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VU EU #3!
18:11:26 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Lovezor:

It is like Hearts of Iron. In one way, but its diffrent in another. DL it and train so u can be in our next game!

We play every tuesday 7.30 pm. We gather in chan at 7 so be there or be an azzhollz!

10:42:44 Nov 9th 08 - Ms. Laika:

So im thinking of switching country, anybody interested in playing OE?

15:33:59 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

ALRIGHT, TOMORROW IT IS OOOON!!! Everyone be there or be square!

17:24:53 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Lovezorxzorxz:

FINALLY WE ARE GOING TO PLAY!! Will be totally awesome!

18:44:04 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

so, continue, or start anew? and also: AoE or should we try w Ryokens?

23:05:28 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

OK! Here is the standing after the first session!!!
year is 1530

02:59:14 Nov 12th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Sezylarzun? Sounds sexy :)

20:00:18 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

ohhh i think i might get back on IRC just to beat u guys like in the old days ;)

08:07:36 Nov 13th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Everyone better be there next tuesday! ;)

14:08:25 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Lyko, if u want in u can take Poland =). We would ofc fix it up a bit for u before we start xD

03:45:51 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Can i have A DL link for some reason i cant find it

18:24:04 Nov 15th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

No AARs yet? Augh, I know you like 'em! ;)

19:48:08 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

sure i can take Poland. we could talk about the improvements if it needs any:)

19:51:03 Nov 15th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i think i need 15k extra gold to make up for being surrounded ;)

20:58:39 Nov 15th 08 - Sir Spoon:

yah me too

21:18:20 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Hirgon:

Wow, I definitely want to play.  I used to play Hearts of Iron....

00:40:58 Nov 16th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Guy, try to meet up a little earlier than game time. At 7.30 (CET) we should all ideally be in the game, so if everyone can get to mirc some time before that that's great.

Particularly if Lyko is indeed in, then we need to take a look at what we're doing for Poland.

14:22:43 Nov 16th 08 - Sir Spoon:

He can have some Osi provs :))

17:48:04 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Lovezorxzorxz:

Lyka and Augh should be there 45 min b4 game starts. And most of the rest of us 2. At 7 pm is the LATEST you show up!!!! THE FRECKIN LATEST!

17:52:57 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Lovezorxzorxz:

Hirgon, start learning and you can play with us in the future! Just search for the game at the pirate bay and you will find it. There is alot of seeders there so it should go fairly fast. Then you get the latest patch, voila! Now you can play without CD with us.

18:44:45 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

Some hits for improvements for poland is maybe letting them annex lith, take away infaltion, get the same tech as everyone else.some gold in the coffers. and the rest shouldn't be so different

and yes maybe like a neutrality pact so i don't get ganged up the first year:P

18:51:27 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

and maybe some slider improvements depending on how many years u guys played in total.

and if someone could let me download the saved game would be awesome so i can se what shape it's in:)

22:27:27 Nov 16th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

We've played 38 years, I think, so I think we can let you have some slider movements. Other than that, most of your suggestions make sense. Wipe inflation, give you some gold, possibly a manu in your capital, tech equal to most of us (though the real tech race hasn't begun yet). The annexation of Lithuania, well, you're going to have to talk to Augh about that one, but he's usually reasonable :p

There's the save. No cheating! ^^

21:09:05 Nov 17th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Alright guys, from now on I'm going to update this little baby :D

08:48:28 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Spoon:

That's a pretty nice site!

13:06:56 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:


13:21:06 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

As per Lyko and Ghouma I will do the following editing:

  • Remove inflation.
  • Gief money(how much?)
  • Lyko will not get a manu, he gets moneys(see above) besides both him and Ghouma have as many manus(1) as all players but Osi and Poon.
  • Up thier infra techs by 1 lvl each(gonna check with progress as well to make balance), this means Ghoum gets lvl4 and Lyko lvl3 - wich is balanced when compared to other nations and their other tech lvls.
  • Gonna check Poland eventsfile when I get home, he should inherit Liths soon anyways.

13:41:21 Nov 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Are we doing anything about the likely state of 'forced decline' turned on?

Everyone should show up on irc before the game, by the way.

Oh, and the inheritance of Lithuania happens between 1567 and 1572, in other words within this session if we get started when we're supposed to. Provided the 15 (?) % chance that the AI chooses the other option doesn't happen, of course.

