer are and ideological idiot with no space in this world, and who's best shot in life is accepting you will be a burger flipper at McDonalds, or having the balls to swallow a 9 and do the world its biggest favor and leave.

14:32:03 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):


I'm sorry did you say 5000 years of humanity's existence? 

Mixing facts with opinions is fine if your facts are accurate. I'm rather sure humanity is older than 5000 years. 

Claims that another is an idiological idiot is a statement coming from the brainwashed blinders of an indoctrinated mind hacked monkey brain. Enlightenment is a state of mind that most people cannot achieve specifically because of ostrisizing pseudo morale holding people who don't care about truth and care only for their own programmed beliefs simply because they can't fathom another possibility.

You have no idea what generation I or Uwer are from, nor do i believe you know first hand the 'realities' of the harsh world you speak of, if you did i seriously doubt you'd be wasting your time playing utopia and trolling this little forum. 

Why don't you go back to your middle school lunch table where your attacks on other people's 'ideologies' are laughed at by your audience of mind fucked morons who can't see through your lipstick smile to your pathetic little lonely soul.

18:40:30 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

I said 5000 years of modern humanity, as the written records of modern homo sapiens dont exist, as they never recorded their day to day activities. No selfies were made with T-Rex. Our earliest written records are Chinese in origin, so unless you were around 40,000 years ago and can testify to how those generations lived, don't try get smart.

And I do know what generation you both came from, and your enlightened psuedo psycho babble is just that. Its an excuse for you lot to not live in reality, and to claim enlightenment comes from removing yourself from society and living as a tibetan monk. That doesn't make you enlightened. You become enlightened by working within the realities of your life, and surpassing the generations around you, not hiding in a mountains smoking pot and thinking you found nirvana.

You know nothing about me, nor do I care to tell you, but I have lived, while you are tied to your parents aprons demanding a leg up and respect in a world where you have done fk all to earn it.

So once Sewer has bitten down on his 9, feel free to take on the challenge yourself.

20:05:09 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

What generation is it that i come from then Mr. Bling?

20:43:36 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Well, your self importance, over estimation of your own abilities, expectation that everything is owed to you by your mere presence says you probably reached adulthood through the late 90's or early turn of century. So again, a generation where genocide and euthanasia should be legal options, and I highly support your further research into it.

20:44:50 Dec 28th 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax From Godmania):

Geee. I can only repeat.

Bling: You are a jerk and you know it.

20:46:17 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

So, whats your point?

20:55:46 Dec 28th 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax From Godmania):


21:04:50 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

Well, your self importance, over estimation of your own abilities, expectation that everything is owed to you by your mere presence says you probably reached adulthood through the late 90's or early turn of century.

Exactly what evidence have i provided of self importance? 

I pose the same question about my over estimation of my abilities? 
I can't find my post about the 'best players' of vu, not only because i don't think i am one but because i don't overestimate my ability to gage the ability of others either.

And again about my expectation that everything is owed to me? 
So? I must be one of those liberals who think college should be free, or that medical care should be provided, or that voted for ______. Again, point out the evidence of your claim.

Once again Bling you're proving your uncanny ability to speak without considering your words carefully. I'm perfectly happy to have my point of view shifted with the presentation of evidence, i have what I'd like to think of as a rather harsh mirror of truth that i hold to myself daily.

Jerks i can deal with they're just jerks. People who have deeply rooted beliefs that they retain through the presentation of evidence to the contrary are people i take issue with.

21:05:52 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

Everyone get their popcorn I'm really trying to set fire to bling.

21:07:39 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Do i get to grab popcorn too?

21:09:15 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Bling:

We'll start with your banning of Collective players posting on forums. Hows that for a start princess?

21:09:38 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

I was hoping you'd pop it for me since I'm off that generation ;-)

21:10:57 Dec 28th 16 - Alrisaia (Lady Alrisaia The Punctual):

Sorry are you talking to me? Banning of collective players posting on forums?

Haven't banned anyone. Try again.

21:14:27 Dec 28th 16 - Sir Merlin The Mage:

Collective players can post on forums, we just chose not to get involved in this pointless threads. If there is something worth commenting, we will comment.

23:08:46 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Bling, you wont affect me, pal.

You are the standard.

23:21:48 Dec 28th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

The standard to what? An immense fear of being beaten so you leave a kd to join the potential victors and attack your former kd? A vain attempt at a participation award. Get real.

23:51:52 Dec 28th 16 - Endless (Ms. Red Horse of The Apocalypse):

Anybody notice Uwer is a killjoy? 

00:11:05 Dec 29th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Let me define for you, Bling:

Standard is a person who voted Hillary or Trump. A or B.

People that battle themselves, compete each other.

One thing is competition of products, innanimate materia where we evaluate their level of importance.

Other is competition of people for jobs they usually hate.

The absurd nowadays is that products cooperate among themselves (cartel) and people compete against each other (direct /indirect war).

You are standard, Bling.

00:12:45 Dec 29th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Next, you will prolly come with the socialism bu11sh1t...

What proves even more that you are standard.

01:35:45 Dec 29th 16 - Mr. Uwer:

Quoting Alrisaia:

"Enlightenment is a state of mind that most people cannot achieve specifically because of ostrisizing pseudo morale holding people who don't care about truth and care only for their own programmed beliefs simply because they can't fathom another possibility.".

" I'm perfectly happy to have my point of view shifted with the presentation of evidence.".

With that perfect statements from her, I rest my case. 

01:55:21 Dec 29th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Here are problems with your hypothesis on my character:

I never voted for Hillary or Trump.
I have no need to battle myself, I know my own person.
Every achievement or object I posses is out of my own desire or determination to acquire or achieve them, and don't define me, but define my successes.
I loved my job so much, I started 2 companies doing variations of my work.
Your statements are absurd, and not only have no logical standing, but as a result, cannot result in a logical conclusion.

06:59:24 Dec 29th 16 - HorusPanic (Sir Pannick):

so... about carrie's mom?

07:20:58 Dec 29th 16 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

sad, bad holiday season for that family

07:53:38 Dec 29th 16 - Mr. Bling:

Don't say its sad cause Uwer's sewer mouth will start spurting shit again about kids getting bombed and the death of honeybee's and every other fking thing wrong in the world

16:39:52 Dec 30th 16 - Mr. Pussygrabber:

16:55:25 Dec 30th 16 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

"Uwer's sewer mouth will start spurting shit again about kids getting bombed and the death of honeybee's and every other fking thing wrong in the world"

Yeh! Don't get him started on that global warming rubbish.

22:21:10 Dec 30th 16 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax of Mantrax):


Do I really have someone here thinking the same way as I (and in this case I'm serious)?

05:08:56 Jan 1st 17 - Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal:

Na. Sorry. On your own.

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