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Sir Christopher WH

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Christopher) and was a member of Evolution

The Sun made a firey glow over the battlefield, as chris and his army attached and almost failed to destroy natives, with weaponry given to them from the king. Chris was all alone near the end, and it looked like the end, when he suddenly casted wall of fire and the natives around him only got out a gasp. Chris was surprised by this power and how quickly he had gained and lost it.

Master of the blade Chris fought in the legendary water battle for the town of the smallest ci and won. Chris was the only survivor, and is currentaly making a battle ground a empire. So if you know whats good for you stay out of my way

Sir Christopher

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Visual Utopia) and was a member of Evolution

The story of how his father won the Smallest ci was past down the Christopher line. He was sure that before the area ended he would do three things learn fire wall, and defeat the descents his grandpa's 2 enimies, king the crusader, and sir tommy boy. I will find and destroy you so watch out.

Then to honor the knew era he named his first castle New Era Dawning. In the end he had plan but Gilmer runined it, so he lost all he had, chalk one more enemy up for the Chris clan. He attached a city not planning to win but to lose, and restart. I hate to say it but i have failed, and this is my final log in this journal, in honor of my great grandfather my son will be named Visual Utopia.

King Visual Utopia

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Visual Utopia) and was the leader of Knights of Chris

Finnaly King Visual Utopia of the Chris clan is a king. Setting up a kingdom with a slightely diffrent name then his great great grandfather, he soon found a homeland, and recruted members who know reside there. With small enemies around him, he made peace with the big enemies around him. Soon he will have a strong kingdom, and then.............