14:49:29 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Well. We can just turn that option OFF, I guess that would be fair. But imo the uniform culture option stays ON eventhough Love is complaining. I'm going offline now, but could anyone post up the other rules we agreed on? If not I'll do it when I get home.

15:38:44 Nov 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I was going to make a post where I whined about colonisers being too strong because you forgot about the settings, but as far as I can tell "Goods mod", "Manpower boost" and "Tax boost" are all default to ON.

Anyway, is it actually possible to change settings mid-game, other than actually editing the game file? If it's possible, I'll just copy exactly what we had (or should have had, some stuff got messed up) for the last game.

  1. Exposed European COTS: ON
  2. Exposed Asian COTS: OFF
  3. Common Primary Culture: ON
  4. Extra Cultures: ON
  5. Extra Cores: OFF
  6. Merged North German Minors: ON
  7. Southeast Asian Nations: ON
  8. Hardcore Pagans: ON
  9. Treaty of Tordesillas: OFF
  10. No Free Lunch: OFF
  11. No Forced Decline: ON
  12. No Dutch: ON
  13. Dutch At Start: OFF
  14. Slow Exploration: OFF
  15. Early Governors: OFF
  16. Equal DP Sliders: OFF
  17. Spain & Ottoman Boost: OFF
  18. Religion & Culture Mod: ON
  19. Goods Mod: ON
  20. Weak Persia: ON
  21. Tax Boost Mod: ON
  22. Manpower Boost Mod: ON

15:40:29 Nov 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

I'm pretty sure you can't change it mid game. And if it's possible, you probably shouldn't. What would that do to stuff like sliders, etc? You can try to fixed forced decline, though.

15:41:32 Nov 18th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Actually, ignore that. I'm pretty sure stuff like that comes from "history", which means it won't affect anything. In short.. I'm not sure.

16:01:25 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Lithuania FTW ;)p

17:42:15 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

  1. Exposed European COTS: ON
  2. Exposed Asian COTS: OFF
  3. Common Primary Culture: ON
  4. Extra Cultures: OFF
  5. Extra Cores: OFF
  6. Merged North German Minors: ON
  7. Southeast Asian Nations: OFF
  8. Hardcore Pagans: ON
  9. Treaty of Tordesillas: OFF
  10. No Free Lunch: OFF
  11. No Forced Decline: OFF
  12. No Dutch: OFF
  13. Dutch At Start: OFF
  14. Slow Exploration: OFF
  15. Early Governors: OFF
  16. Equal DP Sliders: ON
  17. Spain & Ottoman Boost: ON
  18. Religion & Culture Mod: ON
  19. Goods Mod: ON
  20. Weak Persia: ON
  21. Tax Boost Mod: ON
  22. Manpower Boost Mod: ON
This is what we have atm. Gonna edit decline off, should I also edit in se asians?

19:06:31 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Spoon:

So we do get Dutch? :D

00:11:33 Nov 19th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

There's the stats for the last session.

01:44:18 Nov 19th 08 - Duke Arzun:

AARs? =)

11:24:05 Nov 19th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

We have to talk about the peace rules..

My suggestion for the force peace rule -3stab and 99 warscore. You can add a cpl of years also if u want.

and u are allowed to stabhit if u ask for the provinces u demanded in the beginning of the war.

But this can also be hard to reach, because what if the defender wins the war? what is he allowed to stabhit for? as he didn't demand anything in the beginning.

15:18:02 Nov 19th 08 - Sir Spoon:

Both sides give claims.

16:25:32 Nov 19th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

mkay.. don't think the defenders think of demands when attacked as they are usually not prepared and think they'll actually lose:)

but anyways.. where shall we write AARs ?:D

18:08:41 Nov 19th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Don't think it makes sense for the defenders to make claims at the start of the war. Claims can change, too, you know. I think you're allowed to stabhit if you ask for the provinces you really want. And there's a limit to that, since if you ask for too many it won't actually be a stabhit if he refuses.

22:28:59 Nov 19th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

RUSSIA 1492 - 1582

Unifying the Rus
At the start of this era I command over the Grand Duchy of Muscowy, a backwater country in the outskirts of Europe - but surely soon to be major player on the world scene. I was but the humble servant of the Grande Duke Ivan III Veliky and he conveyed to me what it was that he wanted: Land, gold and more serfs. All this, with the intent to claim a crown of his own! I immidiatly began working towards this goal.

