Forums / The hangaround / Taking An Era Off...

Taking An Era Off...
05:15:58 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Well school requires more attention as much as I hate to admit it.  I want to get on the Dean's List so I have to work a little harder.  I will be using a lot of extra time for tutoring and study sessions for classes.  I will hopefully stick around on the forums, but I think that any commitments to a KD will be sadly unfulfilled.  It was fun this era, but I may have to end it early for myself.  I won't let the RP forums die while I am less active.  ;D

~Lord Charley Deallus,
King of Tasidian

14:00:41 Oct 16th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Oh well, good luck and have fun. :)

14:38:33 Oct 16th 08 - WolfLord Durza Zoidberg II:

Deans list?

14:40:34 Oct 16th 08 - Duke Ozai:

:( bye Charley, I will miss you and your temper and you being me to me :'( cya soon :P


and i think the dean's list is a list for Bad students (Dean is the head of the Uni)If you didnt know


and i think thats what it is :P

17:34:01 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

A Dean's List is a category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. In secondary schools, or high schools, the term Consistent Honor List or Honor Roll is preferred, but Dean's List and Consistent Honor List mean exactly the same thing. It is most often found in North America, but some colleges in Europe use the term, at least at graduation.

Slade don't think and you may go farther in life :p It was the exact opposite of your guess for the most part.  Bad students drop out, they don't get put on a list >_>

19:30:22 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Nub, join fant sanctuary next era :)

Then you can login when you can.

19:54:30 Oct 16th 08 - Duke Ozai:

Lord Charley Deallus


10/16/2008 7:34:01 PM

A Dean's List is a category of students in a college or university who achieve high grades during their stay in an academic term or academic year. In secondary schools, or high schools, the term Consistent Honor List or Honor Roll is preferred, but Dean's List and Consistent Honor List mean exactly the same thing. It is most often found in North America, but some colleges in Europe use the term, at least at graduation.

Slade don't think and you may go farther in life :p It was the exact opposite of your guess for the most part.  Bad students drop out, they don't get put on a list >_>




and Charley get of your rags

20:39:15 Oct 16th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Yay, now Charley's like me! :D

21:02:10 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Spetznaz:

Who cares?

I do ={

22:36:19 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I have to laugh at Slade for a moment as he corrected my English and mispelled "off." XD  If that is supposed to be "of" then you don't make any sense. :p

22:42:56 Oct 16th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Good luck with your college.
Try not to sp@m the forums too much

00:58:43 Oct 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I don't sp@m Jasmina :p  Septim, the God of Sp@m disowned me already for not being a sp@mmer >_> and I have never posted as much as I did this era...makes me wonder who seemed to draw the worst out of me... -_-;

03:33:39 Oct 26th 08 - Mr. Arvious VII:

I sp@m...  when a forum sucks anyways.  I'm inactive a lot, due to the fact I have a life, girlfriend, everythings better!


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