Forums / The hangaround / Your addicted to VU when...

Your addicted to VU when...
00:40:36 Feb 24th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

563.  When you roleplay something successful on the RP forums... I'll never become addicted to VU if this was the only way. :-(

14:14:20 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Crater:

564. when you've read over 500 of these and over half of them apply to you.

14:40:19 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Bongs:

565. when you sit here and look at what you do and then post it here

566. when your girlfriend says lets go get it on and your like hang on till till next tic change!!!

18:42:28 Mar 7th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

567. When you see two groups of people fighting outside your house and you calculate the percent chance that the attacking side has to win.

19:34:42 Mar 7th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

568.  When you meet new people in RL, and try to classify them to one of the races on VU.

19:40:03 Mar 7th 09 - Mr. Testing:

569. When you start running around screaming and saying Armageddon and trolls run the world

19:44:01 Mar 7th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

570.  When you buy a Laptop and wireless access point so you do what ever you need to do in RL and still be there for tic change.

     I.e. 566. when your girlfriend says lets go get it on and your like hang on till till next tic change!!!  Now you just take it with you!

19:51:49 Mar 7th 09 - Sir Epyon:

571. When you were around when this thread was first made

20:32:09 Mar 7th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

572. When you were the one who made this thread.

22:46:59 Mar 14th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

573. When you check the same topic 3 times in a row only to find no one has posted yet.

22:52:29 Mar 14th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

574. When you celebrate for having the #1 most powerful army

22:53:28 Mar 15th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

575.  When you celebrate finally taking that *beep*'s city right next to you only to find that the *beep* takes all of your cities.

02:35:14 Mar 16th 09 - Duke Random:

576. when you say your going to quit, really try to quit, and end up being as active or more than what you were before you said that you were quitting.

11:20:00 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi:

577. when you're sick and you go to an hospital, but first you ask what their medicine lvl is....

11:45:31 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

Mr. Breadlord


8/16/2007 2:12:48 PMcarnage is eternal
no mortal can harm us


lol seems quite funny now

578. when you think your KD will last forever only to wake up tomorrow to find it has been disbanded. you then track the kd leader to his house drive there just to get permission to recreate it and to get there cool banner you cant find on the forums. :P GODLIKE RULE

15:32:36 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

578. When you think Ez's jokes are funny :P

15:55:46 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

580.  When people cannot count to 579 and you cannot remember when you last posted in this topic.

581.  When you find it easier to quit drinking or smoking than it is to quit VU.

17:31:29 Mar 16th 09 - Mr. Seloc:

582. When you have night-mares about lossing all your army on a failed 99%.

00:49:17 Mar 17th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

583. When you go a dwarf player :S

00:42:23 May 29th 09 - Lord Bishop:

563. when you do this:
<Fever> he goes to a high school which im going next era xD
<Fever> year!

00:50:36 May 29th 09 - Sir Fever:

=.= I hate you you  b@stard!

564. When your addicted to SK!

<Slade> there are only 2 people who are allow to make Sk
<Slade> and they are the founding fathers

00:52:38 May 29th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

565. When you remake fail KDs that are fail...

00:57:09 May 29th 09 - Lord Bishop:

lol your the one who wanted to make it Fever not me :S

01:25:36 May 29th 09 - Sir Fever:

sure i did :P

01:37:36 May 29th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

<Fever> hey slade i wanna remake SK! xD
<Slade> there are only 2 people who are allow to make Sk
<Slade> and they are the founding fathers
<Fever> awww :(

see fever... i was idling when you said it ;)

(L) chat logs :P

02:03:12 May 29th 09 - Mr. Scarycrow:

564. When you sell your soul for an extra 3 BTs

02:25:28 May 29th 09 - Mr. Maximus II:

565. when you get on 2 mins before each tick to see what happens

04:58:36 May 29th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

566. When you make threads about leaving, and come back the next day, or month, or year, or decade... ect.

06:44:41 May 29th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

567. when you make multiple accounts

06:55:41 May 29th 09 - Sir Fever:

568.When you talk  sh!t to someone else and cant wait for their sh!tty reponse back. xD

07:20:36 May 29th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

569. when you take sh!t talk serious.

07:21:45 May 29th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

570. When you've seen this thread come... and go... and come... and go... and come back again.

07:24:57 May 29th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

571. when your background is a pic of your kingdom banner or a screen pic of VU battle field.

07:04:46 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

572. when you are good at flaming people on the forums and do it all the time even though you "have quit"

23:01:18 Jun 3rd 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

573. When you let this forum go on and on for 600 rules.

00:23:43 Jun 4th 09 - Swedish chef Brashen:

574. when u feel bad because you never ever posted in a thread like this.

03:40:33 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Bishop:

575. When you think Brashen is funny

03:54:54 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Koss:

576.  when you have to over 200 posts

04:00:49 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Bishop:

577. when you have over 2000 posts


*looks at Septim*

04:05:25 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

578. When you get so pissed off cause your whole kingdom of 15 members can't beat a tagless Mr. Barney

05:14:06 Jun 4th 09 - Lord Bishop:


Dont feel bad, if its the Barney im thinking of its just because he s a really good player

05:30:13 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

lol yea he was one of the best orc players I've seen :]

579. When every morning you hear screaming from your wife/husband and turns out you have been farming their cities for 5 eras

11:23:01 Jun 4th 09 - Mr. Nick:

580. When you wake up 5 minutes before the next tic passes every hour just to make sure that you still have your cities and armies.

12:04:48 Jun 4th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

590. When you haven't got a12 hour bonus inacvitity BT all era.

12:37:28 Jun 4th 09 - Prince Mielo:

48. When you sacrifice your exams just so you would be active in VU

22:54:00 Jun 4th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

592.?? When your modem screws up you decide to ask your neighbor if you could use their computer.

06:54:56 Jun 5th 09 - Lord Bishop:

592. When on your Death bed you ask your son to get you a laptop

08:55:56 Jun 7th 09 - Sir Fever:

Prince Mielo


04:37:28 Jun 4th 09
48. When you sacrifice your exams just so you would be active in VU


mielo thats just stupid and dum :D (no offensive) Why would you sacrifice such a thing like this for this glicthy game :P

09:46:46 Jun 7th 09 - Prince Mielo:

ask my kingdom! I can't, if I try Ali drags me back before my computer ;)

11:13:17 Jun 7th 09 - Mr. Reynolds II:

593. When most of your (Social) life is on VU.

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