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Mr. Chicosci

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Chicosci II) and was a member of Elf Lords The Reborn

Long ago, before the time of man, evil things ruled. Orcs, Goblins, and Troll roamed the earth freely.

Even though the land was teaming with evil, there were some places where good could be found. In cracks in the earth and in old hollow trees there were Dwarf. They had to hide from the evil in the world, but some were brave enough to explore.

One Dwarf in particular, who's name was Chicosci,was braver than most and decided to try and find other good races. It was easy for him to stay hidden in the mountain, but when he got to the end of it he had to be more careful.

It was safer to travel by day, because most Orcs and Goblins couldn't stand the sun. Although, he had to look out for Dragons and hide in bushes whenever he saw one. He had decided to head for the mountains peak when on the third night since he left, he met up with a small group of Goblins. They didn't see him because his cloak blended in with most things.

Since he was short on supplies he waited until they were all asleep and quietly crept into their camp. As he was taking some of their rations, one of the Goblins woke up and yelled to wake the others. When Chicosci heard the Goblins cries he pulled his two short swords to defend himself, but when he turned around he saw that the Goblins were already dead and there were many big dragon cirled in the camp

As Chicosci found out they were a small band of friendly Dragons headed back to their home. Chicosci told them what he was doing and they invited him to their home in the mountains.

At their home, many people came to greet the returning band of Dragon. Chicosci was asked many questions, because Dragon had never heard of Dwarf.

After spending several weeks in their home, Chicosci left to go back to the woods and tell his people of Dragon

After 2 days the dragons invited chicosci to joined their kingdom named Dragon Lair,even if chicosci is dwarf.

After 2 weeks many terrible happen in the kingdom of Dragon Lair, we are attack everywhere in our core and they attack and attack so many cities have been captured and many peasants had been slave by the Russians,Corsairs and Destiny.

After they captured our Lair, one of our vice think that they are no match so he decided to disband the kingdom.he kicked all of us in the kingdom.

After that I decided to join Elf Lords The Reborn, I fight and defend until the end of the era........

Mr. Chicosci II

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Chicosci III) and was a member of Angels

Due to a mutation that took place many millennia ago, the forest trolls' bodies can support plant life to a limited extent. A thin layer of moss inevitably grows on the skin of forest trolls shortly after they are born and gives them their characteristic green coloring.

Most forest trolls hold all other races in contempt and will only work with them if doing so might eliminate either a more hated foe or a greater threat. The forest trolls' hostility explains in part why they are regarded as evil by most other races. It is also well documented that forest trolls sometimes practice ritual sacrifices. Although all trolls dislike elves in general due to their contentious past, forest trolls have a special hatred for high elves, blood elves, and orcs

Battle News Against Predators (15 hour before the arma finish)

14:21:37: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Peacemakerofdoom at Entrance all across our land
19:55:41: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Master Cookie Miner at Bolgerinlaakso all across our land.
20:02:40: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Peacemakerofdoom at War Machine I all across our land.
23:30:32: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Massive at Masku all across our land.
00:13:32: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Raek Wan at Undefined Iii all across our land.
00:13:45: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Raek Wan at Starving all across our land.
01:03:29: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Master Cookie Miner at Bla Mine all across our land.
08:16:59: Our people celebrate your victory over Mr. Massive at Looney all across our land.

...........................................................................................................................KILL_PREDATORS..........................................................................................................................................................LONG_LIVE_ANGELS......................................................................................................................................................THE_END Chicosci II,