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Sesame Street : Next era
07:24:53 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

yeah... but when I wanted to kermit everyone said I couldnt....


Meh, I still like big bird the bird though...

09:35:36 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Stickman:

Stick Von Count damnit!
get it right..

00:41:36 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Actually only one person said you couldnt....and he is in BOTH Sesame Street and the Muppets Show.......I think the two shows are related in ownership or something....or Kermit is just badass like that...Kermit is ALLOWED and if anyone says he isnt....then explain how he AND Bigbird got high off reefer together if they werent in the same show.....

03:01:55 Apr 12th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Are we actually doing this idea still? lol....just wondering...if not let the thread die again X_x

09:40:40 Apr 12th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

umm... On Msn me and Revenge and Seloc were talking, you wouldnt know.

23:47:37 Apr 14th 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

i love you guys...

*tear rolls down Ullics cheek*

I regret to tell you all that i am staying with BC though...

where are you guys heading to? What world?

02:49:00 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Noooooooooooes!....well I think we should all merge into the Sesame Street Kingdom!!!!

And idk if this idea is still going to be one tells me anything =(

10:46:09 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Valentine:

NAH!!! I don't feel like changing kingdom.. I like my kingdom.. =)

I just want to change to Sir Cookie Monster!! xD

And dudeys! How about the gals??? T_T

13:35:14 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Salaracen Bloodhand Vineraven:

weve got Izzie....

14:59:26 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

  1. We are NOT making a kingdom
  2. We are changing our names for fun
  3. I will send a message to the people involved nearer to the end of the era and revive it then


22:32:24 Apr 15th 08 - Mr. Charley II: kingdom?.....well...I guess I could be Mr. Elmo....anyone have a word after that to fini*beep* off? (I wi*beep* was Sir Elmo but apparently my 5 page story isnt good enough for the critics) 

23:50:00 Apr 15th 08 - Sir Valentine:

I thought Elmo has taken from Seloc?

Lol Sausage.. I know you like to be a MUSIC-ian right? xD

Where is Spoon? For so long did not see him..

03:31:55 Apr 16th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Woops I meant Ernie X_x  IT BEGAN WITH AN "E"!

07:31:07 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

back to the more person lol

Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson (yaya a middle name)

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie -

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The frog (This one already had a 'the' ending part)

Count - Stick - Mr. Count The Stick

17:00:00 Apr 19th 08 - Mr. Charley II:


Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson (yaya a middle name)

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy (Someone please find something better....I cant think about Ernie right now)

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The frog (This one already had a 'the' ending part)

Count - Stick - Mr. Count The Stick

00:28:47 Apr 28th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Dudeys..... is this going to happen??

01:02:56 Apr 28th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Who knows......?

08:42:03 Apr 28th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Yes it's going to happen, it will be revived near the end of the era.

03:15:15 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Yeeeees!...too bad there isnt going to be a KD....I wont have a kd when this era ends =(

03:21:53 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Well, this is the list!

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

03:55:00 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Still I was hoping someone would suggest a better name "Mr. Ernie the (add title thing here)" (One that isnt completely retarded...and Plato you cant suggest anything)

07:29:52 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge


4/29/2008 12:21:53 PM

Well, this is the list!

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

O_o your not that smart plato

you missed one =D

Mr. Peter Jackson


4/19/2008 4:31:07 PM

back to the more person lol

Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson (yaya a middle name)

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie -

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The frog (This one already had a 'the' ending part)

Count - Stick - Mr. Count The Stick

12:18:00 Apr 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

  1. We are NOT making a kingdom
  2. We are changing our names for fun
  3. I will send a message to the people involved nearer to the end of the era and revive it then

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson

22:17:06 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Someone still needs to suggest my title as Ernie....Mr. Ernie the (add suggestion here)

23:28:22 Apr 29th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Oh, yeah I forgot to add it =P


Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

23:59:01 Apr 29th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Ernie the Chicken?   jk...xD

Ernie the Handsome?

Ernie the Pretty

Ernie the Prince of ???

Ernie the King

I do not know man.. Just giving you the pictures..

00:16:52 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Charley II:


Well Ernie is the orange one (in case you didnt know) so maybe something you can make off the top of your head

09:43:29 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:



09:44:00 Apr 30th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Happy

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson

01:34:18 May 1st 08 - Mr. Charley II:

I guess ill just be Mr. Ernie the Orange

Bert  - Septim - Prince Bertilius Septim

Ernie - Charley - Mr. Ernie the Orange

Big Bird - Sal  - Sir Big Bird The Bird

Cookie Monster - Val - Sir Cookie Monster The Hungry

Elmo - Seloc - Lord Elmo The Red

Grover - Santa - Sir Grover The Super

Oscar - Sausage - Sir Oscar The Grouch

Kermit - Iwas - Sir Kermit The Frog

Count - Stick - Mr. Stick Von Count

Abby - Peter Jackson - Mr. Peter Abby Jackson

00:41:16 May 8th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:


07:12:34 May 8th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

why did you revive this topic septim?

07:21:40 May 8th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Because, people had better uphold their part of the deal...

17:48:47 May 8th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Yes I will ; )

18:21:15 May 8th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

I will x]

19:33:45 May 9th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


19:47:57 May 9th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Remember what? Heh heh.. xD

20:43:51 May 9th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


10:15:14 May 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

dont worry i wont forget, but revenge can you please remind me anyway?

23:29:15 May 10th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim jumps up in the air yelling "Bertilius Septim!!!"

00:32:23 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

good for septim

03:09:16 May 11th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

*slaps PJ*

03:43:45 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

that was soooo necassary, do it again please?

04:35:36 May 11th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Where is SAL??? For so long i have not seen him posting.. =/

04:36:44 May 11th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:


*grabs a AK-47 and shoots PJ's head off to knock some sense into him... or at least to shut him up*

05:10:06 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

what is this sense?

and val, sal stopped posting as often because of people like me and plato.
now plato you have a very violent past right?
it seems you do

you need to see a psychologist

15:41:46 May 11th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Hmph.  Looks who's talking.

23:25:19 May 11th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

im serious buddy, you need a specialist of some sort

00:11:17 May 12th 08 - Sir Valentine:

Dude... We are seriously going to do this right? I am going to change to Sir Cookie Monster...

00:18:38 May 12th 08 - Sir Cookie Monster:

It is I, Valentine... has changed my name to Cookie Monster.. Haha.. You guys better do not prank me... =/

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