Forums / The hangaround / SOOPER CANSIR

02:01:55 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Watch it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

02:02:38 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Sorry for the first blank message. The video was tiny so I tried to fix it and when I clicked post improvements nothing was there. You may need some background, so watch these two before it if you don't understand it.

02:06:30 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Watch Master Chief sux at halo 3 (above) if you don't understand first one. =P

02:13:52 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

I want my nine minutes back. >_>

10:21:20 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

lol funny sh!t.

12:11:36 Jun 15th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

I agree with Travis. I just ruined 9 minutes of my life, the only positive was Mika at the end.

19:24:38 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

You don't have halo then. And if you do you probably suck at it.

19:33:39 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Aww the luxuries in life..
1. Ganga
2. Ladies
3. Food (ladies and food are switched around when ganga is in the mix)
4. Halo 3 =)

Cant wait for halo odst!!

21:32:49 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

They making another Halo? I thought that series was over XD

22:49:38 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Yes and another after that, halo conquest or something.

22:59:23 Jun 15th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Halo wars was interesting. Check ODST out though it looks brutal. Havnt heard of halo conquest, maybe you mean Halo wars?

01:49:18 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Halo Wars is g4y. It is dumb cuz all you do is tell it what to do and it accomplishes it. You aren't in first-person doing everything.

01:52:06 Jun 16th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Halo Wars was pretty sweet.  My friends and I used to play it on the weekends before we went out drinking.  It had to be the only Halo game that I enjoyed, but that could be just because it was a strategy game, not an FPS. 

01:54:59 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Strategy involves more brain than skill, no offense. I enjoy myself a good Strategy game (else I wouldn't be playing this) but Halo Wars just isn't my type. Halo 3 is worse than Halo 2 as well, they made it so awkward with the improvements.

01:57:29 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Halo 1 FTW!!
Btw, they brought back the halo 1 pistol in Halo ODST with a silencer on it for you halo fans.
and halo 2 was fun.. but no where near as epic as halo 3 =/

02:32:52 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Gneh, everybody has their opinions. But I have my facts: HALO 2 R BETTER ONLINE THAN HALO 3.

03:03:40 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

halo 1 was the best cause of the pistol scope, but 3 was waaaay better than 2.

03:11:14 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

And do you play online a whole lot? They messed up 3 with the hardly any vehicles lol. Plus you can't choose what you want to play. Just find a match and hope to veto any map you don't like.

03:20:28 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

well if you have lotsa friends there are some amazing maps you can play on halo 3 instead of doing matchmaking... omg some of the customs are sooo epicly brutal.
And no i cant play anymore cause my old roomate left and took his 360 with him =(

03:36:43 Jun 16th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

My roommate played Halo 2 like crazy, but when Halo 3 came out, Halo 2 was apparently nothing in comparison.  He played Halo 3 until 4am every morning.  Basically any game he played, he was insanely good at.  FPS games, racing, sports, RL sports, academics.  Talk about a machine.

03:49:08 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

It doesn't make them a machine, it just makes them a born-nerd. Depending on the time they play and just how good they are obviously. And plus Demon, Halo 3 isn't hard to be good at. Just get into a vehicle, get rockets, get sniper, get spartan laser, anything that goes boom or is powerful and your skill level goes up majorly. It just takes getting used to...

09:00:02 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

No I didn't mean Halo Wars, I heard there a new game not due out for ages yet called Halo conquest.

12:31:29 Jun 16th 09 - Lady Sexier Than Quietone:

Halo 1 > Halo 3 > Halo 2

15:27:44 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

That's what I'm talkin' about Quietone!!

19:13:58 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

VU > Real Life > Halo Wars > Any other Halo game > Boat Suggestions

21:24:52 Jun 16th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Mr. Gawaine


21:32:52 Jun 15th 09
Gneh, everybody has their opinions. But I have my facts: HALO 2 R BETTER ONLINE THAN HALO 3.
Lady Sexier Than Quietone


07:31:29 Jun 16th 09
Halo 1 > Halo 3 > Halo 2
Mr. Gawaine


10:27:44 Jun 16th 09
That's what I'm talkin' about Quietone!!

Counter-Strike: Source > Halo :p
If a game has been banned from countries due to people playing it excessively, blamed for school shootings, and is used by the Chinese military for a training program, it must be a f*cking sweet game! :D

21:30:54 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Wow, you serious Charley?...  I want it >=D

"It doesn't make them a machine, it just makes them a born-nerd. Depending on the time they play and just how good they are obviously. And plus Demon, Halo 3 isn't hard to be good at. Just get into a vehicle, get rockets, get sniper, get spartan laser, anything that goes boom or is powerful and your skill level goes up majorly. It just takes getting used to..."

Not true, the AR and BR can be the deadliest guns in the game... ill rape a rocket newb with a BR... :P

23:32:12 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Even when there are 2 rockets coming at you that you can't get out of the way of? There should be some kind of sprint on Halo... =/ And Demon, alot of games fit that category. Only one I can think of off the top of my head got banned from the world because of its violence, but there are a couple others more than likely.

23:34:39 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Plus, all the counter strike series is okay... Not as good as Frontlines: Fuel of War or any of the battlefield. It's not even that bad of an example (counterstrike isn't)

23:47:37 Jun 16th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Disregard the line:

It's not even that bad of an example (counterstrike isn't).

I have no clue what I meant. XD

01:36:01 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

CoD4 FTW!!

01:53:34 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I agree. My brother has the disc, I need to buy my own copy... AND get online lol. I can't believe that Blazing Angels 2 gave me 485 gamerpoints just for getting the basic achievements. I <3 that game, it's gotta be freaking TIGHT online.

06:10:50 Jun 17th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Counter-strike has been around for quite awhile.  It is still the world's most popular FPS online game for the PC with millions of people around the world playing.  It is simple, has a variety of weapons for players, and the custom maps are awesome(I hate the stock maps after playing them a ton).  I played on a custom map server for 4-5 years with a group of badass Canadian players and we joined CAL several years until finally our clan broke up due to growing up :)  The clan was headed by a group of police officers and other law officials so it was pretty well ran.

10:31:48 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Penor The Large:

19:14:32 Jun 17th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

LOL what would you do if you saw someone in that? xD Costs too much for MY taste. =P

07:33:29 Jun 18th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

That was very nice of the action figure to put Gears of War back in its case before throwing it.

Also strange that it mistakes Gears of War for a first person shooter...

I didn't watch anymore after that.

01:10:03 Jun 19th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

Halo: ODST comes out November 2nd.

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