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Mr. Stasis

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Asystole) and was a member of Luna Wolves

The true name of Stasis is unknown. There is a legend of a great mage who once conquered an entire world. Under the mage's iron fist, many farms, mills, and mines were constructed. The people had all material things they could ever want, however his subjects desired more autonomy in their lives.

The mage's most trusted advisor came to the mage's castle one day with news of a local uprising. When the mage ordered the entire village to be burned with a Rain of Fire, the advisor decided to take matters into his own hands. The mage, caught unaware, was stabbed through the heart and mortally wounded. Not willing to die just yet, the mage casted a spell that transported him to a faraway mountain cave.

The mage knew he was going to die. "Why didn't I study more white magic?" he wondered. It always seemed so useless, black magic and time magic were always more useful for killing his enemies. Desperate, he began one final spell known as stasis. This spell would stop his body in time indefinately, preventing his death.

Many aeons later, the time-locked mage was discovered under the faraway mountain by a tribe of greedy dwarves. The dwarves realized that even the best white magic in the world would not save the mage. The dwarves, not being experts in magic, could not break the stasis spell entirely, but they managed to alter it. Stasis could now move at normal speed relative to the world. However to Stasis, the world moved at almost a stopped pace. This gave Stasis lots of time to plot his revenge, but he knew the heart wound would now do him in within 1151 days...

Day 498.
It had seemed like an eternity to Stasis, but in reality only a year and a half had passed since his empire was born anew. In that time, many dwarves had taken up their axes and died for the empire. Stasis had allied himself with a larger kingdom known as the Luna Wolves. Although his goal was complete domination of the world, it was necessary to find allies while starting out. The Luna Wolves were aggressive and ruthless like Stasis was in ages past. The populace of the eastern LDK kingdom was all but eradicated. Stasis knew that in time, all other kingdoms would fall as the most dangerous enemy had been overcome. However there was still much more work to be done...

Day 854.
Time marches ahead. The Lunar Wolves have conquered most of the central lands of Mantrax. All kingdoms are now united to try to stop the inevitable. The Kingdom of Skulls to the west, LDK to the northwest, The Legion to the south, Predators to the northeast, and the Roman Empire and Freestyle Alliance to the east have all united. Stasis formulates another plan. It is now clear that the spell Stasis cast long ago is having effects upon the very world itself. A time rift will tear the world asunder in just 298 more days (coincidentally, the mortal wound will do Stasis in at the same instant the world is destroyed).

Day 1086.
The end of time is near. The days lately have been dark with more and more armies flooding into Stasis's lands. However due to advance planning (some would say precognition), the majority of these enemy armies have been driven out. Combined Stasis's armies number well over 1 million axemen, all seeking revenge. However time is too short, perhaps this spirit of vengeance will arise once again, someday...

Mr. Asystole

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Lenard) and was a member of Nemesis

Having been the strongest ruler of Mantrax, Stasis's desire for vengeance faded as his death approached. Instead Stasis wished to continue on his legacy of power, bravery, and cunning by having a son. Stasis's son received the name "Jadare", meaning potential. Potential to be great, against all odds. The odds were indeed against Jadare as Stasis died from his mortal wound before he was born; and his mother died in childbirth. There were no medical facilities around as the time rift had destroyed all buildings on Day 1151 (also known as Last Day).

Jadare was rescued and raised by a dwarven couple, but it was apparent from an early age that his magical ability would require further study. So his foster parents put forward the money to send Jadare to a magical academy known as "Duality". Duality was a unique place in that both black and white magics were taught there. It was at Duality that true to his name, Jadare had the potential to be one of the most formidable white mages ever. Unlike his father before him, he did not have much ability in the destructive black magic.

One day a young female elf named Kalia arrived at Duality to study magic. She was very beautiful, with icy blue eyes and long silver hair. To match her eyes, she had a powerful affinity to ice magic. Stasis's son was instantly drawn to her...they spent some time studying magic together. It was often difficult at Duality even for someone of Jadare's potential.

Stasis's son ended up too much like his father however. He had dreams of being a great leader and was going to use any means necessary to achieve it. Although not great at black magic, his white magic was powerful and this enabled him to recruit many allies to his cause.

Over time Jadare came to have stronger feelings for Kalia, however he felt he should explain his dreams of world domination. As elves are peaceful people, Kalia was horrified at what Jadare had to say. She had dreams of a peaceful life, protecting the forests, and not one of war. Her eyes turned colder than ever, and in a fit of cold rage she attacked him.

Although Jadare did not have black magic, white magic can be just as powerful in a fight. Jadare managed to holy shield himself from Kalia's initial ice shard attacks. However his shield weakened, and Kalia began to freeze his heart forever with an icy stop spell. In one last burst of anger, Jadare casted a white teleport spell on Kalia, sending her to some faraway dimension forever. Ironic that like his father before him, he would share a similar fate.

No longer able to feel any emotion or love for the world, Jadare now went by the name Asystole. He forced millions of the dwarven peasants into becoming mages against their will. He built huge mines and set slaves to work in them. And his empire would be terrifyingly great.