My first step was to free the russians who lived under the fist of the heathen horde of the mongols. The teutons promptly declared war and we took this opportunity to expand towards the baltic sea.
In just a few years Muscowy had expanded considerably, and in 1520 the kingdom of Russia was formed, with me as the right hand of the king.

The free plains
In 1495 a man called Ivan Lyapun took off from Moscow with five thousand men bound on a jurney to survey the vast territories to the south and the east of the ural mountains. Initially, the thought was to find the source of the mongolian scurge with the intent to launch an attack and destroy them for good. Instead, Ivan found out that the mongols who had been plagueing Russia where only a remnant of a former empire, now already in ashes.
But he had an adventuring spirit and continued his excursion eastwards untill he met.... Someone else... At the border of the lands of these "Manchu" he erected a trade station. This was the beginning of something grande.

Continued expansion - inward and out.
In the following years the Russian realm was stabilized, a short war with Polan-Lithluania awarded Russia with another 3 provinces. Pskov, Georgia, the last parts of the Golden Horde as well as a part of Crimea where joined with the motherland. An extensive work was made to convert minorities, ugrians, balts and mongols to the true and pure Orthodox fate. To those who didnt comply an option was made to join the pioneers who where expanding the empire to the east and to the south.
By 1582 Russian colonizers of all colours had reached as far as the Malacca peninsula in south east asia.

A setback of great proportions.
In 1560 a huge disaster afflicted Russia, Swedish forces invaded Kexholm, Ingermanland, Estland and Livland. The Swedes had been mustering their forces and marched in over one hundred thousand men into the ill prepared Russia. They demanded Ingermanland, the Russian centre of trade and utterly vital for the motherland. Naturally, their demands where declined, and aroun 150 thousand men where conscripted throughout Russia. The war was costly for both sides and dragged on for six long years until Russia finally yielded in dec 1566. Tens of thousands of young men lay dead in the fields and it was aparent that the ill-equipped Russian forces under inept leadership just didnt have any chance versus the Swedi*beep* was six years of Russia bleeding.

During the years after the humiliating defeat versus the swedes Russia was licking its wounds. Administration was effectivised, new colonies claimed. But the inept army was still not properly funded. With many natural enemies envious of the huge area under Russian command, can Russia prevail? Can the Swedes, Ottomans and Poles, all hungry for Russian blood, be dealt with - militarily or by diplomatic provess?
And to what use has my monarch decided to ally the paganic Chineese?
All of this - and more - will be revealed to you in my next weeks edition of this Russian AAR.

13:53:58 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Note that I didnt want to post up to revieling pictures of how far I had come when with colonizing/exploring. xD

19:01:05 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Lovezorxzorxz:

The empire of england. 1492 until now.

I killed aztecs and incas on my own. 100% my effort.
Masturbated and annexed the scots.

In the future i might make a serious AAR.
Nice intel from Augh tho:D

09:57:51 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Lyko:

Polish AAR from 1492 to Now

Came ,Saw ,Conquerd

(in the spirit of love's AAR)

anyway peace rule?

02:35:22 Nov 25th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

French AAR from 1492 to Now.

Killed lots of AIs
Got ruthlessly ambushed by Osi, lost one province.
Ruthlessly ambushed Osi, took three provinces.

I'll make a proper AAR for the next session. I just need to remember to take screens.

15:52:55 Nov 25th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

Spanish AAR 1492-present

Came, Saw, Colonized

Love is lying bout the Incas:P

15:32:01 Nov 26th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

RUSSIA 1582-1619

Really not much to report.

  • Sold Kexholm, Estland & Livland to Sweden
  • Sold Khmer, Irradway and Malacca to Ottomans
  • Converted the last heathens
  • Made it through Russias worst period(events with +10 revoltisk, sucky events, and sucky monarchs) with flying colors
  • My grip over asia made stronger(and I now get 4.6 colonists/year!)
  • Upped my trade income
  • Catched up in milisci.
  • Constructed 8 military manus(done in 3 months)
All in all. A short but good session for Russia. I'm still behind in techspeed but I'm catching up. Expect spectacular stuff next session!


00:57:18 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

Can anyone help me set up europe 2??

01:40:30 Nov 27th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

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